Monday, March 31, 2014

On the Anti- Bullying Campaign

This has been going on for a while, and is definitely old news. I decided I'd take a bit of a break from the other stuff and focus on something like this for the time being. That being said, the anti bullying campaign acts like all of a sudden it's going to disappear. Kids are going to live in peace and harmony, and it'll rain gum drops and sunbeams will shine out of everyone's asses.  To those who think it'll happen, they can GTFOH with that mess and here's why.

As a former kid who used to get bullied relentlessly (and still receives snide remarks from grown men and women to this day), this anti bullying campaign makes me very sad because all it does is hide the problem. Also, why not address the people doing the bullying ? Bullying is an age old problem that continues to not be addressed fully. No anti bullying program can work unless it is completely implemented and taken seriously, meaning if it happens in the workplace, it needs to be met with real punishment. Unfortunately, the same thing happens in the work place where the bully may have a circle of friends who will engage in this behavior, and said authorities turn a blind eye, except when the victim retaliates or does something out of the ordinary, and that's when the victim gets punished.

For those who say that a child should learn to record any and all actions, and keep a copy for themselves and turn another in to the administrators. It's sad that children would even have to learn this corporate mess in the first place. Is it no wonder why they are angry and grow up to be very resentful of the people in their own surroundings, and are quick to disobey adults? This is why kids shoot up schools, and why adults go postal on their employers. It isn't because of video games, rap lyrics, or television.

Fix this backwards method of punishing at school and in the workplace and bullying will end. Punish the correct people in a swift and professional manner in the workplace, and make sure the child who does the bullying gets the correct punishment (regardless of whether the parents think their little angel could do no wrong). If the parent of the bully disagrees, the option to send their child to a different school should be taken into consideration. And if an employer can't be professional, then they should be made to find another job.

That's just my interpretation of the situation. 

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