I know you're probably thinking I'm extra late, but there was a reason why I'm going back over this Ferguson situation. As we approach the one year anniversary of Mike Brown's death, a lot of issues haven't been addressed. From the looks of things, Ferguson is in worse shape than it started before Brown was shot. A lot of questions went unanswered, a lot of issues haven't been addressed, and a lot of subjects were left untouched. Even the Department of Justice was only able to scratch the surface, but there was more to meets the eye, so I decided to take a stab at it. I managed to bite off more than I could chew. Here's what I found:
From the beginning, Mayor James Knowles managed to distance himself from all of the craziness that took place. What you see below is a picture of him at a party (he's wearing a green shirt in the circle to the far left).

But look at the second circle. That's Darren Wilson, the officer who shot Mike Brown and was made an instant millionaire. In the second picture, you will see the person in the green circle is Mary Ann Twitty, (as seen in the green circle below) the person who was outed regarding the racist e-mails. Not only that, she was also accused of fixing traffic tickets for her colleagues.

Now before this happened, she did an interview saying that the e-mails went through the entire department, and come to find out, Ferguson contracted a company called Acumen Counsulting in order to filter their e-mails:
In the document, there is an e-mail correspondence between Robert Wagnon, the president of the company, and Megan Asikainen, the county clerk regarding the need to redact information.
This particular exchange stood stood out to me on page 16 of the pdf. On the e-mail below, Asikainen states the following : Our city Attorney will need to do some review and redaction. She saw your PDF was fine for her to work from as far as making redactions.

Here, Wagnon asks for the governor's e-mail before anything else could happen.

It appears the Mayor Knowles is under investigation as well.

Now, as mentioned earlier, Mary Ann Twitty said that the racist e-mails went through the entire department.
Here's the list of officers in a two part listing, with the second part mentioning the search terms. This is part 1

And this is part 2. Please note that Tim Allen is listed in part 1 as well:

But the St. Louis and the Ferguson Police department say otherwise through their COPTALK forum, meaning they had a LOT to say regarding the subjects surrounding the search terms listed in the above e-mail.:
Here, a user by the name of Judge Dredd publicly listed the criminal records of Mike Brown's parents. If one were to do a search on the Case.Net listing complete with the series of numbers and letters below and the words "case.net", it pulls up Michael Brown Sr's criminal record.
After finding out about the protesters setting up a fake wedding registry through amazon.com, they refer to the protesters as domestic terrorists, and threaten to contact Amazon.com by calling them and writing a copy and pasted letter as indicated below. They were instructed to use their real names.
Here, they offer to give outdated armor to other cops "in the midst of battle" just in case. Later, the person thanks a man by the name of "Matt" for supplying it to a former Wellston police officer that previously had outdated armor..
Here they talk about how policing in the 70s was "fun" and that body cameras take the fun out of the job before insinuating about the economic conditions of the citizens.
One user who went by the name of "On the line" speaks about abusing prescription drugs, picturing the protesters naked, and doing the same for the police commanders.:
Another officer gives encouragement to On the line for abusing drugs on the job:
The officers also threatened the St. Louis Post Dispatch after a damning article was written that showed all of the eye witnesses accounts in the Darren Wilson case as matching. The article they referred to was copied and pasted into the forum as read below. At the end of the article, a user suggests the original poster, listed as "Unreal", should click on another link in order to retaliate against the journalist for writing the article.
Here, a user by the name of "someone" lists the information for the CEO of the St. Louis Post Dispatch so they could complain to the office in hopes to get the journalist fired or reassigned.
Now, add that to the things I already mentioned regarding to Ferguson in the Confederate Flag blog, and -The COONeKKKtion Blog-, (do a CTRL+F for the word "Ferguson in the COONeKKKtion section and read the info on the Counsel of Conservative Citizens, or the CCC as shown in both blogs, then you will find how the entire thing was funded, who contributed to it, and where the funds came from (reddit, the CCC, and Stormfront,). You will also see who is fueling this for political gain, whose eating it up, and whose trying to shut people up,which brings me to my next point: The mysterious death of the Missouri Auditor and his spokesperson.
To be continued...
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