Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Ferguson Timeline and the politician's role in the current police brutality mess. Part 3


In the previous blog, I took the time to focus on the timeline of the politicians and the death of the Missouri Auditor.

Since then, more and more people have stepped down, have successfully attempted suicide (according to police officer accounts), or attempted to do so:

March 11, 2015
According to The Guardian, Ferguson Missouri's Mayor, James Knowles said, once the former police chief steps down,"Jackson would receive a year’s salary in severance pay. The chief was paid $95,512 (£64,000) a year, according to figures previously released by the city. Knowles also said the city manager, John Shaw, whose departure was announced on Tuesday, would receive his full $120,000 salary as severance."

June 27, 2015

Enter the former Missouri House Member Rep. Genise Montecillo, who had attempted suicide according to officers of the St. Louis County Police Department. She had been found in her apartment in south St. Louis County at 9:51am. She served her third term and had been on the House Budget Committee. She had been raising funds for her 2016 reelection after serving her third term, and she taught in the Special School District for 24 years, according to the St. Louis Post Dispatch. No further details regarding her suicide attempt had been released at that moment in time.

Former Ferguson Police Chief Thomas Jackson stepped down, and is still angry over it. According to the STL Today, "To keep his mind off of Ferguson, he said he has done private security consulting for a Colorado-based company. Otherwise, he tries to fly his plane, a Cessna 175, and ride his motorcycle.
"I'm still really down," he said. "I have a lot of anger over all of this, and I don't get angry."

According to the DOJ Report, Jackson was the one that reported the following revenue increases for the years 2011-2013:

Jackson was able to afford a Cessna 175 and maintain a pilot's license on the same salary mentioned in the previous Guardian article.   (archived)

August 08, 2015

Mary Ann Twitty was rehired as a county clerk in nearby Vinta Park after originally being fired for racist e-mails, and fixing ticket amounts for people.

August 10,2015
Darren Wilson surfaces and shows the country what kind of man he really is.

That being said,
a lot of what he says stands all the way out in this New York Times article and will be commented on in bold print:
"In 2009, Wilson got a job in Jennings, a town on Ferguson’s southeastern border, where ninety per cent of the residents are black and a quarter of the population lives below the poverty line. “I’d never been in an area where there was that much poverty,” Wilson said. Interacting with residents, he felt intimidated and unprepared.

A field-training officer named Mike McCarthy, who had been a cop for ten years, displayed no such discomfort. McCarthy, a thirty-nine-year-old Irish-American with short brown hair and a square chin, is a third-generation policeman who grew up in North County. Most of his childhood friends were African-American. “If you just talk to him on the phone, you’d think you’re talking to a black guy,” Wilson said. “He was able to relate to everyone up there.”

Wilson said that he approached McCarthy for help: “Mike, I don’t know what I’m doing. This is a culture shock. Would you help me? Because you obviously have that connection, and you can relate to them. You may be white, but they still respect you. So why can they respect you and not me?”

McCarthy had never heard another officer make such an honest admission of his own limitations. At the same time, he sensed a fierce determination: “Darren was probably the best officer that I’ve ever trained—just by his willingness to learn.”

McCarthy wasn’t surprised that Wilson had difficulty interacting with residents. Police officers are rigorously trained in firing weapons and apprehending suspects but not in establishing common ground with people who have had different experiences. “If you go to an academy, how much is on that?” he asked me. “Basically, nothing.” A recent survey by the Police Executive Research Forum revealed that cadets usually receive fifty-eight hours of training in firearms, forty-nine in defensive tactics, ten in communication skills, and eight in de-escalation tactics."
 So Wilson didn't know how to talk to or act around Black people, so he trained with a guy that was described as having the ability to speak in a Black vernacular over the phone, and "relate to everyone up there"?
For several months, McCarthy taught Wilson how to walk the beat—coaching him to loosen up, joke, and curse occasionally. He should avoid “sounding like a Webster’s Dictionary,” never condescend, and never expect people to rat. At first, Wilson says, residents laughed at him, but he followed McCarthy’s advice to “just keep going.” By the end of the training, Wilson said, he “was more comfortable” on the streets. McCarthy told me, “There is so much distrust in the African-American community toward the police.” The only way to overcome it was by establishing bonds with people. McCarthy, who is gay, said that he understood what it meant to be marginalized. “In the United States, where everybody is supposed to be equal, I’m not. So that’s a major thing.”

McCarthy helped Wilson, in part, by letting him make mistakes. One night, they were patrolling a neighborhood where burglary was common. Wilson saw a car idling on the side of the street, and McCarthy didn’t object when Wilson pulled over and asked the driver to show I.D. Wilson ran a check on the man’s name; nothing came up, so he let him go. Later, McCarthy asked, “What would’ve happened if you’d found a gun?” Wilson said that he would have arrested the man. McCarthy asked him what his case for probable cause would have been, and Wilson couldn’t answer. “You’d be screwed,” McCarthy said.
So the mistake was letting the man go after running his ID and finding nothing? It sounds like McCarthy told Wilson to escalate situations based on "probable cause". Now what would that probable cause be?

"Wilson recalls hearing “old-timers” talk about racism in Jennings’s past, but their stories didn’t make a vivid impression on him. McCarthy, however, said that in the seventies and eighties the Jennings police “did not play.” He added, “Basically, they’d beat you.” During that period, many blacks from St. Louis moved to North County. Numerous towns there went from being majority white to being majority black. The police forces remained almost completely white.

McCarthy showed me several police logs from those decades, and many entries documented bigotry on the part of Jennings authorities. In April, 1973, a lieutenant described a holdup that had occurred near the police station. The suspects were two black males. At the bottom of the entry, someone had written, “Men, you better leave your wallets at home. Niggers are going to come in the police station next and rob us.” An entry from December, 1979, described an eighteen-year-old black male who was believed to have been involved in the shooting of a police officer but was then released, “due to his lack of mental capacity.” Below this, someone had scrawled, “Kill the Fucker.”
That was in the Jennings Police department's records. Apparently they thought it was okay to include racism in the records, as well as threaten to kill people. That being said, how many people have officers actually killed after the people get released?

McCarthy said that police officers resist discussing racism, past or present. “If an officer speaks out, they are ostracized,” he said. “They don’t want anything negative to be out there. But we’re humans—there’s gonna be negative. Be honest about it. If you acknowledge it, that’s the first step.”

Wilson strongly disagreed with McCarthy about this. He granted that, in North County, the overt racism of past decades affected “elders” who lived through that time. “People who experienced that, and were mistreated, have a legitimate claim,” he told me. “Other people don’t.” I asked him if he thought that young people in North County and elsewhere used this legacy as an excuse. “I think so,” he replied.
 So after reading a sample of the records in Jennings that read "Kill The Fucker" after releasing person who was deemed mentally unable to commit said crime, Wilson STILL eschewed past racism and called the legacy an "excuse" for the young people in North County and anywhere else to feel the way they currently feel regarding police? ? Hmmm.
“I am really simple in the way that I look at life,” Wilson said. “What happened to my great-grandfather is not happening to me. I can’t base my actions off what happened to him.” Wilson said that police officers didn’t have the luxury of dwelling on the past. “We can’t fix in thirty minutes what happened thirty years ago,” he said. “We have to fix what’s happening now. That’s my job as a police officer. I’m not going to delve into people’s life-long history and figure out why they’re feeling a certain way, in a certain moment.” He added, “I’m not a psychologist.”
So an officer has to remove themselves from the people they serve in order to do a "good job"? Hmm.
Wilson said that, despite what he’d said about experiencing “culture shock,” race hadn’t affected the way he did police work: “I never looked at it like ‘I’m the only white guy here.’ I just looked at it as ‘This isn’t where I grew up.’ ” He said, “When a cop shows up, it’s, like, ‘The cops are here!’ There’s no ‘Oh, shit, the white cops are here!’ ” He added, “If you live in a high-crime area, with a lot of poverty, there’s going to be a large police presence. You’re going to piss people off. If police show up, it’s because it’s something bad, and whoever’s involved can’t figure out the problem for themselves.”
More distancing himself from the community he serves. It's all high crime, poverty and not much else I guess.

"When Wilson was thirteen, he stopped trusting his mother altogether, because she stole funds that she had helped raise for his Boy Scout troop. He worried that she would steal what little money he made working summer jobs, so he opened two bank accounts. The first, which had almost no money in it, was a decoy. He put his real earnings in the second, secret account. Wilson also tried to preempt his mother’s stealing. Once, he warned a friend’s parents not to let her inside their house, because she would surely find a way to steal their identities and max out their credit cards."

Followed up with this:

Good values, Wilson insisted, needed to be learned at home. He spoke of a black single mother, in Ferguson, who was physically disabled and blind. She had several teen-age children, who “ran wild,” shooting guns, dealing drugs, and breaking into cars.

Several times, Wilson recalled, he responded to calls about gunfire in the woman’s neighborhood and saw “people running either from or to that house.” Wilson would give chase. “It’s midnight, and you’re running through back yards.” If he caught the kids, he checked them for weapons, then questioned them. He recounted a typical exchange: “ ‘Why you running?’ ‘Because I’m afraid of getting caught.’ ‘Well, what are you afraid of getting caught for?’ ‘I don’t know.’ ‘Well, there’s a reason you ran, and there’s a reason you don’t want to get caught. What’s going on?’ ” Wilson said that he rarely got answers—and that any contraband had already been thrown away. Once, he arrested some of the woman’s kids, for damaging property, but usually he let them go. In his telling, there was no reaching the blind woman’s kids: “They ran all over the mom. They didn’t respect her, so why would they respect me?” He added, “They’re so wrapped up in a different culture than—what I’m trying to say is, the right culture, the better one to pick from.”

And this. The interviewer called him out. but check out his reply:

"This sounded like racial code language. I pressed him: what did he mean by “a different culture”? Wilson struggled to respond. He said that he meant “pre-gang culture, where you are just running in the streets—not worried about working in the morning, just worried about your immediate gratification.” He added, “It is the same younger culture that is everywhere in the inner cities.”
I guess the "right culture" is the one he grew up in. With his non working immediate gratification seeking, gold digging, con artist, mother that he couldn't even trust with his own money.
"Most of Wilson’s calls were routine—traffic stops, house alarms—but some were deeply distressing. At one crime scene, he discovered the mangled bodies of two dead women. A two-year-old, “covered in blood,” was crawling between them. I asked him if such incidents made it hard to sleep. “No,” he replied. “I’ve never brought my work home.” This was partly a matter of disposition, but Wilson noted that, while he and Barb were on the force, they lived twenty miles outside Ferguson. They needed “that buffer”—a “chance to get out of that element.”"
So. He could not live in the community he served. He thinks the better community is outside of Ferguson, despite the low crime rate they enjoyed before Mike Brown was killed? Hmm.
"Wilson’s home life wasn’t entirely peaceful, however. In May, 2013, Barb’s ex-boyfriend John—the father of her younger son, who was then four—assaulted her, and also attacked Wilson. According to court papers, Barb said that John drank, and had beaten her in the past. (Barb asked me to omit John’s surname, to protect her son’s identity.) Barb testified in court that John “pulled my hair,” “choked me,” and “punched me in the face.” "
So he lived 20 miles outside of Ferguson and was dealing with this kind of stuff? Where's that "buffer" at?

Now he breaks out the tears because nobody will hire him. Seems legit.

Since the anniversary of Michael Brown's death, and the scores of people who have been killed, teargassed, brutalized, since. I have learned one thing and one thing only:

We can't allow people like these to have control over our lives.
How can we trust a system to serve and protect the same people they despise to the point of rejoicing  in their ability to extort, demean, dehumanize and kill. at. will. in order to justify their revenue retrieval disguised under a fraudulent meritocracy narrated by the media under the guise of fairness?

I've been thinking about this for a long time now. And I have a solution.

To be continued...

Black survival- What would it take?

Over the course of...  well..., forever, we've seen

  • Black deaths by the hands of police
  • Black deaths at the hands of vigilantes (Michael Dunn and George Zimmerman)
  • The commodification of Black culture
  • Cultural appropriation
  • Manipulation of the masses via photoshop and fake articles
  • Extortion.
And since I've blogged about a lot of what's mentioned for over one hundred entries, the questions everybody would ask are, "You got any solutions? What are we going to do about it?"

Here's my answer.

Sometimes I think Black people need our own gated communities.* 

Communities with businesses as well as:
  • private police
  • hospitals
  • private judges, lawyers, prosecutors, etc (an entire judicial system)
  • post office
  • media outlets (TV, radio, newspaper)
  • grocery stores
  • farmers
  • psychiatrists
  • grief counselors 
  • Private tax funds for infrastructure maintenance (roads, etc)
  • a national legal team
ALLL located inside the gate, and operating without outside influence. That way the entire economy is controlled by Black people and for Black people. And there's only one way in and out and that's the locked gate.

It sounds extra crazy, but I think that's the only way we'll be able to be protected against White supremacy. We must also make our own laws and everybody must live in the community as well.  An armed private police officer must be present at the entrance at all times, and each and every member of the community has to live in that community. This means if somebody is embezzling money from somewhere, we will know where they live. If votes get rigged, we will know and actual justice will be served.

Where will we go you ask? Well, there are places to start. Any place where there is a high concentration of Black people would work, however, many of those areas are under very crooked local governments that don't have the people in mind, let alone private officers available to make sure justice is handled appropriately. Detroit looks like a great proving ground for such an endeavor. They already have their own private police force so why not start there? Check out this video. Aside from the "Cop Block" advertisement, this video is about starting a private police force, and how to do it successfully. People pay into the service. Those who can't afford it get free service. They can do this because affluent people pay a premium for their service since they're doing such a great job, which means there is a surplus in funds.

I recommend we start in the areas with the highest crime or the most blighted. The reason why I say that is because those are the areas the public police won't go during certain hours. Not only that, but a person could find a lot of vacant lots that could be used for farming and as long as the lot isn't squatted on by an absentee landlord, it could be bought for cheap. A person could put a tiny house on it, equip it with solar panels, and voila! a house with a farm on it that grows vegetables to sell to the local grocery store.

I know what you're thinking. That sounds like a reservation of sorts. Yeah. You're right. It does. But what the Native Americans don't have is complete control over their own economy. Black businesses exist, and we collectively have the buying power of  one trillion dollars. What would happen if we took that out of the current economy?

I hope you don't think I'm crazy for mentioning this. But I am desperate for solutions. I didn't want to wait on someone else to come up with one, so I came up with one the best I could. In a world where we keep getting killed and our lives are in the hands of people who really don't care for our existence anyway, what did I have to lose by trying to find a solution?

Long story short. We've got to survive. People say the whole thing is about class and not race. Well it appears otherwise. And before I protest about something like climate change, and animals getting killed by police or illegal poachers pressed to prove their manhood, I will say the following to those who feel otherwise. :


I'm not interested in becoming the next hashtag, or mural to be defaced with "All Lives Matter."

We are literally trying to stay alive. And when I use the term "literally" I'm not speaking figuratively.

That is all for now.

We'll see. 

We'll see.

*Updated: 9/28/15 okay, maybe not a literal gated community per se, but we would need our community to be as tight as one without all of the ridiculousness of HOA restrictions.  We can police the areas we already have. We have already created several villages of sorts. We have online presence, and we've linked up with Black owned businesses. All we need is distribution companies, the things mentioned above, and a way to keep funds in Black hands longer (because we know we're subject to city and state tax, water, and utility bills.  As a result, there would be no way of stopping them from raising taxes and or utility costs in order to drive us out like they did in Baltimore, St. Louis, and Detroit).

Black Survival- What would it take part 2 (concerns and solutions)

I've privately vetted this idea to a bunch of different people, and they had several questions and concerns, so I decided I'd answer them in another blog entry:

When it comes to biracial people and non-white spouses and stuff like that, how would that be handled?

That's the biggest obstacle I've come across. I am not sure how to handle that, BUT Detroit could serve as a proving ground to see if the idea works. If it works, then people could follow that model and create cities like that all across the country (with a few tweaks of course). 

Imagining the black community as a network, and participants as nodes in that network wherever they are, rather than requiring us all to be in the same place, is very workable in the current environment (given the internet, etc.) and already happening to a certain extent. Efforts that work to build on that community and empower it can find lots of support.

This could definitely work. I think it would be crazy to uproot everybody in the country and send them to Detroit. However these nodes can work if tied together through. I believe if we get Black distribution companies that cater to us by air, rail and truck then those nodes can work to our advantage.

My one worry is that it would go down exactly like all of our other attempts to build something for ourselves. Every Black Wall Street and business district and university has been burned to the ground at least once. And with the new paradigm of anti-"terrorist" rhetoric and legislation, as well as the resurgence of white supremacy, I could see us realistically getting nuked into the Stone Age.

That was my worry as well, BUT if we use Detroit as a proving ground just to see if it will work, then it could be implemented all across the country! We could have black hubs everywhere.
But whatever we do, we need an organization with 501c3 status. This will give rich people the incentive of donating to us and making it tax free for everybody. From there, we could control what the money goes to and where. We will need chapters of this group all over the country. This would be used to fund hospitals, infrastructure, social services, and any other functional elements that require a large amount of capital.  We may also need to do this in secret, meaning no press releases, no going to mainstream media outlets in order to further the cause. We have to do this through conferences, through natural hair expos, etc since these sorts of events are examples of current Black spaces we have at the moment. If we do go to a media outlet, it must be one hundred percent ours. For example, The Final Call is a media one hundred percent Black owned media, and is one of the oldest in the country. Even though some of us might not identify with NOI, we must look past that sort of thing and ask ourselves, "What kind of good do they do, and how can we use that to our advantage?" The same goes with any other outlet ,organization, or group.

Get Oprah and other people to help invest in some type of industry/factory that can employ a bunch of black people and fulfill some type of market niche in the US. There would need to be investors for nice housing developments near the factory.

That sounds like a great idea. It would create reasonable paying jobs and housing for those who want to migrate. A variety of jobs to choose from would definitely be necessary. This may also be where the 501c3 organization would come in. If she donated to it, the tax write off would work for her benefit.

Who is going to be in charge? Police force, judicial system etc. are well and good but who are you suggesting for leadership? 

I think the members of the 501c3 organization will be made up of said people. I'd like it to include a lawyer, a judge, an accountant, a doctor, etc. Basically representatives from each city would work. For example if there are 2 hospitals in each city, then a board member of each hospital will be appointed to meet up wherever the meeting will take place. The accountant from each 501c3 organization will have to go as well.

What happens if people do something corrupt?

Complete transparency is a must! Meaning everybody will receive a quarterly notice of all expenses, including how much everyone makes. This way, all citizens know where the money went, who it went to, why, what, when, which and how it was spent. And they have to live in the city. Once they move, away, they relinquish their position, and another person will be voted in.

I'm interested in this idea of transparency, not so sure about the lack of privacy. When you say 'how much everyone makes etc.' are you saying the council or everyone in the community? You don't think that this type of information will cause problems? 

The Council would be subject to that. The rest of the citizens would be exempt. 

What about non leaders who commit a crime--will they be expected to leave?

However if they compromised the integrity of the community via corruption, fraud and or embezzlement, then they would have to leave,but not before paying the funds back. Otherwise, they may be subject to trial, hearing etc in order to figure out how they will pay the funds back.

So far, these are the main concerns and issues that have been brought to the surface. Surely, there will be more, and I'll keep adding responses and solutions.

*Update: 9/28/15  I figured that we would not be able to make this work if we excluded people. That being said, the "gated community" idea will have to be scrapped, BUT the cohesion would be kept. This means we don't have to have an armed guard available. The community could still function without, but we will still need to make sure our resources stay in Black hands. 

Black survival Part 3 What now?

Remember when I said that Black people should use Detroit as a proving ground to set up a community with our own infrastructure, and then branch outwards?  Well, scratch Detroit off of the list. Apparently Missouri's fuckery is oozing out and affecting the entire midwest region while making north St. Louis County famous again. This time, radioactive waste is leeching into the area, causing the neighboring properties to be contaminated and cancer causing gas to enter the atmosphere. Benzene is steaming out of the soil due to a fire smoldering underneath, and people are breathing it in. People are trying to sell their homes in the area, but are unable to do so. On top of that, the waste has leeched into the local body of water and has flooded the area over several years. This ultimately means the material has escaped the area and will cause further complications down the road. This has been going on for years, but has resurfaced again. Please read the entire post from Senator Maria Chappelle-Nadal, and note the last comment from a former Republic Services* employee :

Despite all of this, Missouri officials say the issue isn't cause for concern. Meanwhile, the area is sitting on smoldering radioactive land, people are inhaling the steam, are dying of cancer, and the groundwater is contaminated.

And they just throw more dirt on top of it like that's going to fix it.

Something tells me the people who say it isn't a real issue are the ones who don't live there.

But they're more than happy to cut corners when it comes to managing the area.

After all of the hell that has gone on with Missouri, St. Louis, and all of the municipalities surrounding it, I came to one conclusion:

The officials in Missouri are so low, and so dirty and so petty that they went through all of that just for money. They leeched off the poor people. Threw tear gas, released tanks, radioactive waste, sprayed people with chemicals , stealing and selling babies, the lies, killing, racism, etc. FOR WHAT??!!!
But that's okay though. They're building a nine hundred million dollar stadium because "football" and money.
Now an entire section of the country is in danger.
Because money.
Money. Not a supposed deficit in money, but through pilfering and plundering, especially after finding out Edward Meuth senior manager of the St. Louis County Health department had stolen millions of dollars from the budge; a suicide had been claimed to have been made by him after the findings and a note was discovered.

So while looking at the entire scope of things,  I know it would be unrealistic for some of us to be able to leave this country. BUT if we absolutely have to stay, I'd say whatever we decide to do, we must make sure we can find an area with the previous credentials mentioned, in part 1, set up solar panels, and make sure we have as many services as possible that have Black people in mind. By that I mean as many medical services(doctors, gyno, OBGYN, surgeons, pediatricians,) mental health services, businesses, infrastructure,etc.  

Part of me can't believe them raggedy ass pieces of paper were worth that much to these people.  And at the same time, greed will and can make a person do something strange for some change. I can't forget to throw supremacy into the equation because Supremacy is the entire reason why it started and was allowed to continue in the first place.

I've re learned some major things, and this is one of them:

America can be number one with its nuclear waste from the Manhattan project, with its "American values", with its "Dreams", with it's "hard work (at defrauding people under the guise of merit)" and all of that other bullshit.

Fuck substance and decency because money.
And football.
And it's all so disgusting...

And if you choose to leave the country, they'll make sure to rob you for $2350.00 before you go.

Because money*.

the waste management company assigned for the landfill in question
* I needed to add a red disclaimer to this because I'm sure people will read this and say something like "See? It's class, not race. This is the real problem we should be fighting against!"  I'll stop you right there and say, "That's the supremacy talking. Because if you have to find a way to erase people who don't look like yourself, those who don't look like you can't fight with you if you aren't willing to see the people who don't look like you as equals. You can't fight and truly win a war with invisible soldiers. Truth be told, and long story short, you're looking for 'bodies' not people, and you clearly haven't been paying attention to anything that has been going on up to this point.  Fix supremacy first or GET THE FUCK OUTTA HERE WITH THAT BULLSHIT."

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

The COONeKKKtion

Disclaimer about the title of this piece(updated 8/7/15):

I chose this title because a lot of what has happened has been linked to a group called "coontown" a racist subreddit (geared towards tarnishing the images of Black people, as well as recruiting for Stormfront as shown below), which was located on reddit, but has since been banned in order to keep obtaining money from advertisers. That being said, let's jump right into this thing here:

The CCC (the Council of Conservative Citizens as mentioned in a previous blog ) supports Donald Trump. Their spokesperson, Kyle Rogers openly admitted it:

I don't know if anybody has been paying attention to the situation like that, but Donald Trump is gaining in popularity. People are supporting him left and right after his racist comments. (No surprise here),but who has been funding him? Is he using his own money? We don't really know exactly. But what we do know about the CCC and other affiliations is that they are responsible for any and all evidence of White victimhood. They are the ones that make sure they rile up their conservative subscribers,get them angry, and keep them angry. Angry like Dylann Roof. Angry like the flag wavers. Angry like the police in Ferguson, Angry like the subscribers of Coontown and Stormfront. People so angry that they dedicated their time to create a reddit sub geared towards slandering Black people and influencing how they are portrayed in the media. They are also responsible for how the events in Ferguson Missouri were portrayed. They also created the r/Ferguson subreddit and it also happens to be the creator and curator of a group of subreddits called "The Chimpire", which are geared towards keeping the image of American Black people in a more than negative light.

This person is also a moderator of r/media, which would explain why a site that calls itself "The Front Page of the Internet" would be a bit selective in allowing what information makes the news and what doesn't.
As you can see, There are several people happened to be the moderators of the media subreddit.  Not only that, Jewish_Neocon2 and 3 were the primary submitters and the creator of Coontown and "The Chimpire".  Proof below: 

It's quite a few and quite disturbing to a person who might not be familiar with this sort of thing, and it's all tied to one person:

This person also has a profile on Voat:

and Misleddit, a place where people could take any online images and manipulate them for whatever they should see fit. If you look closely at this link, you'll be able to notice that all submissions are from this same personal profile listed on Voat and Reddit.

Now, one would ask themselves, what kind of person would go through all of this trouble? Who has the capital and the wherewithal to do all of this? Where are they from? Well I asked the same questions, and I found out the following:

Before I divulge the details, I figured this has to be a network of many, many people invested in these activities. Now so far, we've linked Stormfront, Coontown, the Chimpire, and the CCC. Two of which were created by the person mentioned above, right?  We found that the CCC uses Stormfront's blog and Coontown to promote itself as mentioned in the Confederate Flag blog I wrote earlier.  From that, we already know the CCC's purpose is to create White victimhood by focusing on the rise of crime that took place in the 60's and 70's even though the aggressors have been tried and convicted.

Well apparently, the creator of Coontown has a server. And that server's name is "cejohnson13.com" :

  Apparently, the server belongs to this person:

The next question brings me to search that person a bit further. I came up with this:

Who does she work for? A LARGE BRANDING COMPANY out of Minneapolis Minnesota.

As seen in the Confederate Flag blog, I mentioned that Coontown was Dylann Roof's favorite place to visit online. He also mentioned the CCC in his manifesto,and the CCC also supports Dylann Roof as seen below. 

Not only that, Coontown was entirely responsible for many other actions, including Ferguson's Pants Up Don't Loot billboard that was supposed to be funded. In fact, they were hoping it would cause a "category 5 chimpout" (their words, not mine). This was also submitted to the captured Ferguson subreddit by Johnson. 

And the police in Ferguson were more than happy to spread the word and fund the billboard as well. 

Now when I said, "captured subreddit" I mean that as soon as something happens to Black people in a particular city, the names of the victims, and the name of the city gets created by someone on Reddit. From that point, the creator can influence what news gets broadcasted, and what doesn't.  Some of them are squatted on in hopes no one decides to use them, or they are intentionally kept empty. (The subreddits, r/BlackFathers, and r/BlackHusbands are the best examples of such.)  Here, Johnson, brags about taking over the Ferguson subreddit, as well as creating riot related subreddits:

TL: DR; We are looking at a large White Supremacist ring that has the ability to control the media, make laws, and has ties with local authorities, police organizations, advertising agencies and politicians. I had a sneaky suspicion that was the case, but nobody has pinpointed exactly who, what and where. And I've managed to take a peek inside.

Don't believe me? Look what happened in Ft. Lauderdale. Some officers thought it would be funny to make this video. Coontown expresses the same sentiments seen here.

 Now imagine police officers all across the country thinking the same way as the officers who made this video. You'll be surprised how common this thinking is and where it came from. That thinking existed in Ferguson and was evident throughout the entire judicial system in the state of Missouri. Not only that, there are citizens all across the country who think the same way, and many of them are associated with Stormfront, Coontown, the KKK,Neo Nazi groups,Northwest Front, etc. 

And some are trolling Black outrage in order to manipulate how they react. We see that through fake articles, photo shopped pictures, politicians pretending to care about Black people in order to win votes, as well as people using police videos like snuff films or torture porn, which reddit is guilty of the latter as seen in the list of subreddits affiliated with The Chimpire, also including a sub called "r/watchniggersdie". That being said, I wouldn't be surprised if the people writing the fake articles and the politicians are really affiliated with these groups either directly or indirectly (cough, Fox News, 4 and 8 chan, cough).

Not only that, they secretly want to hunt Black people, and will discuss how killing them with sterilization would be quieter, a tax break and 'less destruction of meat'. Now if my memory serves me correct, this is terrorism and thanks to Dylann Roof's actions, people supporting them via
advertisements have blood on their hands.

And George Soros helped fund it.

* Update. Coontown has been banned from reddit as of 8/3/15 and has moved to Voat. Substitute all "r/"s to "v/"s. 

Saturday, August 1, 2015

Ferguson Timeline and the politician's role in the current police brutality mess. Part 2


We went over who was involved in the racist e-mails, who was fired because of it, the conflicts of interest, who redacted info pertaining to racist material in the e-mails before handing them over to an archiving company, who was involved in the sifting, the search terms used to find the questionable material,the officer's roles in this, and how they all connect to the sources of funding.  Now we're focusing on what happened to the Missouri auditor:

We already know how the media was pushing for the "I committed suicide because I was being bullied for being Jewish angle, right?  Then it changed to, "He could have died because of interactions with medication".  But what mainstream media didn't account for was that the Missouri Auditor found several discrepancies in the budgets of several towns all across the state.

One of his findings was twenty eight city officials were caught embezzling money in Jefferson City, MO. He found that one tax collector stole $568,000 and a sheriff’s deputy took $18,000 from inmates accounts. Another person stole $568,000 from farmers paying off their taxes. This theft caused the farmers accounts to go delinquent, but the person who stole the money was giving them receipts saying their taxes were paid. According to the article, the state was only able to get half of the funds back to their perspective accounts, but only fifteen people have been charged with theft and only nine have been convicted.

The auditor found many many errors in budgeting all across the state, including the following cities and circumstances:

01/26/14 Audit shows that Missouri has excessive state planes." The auditor’s office says 19 is at least one plane too many. It found that only on 51 days out of those two years was the state’s passenger fleet used to capacity. On 459 days three or more of the six passenger planes sat idle, and all of them went unused on 69 days."

06/10/14-Webster County clerk, Billy H Breitenstein stole $17,677 by using a company credit card.

09/08/14- Governor Nixon's budget cuts were questioned, saying Nixon extended his powers by balancing the budget by barring $161 million in spending. He also said Nixon's budgeting process was inaccurate, and said the holding of said funds was illegal under the Missouri State constitution. The article also states:
Schweich contends Nixon violated that second constitutional prong, because he continued to freeze spending despite the fact that state general revenues slightly exceeded the revised estimate for the 2012 fiscal year.

The governor’s written response contends the “consensus revenue estimate” - agreed to by executive and legislative budget officials - is not legally binding and that governors must also consider other things impacting state revenues when making budget decisions.

Schweich countered that Nixon’s administration was “contorting and distorting the constitutional authority to allow them to do what they want to do.”

09/17/14-Neosho Mo mayor Jimmi Brown of Reddings Mill Mo, wrote checks for over $9000 in personal expenses.

09/30/14- FBI audit of St. Louis County Health department shows 3.4 million dollars being embezzled. The funds were used for child care, dog kennel services, landscaping, fast food, among other things.  However, it had been discovered that Edward Meuth, a Senior manager for the St. Louis County Health Department bilked millions of dollars from the budget over several years. He used the funds to create a company and he billed the county for services and goods it never received. He also lived in a 1.5 million dollar mansion and had an airplane while only making $86,000 a year from St. Louis County. He also procured four machine guns, luxury cars a motorcycle and used the funds for $200,000 in landscaping. It had been said that he committed suicide once he was caught.

The actual FBI audit had not been disclosed to the public. According to insurancenewsnet.com, "As of today, however, neither an explanation of how the $3.4 million fraud went undetected for so long nor the findings of an FBI audit completed for the county in January have been made public -- not even to members of the St. Louis County Council or the county's own prosecutor.

Only a handful of Dooley's closest advisers have seen any details about the embezzlement or January's audit.

One of those is Garry Earls, the county's chief operating officer."

However, there are questions as to who has seen the report, who has custody of it and whether or not the information could be released.

"Yet, the U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Missouri, Richard Callahan, informed the county earlier this month that the FBI had closed its investigation. The inquiry had not found "anyone, other than Mr. Mueth, who was involved in that criminal enterprise," he wrote in a June 2 letter to County Counselor Patricia Redington.

County officials insist they still are bound by federal authorities' request from January not to disclose the findings even though the federal investigation is over.

"The letter is self-explanatory," Redington said last week, referring to the Jan. 31 correspondence. "It has always been our policy to cooperate and follow the instructions of the FBI in any matter."

However, Rebecca Wu, spokeswoman for the FBI's St. Louis office, made clear Friday that it was now in the hands of the county, not the FBI, to release the audit information.

"The FBI conducted the forensic audit at the request of the St. Louis County Police Department. It is up to St. Louis County Police Department to release its investigation, not the FBI," she said."

County Police Chief Jon Belmar said last week that his department was about to wrap up a final aspect of its own investigation -- an examination of the texts and emails on Mueth's smartphone, desktop computer and laptops.

"We're waiting on the forensic analysis of the electronic equipment that might show if anyone else was involved in a conspiracy with Mr. Mueth or who might have benefited from the stolen assets," the chief said.

Belmar said the department expects to release its findings early next month."

(The article was written in June 30, 2014, and the findings have yet to be released)

Meanwhile, members of the County Council are questioning why Dooley's administration* has not disclosed information about January's FBI audit, which has been in the possession of top administration officials since February.

"They keep us out of the loop on everything," Councilman Pat Dolan, D-5th Distric, said. "We represent the people of the county, and we should know what's going on. We shouldn't have to hear it from a media outlet."

Council member Greg Quinn, R-7th District, said the lack of transparency was particularly troubling in light of the ongoing effort by Dooley to gain council approval for a $94,000 independent "forensic assessment" to help the county avoid a repeat of the scheme that permitted the fraud to go undetected for six years.

Even County Prosecutor Robert McCulloch -- who would have tried the case if the health department scandal had gone to trial -- says he did not learn of the audit until this month.

"I had no idea it existed," McCulloch said.

 *County Executive Charlie Dooley

10-09-2014 - An audit was launched for Ferguson and several other counties, highlighting excessive ticketing fees.  Mayor Knowles responded: “No matter what we did, he’s going to have to look at us. I understand that,” Knowles said. “Because we were the focal point. But we’ve got a good finance staff. And that’s something we’ve been cognizant of for years making sure we don’t have our fines and forfeitures get too high – especially not nearly high enough to be snared by the state law.

“And we’re making a commitment to go much further now even still,” 

10/10/14- Tom S. wanted to audit municipal city courts. They were expected to be audited in 2015. The point was to put a cap on ticket fees. Ferguson was on that list.

12/14/14- Ferguson increased ticketing in order to close the budget gap. Jeffrey Blume, Ferguson’s finance director says, "Even with the increased ticketing, a $4.09 million revenue shortfall will remain for fiscal 2015. The city will bridge that gap by drawing on its $10.3 million unassigned reserve, the last of its reserve funds. "

12/16/14- Dallas County Sheriff found using company car, violating the time off policy and handling evidence.

02/19/2015 A criminal investigation was launched on the St. Joseph School District based on the auditor's findings. 

Tom S was found dead on February 27, 2015

A suicide note dated March 27 had been claimed to be found at the spokesperson's home.  However, something doesn't add up. Here's the video of Captain Doug Shoemaker

04/16/15- Speculation of prednisone use was cause of the auditor's death

While listening to the video, Captain Shoemaker of the Jefferson City Missouri Police Department said, "I will not provide copies of the note, photographs of the note, I will read"... (then he stammers and says,) "I've written what it says and I will provide it verbally to you." at the 2 minute and 16 second mark.

According the note, it says, "I'm so sorry I just can't take being unemployed again". 

That's it. 

Now if my memory serves me correct, the spokesperson could be employed anywhere in the country. He would have no trouble obtaining employment. Why would he say he can't take being unemployed? That doesn't make sense. I suspect there is a cover up because the auditor was outspoken, and he did his job very well to the point where he found issues all across the entire state. As long as the auditor can not speak up, then his spokesperson could. And so the spokesperson had to be killed as well.

Not only that, Chief Jon Belmar, Robert McCulloch, and the County Executive Charles Dooley are involved withholding the FBI's findings, and the FBI's spokesperson said it should be available. Chief Belmar said it should have been available July of 2014.

It's still unavailable a year later.  

Ferguson Timeline and the politician's role in the current police brutality mess. Part 1

I know you're probably thinking I'm extra late, but there was a reason why I'm going back over this Ferguson situation. As we approach the one year anniversary of Mike Brown's death, a lot of issues haven't been addressed. From the looks of things, Ferguson is in worse shape than it started before Brown was shot. A lot of questions went unanswered, a lot of issues haven't been addressed, and a lot of subjects were left untouched. Even the Department of Justice was only able to scratch the surface, but there was more to meets the eye, so I decided to take a stab at it. I managed to bite off more than I could chew. Here's what I found: 

From the beginning, Mayor James Knowles managed to distance himself from all of the craziness that took place. What you see below is a picture of him at a party (he's wearing a green shirt in the circle to the far left).  

But look at the second circle. That's Darren Wilson, the officer who shot Mike Brown and was made an instant millionaire. In the second picture, you will see the person in the green circle is Mary Ann Twitty, (as seen in the green circle below) the person who was outed regarding the racist e-mails. Not only that, she was also accused of fixing traffic tickets for her colleagues.

Now before this happened, she did an interview saying that the e-mails went through the entire department, and come to find out, Ferguson contracted a company called Acumen Counsulting in order to filter their e-mails:

Here's the actual 52 page contract in pdf format.

In the document, there is an e-mail correspondence between Robert Wagnon, the president of the company, and Megan Asikainen, the county clerk regarding the need to redact information.

This particular exchange stood stood out to me  on page 16 of the pdf.  On the e-mail below,  Asikainen states the following : Our city Attorney will need to do some review and redaction. She saw your PDF was fine for her to work from as far as making redactions.

Now sure, I understand various sensitive info pertaining to health conditions, etc as mentioned by Wagnon would need to be omitted for obvious reasons, but what other information was omitted by Pam Hylton?  Could tampering with the case be exactly why she stepped down and then took a job in Richmond Heights?

Here, Wagnon asks for the governor's e-mail before anything else could happen.

It appears the Mayor Knowles is under investigation as well. 

Now, as mentioned earlier, Mary Ann Twitty said that the racist e-mails went through the entire department.

Here's the list of officers in a two part listing, with the second part mentioning the search terms. This is part 1

And this is part 2. Please note that Tim Allen is listed in part 1 as well:

But the St. Louis and the Ferguson Police department say otherwise through their COPTALK forum, meaning they had a LOT to say regarding the subjects surrounding the search terms listed in the above e-mail.:

Here, a user by the name of Judge Dredd publicly listed the criminal records of Mike Brown's parents.  If one were to do a search on the Case.Net listing complete with the series of numbers and letters below and the words "case.net", it pulls up Michael Brown Sr's criminal record.

After finding out about the protesters setting up a fake wedding registry through amazon.com, they refer to the protesters as domestic terrorists, and threaten to contact Amazon.com by calling them and writing a copy and pasted letter as indicated below. They were instructed to use their real names.
Here, they offer to give outdated armor to other cops "in the midst of battle" just in case. Later, the person thanks a man by the name of "Matt" for supplying it to a former Wellston police officer that previously had outdated armor..

Here they talk about how policing in the 70s was "fun" and that body cameras take the fun out of the job before insinuating about the economic conditions of the citizens.

One user who went by the name of "On the line" speaks about abusing prescription drugs, picturing the protesters naked, and doing the same for the police commanders.:
Another officer gives encouragement to On the line for abusing drugs on the job:

The officers also threatened the St. Louis Post Dispatch after a damning article was written that showed all of the eye witnesses accounts in the Darren Wilson case as matching. The article they referred to was copied and pasted into the forum as read below. At the end of the article, a user suggests the original poster, listed as "Unreal",  should click on another link in order to retaliate against the journalist for writing the article.

Here, a user by the name of "someone" lists the information for the CEO of the St. Louis Post Dispatch so they could complain to the office in hopes to get the journalist fired or reassigned. 

Now, add that to the things I already mentioned regarding to Ferguson in the Confederate Flag blog, and -The COONeKKKtion Blog-, (do a CTRL+F for the word "Ferguson in the COONeKKKtion section and  read the info on the Counsel of Conservative Citizens, or the CCC as shown in both blogs, then you will find how the entire thing was funded, who contributed to it, and where the funds came from (reddit, the CCC, and Stormfront,).  You will also see who is fueling this for political gain, whose eating it up, and whose trying to shut people up,which brings me to my next point: The mysterious death of the Missouri Auditor and his spokesperson.

To be continued...