Showing posts with label white republicans. Show all posts
Showing posts with label white republicans. Show all posts

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Random Thought #3

Ok, I thought I'd come back again with another random thought. My mind is usually pretty busy and in between my rants and raves about all of the stuff you find here, sometimes I draw parallels to various things. Some are funny, some may be need to drawn out using discussion. Speaking of such, I've got two thoughts to bring to the table. I'll have to preface this one by saying that just because I thought about it and put the ideas together doesn't mean I believe it. I'm just pointing out the double standard here:

Calling all Muslims terrorists and hating them based on their clothes (burkas) and what extremists have done is crazy. Using that logic*, Black people should hate all White people because klansmen were White, and they committed atrocities based on religious beliefs. Therefore, White people look like klansmen, and all of them must be terrorists.

Again, please note, the key words in the observation are "USING THAT LOGIC". The last thing I need to do is argue with somebody who failed to fully read what I'm saying here. That being said, here is my other random thought in reference to the idea of Christian heaven:

I wonder if there are mansions in the Christian version of "heaven" and if I get there and end up with my own mansion, who is going to clean all of those rooms, and why is the ideal lifestyle in heaven the same as a rich person on Earth? What would a dead person do with the "riches" they get in heaven? Is there a shopping center up there or something? Does heaven have a "maintenance crew"? Is heaven really a gated community that people have been paying "homeowner's fees" for whenever they attend church? 

Maybe somebody can answer the second one for me, however I encourage dialogue for both thoughts. What do you say about these thoughts of mine? Could there be any truth to them?

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

“South Side” Woman Writes Martin Luther King Inspired Letter To White Republicans- Someone Please Call 9-11 (In My Wyclef Jean voice)

Something told me that sooner or later all of the fools would flock to the internet to take their stabs at Blacks after the commemoration of the 50th Anniversary of the March on Washington.   I just wondered how long it would actually take. I began to imagine how many so called "well rounded" White people have decided to replay that infamous Boondocks episode where MLK came out of his coma so they could wait with baited breath to hear him cuss out Black people just like they dreamed of doing but never dared to out of fear.  Now they have the luxury to watch it again and again, and say things like, "See? I was right." while showing it off to their frat brothers and like minded progressive friends who have missed the point yet again.   By then, I was angry before, but I had started to get mad, so I consciously tried to erase that image out of my head so I could continue working towards something positive.

After reading and listening to Joe Walsh spit his predictable bullshit, and revisiting my anger,  I was pleasantly surprised to see this letter written by Kathy Henry.

Oh. My. God.  Oh Lawd Jesus it's a fire!

All I can say is that I don't think I could have said it better myself. From the looks of it, there are no comments yet, so I could imagine what would happen next. Heads will explode when they read this letter. Shrapnel will be everywhere. People will be stammering in their speech, and left feeling flabbergasted, and they will be left looking red in the face.  Now I have never heard of this woman, and I don't know what she does, but she was very on point with it. I salute her. In fact, I'm going to drink a bit of wine and celebrate what she said because she straight up ROASTED them.

And if that doesn't take the cake, Joe Walsh's ignant ass had the NERVE to owe $117,437 in child support.  <<This mutha fucka here..... was talking big shit on Black families not having fathers, and he can't even pay child support?!  I don't know about you guys, but I don't know anybody who ever owed that much money in back child support in their entire lives up to this point. Looks like somebody's projecting a bit.  And this fool made a lot of money (and probably still does).    Check the 7:25 mark on this video.  He almost lost his mind when Martin Bashir put him on blast, lol!

I just had to throw that out there.

As for the woman who fired shots at White Republicans, more power to you. Not only did you touch White republicans, you touched everybody who wants to throw Blacks under the bus whenever they see fit.   I'm looking at  Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity, Bill O'Reiley, Howard Stern (and don't give me that 'he's Jewish so he doesn't count' crap,) Bobby Jindal and anybody else who loves to share those sentiments, especially if they are Brown, Yellow, or Black.

Kathy Henry, I raise my glass to thee.