Friday, February 12, 2016

Random Thought #11: A continuation of Random Thought #7 "I Don't Get Outraged Anymore"

Here's the link for "Random Thought # 7..."  For reference

You know something?  Lately, I've been seeing a huge influx of "Look at what White people are doing now? Look at it. It's enraging!" posts.  I get it. Yes. It's enraging. BUT this seems to be the default pattern of behavior. We can't change their behavior. We can't make them act like human beings. It's the job of White allies to check their own people and use their privilege to do right by us (That's assuming they actually exist in the first place). We can't do that for them, because to the racists, we're just a bunch of niggers, and we'll only be that.  That's why they always go for the "educate us" angle. They know they won't listen to anything we say because we are not valid in their eyes. We should know that too.

We really have to create our own everything. Because they don't care about us. Any move we make, they'll have something extra to do or say, so why hover over them like that? Why worry about how they selectively censor our music and achievements? They've been doing that for years.

They're just running interference. That's it. That has been their whole goal the entire time. That's what they live to do. It is their only aim, and entire existence. They do it until they're successful at their goal. That's why they're scared. That's why they watch us so hard and worry about everything and anything we do.

We have to keep learning history, and spreading positivity and knowledge with each other. We have to keep building our own establishments, our own infrastructure, our own EVERYTHING, and we can't imitate them when we do it either. Otherwise, we're just going in circles.

We can't rely on them to keep up the infrastructure and government of cities and towns (Flint, Ferguson, Baltimore, etc) because they'll prove to you why they can't have nice things time and time again. They'll never be satisfied.

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