Showing posts with label redpill. Show all posts
Showing posts with label redpill. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Pick-Up Artist Site On Mass Shooting: ‘More People Will Die Unless You Give Men Sexual Options’ << The Side Eye is Strong With This One

Last weekend a guy by the name of Elliott Roger decided to take revenge on all of the "hot blonds" who never gave him any play. Because of them, he spent his college years as a lonely 22 year old virgin who never even kissed a girl. They were the cause of all of his suffering, as listed in his manifesto:

To make a long story short, he called all of the girls in the sorority "sluts" because they weren't interested in him even though he was interested. He said he'd pay retribution to them because they would go with the other men and never pay attention to him, considering how much of an "alpha male" and a "true gentleman" he was. He was going to enter the sorority and kill these girls. He killed a total of seven people before he took his own life.

This prompted a popular web site geared towards pick up artists  (or men who spend their time learning how to manipulate women in hopes to have sex) to say that more women will die unless they provide more men with sexual options.  I must tell them all and anyone who aspires to become such a person to GET THE FUCK OUTTA HERE AND SIT YOUR ASSES AAAAAALLLLL THE WAY DOWN WITH THAT. I'll tell you why:

That dude is gross and so are those who think like him. So according to pick up artists, and folks of this ilk, women are meant to be possessed or owned by men. Seriously?! People like that are narcissistic and have a warped sense of entitlement. Nobody owes them sex. If he can't get it then, maybe it's HIS fault. Instead of killing a bunch of women or hurting them by using whatever means they see fit, maybe they should take a look at themselves and figure out what's wrong with them, and stop blaming other people for their low self-esteem. Katt Williams said it best, "It's called SELF esteem. It's esteem of your mother-fuckin' SELF". This guy had money, and decent looks, but he was a spoiled asshole who couldn't get what he wanted. He had everything given to him and thought he had the magic formula. When it didn't work out, he killed all of the women who were smart enough to not take his shit. That dude is sorry and extra lame for real and that is the real reason why he couldn't get any.

See, some of these guys want to act like pimps and try to spit game at women in hopes they could add another notch to their belt, and when the woman looks at them sideways, they want to get all mad and cuss her out for it. Maybe, just maybe women are people and shouldn't have to worry about having somebody telling them how they want to "do something (to put it lightly)" to them in so many words and at any given time or place. How would they feel if somebody said some of the mess they say to their mothers, aunts, little sisters, cousins, etc?  Something tells me either they wouldn't like it, or they'd turn their heads sideways like it never happened.  That needs to stop, and this behavior needs to be addressed head on. 

That being said, I strongly feel this is why rape gets overlooked. I'm not just speaking about women being raped either. I'm talking about men being raped as well. If a man or boy gets raped by a woman, he has to hide it and treat it as an early conquest. If he doesn't, he risks being ostracized by his friends, and any potential male role model he may come across. If a woman or girl gets raped it's her fault because she wore revealing clothes, or looked a little too hot in the summertime, or she was just there at the time, or she was walking by herself at night, or she was on a date with a guy and since he paid, she is supposed to return the favor by putting out, or she has to return the favor anyway just for going on the date with him in the first place, or because that's what male and female friends will eventually do, or he helped her fix her car, or he did "insert favor here" so she has to "repay him". If she doesn't, she's gay or there's something wrong with her, or she's a bitch, or selfish, or in Elliott Roger's case, she's a slut.

Now help me out y'all, because the last time I checked, a woman would be classified as a slut by a man if she was busy having sex with everybody. Now I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed, but something tells me  those girls couldn't have been sluts because they were selective enough to not have sex with him in the first place. I better stop here because I already touched on that in the fourth paragraph. 

But anyway, to counter the argument, people also want to say things like "Well, women act like that too." I want to ask them, "Where did this behavior come from? According to you, why do women feel the need to act like that? Who told them to act like that in the first place? Most likely, they would say something along the lines of, "Society taught men that they needed to be like that, and that's what caused women to act like that." or vice versa. Well, guess what? If society taught them that, then at which point did they know it was wrong? Why do they let it continue? Why did they decide they needed to go along to get along? What would have happened if they didn't go along to get along? Was it worth it to them? And, most importantly, "When does it stop?"