Showing posts with label police brutality. Show all posts
Showing posts with label police brutality. Show all posts

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Taking Back Martin Luther King Jr's Legacy

Every time January 18th comes around, I often wonder what kind of Black shaming articles will surface, and to what degree will they be spread throughout the internet.

Now to the majority, this will be another year where we endure the money draped gossip spread against us through a person many of us have revered.
This year is different. I am compelled to discuss how we were effective in taking back his legacy.

During the aftermath surrounding Mike Brown's shooting in Ferguson, we endured people using MLK's legacy from people trying to shame us into behaving how they thought we should behave. If a person wasn't careful in recognizing this pattern, one would believe that would have been the point of celebrating Martin Luther King's legacy to the point where white nationalists have gone so far as to buy a domain geared solely for the demonization of Martin Luther King and his legacy.  Even after the website in question had been outed as an illegitimate source, they will still take their time trying to defame him.  But not anymore. During the unrest in Ferguson,  so many people clapped back with his quote "A riot is the language of the unheard" to the point where articles like this one was created, claiming that his image has been corrupted by social media.

Even though his legacy is still undergoing attempts at being tarnished by those who are anti Black, it has become evident that people are still neglecting the reasons why he had to protest in the first place. 

This lead me to believe the same people who decry the corruption of his legacy by social media are the same ones who failed to recognize the cause of the violence in Ferguson. 

These are the same people who believe the turbulence happened out of the clear blue. These are the same people who thought everything was fine until "they" brought up race. 

These are the same people who view themselves and people who look like them as innocent and could do no wrong.  

These are the same people who glossed over the violence of White people during Martin Luther King's peaceful protests.  

Long story short, if the documented violence of the state and the violence of White people past and present didn't exist, Martin Luther King, Rosa Parks, and many other noted Black activists would not have needed to protest because the issues would have been non existent. 

And the Ferguson unrest would have not happened because the environment there, and many other places in the United States would not have taken place. 

And that is what Martin Luther King really meant when he said that non violence would be the greatest weapon of the Negro. Because all of the violence that White people had inflicted upon them past and present would be glaringly strong. And it is strong, but many of us haven't been looking at it from a different angle due to justified anger and frustration of the whole thing.  (Please remember I'm not saying roll over and take that violence that has been given to us.I'm just saying they'll never be able to use his legacy against us again because the evidence regarding White violence is all there.)

After seeing this and making all of the pieces of the past fit with the present, I came to this conclusion:

Martin Luther King to anti Black people is like Jesus for conservative politicians. They like the idea of him, but don't actually advocate for the things he actually said or taught and would more than likely hate the actual person.

That being said, Happy Martin Luther King day. Take this time to celebrate any way you see fit. And also, please remember to financially boycott that day, and re-divert your dollars to Black owned businesses. 

And remember. Watch this video and pay special attention to what Martin Luther King says at the 3:15 mark. Aside from Martin Luther King dressing 'properly' and being non violent, this is why it won't keep you from getting arrested or murdered. I see you, RZA.

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

That Police Pattern, Freedom of Speech, and Race Baiting

Apparently Douglasville Georgia's citizens are out of control. The Confederate Flag wavers have gone full retard again. They showed up armed to a Black child's birthday party and taunted his family by saying they were going to "Kill y'all niggers".  

I'd like to bring something to your attention. 
I knew about this, I saw the pattern, and I'm not really surprised about how this went down.

Notice how the police were busy telling the Black people to calm down when they should have been arresting the people in the vehicles? This is the pattern I've seen whenever these flag wavers pop up. The police are always protecting their "right to free speech", but are there to make sure the Blacks behave. I saw it in South Carolina, I saw it in Dawson Georgia (where the police blocked off the road so the flag wavers could roll through with their vehicles), 
or well anywhere a large number of Black people are, and here it is at a Black child's birthday party. 

And for those who say that we race bait, I'd like to tell them the following:

Just seeing the word, "Black" or seeing a picture of a Black person attached to an article is just enough for those who cry "race baiters" to get their underwear in a knot. They are the most butt hurt and easily offended group of people one would ever come across.

The truth is that they have a problem with Black people. They have to insert themselves into anything related to us even when it's online. They can't help but try to oversee what we're doing, they don't want us to assemble, they don't like it when 'too many' of us are together, they don't like the fact we want to do better for ourselves without their help. Whenever we try, they say things like "Where's our White Television channel?" or "If we did that we'd be racist." They spend such an enormous time worrying about what Black people are doing. In fact, terrorizing a Black child's birthday party is proof of the fact they're so worried about what we are doing that they are not above being petty and proud of it. They just haaad to ruin that kid's party as if they were twelve year olds with nothing better to do but to harass the little kids (because that's how they see Black people. AS. LITTLE. KIDS.)

The question I'd like to ask is, If they hate us so much, why do they keep inserting themselves into everything we do? From Rachael Dolezal and her failed transracial movement, to the random online troll comments, to the White person who wants to debate who and who can't say the N word, to the White rapper, to the guys at the child's party? They get off on being overseers and having the ability to police everything and anything we do, and it's just gross. Straight up and plain gross. 

So. I suppose this is the part where a person would say something like "If you don't like it, then go back to Africa". I'd say the following: Buy us all a plane ticket and please make sure the United States gives back all of the diamonds, the money from oil, the gold, the platinum , the palladium,etc. And they should come get all of their e-waste they dropped off in Ghana, and stop sending Monsanto's seeds over there. They should undo all damage done to the African continent since they feel so compelled to even think they have the audacity and the power to tell someone that in the first place. They should get all the way off of the high horse they created themselves, since they probably want to call me uppity for even "going there" in the first place. As well as give monetary compensation for attempts to hijack everything we do, and use it for themselves. Oh, wait.

And they STILL want to say Black people are race baiters.


Thursday, May 7, 2015

All Dogs Matter- Another police brutality post

Ok. In my area, there is a large concentration of White people vs any minority. I've noticed some stuff that occurs in my area in regards to police brutality. They are against police brutality in theory, but only if their dogs are involved. That's right. 


Yes, dogs. Because dogs are considered family members.

Lets be clear. I love dogs. I've had a total of 6 dogs in my life. I've trained them as well.

I'd be upset if the police shot my dog. BUT if they shot my dog and overlooked me, then I would be okay with that.

I can live without a dog. But there's no guarantee the dog would have a good life without me because I don't know where the dog would go, or how they would take care of it.

But why come (I have to say it like that) when the subject of police brutality against minorites comes up, all of a sudden I hear," Yeah, but dogs too. They get killed. They are shot for no reason, and I'm sick of it. They wouldn't want anybody to shoot their family member, and my dog is family. (Dog or dogs) is/are my baby/babies. (Dog or dogs) is/are like my kids." ?

All Black people want is to be treated like humans. That's it.

And then this real not satirical article came out with the following title:

Black Baltimore Residents Aren't "Animals", We Punish People for Killing Animals

I've seen people at anti police brutality rallies holding signs about killing their dogs. Most of these people were White and some were Brown.


Let me say, it's a goddamn shame that article had to be written in the first place. Really? Placing dogs above Black people is just inhumane. But anecdotes don't count as proof of what I'm talking about, so let me show you another article.

Apparently in Wykoff NJ police shot a five year old German shepard named "Otto" and now they're rallying against it.

Now the question I'd like to ask is, will the "pro police" crowd create something to counter the #AllDogsMatter rallies?  Would they come up with  t-shirts that say "All Dogs Go To Heaven" instead of the "I Can Breathe" t-shirts the NYPD wore so shamelessly? Or the "I Support Darren Wilson bracelets, and t-shirts." worn by the Ferguson, Missouri Police Department. Will they race to their pocketbooks in order to fund the officers that shot the dogs with the same fervor and zeal they showed for Darren Wilson?

Something tells me that I already know the answer to that question.

 Maybe that "All Dogs Go to Heaven" t-shirt would be just what people need in order to get them to stop killing us.

But nope, if anything gets done, I think they'll just stop shooting dogs instead.

On Police Brutality

I'd like to paint a picture for you:

I'm sure you've done some traveling where you'd have to visit an airport.

You know the part where they have to search you and have you go through the medal detector?

Well, let's say they make you spread your legs, they go inside of your pants. YES inside of your pants in order to make sure you aren't carrying anything dangerous. They touch you inappropriately, make you spread your butt cheeks apart, they make you open your mouth and take off your shoes. They even check your socks. They take off your hat, search it, and forcefully run their fingers through your hair. They do all of this while interrogating you about where you live, whether or not you're driving YOUR car even if the name on the licence and registration match), whether or not you have insurance, where you work, etc. This is also done when your car looks "too nice", meaning it looks like a car that "somebody like you" wouldn't normally be seen in.

What if you have a job that allows you to have that nice car? You get interrogated. They don't believe the car belongs to you so they run the plates AFTER they finish running your name and registration. Then they make you wait for another officer so they can search your car. They tear your car apart, find nothing, and leave you with the mess to clean up. 

Let's say it happens so much that you automatically "assume the position", which is where they make you turn around, face a wall (or something stationary) with your hands up, put your hands on the stationary object, and spread your legs far apart. And they keep pushing you to spread your legs further. And you can not spread them that far. Not because you are hiding something, but because you just aren't that flexible. And they keep pushing you around, grabbing you and telling you to comply even though you are already doing so. 

They insult you as they continue violating your personal space. They joke about it. They talk about you like a rare fish they caught over the weekend at the lake. They mock you.

And you can't do anything about it because if you move, they might kill you.

I'm sure you'd be royally pissed about that happening to you, right?
Well let's say that happens to you anywhere and without warning. You could be enjoying the sunshine by going on a walk, and all of a sudden the police show up and make you "let them" search you. 

Let's say you file a complaint against said officers. Nothing gets done and the officers are free to transfer into different departments. 

If you're unlucky, that report gets back to the officer. That officer decides to retaliate against you whenever you run into them again. 

^^ This is the sort of thing that happens in Black neighborhoods all the time. I've watched it. I've been searched before. Let me tell you. It makes a person feel dirty.

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Will Stack: I Know You're Young, BUT Courtesy Won't Save You

So apparently, a young man by the name of Will Stack weighed in on how a Black person should behave once they find themselves dealing with police officers. The people loved it. Here's a link to the article regarding how the response went viral. WMC Action News 5 - Memphis, Tennessee

Here's my take on it.

If the cop has it in his head that he wants to mess with you, he's going to do just that. Now, I was in a situation where I was arrested for a very short period of time. They took my mugshot and everything. I had a warrant for a very short time due to being out of state. Once I returned, I went to court and paid the fine. BUT not before the officers talked about me like I was a rare fish they caught last weekend while out on the lake. One had his hand on his gun, and was joking about the situation. I thought I was going to either get tazed and beaten, or killed, so I did what I thought would work in this situation: I looked at the officer whom had his hand on his gun. I looked at him dead in his eyes and then slowly looked at his gun, and then gradually raised my head to look at him in his eyes again. I paused and stayed like that for at least 30 seconds. He lowered his head as if he knew what I was trying to say. His smirk turned into a troubled frown, and he looked ashamed of himself. I remained cordial and calm. Long story short, they ended up just giving me a ticket and banning me from the area for a period of time. I never shopped at that mall again.

Needless to say, I could have been shot that day for selling cologne on mall property. I was in a situation where there were four cops in a small room. There was only one witness who could testify on my behalf, and I suspect that wouldn't happen, since she was only given a warning. I suspect that she would have just gone the easy route in order to save her own ass.

Now, granted, I shouldn't have been there. I should have been doing something else. BUT that doesn't give anybody the right to decide whether I should die or not based on the fact. I just find it funny that people will call a child abuser/molester , "troubled" and will want to seek help for said person, but will advocate death for someone who may or may not have stole some small item, had a broken tail light, not paying child support, or (insert any minor crime here).

Now they have this kid all up in the spotlight, telling people to be cordial to the police. They are making this kid some kind of poster child/young adult in order to further their agenda. They want to say "See? If he can do it, so can you. Just don't be rude to the cops." I will tell you that cops will kill you if they get it in their heads that they could, and you could be as cordial as you want to be. It doesn't matter.