Wednesday, February 24, 2016

More Media Madness- The Science Behind the Method

Here, we will connect the dots regarding how the media connects and serves the negative narrative of Black people all across the country, what they say, which methods, where to post them, and how to punish those who go against it.  Now before you dismiss this as something trivial, please take note and read this. Seriously. Read it. It will make a lot of sense.

What you will see in this link (as well as several screenshots) is a detailed and dated method of defamation that could be used by the media and is often parroted by the likes of Fox News, CNN, and any other media outlets used for said purposes.  The screenshot provides capita based statistics about African Americans, asks people to post "barbaric content" from Africa, as well as providing e-mails of reddit's advertisers regarding why the massive hate ring (as spoken about in "The CooneKKKtion " blog entry) is doing this. The first screenshot is an introduction by person who started this particular wave on August 6, 2015.

They would also e-mail a letter to all of the reddit advertisers as listed in this pic and remind them of all of the various types of porn subreddits including those related to incest, bestiality,and pictures of animal genitalia.

They included fake per capita based statistics on pedophillia:

, benefits or "free stuff"   given to Black people:


Fake Black Culture and unemployment

As you can see, there is a lot of time, money, and resources invested to the point where people will buy servers to fill with propaganda and gossip. They will blackmail, harass and stop at nothing to keep the cycle of victimhood and hate going to the point where they will kill. And in their spare time, they will watch it and create it through various media outlets.  This is why we need to control our own narrative and not let anybody take it or get a hand in it.  Black Lives Matter could have done all of that and they could have done it right. But nah. Sandra Bland died in jail because of a $500.00 bail. A fund that BLM should have paid, or at the very least said something about. Eye Empress was arrested as a Black Lives Matter You Tube personality for threatening to kill White people. When this happened, they said that Black Lives Matter was "just a hashtag". They followed Hillary Clinton until she asked them what was their game plan, and said that you can't change the hearts of people.

They created Campaign Zero's website. Then they said they weren't affiliated with any politician.

The Black Lives Matter organization had no counselors for people dealing with the deaths of their loved ones. They went on world tours to talk to all of the people about Ferguson, but did nothing to help them. All of the people responsible for the issues in Ferguson are still in office, with the exception of more Black faces. Nothing has been done. They collected money. That's it. 

Not only that, but they're back peddling on being referred to as a movement. They're "a network" now, but they were referring to themselves as "a movement" before.  Let's look at the word "network" and what it means. When people look to "network" that's what they do in order to be taken into consideration for a job or position in a company. They're a company now. They have well known faces investing in them (Jay Z and Beyonce)

People have been saying they've been bought since 2014, but now they're starting to catch on this year. In 2014, I began to notice that nothing in Ferguson was going to change.I was irritated when DeRay went to Baltimore and protested there. I was upset when people were traveling all over the world as if they were begging for solidarity. The same people in Ferguson are still in office, and the're still perpetuating a large level of corruption throughout the city, outlining St. Louis municipalities, as well as the entire state.

That's been the problem all along. They collected a bunch of money and stayed at square one. And they used Black Lives to do it. And when they were called out in 2014, they weren't interested in being transparent about where their money came from. 

It took me some time to write this. It took me a good while to deal with the information I had gotten. I've been angry for two years now.  I hate how they left Sandra Bland high and dry for five hundred dollars. They stayed silent for Eye Empresses situation which could have been prevented if Black Lives Matter had any counselling services on hand. They could have at least done that instead of helping to run people through the same crooked justice system that put the people in the situation in the first place. 

They could have done that at the very, very least.

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