Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Building our own Wakanda

I know you probably saw Black Panther.  I haven't seen it yet because I'm allergic to movie theaters, but I  will say this.  We gave Disney over two hundred million dollars.  That's enough to build our own Wakanda right here if we put our money in the right places.  This means we have to get rid of Black misleadership. You know the ones,  the Black faces in high places that still has to answer to a White boss.  The ones just sitting in the chair not doing anything for the people they are supposed to serve.  The ones with the empty promises.  The ones who sell you hope without an actual game plan,etc. 

We can do everything mentioned in my Black Clergy,  We Need to Talk  blog if we play our cards right.  We already have enough Black faces in high places.  That has proven ineffective.  We need to start fresh without a White overseer. Otherwise we'll get more of the same.

Aside from that, I heard there was a petition out that demands that Disney use twenty five percent to give back to the Black Community.  To that I say GET The FUCK OUTTA HERE WITH THAT MESS.  Here's why:  First of all,  Disney ain't trying to hear that.  You gave your money to them and now you want to dictate how they spend it?! Really folks? It sounds like someone saw the money and noticed the mess up so they created a petition to fix it.  But the bright side of this is that nobody can say that Black folks don't have any money anymore.  We now have no excuse not to support our own.

Second of all,  Disney was a known racist  when he was alive.  You think that since they finally hired some Black people, they have to break the community off a little something?  Naw,  they already did by hiring Black actors for the movie. That being said, If we build it,  it will come and we can change our narrative and our lives in America. We are the only people who don't support our own startup businesses and media outlets.  We have to get this right this time.  We have no other choice.