Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Using The Field of Science As a Way of Life

The only field of study that never really has the chance to repeat history is science because all they do is test hypotheses. They examine, study, learn, apply and innovate based around their findings. I think Black people ought to follow that model so we would never fall for the okeydoke and see it before it happens in the first place.

We must study our role in this country and how things got the way they were then to what they are currently. What were the attitudes of the masses at that time? How did they influence policies that were made in regards to us as a people? When did those changes take place or if there were changes? Many questions like these need to be asked in order to understand what is going on with us and what has been going on in the past.

People say we should forget the past and look towards the future instead. Blindingly looking towards the future without looking at the past is destructive and keeps a person stuck because they can’t learn from their mistakes. As a result, they will continue to repeat history. That’s where we are… still repeating history because we want to stay blind. Lather, rinse, repeat. Its self defeating at best. Id rather study, learn, do, and innovaate vs stay stuck because, “some things should stay in the past”.

The truth is, we pick and choose what we want to remember. Some are willing to hide the truth and stay willingly ignorant so they can get by. Some rather know the whole truth and be better. But one must ask themselves the following questions: “What side of history do I want to be on? Do I want to be the same as the slave who actually did their best to free themselves and their families? Or do I want to be the elderly slave who accepted their position as a slave and balked at freedom when it became an option?” Your choice.

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Voting Won't do Shit for Us

This is talking about the different forms of social media. Its basically how I feel about people sending me a certain form of information. Please take this into consideration before getting huffy and puffy about what I'm about to say. Here's the thing:

Dont share any police brutality videos to me, or any bullshit involving mistreatment by white people. Ya'll might feel some kind of way about what I'm posting, but I don't care. Unless you have a solution for these intentional miscarriages of justice then you can decide to tell me what you plan on doing to actually stop these things fron happening.  Sharing them with no solution is like sending a bunch of rage porn to me. Im not interested in viewing it. Like I said, come with a solution. This has been going on forever and I dont care if "this aint the 60s". The problem is that those in the 60s dropped the ball. They raised a ruckus then shut up and got good jobs. Thats all they did. They failed to look out for those in the future. 

Like I said, come with a solution. Marching, praying, begging, kneeling and stuff like that is played out, its tired and hasn't resulted in anything applicable to today. We can't vote our way out of this either because we've been voting and the shit is still going on. 

Build our own so we don't have to be pandered to by these politicians or perish.

That's all I have to say about that.