In my last blog, I talked about street names named after Black people and memorials, and I'd like to expand on that a bit.
The following quote from that entry stood out in my mind:
"That's what's sinister about that word. Forgiveness. They want to be absolved from everything that took place. They want that validation after the fact. Validation and forgiveness are not interchangeable things to be used in order to shape and tailor a person's agenda to go in the "correct" direction."
Then I thought about what I said about validation:
"It was tried through Michael Brown's mother when she said she couldn't forgive Darren Wilson, so instead, the media paraded her support for Hillary Clinton as a different way of validating their fuckery."
I noticed it was also done with Trayvon Martin's mother, with Martin Luther King by Bernie Sanders, Black Trump supporters, and the usage of Black on Black crime:
"They want to blame Black on Black crime because they fail to see where it came from. Where did the idea that a Black life wasn't worth anything come from? How did that idea get there?
They will try to confuse you by putting the cart before the horse throughout the argument by using the same tactics designed to invalidate you.
And now, Black Lives Matter of Greater Atlanta decided to clear the air regarding the reputation they've gathered. This particular quote is what stood out:
"Because I hold 8 certifications in the field of Private security and Fugitive Recovery and because I am pro-law enforcement to some degree but ANTI- THUG COPS Black Lives Matter (the other chapter) is making false claims like I am "an agent of the state" or I am there to disrupt or tear down the black community. When it comes to law enforcement it is my position that ALL COPS ARE NOT BAD and of course as history has shown ALL COPS are NOT GOOD. If you are a good officer, I will support you 150% and if you aren't think natural consequences. The other BLM Chapter doesn't like our chapter because we share the belief that we must support good officers and get rid of the bad ones. Now one from BLM understands the dangers that LEO's endure when they put on that uniform day in and day out like I DO. As a professional certified security officer I have to work with LEO from different agencies. I don't sit around and drink coffee and eat donuts with them. I stay in my lane and they handle their business. Nothing more nothing less.
So...They basically said they are law enforcement.
Think about that. There are law enforcement branches of Black Lives Matter groups floating around out there.
Enter the Black faces in the establishment. The northern municipality of Pine Lawn is a great example. Recently, they decided to disband this police department due to corruption. Since this department is run by Blacks,they didn't disban Ferguson's police department first. But we now know why.
This is another one of those, "give the dog a bone" type "discoveries". But the master has trained them, so they were the ones who got caught up in the mix and were used for validation purposes. Meanwhile, St. Louis Post Dispatch asked if Pine Lawn was the poster child of dysfunction.
Enter the Black cop here.
This is one of the places they will be. If they aren't explicitly affiliated with Black Lives Matter, they are actual officers, organizers, etc, or may be given the role of being high profile people in the media. They will be found anywhere where particular folks wish to gain access to, so they throw folks up in the mix and see what happens.
The people who set this up are just seeking validation, and they're using all of these people as pawns. They do it by waving money, recognition, and fame in people's faces. These things are the same things they link to success. The media tells us what is successful, and tells us that we are supposed to go and seek it by any means necessary. So what do people do in order to achieve success? Anything to the point of allowing themselves to be thrown under the bus.
Enter negative media influence here, to the point of spending a lot of money on it.
But when all is said and done, once we figure it out, there will be no more buildings, street names and city memorials named after us.
We will not allow ourselves to participate in their attempts for validation in their perceived supremacy:
Because they really just want to revel in the fact they will do whatever they can in hopes to make us appear as raggedy as possible. They do that in order to achieve their dreams, and what could be more perfect than to name a stationary object after the person or people they tried to create insanity for?
They do it for viewing purposes.
And that's the portrait that master manipulators would love to paint. Amirite?
Showing posts with label #Ferguson. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #Ferguson. Show all posts
Tuesday, March 22, 2016
On Behaviorial Patterns: Validation
#BlackLivesMatter Greater Atlanta,
Pine Lawn Missouri,
Saturday, January 16, 2016
Taking Back Martin Luther King Jr's Legacy
Every time January 18th comes around, I often wonder what kind of Black shaming articles will surface, and to what degree will they be spread throughout the internet.
Now to the majority, this will be another year where we endure the money draped gossip spread against us through a person many of us have revered.
This year is different. I am compelled to discuss how we were effective in taking back his legacy.
During the aftermath surrounding Mike Brown's shooting in Ferguson, we endured people using MLK's legacy from people trying to shame us into behaving how they thought we should behave. If a person wasn't careful in recognizing this pattern, one would believe that would have been the point of celebrating Martin Luther King's legacy to the point where white nationalists have gone so far as to buy a domain geared solely for the demonization of Martin Luther King and his legacy. Even after the website in question had been outed as an illegitimate source, they will still take their time trying to defame him. But not anymore. During the unrest in Ferguson, so many people clapped back with his quote "A riot is the language of the unheard" to the point where articles like this one was created, claiming that his image has been corrupted by social media.
Even though his legacy is still undergoing attempts at being tarnished by those who are anti Black, it has become evident that people are still neglecting the reasons why he had to protest in the first place.
This lead me to believe the same people who decry the corruption of his legacy by social media are the same ones who failed to recognize the cause of the violence in Ferguson.
These are the same people who believe the turbulence happened out of the clear blue. These are the same people who thought everything was fine until "they" brought up race.
These are the same people who view themselves and people who look like them as innocent and could do no wrong.
These are the same people who glossed over the violence of White people during Martin Luther King's peaceful protests.
Long story short, if the documented violence of the state and the violence of White people past and present didn't exist, Martin Luther King, Rosa Parks, and many other noted Black activists would not have needed to protest because the issues would have been non existent.
And the Ferguson unrest would have not happened because the environment there, and many other places in the United States would not have taken place.
And that is what Martin Luther King really meant when he said that non violence would be the greatest weapon of the Negro. Because all of the violence that White people had inflicted upon them past and present would be glaringly strong. And it is strong, but many of us haven't been looking at it from a different angle due to justified anger and frustration of the whole thing. (Please remember I'm not saying roll over and take that violence that has been given to us.I'm just saying they'll never be able to use his legacy against us again because the evidence regarding White violence is all there.)
After seeing this and making all of the pieces of the past fit with the present, I came to this conclusion:
Martin Luther King to anti Black people is like Jesus for conservative politicians. They like the idea of him, but don't actually advocate for the things he actually said or taught and would more than likely hate the actual person.
That being said, Happy Martin Luther King day. Take this time to celebrate any way you see fit. And also, please remember to financially boycott that day, and re-divert your dollars to Black owned businesses.
And remember. Watch this video and pay special attention to what Martin Luther King says at the 3:15 mark. Aside from Martin Luther King dressing 'properly' and being non violent, this is why it won't keep you from getting arrested or murdered. I see you, RZA.
Now to the majority, this will be another year where we endure the money draped gossip spread against us through a person many of us have revered.
This year is different. I am compelled to discuss how we were effective in taking back his legacy.
During the aftermath surrounding Mike Brown's shooting in Ferguson, we endured people using MLK's legacy from people trying to shame us into behaving how they thought we should behave. If a person wasn't careful in recognizing this pattern, one would believe that would have been the point of celebrating Martin Luther King's legacy to the point where white nationalists have gone so far as to buy a domain geared solely for the demonization of Martin Luther King and his legacy. Even after the website in question had been outed as an illegitimate source, they will still take their time trying to defame him. But not anymore. During the unrest in Ferguson, so many people clapped back with his quote "A riot is the language of the unheard" to the point where articles like this one was created, claiming that his image has been corrupted by social media.
Even though his legacy is still undergoing attempts at being tarnished by those who are anti Black, it has become evident that people are still neglecting the reasons why he had to protest in the first place.
This lead me to believe the same people who decry the corruption of his legacy by social media are the same ones who failed to recognize the cause of the violence in Ferguson.
These are the same people who believe the turbulence happened out of the clear blue. These are the same people who thought everything was fine until "they" brought up race.
These are the same people who view themselves and people who look like them as innocent and could do no wrong.
These are the same people who glossed over the violence of White people during Martin Luther King's peaceful protests.
Long story short, if the documented violence of the state and the violence of White people past and present didn't exist, Martin Luther King, Rosa Parks, and many other noted Black activists would not have needed to protest because the issues would have been non existent.
And the Ferguson unrest would have not happened because the environment there, and many other places in the United States would not have taken place.
And that is what Martin Luther King really meant when he said that non violence would be the greatest weapon of the Negro. Because all of the violence that White people had inflicted upon them past and present would be glaringly strong. And it is strong, but many of us haven't been looking at it from a different angle due to justified anger and frustration of the whole thing. (Please remember I'm not saying roll over and take that violence that has been given to us.I'm just saying they'll never be able to use his legacy against us again because the evidence regarding White violence is all there.)
After seeing this and making all of the pieces of the past fit with the present, I came to this conclusion:
Martin Luther King to anti Black people is like Jesus for conservative politicians. They like the idea of him, but don't actually advocate for the things he actually said or taught and would more than likely hate the actual person.
That being said, Happy Martin Luther King day. Take this time to celebrate any way you see fit. And also, please remember to financially boycott that day, and re-divert your dollars to Black owned businesses.
And remember. Watch this video and pay special attention to what Martin Luther King says at the 3:15 mark. Aside from Martin Luther King dressing 'properly' and being non violent, this is why it won't keep you from getting arrested or murdered. I see you, RZA.
Black History Month,
Martin Luther King Jr,
mike brown,
police brutality,
Thursday, October 22, 2015
Ferguson Church Burnings..A Few Questions
So far, there have been five churches in the Ferguson area that have been burned*, and they've declared that arson is the culprit. That's a good thing, right? But most of the media has been silent on the matter. This doesn't exactly surprise me due to how the media has been as of lately, however I have a few questions:
Why don't these churches have security cameras? Churches are sprinkled throughout Black communities all across the country, but the ones that got burned don't seem to have any video footage of the folks who burned them. One would think that they would want their patrons and their buildings to be safe. However, I get the fact that churches are supposed to be open, sacred and safe on their own because of "Jesus" and whatnot, but these church burnings are proof that Jesus isn't really looking out for them like that. Now I can understand why the church buildings in the 50s and 60s not having any because they didn't actually have the technology for video cameras and such, but now?
I know I sound like an asshole right now, but I'm serious. All that money devoted to Jesus and they don't have the ability to provide security for their buildings?! This raises a question I've been asking since 1992, when I was first invited (read as 'forced') to go to church as a kid: Where is all of the money going?
When I was going to church, I noticed some of these pastors and their wives show up to service decked out in stuff I know my family couldn't afford. And some of these church members have to choose between Jesus, food, and medicine after all the bills are "caught up". What kind of bullshit is that?! They mean to tell me that the church can't help those members? After all of the money they gave, they can't extend a hand back to the people they serve? No matter how you slice it, these are some serious and grave failings. The church is supposed to serve the people. They're supposed to be able to help members who fall on hard times. They're supposed to care for the elderly, the sick, and alleviate impoverished conditions of the neighborhood in which they serve. But no. Like many Christian organizations in the United States, they want to retrieve revenue, and lead people into giving it to them. That being said, I don't exactly know the status of these particular churches, all I know is that none of them have presented any video evidence of the churches in the process of being burned.
I know what you're thinking... How can they show video if the building had been burned down? Well, there are many security options that would allow a person to view their property while away from the building. It could be viewed by using software on a computer, and they could be viewed using a cell phone. In fact many have services where you could log into a website designated for your security system and you could view the information any time, day or night. I wonder if anybody had anything like that set up, I mean after all that happened in the 50s and 60s, you'd think that would have been the route they would have taken in order to protect those particular Houses of God.
Now I understand what good comes out of the churches, and all churches aren't corrupt. And I know the majority of church members aren't using them for personal luxuries. BUT I'm just saying the churches should have some sort of video surveillance in order to make sure the churches continue to be safe havens for the people at the very least. As for me, I'll be waiting to see if there is any actual video footage. If not, then I can't really feel bad for the churches because they've bilked so many dollars from poor Black people only to finance themselves that I just don't have the energy to give a damn about the churches like that. If anything, this should cause a lot of Black people to drop out of Christianity all together because Jesus really isn't on their side if he doesn't want them to be safe, in good health, and spirit while worshiping him. I'm just saying...
*Update. The number of church burnings has increased to seven since this blog entry was written.
Why don't these churches have security cameras? Churches are sprinkled throughout Black communities all across the country, but the ones that got burned don't seem to have any video footage of the folks who burned them. One would think that they would want their patrons and their buildings to be safe. However, I get the fact that churches are supposed to be open, sacred and safe on their own because of "Jesus" and whatnot, but these church burnings are proof that Jesus isn't really looking out for them like that. Now I can understand why the church buildings in the 50s and 60s not having any because they didn't actually have the technology for video cameras and such, but now?
I know I sound like an asshole right now, but I'm serious. All that money devoted to Jesus and they don't have the ability to provide security for their buildings?! This raises a question I've been asking since 1992, when I was first invited (read as 'forced') to go to church as a kid: Where is all of the money going?
When I was going to church, I noticed some of these pastors and their wives show up to service decked out in stuff I know my family couldn't afford. And some of these church members have to choose between Jesus, food, and medicine after all the bills are "caught up". What kind of bullshit is that?! They mean to tell me that the church can't help those members? After all of the money they gave, they can't extend a hand back to the people they serve? No matter how you slice it, these are some serious and grave failings. The church is supposed to serve the people. They're supposed to be able to help members who fall on hard times. They're supposed to care for the elderly, the sick, and alleviate impoverished conditions of the neighborhood in which they serve. But no. Like many Christian organizations in the United States, they want to retrieve revenue, and lead people into giving it to them. That being said, I don't exactly know the status of these particular churches, all I know is that none of them have presented any video evidence of the churches in the process of being burned.
I know what you're thinking... How can they show video if the building had been burned down? Well, there are many security options that would allow a person to view their property while away from the building. It could be viewed by using software on a computer, and they could be viewed using a cell phone. In fact many have services where you could log into a website designated for your security system and you could view the information any time, day or night. I wonder if anybody had anything like that set up, I mean after all that happened in the 50s and 60s, you'd think that would have been the route they would have taken in order to protect those particular Houses of God.
Now I understand what good comes out of the churches, and all churches aren't corrupt. And I know the majority of church members aren't using them for personal luxuries. BUT I'm just saying the churches should have some sort of video surveillance in order to make sure the churches continue to be safe havens for the people at the very least. As for me, I'll be waiting to see if there is any actual video footage. If not, then I can't really feel bad for the churches because they've bilked so many dollars from poor Black people only to finance themselves that I just don't have the energy to give a damn about the churches like that. If anything, this should cause a lot of Black people to drop out of Christianity all together because Jesus really isn't on their side if he doesn't want them to be safe, in good health, and spirit while worshiping him. I'm just saying...
*Update. The number of church burnings has increased to seven since this blog entry was written.
church burnings,
civil rights movement,
Tuesday, September 15, 2015
Expanding on Random Thought #6- On Being "woke" and solutions
I saw this on my feed yesterday and I felt the need to say something about stuff like this:

My heart broke in several pieces, and I was in shock. I was in shock because the person who posted this picture used this woman's situation to shame her for her situation. The person who took this pic did NOT try to help that woman. They didn't try to find out who she was, nor tried to find out what's going on with her case, nor tried to get something set up so she'd be able to get her babies out of the street. But I know this picture is out here like that, and so is her business for the sake of shaming her and her situation. The person who took this picture is the problem. On top of that, somebody took this picture to put out a self serving meme to make them look like they're doing good. Instead, they got this woman's business out here like this. In the comments, some people went so far as to shame her for being pregnant as well. I went through as many shares as I could in order to find out some information on this woman to see if anybody knew who she was. I found nothing, so, I took it upon myself to do a Google image search (where you can save an image to your computer, and then drag and drop it into the Google image bar)and it turns out the picture is from the Dominican republic. She is Hatian and has been forced out of her country. But the person who took the time to type that caption over the pic for the purpose of shaming folks and getting likes is problematic.

My heart broke in several pieces, and I was in shock. I was in shock because the person who posted this picture used this woman's situation to shame her for her situation. The person who took this pic did NOT try to help that woman. They didn't try to find out who she was, nor tried to find out what's going on with her case, nor tried to get something set up so she'd be able to get her babies out of the street. But I know this picture is out here like that, and so is her business for the sake of shaming her and her situation. The person who took this picture is the problem. On top of that, somebody took this picture to put out a self serving meme to make them look like they're doing good. Instead, they got this woman's business out here like this. In the comments, some people went so far as to shame her for being pregnant as well. I went through as many shares as I could in order to find out some information on this woman to see if anybody knew who she was. I found nothing, so, I took it upon myself to do a Google image search (where you can save an image to your computer, and then drag and drop it into the Google image bar)and it turns out the picture is from the Dominican republic. She is Hatian and has been forced out of her country. But the person who took the time to type that caption over the pic for the purpose of shaming folks and getting likes is problematic.
Maybe, just maybe if people would quit doing this type of shit (taking pictures just to shame Black people instead of trying to help said people) something great could happen. But naw. People want to take pictures and put people's business out there like that under the guise of being "woke". On that note, today, somebody asked me the following: When did I first become "woke"?
That term is something I struggle with. Here's why:
I guess I could say it was in 2006. And it was a very slow and steady awakening. And I still can't say that I am actually "woke" because back then, I found out some stuff, and that was just the tip of the iceberg. I had no idea about what I didn't know. Looking back, I thought I was BIG. But now, I feel even smaller than before, and if I fast forward several years down the road and look back at 2015, I might say I was still asleep then, and I might say that I'm dumb now. I can't really call it.
These past few years have been very scary for me. They have left me feeling like the literary description of a person detoxifying off of hard drugs after many years of use. They have left me sick. They have left me tired, dried up, beat up, confused, angry, and a host of other feelings. I've been questioning a lot of so called "woke" people and the methods they've been using in order to try to wake people up. I've been feeling pissed off, irritated and depressed for a while now. And then this showed up on my feed:

I have to remember this myself. And it's a lonely road as well. And the more I learn, the more trouble I have.
BUT I think the problem could be with people who call themselves "woke" most of all. Because they want to be the teacher in some cases, but don't want to learn anything new. They want to be the all knowing one, but won't expand on it at times. I think those are the people I have the most trouble with. I think we need to learn to teach each other instead of going for the student/teacher role, which I feel may be a bit Eurocentric at best, because some of those who use that model will find a way to talk down to people they don't think that fit the description of awake. They look at those who aren't awake as "sheep" or "lesser than" and it shows in their teachings . That outlook is essentially enforcing Supremacy once a person gets right down to it because they want to reach down from their podium or pedestal and give to those they feel are "lesser" than them.
And the self proclaimed teachers aren't willing to accept questions raised by the pupils, should they decide to ask questions in the first place. It's like they just want the pupil to absorb information and agree with them for fear of making the teacher feel or look dumb because the pupil forced them to think as well. As a result, the teacher gets irritated with the student, and says something mean. They might cuss them out. As a result, nobody learns. The teacher thinks the pupils are dumb, and the student is left feeling like, "Fuck all of this. I'm through." And they tune out. Or should I say "drop out". And that right there is what we're dealing with.
This is the very same problem with the school system. They present this teacher, pupil , woke/sleep superior/inferior, subordinate/insubordinate model that we emulate unknowingly. We can all learn from each other. And we can learn from different approaches. We can ask questions, not to be mistaken as being contrarian, but to gain another approach or find a way to approach something from another angle especially due to the complexity of the topic. Now one must be careful not get that confused with someone who just wants to debate and not learn anything. Those situations are easy to spot, and can be weeded out.
For those who ask me what I'm going to do about this I'll tell them the following:
There are solutions sprinkled throughout this writing. Change the teaching method and people will learn better. I use this to teach children, and I learned it when both of my parents tried teaching me math. One of my parents tried to beat the lesson into me, and the other was able to successfully teach me in five minutes. I learned two lessons: I learned math, BUT I also learned to never ask the abusive parent for help ever again. The same thing happened with learning how to read. These methods could be used to teach anybody regardless of whether they are a child or a senior citizen as long as they are open to it. Teach them while they are young for best results, but always remember that grasping concepts is not something that should be limited to children. They will grow and their foundation will be strong, or they would be able to strengthen and repair that which is faulty. Make the lesson fun. Learn from each other. Accept questions. Look for answers together and share them with each other.
And for God's sake, whenever you see some posts like the first pic shown, do a Google Image search. Try to find out who they are and what's going on with said person. Don't shame them, and also find out any information you possibly can to help said person and to raise awareness. Relaying information and taking action could save several lives. If we all did this, the possibilities would be better than where we're sitting right now.
As far as the family in the first picture's situation goes, I'm not sure what we can do over there, when we have a lot of problems over here in The States. There's an old saying that if a plane is crashing and the oxygen mask comes down, we need to breathe oxygen first and then let other people use it. We've got to save ourselves before we can save others because we have to be alive to do it.
We also say it takes a village. We need the village back. And once we rebuild the village, we need the town, and the city. THEN we might be able to pool our resources together to build other countries, because we're hurting over here. We can't follow America's model. They run around without fixing their own shit first. Once we fix ours, then we can do that. Until then, we'll always be scattered and running around.
But where is the village? At this moment, it looks like our villages are online. But how do we make self sustainable physical brick and mortar villages without succumbing to: being priced out by overcharging for utilities and using that to seize property, absent landlords buying up property and letting it fall into disrepair so a big developer could buy it for cheap, driving up the taxes and push the original residents out?
That sort of thing has been done in several cities including Baltimore, Philadelphia, Detroit, and St. Louis. I think that right there is our biggest hurdle.
That term is something I struggle with. Here's why:
I guess I could say it was in 2006. And it was a very slow and steady awakening. And I still can't say that I am actually "woke" because back then, I found out some stuff, and that was just the tip of the iceberg. I had no idea about what I didn't know. Looking back, I thought I was BIG. But now, I feel even smaller than before, and if I fast forward several years down the road and look back at 2015, I might say I was still asleep then, and I might say that I'm dumb now. I can't really call it.
These past few years have been very scary for me. They have left me feeling like the literary description of a person detoxifying off of hard drugs after many years of use. They have left me sick. They have left me tired, dried up, beat up, confused, angry, and a host of other feelings. I've been questioning a lot of so called "woke" people and the methods they've been using in order to try to wake people up. I've been feeling pissed off, irritated and depressed for a while now. And then this showed up on my feed:

I have to remember this myself. And it's a lonely road as well. And the more I learn, the more trouble I have.
BUT I think the problem could be with people who call themselves "woke" most of all. Because they want to be the teacher in some cases, but don't want to learn anything new. They want to be the all knowing one, but won't expand on it at times. I think those are the people I have the most trouble with. I think we need to learn to teach each other instead of going for the student/teacher role, which I feel may be a bit Eurocentric at best, because some of those who use that model will find a way to talk down to people they don't think that fit the description of awake. They look at those who aren't awake as "sheep" or "lesser than" and it shows in their teachings . That outlook is essentially enforcing Supremacy once a person gets right down to it because they want to reach down from their podium or pedestal and give to those they feel are "lesser" than them.
And the self proclaimed teachers aren't willing to accept questions raised by the pupils, should they decide to ask questions in the first place. It's like they just want the pupil to absorb information and agree with them for fear of making the teacher feel or look dumb because the pupil forced them to think as well. As a result, the teacher gets irritated with the student, and says something mean. They might cuss them out. As a result, nobody learns. The teacher thinks the pupils are dumb, and the student is left feeling like, "Fuck all of this. I'm through." And they tune out. Or should I say "drop out". And that right there is what we're dealing with.
This is the very same problem with the school system. They present this teacher, pupil , woke/sleep superior/inferior, subordinate/insubordinate model that we emulate unknowingly. We can all learn from each other. And we can learn from different approaches. We can ask questions, not to be mistaken as being contrarian, but to gain another approach or find a way to approach something from another angle especially due to the complexity of the topic. Now one must be careful not get that confused with someone who just wants to debate and not learn anything. Those situations are easy to spot, and can be weeded out.
Google "Concern Trolling" to see what I'm talking about. Basically, it's when somebody asks a question or presents a situation they really don't want to know the answer to for the sake of feeling "right". A great example of that is, "Why can't there be a White only television channel? Black people have one. If we had one it would be racist."
Or it could come in the form of a backhanded comment or post. It could come in the form of passive aggressiveness. These are tools used to keep any real conversation or action from happening. As far as the first picture goes, not only does it enforce Supremacy, but it's a method of concern trolling because a bunch of people shared it but nobody tried to find out anything else about her.
For those who ask me what I'm going to do about this I'll tell them the following:
There are solutions sprinkled throughout this writing. Change the teaching method and people will learn better. I use this to teach children, and I learned it when both of my parents tried teaching me math. One of my parents tried to beat the lesson into me, and the other was able to successfully teach me in five minutes. I learned two lessons: I learned math, BUT I also learned to never ask the abusive parent for help ever again. The same thing happened with learning how to read. These methods could be used to teach anybody regardless of whether they are a child or a senior citizen as long as they are open to it. Teach them while they are young for best results, but always remember that grasping concepts is not something that should be limited to children. They will grow and their foundation will be strong, or they would be able to strengthen and repair that which is faulty. Make the lesson fun. Learn from each other. Accept questions. Look for answers together and share them with each other.
And for God's sake, whenever you see some posts like the first pic shown, do a Google Image search. Try to find out who they are and what's going on with said person. Don't shame them, and also find out any information you possibly can to help said person and to raise awareness. Relaying information and taking action could save several lives. If we all did this, the possibilities would be better than where we're sitting right now.
As far as the family in the first picture's situation goes, I'm not sure what we can do over there, when we have a lot of problems over here in The States. There's an old saying that if a plane is crashing and the oxygen mask comes down, we need to breathe oxygen first and then let other people use it. We've got to save ourselves before we can save others because we have to be alive to do it.
We also say it takes a village. We need the village back. And once we rebuild the village, we need the town, and the city. THEN we might be able to pool our resources together to build other countries, because we're hurting over here. We can't follow America's model. They run around without fixing their own shit first. Once we fix ours, then we can do that. Until then, we'll always be scattered and running around.
But where is the village? At this moment, it looks like our villages are online. But how do we make self sustainable physical brick and mortar villages without succumbing to: being priced out by overcharging for utilities and using that to seize property, absent landlords buying up property and letting it fall into disrepair so a big developer could buy it for cheap, driving up the taxes and push the original residents out?
That sort of thing has been done in several cities including Baltimore, Philadelphia, Detroit, and St. Louis. I think that right there is our biggest hurdle.
Wednesday, August 12, 2015
The COONeKKKtion
Disclaimer about the title of this piece(updated 8/7/15):
I chose this title because a lot of what has happened has been linked to a group called "coontown" a racist subreddit (geared towards tarnishing the images of Black people, as well as recruiting for Stormfront as shown below), which was located on reddit, but has since been banned in order to keep obtaining money from advertisers. That being said, let's jump right into this thing here:
The CCC (the Council of Conservative Citizens as mentioned in a previous blog ) supports Donald Trump. Their spokesperson, Kyle Rogers openly admitted it:
I don't know if anybody has been paying attention to the situation like that, but Donald Trump is gaining in popularity. People are supporting him left and right after his racist comments. (No surprise here),but who has been funding him? Is he using his own money? We don't really know exactly. But what we do know about the CCC and other affiliations is that they are responsible for any and all evidence of White victimhood. They are the ones that make sure they rile up their conservative subscribers,get them angry, and keep them angry. Angry like Dylann Roof. Angry like the flag wavers. Angry like the police in Ferguson, Angry like the subscribers of Coontown and Stormfront. People so angry that they dedicated their time to create a reddit sub geared towards slandering Black people and influencing how they are portrayed in the media. They are also responsible for how the events in Ferguson Missouri were portrayed. They also created the r/Ferguson subreddit and it also happens to be the creator and curator of a group of subreddits called "The Chimpire", which are geared towards keeping the image of American Black people in a more than negative light.
This person is also a moderator of r/media, which would explain why a site that calls itself "The Front Page of the Internet" would be a bit selective in allowing what information makes the news and what doesn't.
As you can see, There are several people happened to be the moderators of the media subreddit. Not only that, Jewish_Neocon2 and 3 were the primary submitters and the creator of Coontown and "The Chimpire". Proof below:

and Misleddit, a place where people could take any online images and manipulate them for whatever they should see fit. If you look closely at this link, you'll be able to notice that all submissions are from this same personal profile listed on Voat and Reddit.

As seen in the Confederate Flag blog, I mentioned that Coontown was Dylann Roof's favorite place to visit online. He also mentioned the CCC in his manifesto,and the CCC also supports Dylann Roof as seen below.

Not only that, Coontown was entirely responsible for many other actions, including Ferguson's Pants Up Don't Loot billboard that was supposed to be funded. In fact, they were hoping it would cause a "category 5 chimpout" (their words, not mine). This was also submitted to the captured Ferguson subreddit by Johnson.

And the police in Ferguson were more than happy to spread the word and fund the billboard as well.
TL: DR; We are looking at a large White Supremacist ring that has the ability to control the media, make laws, and has ties with local authorities, police organizations, advertising agencies and politicians. I had a sneaky suspicion that was the case, but nobody has pinpointed exactly who, what and where. And I've managed to take a peek inside.
Don't believe me? Look what happened in Ft. Lauderdale. Some officers thought it would be funny to make this video. Coontown expresses the same sentiments seen here.
Now imagine police officers all across the country thinking the same way as the officers who made this video. You'll be surprised how common this thinking is and where it came from. That thinking existed in Ferguson and was evident throughout the entire judicial system in the state of Missouri. Not only that, there are citizens all across the country who think the same way, and many of them are associated with Stormfront, Coontown, the KKK,Neo Nazi groups,Northwest Front, etc.
And some are trolling Black outrage in order to manipulate how they react. We see that through fake articles, photo shopped pictures, politicians pretending to care about Black people in order to win votes, as well as people using police videos like snuff films or torture porn, which reddit is guilty of the latter as seen in the list of subreddits affiliated with The Chimpire, also including a sub called "r/watchniggersdie". That being said, I wouldn't be surprised if the people writing the fake articles and the politicians are really affiliated with these groups either directly or indirectly (cough, Fox News, 4 and 8 chan, cough).
Not only that, they secretly want to hunt Black people, and will discuss how killing them with sterilization would be quieter, a tax break and 'less destruction of meat'. Now if my memory serves me correct, this is terrorism and thanks to Dylann Roof's actions, people supporting them via advertisements have blood on their hands.
And George Soros helped fund it.
* Update. Coontown has been banned from reddit as of 8/3/15 and has moved to Voat. Substitute all "r/"s to "v/"s.
I chose this title because a lot of what has happened has been linked to a group called "coontown" a racist subreddit (geared towards tarnishing the images of Black people, as well as recruiting for Stormfront as shown below), which was located on reddit, but has since been banned in order to keep obtaining money from advertisers. That being said, let's jump right into this thing here:
The CCC (the Council of Conservative Citizens as mentioned in a previous blog ) supports Donald Trump. Their spokesperson, Kyle Rogers openly admitted it:
I don't know if anybody has been paying attention to the situation like that, but Donald Trump is gaining in popularity. People are supporting him left and right after his racist comments. (No surprise here),but who has been funding him? Is he using his own money? We don't really know exactly. But what we do know about the CCC and other affiliations is that they are responsible for any and all evidence of White victimhood. They are the ones that make sure they rile up their conservative subscribers,get them angry, and keep them angry. Angry like Dylann Roof. Angry like the flag wavers. Angry like the police in Ferguson, Angry like the subscribers of Coontown and Stormfront. People so angry that they dedicated their time to create a reddit sub geared towards slandering Black people and influencing how they are portrayed in the media. They are also responsible for how the events in Ferguson Missouri were portrayed. They also created the r/Ferguson subreddit and it also happens to be the creator and curator of a group of subreddits called "The Chimpire", which are geared towards keeping the image of American Black people in a more than negative light.
This person is also a moderator of r/media, which would explain why a site that calls itself "The Front Page of the Internet" would be a bit selective in allowing what information makes the news and what doesn't.
As you can see, There are several people happened to be the moderators of the media subreddit. Not only that, Jewish_Neocon2 and 3 were the primary submitters and the creator of Coontown and "The Chimpire". Proof below:
It's quite a few and quite disturbing to a person who might not be familiar with this sort of thing, and it's all tied to one person:
This person also has a profile on Voat:
This person also has a profile on Voat:

and Misleddit, a place where people could take any online images and manipulate them for whatever they should see fit. If you look closely at this link, you'll be able to notice that all submissions are from this same personal profile listed on Voat and Reddit.
Now, one would ask themselves, what kind of person would go through all of this trouble? Who has the capital and the wherewithal to do all of this? Where are they from? Well I asked the same questions, and I found out the following:
Before I divulge the details, I figured this has to be a network of many, many people invested in these activities. Now so far, we've linked Stormfront, Coontown, the Chimpire, and the CCC. Two of which were created by the person mentioned above, right? We found that the CCC uses Stormfront's blog and Coontown to promote itself as mentioned in the Confederate Flag blog I wrote earlier. From that, we already know the CCC's purpose is to create White victimhood by focusing on the rise of crime that took place in the 60's and 70's even though the aggressors have been tried and convicted.
Well apparently, the creator of Coontown has a server. And that server's name is "" :

Apparently, the server belongs to this person:
Before I divulge the details, I figured this has to be a network of many, many people invested in these activities. Now so far, we've linked Stormfront, Coontown, the Chimpire, and the CCC. Two of which were created by the person mentioned above, right? We found that the CCC uses Stormfront's blog and Coontown to promote itself as mentioned in the Confederate Flag blog I wrote earlier. From that, we already know the CCC's purpose is to create White victimhood by focusing on the rise of crime that took place in the 60's and 70's even though the aggressors have been tried and convicted.
Well apparently, the creator of Coontown has a server. And that server's name is "" :

Apparently, the server belongs to this person:
The next question brings me to search that person a bit further. I came up with this:
Who does she work for? A LARGE BRANDING COMPANY out of Minneapolis Minnesota.

Not only that, Coontown was entirely responsible for many other actions, including Ferguson's Pants Up Don't Loot billboard that was supposed to be funded. In fact, they were hoping it would cause a "category 5 chimpout" (their words, not mine). This was also submitted to the captured Ferguson subreddit by Johnson.

And the police in Ferguson were more than happy to spread the word and fund the billboard as well.

Now when I said, "captured subreddit" I mean that as soon as something happens to Black people in a particular city, the names of the victims, and the name of the city gets created by someone on Reddit. From that point, the creator can influence what news gets broadcasted, and what doesn't. Some of them are squatted on in hopes no one decides to use them, or they are intentionally kept empty. (The subreddits, r/BlackFathers, and r/BlackHusbands are the best examples of such.) Here, Johnson, brags about taking over the Ferguson subreddit, as well as creating riot related subreddits:
TL: DR; We are looking at a large White Supremacist ring that has the ability to control the media, make laws, and has ties with local authorities, police organizations, advertising agencies and politicians. I had a sneaky suspicion that was the case, but nobody has pinpointed exactly who, what and where. And I've managed to take a peek inside.
Don't believe me? Look what happened in Ft. Lauderdale. Some officers thought it would be funny to make this video. Coontown expresses the same sentiments seen here.
Now imagine police officers all across the country thinking the same way as the officers who made this video. You'll be surprised how common this thinking is and where it came from. That thinking existed in Ferguson and was evident throughout the entire judicial system in the state of Missouri. Not only that, there are citizens all across the country who think the same way, and many of them are associated with Stormfront, Coontown, the KKK,Neo Nazi groups,Northwest Front, etc.
Not only that, they secretly want to hunt Black people, and will discuss how killing them with sterilization would be quieter, a tax break and 'less destruction of meat'. Now if my memory serves me correct, this is terrorism and thanks to Dylann Roof's actions, people supporting them via advertisements have blood on their hands.
And George Soros helped fund it.
* Update. Coontown has been banned from reddit as of 8/3/15 and has moved to Voat. Substitute all "r/"s to "v/"s.
Dylan Roof,
Dylann Storm Roof,
Saturday, August 1, 2015
Ferguson Timeline and the politician's role in the current police brutality mess. Part 2
We went over who was involved in the racist e-mails, who was fired because of it, the conflicts of interest, who redacted info pertaining to racist material in the e-mails before handing them over to an archiving company, who was involved in the sifting, the search terms used to find the questionable material,the officer's roles in this, and how they all connect to the sources of funding. Now we're focusing on what happened to the Missouri auditor:
We already know how the media was pushing for the "I committed suicide because I was being bullied for being Jewish angle, right? Then it changed to, "He could have died because of interactions with medication". But what mainstream media didn't account for was that the Missouri Auditor found several discrepancies in the budgets of several towns all across the state.
One of his findings was twenty eight city officials were caught embezzling money in Jefferson City, MO. He found that one tax collector stole $568,000 and a sheriff’s deputy took $18,000 from inmates accounts. Another person stole $568,000 from farmers paying off their taxes. This theft caused the farmers accounts to go delinquent, but the person who stole the money was giving them receipts saying their taxes were paid. According to the article, the state was only able to get half of the funds back to their perspective accounts, but only fifteen people have been charged with theft and only nine have been convicted.
The auditor found many many errors in budgeting all across the state, including the following cities and circumstances:
01/26/14 Audit shows that Missouri has excessive state planes." The auditor’s office says 19 is at least one plane too many. It found that only on 51 days out of those two years was the state’s passenger fleet used to capacity. On 459 days three or more of the six passenger planes sat idle, and all of them went unused on 69 days."
09/08/14- Governor Nixon's budget cuts were questioned, saying Nixon extended his powers by balancing the budget by barring $161 million in spending. He also said Nixon's budgeting process was inaccurate, and said the holding of said funds was illegal under the Missouri State constitution. The article also states:
Schweich contends Nixon violated that second constitutional prong, because he continued to freeze spending despite the fact that state general revenues slightly exceeded the revised estimate for the 2012 fiscal year.
The governor’s written response contends the “consensus revenue estimate” - agreed to by executive and legislative budget officials - is not legally binding and that governors must also consider other things impacting state revenues when making budget decisions.
Schweich countered that Nixon’s administration was “contorting and distorting the constitutional authority to allow them to do what they want to do.”
09/17/14-Neosho Mo mayor Jimmi Brown of Reddings Mill Mo, wrote checks for over $9000 in personal expenses.
09/30/14- FBI audit of St. Louis County Health department shows 3.4 million dollars being embezzled. The funds were used for child care, dog kennel services, landscaping, fast food, among other things. However, it had been discovered that Edward Meuth, a Senior manager for the St. Louis County Health Department bilked millions of dollars from the budget over several years. He used the funds to create a company and he billed the county for services and goods it never received. He also lived in a 1.5 million dollar mansion and had an airplane while only making $86,000 a year from St. Louis County. He also procured four machine guns, luxury cars a motorcycle and used the funds for $200,000 in landscaping. It had been said that he committed suicide once he was caught.
The actual FBI audit had not been disclosed to the public. According to, "As of today, however, neither an explanation of how the $3.4 million fraud went undetected for so long nor the findings of an FBI audit completed for the county in January have been made public -- not even to members of the St. Louis County Council or the county's own prosecutor.
The actual FBI audit had not been disclosed to the public. According to, "As of today, however, neither an explanation of how the $3.4 million fraud went undetected for so long nor the findings of an FBI audit completed for the county in January have been made public -- not even to members of the St. Louis County Council or the county's own prosecutor.
Only a handful of Dooley's closest advisers have seen any details about the embezzlement or January's audit.
One of those is Garry Earls, the county's chief operating officer."
However, there are questions as to who has seen the report, who has custody of it and whether or not the information could be released.
"Yet, the U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Missouri, Richard Callahan, informed the county earlier this month that the FBI had closed its investigation. The inquiry had not found "anyone, other than Mr. Mueth, who was involved in that criminal enterprise," he wrote in a June 2 letter to County Counselor Patricia Redington.
County officials insist they still are bound by federal authorities' request from January not to disclose the findings even though the federal investigation is over.
"The letter is self-explanatory," Redington said last week, referring to the Jan. 31 correspondence. "It has always been our policy to cooperate and follow the instructions of the FBI in any matter."
However, there are questions as to who has seen the report, who has custody of it and whether or not the information could be released.
"Yet, the U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Missouri, Richard Callahan, informed the county earlier this month that the FBI had closed its investigation. The inquiry had not found "anyone, other than Mr. Mueth, who was involved in that criminal enterprise," he wrote in a June 2 letter to County Counselor Patricia Redington.
County officials insist they still are bound by federal authorities' request from January not to disclose the findings even though the federal investigation is over.
"The letter is self-explanatory," Redington said last week, referring to the Jan. 31 correspondence. "It has always been our policy to cooperate and follow the instructions of the FBI in any matter."
However, Rebecca Wu, spokeswoman for the FBI's St. Louis office, made clear Friday that it was now in the hands of the county, not the FBI, to release the audit information.
"The FBI conducted the forensic audit at the request of the St. Louis County Police Department. It is up to St. Louis County Police Department to release its investigation, not the FBI," she said."
County Police Chief Jon Belmar said last week that his department was about to wrap up a final aspect of its own investigation -- an examination of the texts and emails on Mueth's smartphone, desktop computer and laptops.
"We're waiting on the forensic analysis of the electronic equipment that might show if anyone else was involved in a conspiracy with Mr. Mueth or who might have benefited from the stolen assets," the chief said.
Belmar said the department expects to release its findings early next month."
(The article was written in June 30, 2014, and the findings have yet to be released)
(The article was written in June 30, 2014, and the findings have yet to be released)
Meanwhile, members of the County Council are questioning why Dooley's administration* has not disclosed information about January's FBI audit, which has been in the possession of top administration officials since February.
"They keep us out of the loop on everything," Councilman Pat Dolan, D-5th Distric, said. "We represent the people of the county, and we should know what's going on. We shouldn't have to hear it from a media outlet."
Council member Greg Quinn, R-7th District, said the lack of transparency was particularly troubling in light of the ongoing effort by Dooley to gain council approval for a $94,000 independent "forensic assessment" to help the county avoid a repeat of the scheme that permitted the fraud to go undetected for six years.
Even County Prosecutor Robert McCulloch -- who would have tried the case if the health department scandal had gone to trial -- says he did not learn of the audit until this month.
"I had no idea it existed," McCulloch said.
*County Executive Charlie Dooley
10-09-2014 - An audit was launched for Ferguson and several other counties, highlighting excessive ticketing fees. Mayor Knowles responded: “No matter what we did, he’s going to have to look at us. I understand that,” Knowles said. “Because we were the focal point. But we’ve got a good finance staff. And that’s something we’ve been cognizant of for years making sure we don’t have our fines and forfeitures get too high – especially not nearly high enough to be snared by the state law.
“And we’re making a commitment to go much further now even still,”
10/10/14- Tom S. wanted to audit municipal city courts. They were expected to be audited in 2015. The point was to put a cap on ticket fees. Ferguson was on that list.
12/14/14- Ferguson increased ticketing in order to close the budget gap. Jeffrey Blume, Ferguson’s finance director says, "Even with the increased ticketing, a $4.09 million revenue shortfall will remain for fiscal 2015. The city will bridge that gap by drawing on its $10.3 million unassigned reserve, the last of its reserve funds. "
12/16/14- Dallas County Sheriff found using company car, violating the time off policy and handling evidence.
02/19/2015 A criminal investigation was launched on the St. Joseph School District based on the auditor's findings.
Tom S was found dead on February 27, 2015
A suicide note dated March 27 had been claimed to be found at the spokesperson's home. However, something doesn't add up. Here's the video of Captain Doug Shoemaker
04/16/15- Speculation of prednisone use was cause of the auditor's death
While listening to the video, Captain Shoemaker of the Jefferson City Missouri Police Department said, "I will not provide copies of the note, photographs of the note, I will read"... (then he stammers and says,) "I've written what it says and I will provide it verbally to you." at the 2 minute and 16 second mark.
While listening to the video, Captain Shoemaker of the Jefferson City Missouri Police Department said, "I will not provide copies of the note, photographs of the note, I will read"... (then he stammers and says,) "I've written what it says and I will provide it verbally to you." at the 2 minute and 16 second mark.
According the note, it says, "I'm so sorry I just can't take being unemployed again".
That's it.
Now if my memory serves me correct, the spokesperson could be employed anywhere in the country. He would have no trouble obtaining employment. Why would he say he can't take being unemployed? That doesn't make sense. I suspect there is a cover up because the auditor was outspoken, and he did his job very well to the point where he found issues all across the entire state. As long as the auditor can not speak up, then his spokesperson could. And so the spokesperson had to be killed as well.
Not only that, Chief Jon Belmar, Robert McCulloch, and the County Executive Charles Dooley are involved withholding the FBI's findings, and the FBI's spokesperson said it should be available. Chief Belmar said it should have been available July of 2014.
It's still unavailable a year later.
Not only that, Chief Jon Belmar, Robert McCulloch, and the County Executive Charles Dooley are involved withholding the FBI's findings, and the FBI's spokesperson said it should be available. Chief Belmar said it should have been available July of 2014.
It's still unavailable a year later.
Darren Wilson,
mike brown,
Tom Schweich
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