Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Black survival Part 3 What now?

Remember when I said that Black people should use Detroit as a proving ground to set up a community with our own infrastructure, and then branch outwards?  Well, scratch Detroit off of the list. Apparently Missouri's fuckery is oozing out and affecting the entire midwest region while making north St. Louis County famous again. This time, radioactive waste is leeching into the area, causing the neighboring properties to be contaminated and cancer causing gas to enter the atmosphere. Benzene is steaming out of the soil due to a fire smoldering underneath, and people are breathing it in. People are trying to sell their homes in the area, but are unable to do so. On top of that, the waste has leeched into the local body of water and has flooded the area over several years. This ultimately means the material has escaped the area and will cause further complications down the road. This has been going on for years, but has resurfaced again. Please read the entire post from Senator Maria Chappelle-Nadal, and note the last comment from a former Republic Services* employee :

Despite all of this, Missouri officials say the issue isn't cause for concern. Meanwhile, the area is sitting on smoldering radioactive land, people are inhaling the steam, are dying of cancer, and the groundwater is contaminated.

And they just throw more dirt on top of it like that's going to fix it.

Something tells me the people who say it isn't a real issue are the ones who don't live there.

But they're more than happy to cut corners when it comes to managing the area.

After all of the hell that has gone on with Missouri, St. Louis, and all of the municipalities surrounding it, I came to one conclusion:

The officials in Missouri are so low, and so dirty and so petty that they went through all of that just for money. They leeched off the poor people. Threw tear gas, released tanks, radioactive waste, sprayed people with chemicals , stealing and selling babies, the lies, killing, racism, etc. FOR WHAT??!!!
But that's okay though. They're building a nine hundred million dollar stadium because "football" and money.
Now an entire section of the country is in danger.
Because money.
Money. Not a supposed deficit in money, but through pilfering and plundering, especially after finding out Edward Meuth senior manager of the St. Louis County Health department had stolen millions of dollars from the budge; a suicide had been claimed to have been made by him after the findings and a note was discovered.

So while looking at the entire scope of things,  I know it would be unrealistic for some of us to be able to leave this country. BUT if we absolutely have to stay, I'd say whatever we decide to do, we must make sure we can find an area with the previous credentials mentioned, in part 1, set up solar panels, and make sure we have as many services as possible that have Black people in mind. By that I mean as many medical services(doctors, gyno, OBGYN, surgeons, pediatricians,) mental health services, businesses, infrastructure,etc.  

Part of me can't believe them raggedy ass pieces of paper were worth that much to these people.  And at the same time, greed will and can make a person do something strange for some change. I can't forget to throw supremacy into the equation because Supremacy is the entire reason why it started and was allowed to continue in the first place.

I've re learned some major things, and this is one of them:

America can be number one with its nuclear waste from the Manhattan project, with its "American values", with its "Dreams", with it's "hard work (at defrauding people under the guise of merit)" and all of that other bullshit.

Fuck substance and decency because money.
And football.
And it's all so disgusting...

And if you choose to leave the country, they'll make sure to rob you for $2350.00 before you go.

Because money*.

the waste management company assigned for the landfill in question
* I needed to add a red disclaimer to this because I'm sure people will read this and say something like "See? It's class, not race. This is the real problem we should be fighting against!"  I'll stop you right there and say, "That's the supremacy talking. Because if you have to find a way to erase people who don't look like yourself, those who don't look like you can't fight with you if you aren't willing to see the people who don't look like you as equals. You can't fight and truly win a war with invisible soldiers. Truth be told, and long story short, you're looking for 'bodies' not people, and you clearly haven't been paying attention to anything that has been going on up to this point.  Fix supremacy first or GET THE FUCK OUTTA HERE WITH THAT BULLSHIT."

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