Sunday, October 12, 2014

Raven Symone: Girl Bye.

Okay, I saw the following interview where Raven Symone told Oprah that she didn't want to be labeled or seen as African American or gay. She said she wanted to be considered "human who loves humans". She also mentioned who she identified herself with: Caucasians, Asians, etc. Aren't those labels as well? But after that interview came out, she had to back peddle and say that she never said she wasn't Black, but she didn't want to be labeled as "African American." See, she wants it both ways. She wants to label people and not have them label her. A person can't claim "universal" in a country that refuses to recognize people who look like her as human and treat them as such. If a person has to put race behind everything in order to seen as human, then it really says a lot about so called humanity. That's why I am not here for Raven Symone's argument regardless if a celebrity says it or not.  And let's be real here, if something discriminatory should happen to her, she'd be the first to say it's because she is a Black Gay Woman.

All I can say is "Girl Bye!  And before you do, please GET THE FUCK OUTTA HERE WITH THAT BULLSHIT!"

I've Figured This Out: In the wake of Ferguson, The Shaw Shooting, Dillon Taylor, John Crawford, Eric Garner, etc

In case you've been wondering where I've been, I've been dealing with all of these shootings. I've been arranging protests, talking to politicians, and all of that kind of stuff, which don't lend much time to blog, therefore you guys won't see updates from me as often. Anyway, let's get right down to it:

Have you ever heard anybody say, "Well America doesn't care when a White person gets killed by the police, or when something of this sort happens to White people. They just ignore it. What about us? This shit happens here too, they're not special and I'm sick of it." ? Well, I actually have the answer for that argument.

The reason why it appears that America doesn't care about these sort of things when they happen to White people is because America spent SO MANY YEARS trying to convince people that anybody other than White is bad, and they are bad in every single way imaginable. There has been a mass campaign of propaganda that was and still is strewn all across the world that was geared towards instilling hatred for these people. America has devoted centuries to instilling this hatred, and making sure that America appears like a great country. America has molded the idea of what an American should look like, how rich this country is, and what a rich person should look like. The image of this sort of person is a White man with a White family. Americans are supposed to be nice,rich, and White. 

That "American" lives in a big house in a White neighborhood with no crime because everybody is White. If crime does happen, it will be rectified by a swift and just decision. American soldiers go to fight and free everyone else from their tyrannical situations, and the soldiers work to create an American like government to make people feel free.

This is the image that has been instilled into many generations of people. It has been passed down, and not given too much thought. People allowed this image to circulate, and they allowed the negativity whether they want to believe it or not.

Now how many "other" Americans in this country have paid attention to this programming as well? It's basically every type of non White person living in this country who has seen this stuff for many years. Now most White people haven't questioned this propaganda. They have knowingly or unknowingly accepted it
This is the exact reason why whenever injustices happen to White people, it appears as if people don't care. They BOUGHT the so called American Image. And those who complain about why it seems that no one cares about _____ happening to White people have allowed this to happen.

White people have to deal with this American image that was created and there's no getting around it. This is why when something happens to a poor White person, people appear to not care. They bought into the idea that nothing bad CAN happen to them because they are White, which makes some of them incredulous to the fact. It is why some White people show disdain for poor White people because they are White. This means that if you are White and poor, there must be something really wrong with you. It's almost as if they say, "How could YOU be poor. That's impossible. You're embarrassing us."

Since this idea has been woven into the fabric of The United States, that means dismantling this image will be difficult. This will not require some quick kumbya type band-aids issued by the government via voting. This will be deep, and a lot of people will have to question their identities. This means the country will have to work through each and every bit of propaganda that was strewn. They will need to turn it over, put it under a microscope, and actually LOOK, LEARN and DO. They can not look to Black people to fix this because after all, Black people had no part in making this image, nor did we gain any benefits from it.

That being said, all I can say to them is "Good luck with that."

And GET THE FUCK OUTTA HERE with that "America doesn't care about White people" bullshit.

That is all.