Showing posts with label Isis. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Isis. Show all posts

Monday, June 20, 2016

Orlando Shooting and Isis

Look at this thing closely:

The media is going to try to align Black people with the shooter, claiming we were Isis supporters because the shooter said he didn't have a problem with Black people and that we've suffered enough. 

I saw this coming back when the media called the black protestors "terrorists" in ‪#‎ferguson‬. Isis aint real. Have you ever wondered how poor countries get the funds for all of those weapons? Guess what. America gives them to them and provides training to the people. Thats where all of our old military weaponry goes. A lot of politicians (Clintons) have money invested in it. All this war shit is fake. It's nothing but revenue retrieving, plain and simple. They have to manufacture the war and televise their narrative of it so they can keep the power. That's all they're doing.