There is nothing wrong with dressing up for Halloween in general, but when I see stuff like this




or this,

then I have a problem. I have no idea why someone would think these are great ideas, take pictures of themselves dressed as such and or tell someone they dressed up like that. Some years ago, someone once felt compelled to tell me that they dressed up as a Klansman for Halloween. I asked him, Why would you dress up as something like that? Why did you feel the need to tell me you dressed up as that, Where did you even FIND the suit? Why would you even have something like that? Now granted, that costume has a scary reputation, but why would somebody want to be seen in it at all? I don't remember what he said in response to my barrage of questions, but when I asked him if anybody reacted to the costume, he said no one reacted over it. I remember saying that I really wanted to know where he got the costume from, and he mentioned a local costume store. I never went to the costume store to confirm, but I was too busy being upset about the whole thing. It reminds me of the instance of being the only Black person at a party. Of course some 'edgy' person is going to say or do something classless because they claim they were under the influence, but when you add Halloween in the mix, I've come to the conclusion that something will go down, be it somebody showing up as a Confederate Soldier, with a Southern Belle and a slave in tow,somebody showing up in Blackface (which is almost always at one of these parties), or somebody showing up as a 'type of person' and blatantly making fun of the culture associated with that. Those people made the conscious decision to do this before they ingested alcohol, so they can never say that they were just drunk. It's more like No, they're either ignorant and clueless, or they're just an asshole who uses holidays to show their true colors.
I'm not trying to put a damper on anybodies Halloween, but it takes time and effort to come up with an amazing costume. If they don't want to spoil it for others, they should check this out before they get all dressed up. I'll list a few more links just in case you guys decide to spread the word or have any questions:
Is My Costume Racist?
My Culture Isn't a Trend to Participate In
For those who wish to rock Women's Indian attire as a fashion statement