Tuesday, June 30, 2015

America's Irrational Fear

You know what? America worries waaay too much about what's going on with Black people and Dylan Roof is proof of that. He said that Black men rape his women, and that we are taking over even though he killed mostly women. His manifesto mentioned Trayvon Martin, Black on Black crime and Black on White crime not being reported (even though the cases mentioned have been resolved and the aggressors have been tried and sentenced accordingly).

That sentiment is as old as this country, and it still gets passed down to several generations.

Has anybody ever figured how America is invested in making sure that White people are viewed in the best light possible? Could that be why they pretend crime doesn't happen in their neck of the woods to the point where less than favorable statistics get hidden and couched in "soft language" if the media grabs hold of the information? Have they figured that America really needs a "bad guy" so after they thought they were done making sure the Native Americans were thoroughly portrayed as the bad guys, they continued to put their focus on Blacks?

Could it be they kept that legacy going by distributing propaganda about Blacks in America to the point where people in other countries ate it up? Could that be the result of why people from other countries come to The States and cape so hard to the point of compromising their integrity by any means necessary? I'm not just looking at Bobby Jindal, and Brown border patrol members. I'm looking at Don Lemon, Rachael Dolezal's husband, Mia Love, Ben Carson, and Raven Symone, etc I'm looking at YOU too.

Could it be that White America is so obsessed with Black people to the point of trolling their spaces in person or online, or by disguising themselves as Black in order to make any and all issues about them because they felt left out (Rachael Dolezal, John Howard Griffin cough cough) instead of creating their own UNIQUE lane that gives White people flavor without stealing the seasoning from other people's cabinets? And when something along the lines of that gets brought to their attention, they show up in droves just to make disparaging comments or throw racial slurs at said Black person even if their messages are positive, or change the subject by derailing the conversation, or by presenting loaded questions they really don't want an answer to.

Could "feeling left out" be the reason why they enter all of our genres of music under the guise of "making it better"? Could this be why when they enter our genres, they win all of the awards, and become the "standard" even when their songs really aren't that great? Could it be that whenever a Black person speaks about issues in this country, somebody comes from out of nowhere to say ‪‎#NotAllWhitePeople‬ or ‪‎#AllLivesMatter‬ even though that's a given? Could "feeling left out" be the real reason why White people feel the need to say "Hey! We're oppressed too because freedom of speech and political correctness is ruining us!" every time they're faced with consequences for doing or saying something really messed up?" Could this be why whenever they get caught doing or saying racist things, they find a non White person to cosign the foolishness as if they can never stand on their own two feet and be accountable for anything?

The whole thing looks like a metaphor for The Spice Trade to me because they steal from those they feel are lesser in order to make money. It's like they said, "Fuck substance, get money." and actually lived by it.

Google "The Spice Trade" to see what I'm talking about.

Anyway, Any time some racially motivated crime happens where Black people are the victims, it's always about fear. Fear of Black people. It's why Black people have to "be approachable" It's why respectability politics exist. If you look at respectability politics and examine the definition, it really means "What does a person have to do in order to be 'respectable' to the people or person in power?".

But they fail to recognize that when Black people did for themselves, were respectable and pulled themselves up by the bootstraps, it wasn't enough so they had to burn down Greenwood in Tulsa, Oklahoma out of rumor based fear and jealousy.They also stole the farmland belonging to Black farmers.  ‪

(Google "Black Wall Street, Little Africa" and "Whitecapping" to see what I'm talking about.)

Respectability politics are designed to keep Black people begging to be respected. That's it. Respectability politics are why victim blaming exists. It's why older people don't respect younger people. It's why some Black people choose to talk mess about those they feel are "not respectable" to the point of Black shaming. It's also why each time something racial happens, some Black people choose to engage in shaming their own. I can't do that because I can see what's going on. Each time a Black person shames their own, it continues the cycle of supremacy. They can say something along the lines of "See? They don't even like themselves! Haha!"

Respectability politics are a trap. It's a deep long, winding trap that has corners and pits that people don't really look that far into. That being said:

I have faith in the young people. I see what they're doing. BUT sucking up to the mainstream media and big orgs is NOT the business. It's a form of respectability politics. They want to be liked SO bad that they clique up with people that don't have their best interests in mind.

Those orgs, and mainstream media look like the creepy person with the rape van talking about "candy" or a "free puppy" to me. They are designed to kidnap people and do what Ralph Ellison mentioned in his book titled "Invisible Man":

"Keep This Nigger-Boy Running".

They do it by derailing people and controlling how they move. They appoint a "leader" and that leader may report to someone else. That someone else could have a paycheck (candy or free puppy) in store for those following them, or they might simply deny access to things or issues that need to be addressed. 
And the media sucks it up so people could bask in it (asking Black people for forgiveness).

If there are any young people out there, all I could say is this:

Don't be gullible and watch what people say and do. Move accordingly. Stay focused on what matters and don't let anybody derail the issue. Watch for snakes and wolves. Don't sell your$elf out in order to gain friends. Those friends may not be who they say they are. "Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer." is more than just a facebook meme or rap lyric. The real trick is knowing exactly WHO your enemies are. Keep moving forward. And remember there is no one singular direction. Choosing singular directions is a good way to allow yourselves to get derailed. Stay focused. Be safe. Be prepared. Be brave. Be brazen. Just BE.

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