Showing posts with label kkk. Show all posts
Showing posts with label kkk. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

That Police Pattern, Freedom of Speech, and Race Baiting

Apparently Douglasville Georgia's citizens are out of control. The Confederate Flag wavers have gone full retard again. They showed up armed to a Black child's birthday party and taunted his family by saying they were going to "Kill y'all niggers".  

I'd like to bring something to your attention. 
I knew about this, I saw the pattern, and I'm not really surprised about how this went down.

Notice how the police were busy telling the Black people to calm down when they should have been arresting the people in the vehicles? This is the pattern I've seen whenever these flag wavers pop up. The police are always protecting their "right to free speech", but are there to make sure the Blacks behave. I saw it in South Carolina, I saw it in Dawson Georgia (where the police blocked off the road so the flag wavers could roll through with their vehicles), 
or well anywhere a large number of Black people are, and here it is at a Black child's birthday party. 

And for those who say that we race bait, I'd like to tell them the following:

Just seeing the word, "Black" or seeing a picture of a Black person attached to an article is just enough for those who cry "race baiters" to get their underwear in a knot. They are the most butt hurt and easily offended group of people one would ever come across.

The truth is that they have a problem with Black people. They have to insert themselves into anything related to us even when it's online. They can't help but try to oversee what we're doing, they don't want us to assemble, they don't like it when 'too many' of us are together, they don't like the fact we want to do better for ourselves without their help. Whenever we try, they say things like "Where's our White Television channel?" or "If we did that we'd be racist." They spend such an enormous time worrying about what Black people are doing. In fact, terrorizing a Black child's birthday party is proof of the fact they're so worried about what we are doing that they are not above being petty and proud of it. They just haaad to ruin that kid's party as if they were twelve year olds with nothing better to do but to harass the little kids (because that's how they see Black people. AS. LITTLE. KIDS.)

The question I'd like to ask is, If they hate us so much, why do they keep inserting themselves into everything we do? From Rachael Dolezal and her failed transracial movement, to the random online troll comments, to the White person who wants to debate who and who can't say the N word, to the White rapper, to the guys at the child's party? They get off on being overseers and having the ability to police everything and anything we do, and it's just gross. Straight up and plain gross. 

So. I suppose this is the part where a person would say something like "If you don't like it, then go back to Africa". I'd say the following: Buy us all a plane ticket and please make sure the United States gives back all of the diamonds, the money from oil, the gold, the platinum , the palladium,etc. And they should come get all of their e-waste they dropped off in Ghana, and stop sending Monsanto's seeds over there. They should undo all damage done to the African continent since they feel so compelled to even think they have the audacity and the power to tell someone that in the first place. They should get all the way off of the high horse they created themselves, since they probably want to call me uppity for even "going there" in the first place. As well as give monetary compensation for attempts to hijack everything we do, and use it for themselves. Oh, wait.

And they STILL want to say Black people are race baiters.


Thursday, November 14, 2013

Random Thought #3

Ok, I thought I'd come back again with another random thought. My mind is usually pretty busy and in between my rants and raves about all of the stuff you find here, sometimes I draw parallels to various things. Some are funny, some may be need to drawn out using discussion. Speaking of such, I've got two thoughts to bring to the table. I'll have to preface this one by saying that just because I thought about it and put the ideas together doesn't mean I believe it. I'm just pointing out the double standard here:

Calling all Muslims terrorists and hating them based on their clothes (burkas) and what extremists have done is crazy. Using that logic*, Black people should hate all White people because klansmen were White, and they committed atrocities based on religious beliefs. Therefore, White people look like klansmen, and all of them must be terrorists.

Again, please note, the key words in the observation are "USING THAT LOGIC". The last thing I need to do is argue with somebody who failed to fully read what I'm saying here. That being said, here is my other random thought in reference to the idea of Christian heaven:

I wonder if there are mansions in the Christian version of "heaven" and if I get there and end up with my own mansion, who is going to clean all of those rooms, and why is the ideal lifestyle in heaven the same as a rich person on Earth? What would a dead person do with the "riches" they get in heaven? Is there a shopping center up there or something? Does heaven have a "maintenance crew"? Is heaven really a gated community that people have been paying "homeowner's fees" for whenever they attend church? 

Maybe somebody can answer the second one for me, however I encourage dialogue for both thoughts. What do you say about these thoughts of mine? Could there be any truth to them?

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

The Zimmerman Verdict Was NOT About Race- Oh Really?

I found this news story that took place in Springfield Mo.  Apparently the Klan is looking for people to start a neighborhood watch program. They have taken to handing out fliers that contain a phone number for people to call in case their neighborhood isn't safe.  What does that mean exactly? What criteria are they looking for in order to decide who is suspicious or not? The video says that they will look at anyone who looks suspicious even if they are White.  Call me a pessimistic Pete, but I hardly think they would do such a thing. Their goal is to get the chance to hunt down anybody who doesn't look like them, point blank (no pun intended).  I guess people really thought everything was fine. If everything is so fine and dandy, why do we still  have the KKK? People are going to say, "Well, the Black Panthers exist...bla...bla..bla..".  Well, the Black Panthers were started up to directly counter the police brutality based on race that existed and continue to exist. In fact, they started out giving (that's right, giving) free breakfast to poor kids in Oakland California. That was until Lyndon B Johnson saw them as a threat,so he created several programs to undermine the leadership of the Black Panther Party, which included surveillance, using undercover agents, harassment and various other tactics to break them apart. And to add to the last straw, crack was introduced to the neighborhoods, and it was GAME OVER for the Panthers.  But wait, the Klan doesn't exist like they used to. They have changed their mission, and they actually want all people of different races to exist. They are for diversity. Which is why they want everyone separated. It's why they speak so much hate for other races of people, it's why they have such an online presence. It's why several hate threads like r/niggers (which could be found on reddit), and forums like,, and chimpout have existed for so long and allowed to have such a huge following. People say things like "We've sooo gotten over all of that race stuff. What's wrong with you? Why can't you people just 'get over it' already?"  <<Get The Fuck Outta Here with that bullshit. I will when you will, plain and simple.