Showing posts with label Government shut down. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Government shut down. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

My Brief Take On The Government Shutdown << I Know, I'm Late

Originally, I wasn't going to write anything about the United States government shutdown because these days, I have no sympathy for the people running the country, nor do I have any for a lot of people in it. Then I realized that I was just being angry and selfish to an extent, so I decided I'd say a little something.

For starters, when I first heard about the shut down, all I could say is, " I bet they'll keep the departments responsible for policing us up and running smoothly. I can also guarantee that Congress, The House and Senate (basically all of those in the DC district deemed "important enough" will be getting paid as well, and if this does affect anybody, it'll be on the so called, 'lowest rungs' of the ladder.) I was correct there. However it is starting to affect anybody who needs to fill out a government application to get approved for, SSI, FHA Loans, Visa, Passports, Gun permits, etc, which was honestly something I expected. However, I didn't expect all of this to happen because Congress didn't like what Obamacare had to offer. At first I thought it was just old news and talk because they have been fighting the Affordable Healthcare Act since day one. But that's not all, they decided to throw a temper tantrum and rage quit their job. Now I don't know about you but I'd get fired if I walked out on my job. Why do they still get paid? But then again, why would I expect them to not get paid. They are not us, nor have they ever been. All in all, it looks just like some spoiled kid in the supermarket who got mad because they didn't get what they wanted. Obama negotiated and negotiated with them and they still wouldn't budge, much like the suburban mother does when pleading with her child to behave. Thanks to these guys, kids will be denied the chance to be a part of the Head Start Program, Mothers with children will not be receiving vouchers via the WIC program, all national parks and monuments will be closed to the public and those who worked at those establishments will be furloughed until further notice. Death and burial befits for the families of deceased veterans have been denied. I'm sure libraries will be affected by this as well, meaning, not only will libraries be closed, but those who manage the libraries will be out of the job. The real questions I want to ask are, why doesn't Obama stop babying these people, get hood on em and beat some ass so he could at least do his job? How long will this mess last? As far as I know, the longest government shutdown ran for 21 days during 1995. At the time, I was a jobless teenager, so I don't know if it affected anybody or not. This time will be different since I'm an adult. All I can say is we'll see what happens next. Hopefully, something could get done before too long, as long as the decision doesn't hurt the citizens too much.