I was listening to Ruste Juxx and Pete Rock's, video titled, "Black Fist".
Normally, I enjoy this kind of music with a message, but it made me tired for some reason. I wondered if I should feel this way, and does it affect my status on the Blackness hierarchy Scale (c). At first, I didnt know why I felt this way, and my first reaction was fear after feeling tired. It took me some time to figure out why I was feeling that way. Now that I can articulate why, I can calmly tell a person to GTFOHWTBS if they feel some kind of way about my feelings, and here's why:
It seems we are all about talk and no action. We fall for symbols everywhere versus actually coming up with a plan to do something about where we are right now. This song is nothing but a symbolic action. How many times have we said it loud, "I'm Black and I'm Proud"? What good is being proud to be Black when we are stuck with the same failed policies, the same stale Black politicians who serve as nothing more than Black faces in high places that emulate the same White supremacist policies that have been put into action since forever? What good is putting your fist in the air when we refuse to hold these Black politicians accountable? What good is putting your fist in the air when they enact toothess programs in order to "stop the violence" instead of offering a comprehensive witness protection program to help protect the citizens who want to report crimes? What good is being proud to be Black when we die by the hands of White cops and so called "do gooders " who take the law into their own hands? All we do is die beautifully proud. That's it. Where is the pride in that?
Why can't we take our own neighborhoods back without cops or in some cases, the National Guard? Why do we even need those entities in the first place? Why can't we remove all of the Asian and Arab stores and replace them with Black owned businesses? Why do we constantly ask beg and plead for help from others (so called 'Black and Brown unity')? Why can't we do this on our own? Why don't we believe in ourselves enough to the point where we don't feel the need to beg and plead? Sure, we are 13%of the population according to their statistics, but that doesnt stop others from doing what they think is necessary for their survival. We are the only ones who ask for and "need" help. Why? Where is the pride in that? Why does Black clergy (the ones closest to the regular Black folk) blame celebrities for the lack of contribution of bettering the community when clergy are the closest ones who take money from regular Black folk in the first place? Why do they feel that celebrities (the ones who are so far removed from the regular Black experience) should step up to the plate when (as I paraphrase Dick Gregory) "Aint no revolution happen by blowing no damn trumpet."? Where is the pride in that?!
Somebody please tell me where is the pride in these actions, because I really dont see a damn thing I should be proud about. Sure, we are the trendsetters when it comes to fashion, vernacular, music, etc, but our lives are and continue to be undervalued. They only love our political figures when they are dead, and our political efforts get glossed over while we we are alive or in action. For example, plenty of Whites hated Obama while he was president, but now that Trump is in office, all of a sudden the Obamas are the epitome of class (except while in office, Michelle Obama was "a man " and Barack was "a Muslim terrorist", and they hated Obamacare, but loved The Affordable Care Act, but that's not my business). Why do we continue to work where we are undervalued and underappreciated? Where is the pride in that? Again, somebody please fill me in because I must be missing something.
Sure, everybody wants what we have, but we have no real power until we divest in this system that devalues us so, and start our own without letting everybody and everybody in. That's our biggest weakness. We let our things get watered down and then throw them away once they are oversaturated with others. Don't believe me, just ask Rock,Jazz, and Blues music. Where is the pride in that?!
Anyway, that's my rant for the week. I might say something else later, I might not. We'll see.
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