Showing posts with label writing techniques. Show all posts
Showing posts with label writing techniques. Show all posts

Friday, May 8, 2015

Why I Write How I Write : Another Introduction

Fun fact. I went to college to become an English major. You wouldn't know it by the way I write. These days, I am not interested in writing in a way that appeals to other English majors, or professors for that matter. I write what's going on in my mind, and I write how I speak. That means, my writing is riddled with grammatical and punctuation errors, and various other things that would drive an English major or professor mad. That's okay because I write for those who understand where I'm coming from, besides, if my memory serves me correct, that technique is called "free writing" in the literary world. This writing technique should not interfere with a person's reception of my feelings nor should it be used as an attempt to discount what I have to say. Using that as an intellectual cover to do so can really undermine a person's credibility because they dismiss what you have to say and focus on semantics. << That's the shit I don't like. Therefore:

If their argument goes along the lines of, "You missed a comma here therefore your argument is moot", then they can get the hell on somewhere. It means they really weren't interested in anything I had to say in the first place.

Sure, people need to effectively communicate in a professional manner. I completely understand the need for that. This writing would be unacceptable for a college paper, nor would it be okay for a resume. That's a given. But you see and understand each and every word and the meaning of those words are appropriate for the context.

nowifiwaswritinglikethis, or If I was writn leik dis, or. Maybe I was. writing like This THEN there is a problem.

Or maybe that's just my own snobbery coming out. I don't know. However, I have told a person or two that punctuation is their friend. That means a person needs to at least separate their sentences. I can't read a single run on sentence that turns into a big paragraph with no spaces in between. That's really hard on my eyes. Anyway, I'm rambling. I need to go do something else.

Bye y'all.