Showing posts with label black people. Show all posts
Showing posts with label black people. Show all posts

Monday, June 20, 2016

Orlando Shooting and Isis

Look at this thing closely:

The media is going to try to align Black people with the shooter, claiming we were Isis supporters because the shooter said he didn't have a problem with Black people and that we've suffered enough. 

I saw this coming back when the media called the black protestors "terrorists" in ‪#‎ferguson‬. Isis aint real. Have you ever wondered how poor countries get the funds for all of those weapons? Guess what. America gives them to them and provides training to the people. Thats where all of our old military weaponry goes. A lot of politicians (Clintons) have money invested in it. All this war shit is fake. It's nothing but revenue retrieving, plain and simple. They have to manufacture the war and televise their narrative of it so they can keep the power. That's all they're doing.

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Whose Defending Rachael Dolezal and Why

Ok. I know you're tired of hearing about this woman, but I promise this is going to be my last post about her. A lot of people have jumped all over themselves to defend this woman. Now I already mentioned those supportive of the #Transracial movement and what their motives are, but here's a flip side that no one has explored. The twist is that it has a lot in common with that movement and here's why:

I said that the transracial movement is about the attempt to redefine what race means, and how it's really about White Supremacy. Look deeply at who is defending her and why. I already addressed what White and non Blacks have invested in Rachael Dolezal, but what about Black people who share the same sentiment? 

The same people who defend her are the same ones who:

  1. Believe that those were Michael Jackson's biological kids.
  2. Gave such a pass to Bill Clinton because he "got head" under the desk of his White House office while he was president.
  3. Let their White and other non Black friends say "Nigga" because they were the ones who gave them permission.
  4. Didn't feel "Black enough" in the first place because other kids called them "sell out", "oreo", etc "because smart equals 'wanna be White'."
  5. Married a light skinned person in hopes their children wouldn't be dark skinned like themselves.
  6. Have a complex about Black women, but have voiced it through various negative behaviors towards them.
  7. The ones who want to be accepted so bad by White people that they use the "black on the inside" argument to appease them.
  8. The ones who secretly believe that White women are fragile and need to be coddled, cared for and protected.
     9. The ones who are afraid of White backlash against them. (job, etc)

Long story short, these people wanted to be accepted by White people so bad that they will compromise all and anything in order to feel better about themselves.  For those who say otherwise really need to GET THE FUCK OUTTA HERE! Here's why:

Take a look at any and all anti Black propaganda. They told us our hair is bad. They told us that we are dumb and that education is for White people since it was once illegal for Black people to read or write. As a result, sometimes kids who got gassed up by their parents and other adult relatives, took "being smart" too far to the point where they alienated their peers. The kid might have just been socially awkward,which caused them to feel angry about the experience. This could have caused the kid to resort to sticking their nose in a book and claiming that people don't like them because of their intelligence, when in reality, they were just a cornball ass kid that annoyed the hell out of people.

They told us our complexion is bad and that a lighter tone is better and more approachable if you're born Black (see one drop rule), so darker Black people married lighter Black people in hopes the children weren't as dark. They told us that Black women are loose, hoes who deserve what they get if they look "seductive"via history, rap music, etc, so men cat call and treat women like shit when they get rejected. As a result, many many slurs were invented to portray women and those slurs are littered throughout our music. The mainstream music thrives on Black shaming, denigration, and belittlement while so called lyrical artists remain overlooked. The media enjoys parading Black people who shame their own in order to promote and keep anti Black sentiments.

As a result, this creates insecurity, vulnerability, a low self esteem, and resentment, which leads me to the following observations. 

Now people have been talking about this so much, BUT they've been focusing on the wrong things. They want to compare her with Black women wearing blonde weave, skin bleaching, and straightening their hair. But this argument goes back to how they didn't fabricate entire racial identities to live lives as White people, nor did they fabricate hate crimes.

They want to bring up Black women in interracial relationships. They want to talk about how Black women in said relationships can not be pro Black, while comparing that Black woman to Rachael and her antics while ignoring her husband's role in the whole thing. In fact, he was complicit in the whole thing and is just as guilty as Rachael is. 

But they fail to understand that none of the other women and men in interracial relationships tried to fake an identity to the point of accusing people of rape and hate crimes while wearing Blackface.
Those men and women went through life as their birth race. Not only that:

People have been trained to view White women as weak, fragile and needing to be protected. This is why they cape for her so bad. They echo what they've been taught to believe and they don't even know it.  But I see exactly what they're doing and why...

Like I said before, believing in the legend of White Supremacy will make a person do strange things, including calling this woman "a diamond without all of the blood behind it." <<Yes. Her husband actually said that. 

I'm done.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Ethnic Minorities Deserve Safe Spaces Without White People

Alright, here we go. This article with the same title of this blog entry, was put on my radar a couple of days ago. I left it alone because it stated the obvious for me, but here's the thing.
People (as you could probably see in any discussion where this article pops up) have a problem with the idea.

Yes. People have a problem with the idea that ethnic minorities should have a space for them. They think this article is pro segregation and is divisive to the so called 'melting pot' that is America.

Well, as predicted, I'm going to tell them to GET THE FUCK OUTTA HERE WITH THAT BULLSHIT AND SIT AAAALL THE WAY DOWN. My target audience already knows why, but I'll tell anyone else who may be reading this in case they don't know.:

Any time a minority seeks to belong to a group that caters to their interests, lo and behold, some "well  meaning" White person has to interject, and say something like :

"If White people did this, it would be considered racist. Why can't White people deserve to have safe spaces without minorities?"

Here's why:

There are many places that cater towards a White only audience. White is considered a general norm. They can turn on any television show and feel represented in many lights. There are restaurants that serve food targeted for White audiences that exist (Irish pubs for example), and they can feel at ease whenever they go anywhere.

But what they fail to realize is that anybody could go and spend money in any establishment geared towards another ethnicity.
It seems the only time they have problems is when Black people seek safe spaces. 

Here's the thing:

Nobody is forcing White people to visit clubs, business, etc that cater towards Black people. No one is forcing them to tune in to BET (which serves as a go to argument for those who want a White Entertainment Television channel). In fact, Telemundo is a channel geared towards people who speak Spanish. If I wanted to brush up on my Spanish, I am free to watch it. Again, nobody is forcing people to watch Telemundo against their will.  All of these things, and spaces are optional.

And that's the point. 

In a country where a person may be made to feel isolated, it feels nice to have your own "safe space" where you can let your hair down so to speak. This is a luxury afforded by many White people. They can go anywhere and feel invited because their whiteness in the United States has been set as the norm. However, this luxury had been denied time and time again when it came to the needs of Black people.

This goes back to what I've said before regarding Black businesses:

No one balks about other nationalities starting businesses that cater to them. No one balks when people of Asian descent start up their own businesses. In fact New York has a prominent Hadisic Jewish neighborhood that caters to the needs of Hadisic Jews. And yet, no one has called any of them racist. In fact, these neighborhoods are looked at as tales to tell the rest of the world that they too, can make it in America. It's just that when Black people want a taste of the American dream, they get deemed as racist and chided for wanting to cater to their own people. And that includes the feelings towards the desire for Black people to want our own safe spaces. 

Even when Black people expressed outrage regarding excessive killings by police, someone somewhere decided that #AllLivesMatter instead of #BlackLivesMatter.  



It's like they're saying the following, "We really need to stop their little protest and correct them because ALL lives matter, and not just Black lives! Why are they not acknowledging us too?" 

And you're left standing there looking at them like this.

And whenever Black people go online, faceless users decide it's okay to hurl racial slurs when playing video games, send death and or rape threats, and hack into their computers to obtain personal information, in hopes they can expose you and maybe find out where you live. Or they'll just do the old fashioned thing and troll their spaces with racism, and/or by asking deliberately obtuse questions that reflect their biases. Reddit's blackladies forum experienced that on many many occasions, and it could be seen in other fine sections of reddit. One of which is called "The Chimpire", which is plethora of subreddits * dedicated towards the hatred of Black people. I mean, they even took the time to create mock subreddits with similar layouts of the original Black subreddits they were mocking in the first place. They even troll the internet in order to fabricate Black stories as well as pretend they're Black in order to disguise their slander.

Now if all that doesn't make a race or subset of people feel unsafe among the majority race or subset, then I don't know what to tell you. 

Why don't they just go ahead and admit that anything centered towards Black people will be met with hostility and the fact that its possible for such spaces to exist makes them feel nervous and they'll be forced to deal with some issues they are too afraid to touch.

And that's really why they're uncomfortable with the idea in the first place.

But then if they admit it, they'll look like a "bunch of pussies", so their only option is to keep the fuckery alive instead of address those underlying issues, I guess, which makes them well... look like a "bunch of pussies".

Maybe that's the Catch  22.

*As of 8/21/15, The Chimpire has gone private, meaning one must sign up in order to make posts or become a member. This change has been brought to us by reddit's quarantine program. It's where the formerly public subreddits have been given a "safe space" on reddit.  Meanwhile, r/blackladies, whose motto is literally "a safe space" enjoys the treat of more harassment.

Friday, May 8, 2015

Black Women, Depression and the "Strong Black Woman" trope.

Okay. I saw this article regarding how Black women are pressured into being superwoman all the time and how it affects us. One of those ways it affects us is that it shows up in the form of depression. It doesn't explain why we become depressed, so I'll tell you.

America created the "Strong Black Woman".  We have to endure, thrive and live. We face a lot of obstacles while living in this country. We have to navigate everything and everywhere, and deal with a lot of foolishness. Some days, it's like, "What kind of bullshit I'm going to have to deal with today?" So we act accordingly. We lose our tempers, we get cagey. We try to ‪survive‬. Now, the "Strong Black Woman" has turned into a racist trope. You can see the trope online and on tv. They're trying to make us look like crazy hoodrat type people. They mock us, and when they talk to us, they start rolling their eyes and necks. And they put on this "voice" they think we all sound like. That's a bunch of bullshit right there. They wonder why we are mad. Well, if we didn't have to deal with a bunch of straight up ignorance then we wouldn't be mad. And now this article comes out.

As a person who has to deal with depression, I understand this article. BUT one has to examine why a lot of us experience depression and anxiety. It's because of the world we live in. Our hairstyles, names, and addresses determine whether we get the job interview. We're lucky when we get the job in the first place. And when we get the job, we have to deal with ‪fuckery‬. Sometimes the work environment can get hostile, so we get depressed because it happens everywhere we go. It's supposed to be a joke that we should be able to take. We are tired. We are tired of the bullshit we have to endure because somebody wants to make jokes.

We can disagree with someone and all of a sudden we're aggressive, or rude. The same thing happens when we bring up different ways to handle something. They expect us to smile and nod. We are only there for the background. And if we look good enough (where "enough" is subjective), they might take a picture for their pamphlets. This happens everywhere. And it weighs down on you.

I should know.

For those who have turned the "Strong Black Woman" into an online meme and or trope, I 'd have to tell them to GET THE FUCK OUTTA HERE WITH THAT BULLSHIT.

That goes for all and any media outlets out there who wish to make fools of us for trying to exist in a circumstance THEY created.

Thursday, May 7, 2015

On Police Brutality

I'd like to paint a picture for you:

I'm sure you've done some traveling where you'd have to visit an airport.

You know the part where they have to search you and have you go through the medal detector?

Well, let's say they make you spread your legs, they go inside of your pants. YES inside of your pants in order to make sure you aren't carrying anything dangerous. They touch you inappropriately, make you spread your butt cheeks apart, they make you open your mouth and take off your shoes. They even check your socks. They take off your hat, search it, and forcefully run their fingers through your hair. They do all of this while interrogating you about where you live, whether or not you're driving YOUR car even if the name on the licence and registration match), whether or not you have insurance, where you work, etc. This is also done when your car looks "too nice", meaning it looks like a car that "somebody like you" wouldn't normally be seen in.

What if you have a job that allows you to have that nice car? You get interrogated. They don't believe the car belongs to you so they run the plates AFTER they finish running your name and registration. Then they make you wait for another officer so they can search your car. They tear your car apart, find nothing, and leave you with the mess to clean up. 

Let's say it happens so much that you automatically "assume the position", which is where they make you turn around, face a wall (or something stationary) with your hands up, put your hands on the stationary object, and spread your legs far apart. And they keep pushing you to spread your legs further. And you can not spread them that far. Not because you are hiding something, but because you just aren't that flexible. And they keep pushing you around, grabbing you and telling you to comply even though you are already doing so. 

They insult you as they continue violating your personal space. They joke about it. They talk about you like a rare fish they caught over the weekend at the lake. They mock you.

And you can't do anything about it because if you move, they might kill you.

I'm sure you'd be royally pissed about that happening to you, right?
Well let's say that happens to you anywhere and without warning. You could be enjoying the sunshine by going on a walk, and all of a sudden the police show up and make you "let them" search you. 

Let's say you file a complaint against said officers. Nothing gets done and the officers are free to transfer into different departments. 

If you're unlucky, that report gets back to the officer. That officer decides to retaliate against you whenever you run into them again. 

^^ This is the sort of thing that happens in Black neighborhoods all the time. I've watched it. I've been searched before. Let me tell you. It makes a person feel dirty.

On Black People and Visiting Museums

Ok. I saw this article that said Michelle Obama attacked American museums by saying they are only for White people. 

This particular sentence stood out, "If black kids don’t think that museums and other such places are “places for them,” then that is a problem with black culture, NOT our museums."


Really? So that's licence for the curators to team up so one could talk about the exhibits while the other can follow and stalk the kids?

I remember going on a field trip to the Old Courthouse and the Jefferson Memorial as an eighth grader in the St. Louis Public School system. There was another school that was there as well, so we all went together. I kept thinking, why were the White kids were touching everything? The curators specifically told us not to touch anything because the oil on the fingerprints will degrade the artifacts over time. That was told to us before we even started the tour. Well a couple of Black kids noticed (including myself) so we were whispering among ourselves about the situation. We decided to perform an experiment. One of the Black kids tried touching the same artifact after one of the White kids did. The vigilant curator ignored the White kid touching the item, but was quick to tell the Black kid that they couldn't touch anything.

This happened throughout the museum. I didn't learn anything pertaining to the curriculum aside from what I already knew. But I learned more than I bargained for.

I suspect the kids didn't learn anything either. From that point on, every time I hear about the Old Court House and Jefferson Memorial, all I could say is "Maaan Fuck those places! "

All I came away with was. "That predatory behavior really takes the fun out of learning."

BUT today, I try to visit art exhibits whenever I can. And I always have that feeling of people watching me with piercing eyes just to make sure I'm not touching anything, or "getting too close".

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

On the Baltimore Riots, and WHY

After all of this mess that has been going on, you'd think people would understand the message. I mean, history tells us that Black people have been killed by various methods, lynched, burned, beaten, killed, spat on, and countless other morally reprehensible things done to them that postcards and footage from the Civil Rights marches didn't capture. They have been kept out of schools, the opportunity to own property and get loans with FAIR rates only to be met with a fake meager attempt of forced integration when it came towards getting employed.

Not only that, any time some sort of perceived success has been made, all the shade gets thrown by various methods, be it getting pulled over,somebody accusing said Black person of being an Affirmative Action case,or somebody damaging your property as a passive aggressive attempt to put you in your place. And when that isn't the case, their intelligence gets ignored, undermined and snubbed.

And THEN people want to say things like "I don't understand why they tear down where they live... I don't get it." I refuse to engage with people who don't "get it". They "don't get it" because they refuse to look at it. They don't want to get it. They just want to perch up in their chairs and survey the situation and play stupid.

Then they say " What if that was your business getting looted?" I'd say the following:

If it was my business getting tore up, I would defend it. BUT I would also make sure I am a part of the community by hiring people in it, and I would invest money into it, and I would invest in the product I bring into the community. Not only that, I would make sure the people know me, and appreciate me. That should be basic business etiquette.

People tore up the neighborhood because they pay taxes anyway and are still not being treated fairly. They figured, why pay for mistreatment, and disrespect after they've asked for it to stop over the course of many years. They don't actually own any of the stuff in the neighborhood, so they realize it isn't theirs. Taxes pay for that. Their taxes.

So a combination of paying for a bunch of shit that isn't even theirs, that's owned by people who make sure they keep reminding people about their lack of ownership, while harassing them whenever they DO get a little bit of ownership (car, decent job, etc), to the possible point of getting beaten up or killed because of it. And having to raise their children in that environment << THAT'S why they tore it up.

Last time I checked, it sounds like the people are rioting because of taxation without representation. And as long as it continues, shit will get tore up. I'm just saying.   

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Is Hip Hop Destroying Black America? - Sure, let's go over that one more time.

I had the opportunity to get behind the scenes look at my local college radio station. I noticed they played the same songs each week, but in a different order each day. They would rotate a new song or two in the regular playlist from time to time. As a result, the listener gets pummeled with the same message over and over and over, which desensitizes them. As a result,some people seek out the life depicted in the songs, and some don't. This same effect could be seen with Rock and Roll. For a while "sex, drugs, and rock & roll" was the mantra for the genre, and may still be. Some people succumb to it, and some don't. People use music as an escape, and as a result, they are listening to the radio and wishing they were in that life (just like watching TV sitcoms did for a lot of people). It gets perceived as how life should be, and so it's imitated. Since Blacks make up a small percentage of the population, a larger section of that group will appear to succumb to it more often than others. Other ethnicities will display a broader selection of people who have bowed to certain ideals presented to them because there are more of them to draw from. I feel that is why it looks like American Blacks in general are doing far worse than other ethnicities in this country. Thanks to the media, we have seen the American Dream being shoveled into our faces through various outlets, and as a result, people are bragging about getting: money, sex (in various ways and methods), drugs,material possessions... you get the point. People desire these things, and will stop at nothing to get them. So before we accuse hip hop of doing this to a select group of people, we must recognize that America has been doing this to the WHOLE. WORLD., for quite some time, and this is just a cog in the machine, so to speak. The poorest of the poor come to North America in search for some of these things. They flock here because in some way, shape or form, media has told them that America is the place to be if you want to be somebody, meanwhile America's poor (and not so poor) people are seeking this out as well. The American Dream does not help Blacks at all because the same media that touted riches for everybody who entered, is the same media that systematically and continuously crapped on that particular ethnicity for so many years, in various ways and told them to shut up about it at the same time. Could you blame them for screaming for the American Dream, since it seems like everyone has it and they don't, especially when statistics are routinely made in order to drive the message home ? We have kids and adults from poor to upper middle class backgrounds that want to be "bad bitches", and want to be associated with BIG MONEY, and if they can't get there, they can at least look the part. As a result, you have people all across the board, regardless of race facing foreclosures, people going to college expecting to make BIG dollars straight away after they just put themselves so far into debt they have to live with their parents, we have for profit colleges, people with ATV's, Boats, RV's, cars, and stuff like that they can't pay for, broke folks with six hundred dollar cell phones, and really high cable bills. People are reading Better Homes and Gardens, entering the Publishers Clearing House (if that still exists),and scratching lottery tickets in hopes to "make it big" right now because if "so and so can do it, then I can too, because that's the American Dream, right?"

 People like to point to hip hop and say, "Look at what those people are saying with their music, that's destructive! :o ". but it's just a cog in the whole machine. The whole culture it represents is destructive, and no matter how it is spun, that is NORTH AMERICAN culture. Who decided that was American culture? You can't lay baited mouse traps in a room with mice, then turn around to pontificate why those particular mice got snared up, then collect data about it while shaming the mice for "being so self destructive". People must recognize the what, when, where, why, which, and how a situation got to where it is at the moment before they make accusations regardless if it is about self degrading music, or whether issue you may feel strongly about. Once the issue or issues are turned over and looked at from as many angles as possible, then and only then will a solution be found and things will be able to change.

From my standpoint, the image of the snake eating its tail comes to mind. I feel that hip hop is not the culprit here, it's this gangster ass pyramid scheme of a culture that belongs to North America.

Is Hip Hop Destroying Black America? - Sure, let's go over that one more time.

I had the opportunity to get behind the scenes look at my local college radio station. I noticed they played the same songs each week, but in a different order each day. They would rotate a new song or two in the regular playlist from time to time. As a result, the listener gets pummeled with the same message over and over and over, which desensitizes them. As a result,some people seek out the life depicted in the songs, and some don't. This same effect could be seen with Rock and Roll. For a while "sex, drugs, and rock & roll" was the mantra for the genre, and may still be. Some people succumb to it, and some don't. People use music as an escape, and as a result, they are listening to the radio and wishing they were in that life (just like watching TV sitcoms did for a lot of people). It gets perceived as how life should be, and so it's imitated. Since Blacks make up a small percentage of the population, a larger section of that group will appear to succumb to it more often than others. Other ethnicities will display a broader selection of people who have bowed to certain ideals presented to them because there are more of them to draw from. I feel that is why it looks like American Blacks in general are doing far worse than other ethnicities in this country. Thanks to the media, we have seen the American Dream being shoveled into our faces through various outlets, and as a result, people are bragging about getting: money, sex (in various ways and methods), drugs,material possessions... you get the point. People desire these things, and will stop at nothing to get them. So before we accuse hip hop of doing this to a select group of people, we must recognize that America has been doing this to the WHOLE. WORLD., for quite some time, and this is just a cog in the machine, so to speak. The poorest of the poor come to North America in search for some of these things. They flock here because in some way, shape or form, media has told them that America is the place to be if you want to be somebody, meanwhile America's poor (and not so poor) people are seeking this out as well. The American Dream does not help Blacks at all because the same media that touted riches for everybody who entered, is the same media that systematically and continuously crapped on that particular ethnicity for so many years, in various ways and told them to shut up about it at the same time. Could you blame them for screaming for the American Dream, since it seems like everyone has it and they don't, especially when statistics are routinely made in order to drive the message home ? We have kids and adults from poor to upper middle class backgrounds that want to be "bad bitches", and want to be associated with BIG MONEY, and if they can't get there, they can at least look the part. As a result, you have people all across the board, regardless of race facing foreclosures, people going to college expecting to make BIG dollars straight away after they just put themselves so far into debt they have to live with their parents, we have for profit colleges, people with ATV's, Boats, RV's, cars, and stuff like that they can't pay for, broke folks with six hundred dollar cell phones, and really high cable bills. People are reading Better Homes and Gardens, entering the Publishers Clearing House (if that still exists),and scratching lottery tickets in hopes to "make it big" right now because if "so and so can do it, then I can too, because that's the American Dream, right?"

 People like to point to hip hop and say, "Look at what those people are saying with their music, that's destructive! :o ". but it's just a cog in the whole machine. The whole culture it represents is destructive, and no matter how it is spun, that is NORTH AMERICAN culture. Who decided that was American culture? You can't lay baited mouse traps in a room with mice, then turn around to pontificate why those particular mice got snared up, then collect data about it while shaming the mice for "being so self destructive". People must recognize the what, when, where, why, which, and how a situation got to where it is at the moment before they make accusations regardless if it is about self degrading music, or whether issue you may feel strongly about. Once the issue or issues are turned over and looked at from as many angles as possible, then and only then will a solution be found and things will be able to change.

From my standpoint, the image of the snake eating its tail comes to mind. I feel that hip hop is not the culprit here, it's this gangster ass pyramid scheme of a culture that belongs to North America.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Poverty Higher Among Blacks Because of All That Chicken and BBQ << Ah, Colorado...

That's right. Vickie Marble (R), a state Senator in Colorado actually said that. Here's the audio, and the article .  Vickie Marble needs to GET THE FUCK OUTTA HERE WITH THAT BULLSHIT!!!

 Notice that in the audio, her statement is drawn out, and carefully thought out, so she can't say that she misspoke or she made a mistake.

But in all seriousness, this is very telling of Colorado and how some folks think out there. I wasn't all that surprised because the local KKK chapter still makes sure to recruit people especially when it becomes a pressing matter.  Now before you say that Colorado doesn't do that anymore  in 2012 there has been a rise in membership, and more hate groups popping up in the state. Anyway, back to Vickie Marble's ol' punk ass.

According to her, all of the White people must be flying down south to get some of that fried chicken and bbq and then coming back to Colorado to get fat or something.  Black people from down south must be rolling in that sweet fried chicken and barbeque restaurant moolah they're making, right?  The last time I checked Colorado had a small Black population, mostly seen in Denver, so that chicken and barbeque has to come from somewhere, and somebody's eating it. This thinking begs the question, Why are White people all across the country getting so fat?  I guess using her logic, I can flip it around and say that all of these White people really love them some Mc Donalds, Burger King, and insert any other fast food or chain restaurant here. I mean, they must love them some instant microwave anything. It seems to be the meat of what they purchase, especially twinkies. They really lost their minds when Hostess was going under. I thought all hell was going to break lose and people were going to commit suicide after finding out that Twinkies were about to disappear. People were selling them on E-bay, making DIY Twinkie kits and all kinds of foolishness and nobody said, "Gawd Damn...White people are acting like straight up pigs over twinkies.", or saying things like , "See, this is why America is so damn fat right now. Maybe if these lard assess would get out of their giant SUVs, turn off the TV, stop stuffing their giant barnyard animal faces with instant and fast crap and actually pay attention to what's really going on, then maybe this country could start making progress." But nope, I guess it's all Obama's fault.  

So they sit in front of their TVs, whine about not being able to purchase a big ass soda in New York, blame Obama about everything (cough, hurricane Katrina, cough), circle jerk about how it was so wonderful when Bush number two was in office, and spend money on the latest facebook game. They can miss me with that mess.

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Can I Touch Your Hair? << 0_o

In case you haven't figured it out yet. I am Black. I am also a woman. I also have natural hair that I keep in dreadlocked ( locked, or loc-ed) form.  There have been many many times where I have had people ask me if they could touch my hair. Each time, I politely decline the invitation, and they ask me why. Some have even gone so far as to put their hands in my hair anyway, while ignoring my response. Since I live in The States, I have had to cultivate (I think that's the correct word) a system of action when this situation occurs. I usually make my escape, and I get away if they ask me. There have been instances where I have been unfortunate enough to end up in their grasp. All the while, I try to remain polite and get away from them as fast as I can, but here's what I really want to say:

Are you serious?! What gives you the right to go up to a random person, and touch their hair after they say no? Weren't you taught that people have a 2 foot bubble of personal space that is not meant to be violated?  Didn't your parents tell you to keep your hands and feet to yourself when you were tiny? Just because you are curious doesn't mean your grown ass has the right to revert to a two year old because you weren't instantly gratified the way you saw fit. I bet if I asked you the same thing and got offended from your response you'd think I was crazy. You would probably lose your mind  and think I was rude and unrefined if I went ahead and touched your hair without permission. I could imagine all of the hurt and anger you'd  have for me, and maybe you'd might go so far as to call the police if you saw fit.   Either that, or you'd refer to me as aggressive,ghetto, or uppity, when in reality, I don't think anybody should allow themselves to be violated in any way regardless of who they are.  Excuse the fuck outta me for wanting to maintain my dignity while desiring to exercise basic human rights. And you have the nerve to turn around and talk that "Do unto others as others will do unto you," bullshit?!<< Get The Fuck Outta Here.