In my last blog, I talked about street names named after Black people and memorials, and I'd like to expand on that a bit.
The following quote from that entry stood out in my mind:
"That's what's sinister about that word. Forgiveness. They want to be absolved from everything that took place. They want that validation after the fact. Validation and forgiveness are not interchangeable things to be used in order to shape and tailor a person's agenda to go in the "correct" direction."
Then I thought about what I said about validation:
"It was tried through Michael Brown's mother when she said she couldn't forgive Darren Wilson, so instead, the media paraded her support for Hillary Clinton as a different way of validating their fuckery."
I noticed it was also done with Trayvon Martin's mother, with Martin Luther King by Bernie Sanders, Black Trump supporters, and the usage of Black on Black crime:
"They want to blame Black on Black crime because they fail to see where it came from. Where did the idea that a Black life wasn't worth anything come from? How did that idea get there?
They will try to confuse you by putting the cart before the horse throughout the argument by using the same tactics designed to invalidate you.
And now, Black Lives Matter of Greater Atlanta decided to clear the air regarding the reputation they've gathered. This particular quote is what stood out:
"Because I hold 8 certifications in the field of Private security and Fugitive Recovery and because I am pro-law enforcement to some degree but ANTI- THUG COPS Black Lives Matter (the other chapter) is making false claims like I am "an agent of the state" or I am there to disrupt or tear down the black community. When it comes to law enforcement it is my position that ALL COPS ARE NOT BAD and of course as history has shown ALL COPS are NOT GOOD. If you are a good officer, I will support you 150% and if you aren't think natural consequences. The other BLM Chapter doesn't like our chapter because we share the belief that we must support good officers and get rid of the bad ones. Now one from BLM understands the dangers that LEO's endure when they put on that uniform day in and day out like I DO. As a professional certified security officer I have to work with LEO from different agencies. I don't sit around and drink coffee and eat donuts with them. I stay in my lane and they handle their business. Nothing more nothing less.
So...They basically said they are law enforcement.
Think about that. There are law enforcement branches of Black Lives Matter groups floating around out there.
Enter the Black faces in the establishment. The northern municipality of Pine Lawn is a great example. Recently, they decided to disband this police department due to corruption. Since this department is run by Blacks,they didn't disban Ferguson's police department first. But we now know why.
This is another one of those, "give the dog a bone" type "discoveries". But the master has trained them, so they were the ones who got caught up in the mix and were used for validation purposes. Meanwhile, St. Louis Post Dispatch asked if Pine Lawn was the poster child of dysfunction.
Enter the Black cop here.
This is one of the places they will be. If they aren't explicitly affiliated with Black Lives Matter, they are actual officers, organizers, etc, or may be given the role of being high profile people in the media. They will be found anywhere where particular folks wish to gain access to, so they throw folks up in the mix and see what happens.
The people who set this up are just seeking validation, and they're using all of these people as pawns. They do it by waving money, recognition, and fame in people's faces. These things are the same things they link to success. The media tells us what is successful, and tells us that we are supposed to go and seek it by any means necessary. So what do people do in order to achieve success? Anything to the point of allowing themselves to be thrown under the bus.
Enter negative media influence here, to the point of spending a lot of money on it.
But when all is said and done, once we figure it out, there will be no more buildings, street names and city memorials named after us.
We will not allow ourselves to participate in their attempts for validation in their perceived supremacy:
Because they really just want to revel in the fact they will do whatever they can in hopes to make us appear as raggedy as possible. They do that in order to achieve their dreams, and what could be more perfect than to name a stationary object after the person or people they tried to create insanity for?
They do it for viewing purposes.
And that's the portrait that master manipulators would love to paint. Amirite?
Showing posts with label supremacy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label supremacy. Show all posts
Tuesday, March 22, 2016
On Behaviorial Patterns: Validation
#BlackLivesMatter Greater Atlanta,
Pine Lawn Missouri,
Tuesday, January 12, 2016
On Gossip and Money
I wanted to write about something from a different angle. I decided I'd tackle gossip and money and how it relates to racism. See, everybody in America comes in contact with some form of media everyday be it TV, social media, magazine, advertisement,etc. We have an idea of the purpose of media and how it works. We know the mainstream media outlets can be very bad, especially if you're Black in America. Black people know the media is racist, but we don't really understand what the point of racism is and how it affects us, and why. I've gone in extensively on the blog regarding supremacy and how it's tied to respectability politics. Now I'm going to tie it in with gossip and money.
Take a look at this story, and watch the video.
Take a look at this story, and watch the video.
This video has over two million views. I won't lie. I watched it too. But I noticed two things about videos like this: The first thing is the fact that many people will see this and say disparaging things about her because of her presentation. Some people will turn her into a joke. In fact,this could be why the video has over two million views in the first place. I used to see videos like these and get mad because they serve as joke material for people who express anti black sentiments. Then a light came on and I figured the following:
The people running all forms of mainstream American media are like children on the playground when it comes to Black people. It's like little kids pointing and laughing while huddled around a crude drawing of a penis. The crude penis drawing (which is represented by what they think Black people are) gets televised. If you include money, then this is what the masses will get to see. And that's what gets them laughing.That's why things like that video become highly publicized "stories" . It's the same reason why videos designed to highlight so called 'negative characteristics' in Black people are just gossip dipped in money. That is their main focus. It could also explain why any time a Black person is put in the media for all to see, there will always be racist comments for viewing purposes at the end of the article or video.
This is also the same reason why WorldStarHipHop exists. The person who created it knew what the people want to see, and they wanted to monetize it. And unfortunately, a lot of Black people bought into it (there's that supremacy again!).
But the second thing I noticed was that the effect of this video is also the exact opposite of the first:
The woman in the video speaks like she's cool with everybody and anybody. She isn't afraid to be herself. So many people are afraid to be themselves, and that's why respectability politics exist. I can respect her for her candid-ness. I can respect anybody who can present themselves as they are regardless of who is in front of them.
So I'm glad I got to see the video. It gave me a chance to write this blog and shine some unpredictable light on mainstream American media and what they're trying to do.
So if you're tired of negative images of Black people in the media, our only choice is to change our perspective so it doesn't match theirs, question mainstream media's motives, create and/or support our own media outlets designed to mold our own great narrative as a people, and keep it moving.
American media,
respectability politics,
Thursday, October 8, 2015
Recovery and Healing
If you've read up to this point, then congratulations! You've made it. That being said, I feel like I need to issue a disclaimer for you, because I get it:
I know what you're thinking. After reading my last few posts, you're probably mad. That's good, but not in a "fuck yo feelings" kind of way. It's good because you see what I'm talking about. The writing is on the wall, and you're mad about it. I want you to know there's nothing wrong with being mad right now. Being mad is a normal response. I should know. But I must warn you further. If you are Black,or any person of color for that matter, you will gradually experience several strong emotions. You will feel anxious, you will be nervous, you won't be able to sleep, you will have panic attacks. You won't be able to breathe. You will have nightmares. You will become nauseated. You will lash out at people closest to you. Your head will hurt. Why? Because once you start to really think about it, you won't know which way is up. While I was compiling all of my research into this, I experienced all of those emotions. I also became very suspicious of the people around me. I became suspicious of their motives and I watched exactly what they said and how they said it.
But here's the good news. You'll be able to see all of the fuckery. You will see each and every bit of it. You will be able to tell people how to get the fuck outta here with that mess. You will be able to teach them how to get the fuck outta here. You will find out that any White person who continues the fuckery will have no credibility whatsoever, and it is not your responsibility to teach them shit. In fact, many, many White people will lose all of their credibility. And you can call them on each and every bit of it if you should choose to engage with them after all of this.
Consequently, this will make White people mad. They'll be mad in two ways: They will question their identity. Some will continue with the narrative because, "Can't no nigger tell them, NO!" (said in so many words). They will get what they will get. They will bitch, and whine and be mad at you because the jig is all the way up but can't nobody tell them shit, and all of my posts as well as what they have done all across the entire world proves it!
Now if you're White and you take this blog and think it means "kill whitey" then I don't know what to tell you. Actually, I change my mind. I know what to tell you: Your basic reading comprehension skills are shit, and you're dry snitching on yourselves. You think Pro Blackness means Anti-White, and that's not our thing. That's yours. You own that narrative and have shown it time and time again through various media outlets, and devious methods. And you will kill anybody to preserve that bullshit. You're the spin doctors of racism and you accuse everyone else as race baiting. Pro White looks like this when White people talk to everybody else:
Black people:
Look at our struggle. Look at all of it. Look at how you've survived. Yes, much blood has been spilled, but you made it. We have lost friends, we have lost family. We're used to losing,in some way, shape or form but you made it through. And you can tell your stories through your own lens using your own media formats. We don't need the involvement or approval of White people to do so. We've been doing it, but we've been looking through the wrong lens. We've been looking at Lot A the whole time without even knowing it, be it watching awards shows and being mad because your actor or artist didn't get the award, or the praises when someone is getting accepted to do anything at Yale or any IVY league institution, and everything in between. We've been "thinking global" in the same ways White people look at climate change and saving animals. We've stayed scattered in our thinking (which is not bad, but one must organize it in order to form something concrete). We stayed hidden long enough, and we shall surface, and that surfacing is a part of the recovery.
Handle your emotions, make sure you use the 10 Black Commandments when it comes to dealing with people who look like you, and situations you come across. Examine your role in this supremacy shit. Feel angry, sad, start sweating and trembling, shake it off. You might even cry. All of it is okay. This is normal, and anybody who says there is something wrong with you for doing so will be someone to be heavily watched, and if they look like you, teach them otherwise. I know you can do it. Remember being 'woke' is a long haul thing. Once you're in, that's it. There's no turning back.
View the following entries:
Black Survival part 1.
Part 2:
Part 3:
Then jump back and kiss yourself every once in a while. Kiss your people. This is the most important part. We've dealt with so much from everywhere. We owe it to ourselves, but we must remember not to parrot supremacy and know what it is in all forms. Because again. That's theirs. Not ours. They gave it to us in the form of "respectability politics" and we have to reject ALLLLLLL of it in every way, shape and form. Look at all of the ways you'd like to seek out Lot A. Remember what it means, and then slap yourself when you catch yourself looking for it, recognize what you did and work at stopping it. You'll see yourself laughing at a lot of stuff in between all of the sweat, the anger, and ill feelings. Not laughing out of spite or ugliness, but laughing about the extent of the fuckery, and why it was implemented in the first place. And just remember: If they genuinely wanted things to be different, they shouldn't have fucked with us all throughout the Reconstruction after the slaves were freed. I mean, (let them tell it) if they want to go all the way back, they shouldn't have been so lazy that they brought Black people to various parts of the world just to do the work they didn't want to do because money. America could have been better, but nah. They were to busy playing. And you will see how hilarious this laziness really is.
Keep pushing on, y'all. Keep pushing on. We are our own support group. All of us. We've got this.
I know what you're thinking. After reading my last few posts, you're probably mad. That's good, but not in a "fuck yo feelings" kind of way. It's good because you see what I'm talking about. The writing is on the wall, and you're mad about it. I want you to know there's nothing wrong with being mad right now. Being mad is a normal response. I should know. But I must warn you further. If you are Black,or any person of color for that matter, you will gradually experience several strong emotions. You will feel anxious, you will be nervous, you won't be able to sleep, you will have panic attacks. You won't be able to breathe. You will have nightmares. You will become nauseated. You will lash out at people closest to you. Your head will hurt. Why? Because once you start to really think about it, you won't know which way is up. While I was compiling all of my research into this, I experienced all of those emotions. I also became very suspicious of the people around me. I became suspicious of their motives and I watched exactly what they said and how they said it.
But here's the good news. You'll be able to see all of the fuckery. You will see each and every bit of it. You will be able to tell people how to get the fuck outta here with that mess. You will be able to teach them how to get the fuck outta here. You will find out that any White person who continues the fuckery will have no credibility whatsoever, and it is not your responsibility to teach them shit. In fact, many, many White people will lose all of their credibility. And you can call them on each and every bit of it if you should choose to engage with them after all of this.
Consequently, this will make White people mad. They'll be mad in two ways: They will question their identity. Some will continue with the narrative because, "Can't no nigger tell them, NO!" (said in so many words). They will get what they will get. They will bitch, and whine and be mad at you because the jig is all the way up but can't nobody tell them shit, and all of my posts as well as what they have done all across the entire world proves it!
Now if you're White and you take this blog and think it means "kill whitey" then I don't know what to tell you. Actually, I change my mind. I know what to tell you: Your basic reading comprehension skills are shit, and you're dry snitching on yourselves. You think Pro Blackness means Anti-White, and that's not our thing. That's yours. You own that narrative and have shown it time and time again through various media outlets, and devious methods. And you will kill anybody to preserve that bullshit. You're the spin doctors of racism and you accuse everyone else as race baiting. Pro White looks like this when White people talk to everybody else:
You're all scum! White power! Here's why (insert race based statistics and tales of White victimhood )
Everyone else: We disagree!
Everyone else: Well, you did tell your story the way you wanted to tell it all the while pointing to yourselves and making yourselves to be the default everywhere you went. You did oversee and insert yourselves everywhere you could, especially through violence, be it physical or mental, through extortion, racketeering, and looting,up to and including murder, and you've done it to entire tribes under your own confirmed social construct. And if you're reading this blog in the first place, that's proof of your desire to oversee everything we do and insert yourself into it. That's kinda your thing, so keep owning it. No free speech was taken. There's no turning back. You've recorded hundreds of years of proof of your own legacy. Donald Trump's popularity during his presidential run in 2016 is today's testament to all of that.
White people: But Bernie...
Everyone else: Progressives play progressive, but refuse to acknowledge race because colorblind. Progressive means cultural appropriation. OR it means, "I supported MLK" as if MLK equals Black people, and his legacy is their buzzword. And why is it that people who claim to be progressive don't really like Black people they just want to own something? In Bernie's case, he wants to own votes. Because that's what politicians try to do. They try to own votes and in their eyes,we are nothing but.
White people: But dialogue and education.
Everyone else: But bullshit! Bullshit! , Bullshit!
White people: Solution?
Everyone else: Your reading comprehension skills are still shit because you didn't even read this fully.
The end.
Black people:
Look at our struggle. Look at all of it. Look at how you've survived. Yes, much blood has been spilled, but you made it. We have lost friends, we have lost family. We're used to losing,in some way, shape or form but you made it through. And you can tell your stories through your own lens using your own media formats. We don't need the involvement or approval of White people to do so. We've been doing it, but we've been looking through the wrong lens. We've been looking at Lot A the whole time without even knowing it, be it watching awards shows and being mad because your actor or artist didn't get the award, or the praises when someone is getting accepted to do anything at Yale or any IVY league institution, and everything in between. We've been "thinking global" in the same ways White people look at climate change and saving animals. We've stayed scattered in our thinking (which is not bad, but one must organize it in order to form something concrete). We stayed hidden long enough, and we shall surface, and that surfacing is a part of the recovery.
Handle your emotions, make sure you use the 10 Black Commandments when it comes to dealing with people who look like you, and situations you come across. Examine your role in this supremacy shit. Feel angry, sad, start sweating and trembling, shake it off. You might even cry. All of it is okay. This is normal, and anybody who says there is something wrong with you for doing so will be someone to be heavily watched, and if they look like you, teach them otherwise. I know you can do it. Remember being 'woke' is a long haul thing. Once you're in, that's it. There's no turning back.
View the following entries:
Black Survival part 1.
Part 2:
Part 3:
Then jump back and kiss yourself every once in a while. Kiss your people. This is the most important part. We've dealt with so much from everywhere. We owe it to ourselves, but we must remember not to parrot supremacy and know what it is in all forms. Because again. That's theirs. Not ours. They gave it to us in the form of "respectability politics" and we have to reject ALLLLLLL of it in every way, shape and form. Look at all of the ways you'd like to seek out Lot A. Remember what it means, and then slap yourself when you catch yourself looking for it, recognize what you did and work at stopping it. You'll see yourself laughing at a lot of stuff in between all of the sweat, the anger, and ill feelings. Not laughing out of spite or ugliness, but laughing about the extent of the fuckery, and why it was implemented in the first place. And just remember: If they genuinely wanted things to be different, they shouldn't have fucked with us all throughout the Reconstruction after the slaves were freed. I mean, (let them tell it) if they want to go all the way back, they shouldn't have been so lazy that they brought Black people to various parts of the world just to do the work they didn't want to do because money. America could have been better, but nah. They were to busy playing. And you will see how hilarious this laziness really is.
Keep pushing on, y'all. Keep pushing on. We are our own support group. All of us. We've got this.
Monday, September 28, 2015
Recovery and Healing part 2: How
We must remember, they are the ones who dictate all trends and fashions. They try to appeal to US in order to get us to part with our money. They create an artificial value on all of their things in order to get us to buy them:
We are doing this right now. We have spent a lot of money with Black businesses these past two years, and that's wonderful. We've done it consistently. And that's a beautiful thing.
That Michael Kors bag? Worthless.
Diamonds? Worthless.
Those shoes? Worthless.
Those shoes? Worthless.
Those viral videos telling us about the new musical sensation? Worthless.
All things required to achieve mainstream appeal? Worthless.
Etc...You get the point.
We are doing this right now. We have spent a lot of money with Black businesses these past two years, and that's wonderful. We've done it consistently. And that's a beautiful thing.
We have to drop these mainstream standards and create our own. All of these are respectability politics in one way, shape or form. We have to look deeper. All that "glitters" is not gold. And that's one of the sayings they use to tell us what's good. And the real question is "What's good?" Nikki Minaj told us that, but some of us were looking at her package through supremacist eyes.
I'm not mad at anybody for doing so, nor do I think I'm better than anybody for recognizing what I saw. I can not stress that enough. We can't help it. I said separating oneself from the supremacy is going to be hard. But it is necessary. I'm still learning, and I know I am not perfect. I am conditioned in ways I haven't even begun to figure out. As far as I know, I might have just scratched the surface because each day, I find out something new. We have to accept the fact that we are not better or worse than anybody else regardless of economic situation, appearance, "intelligence", etc. I've been surprised by homeless people, by prostitutes, rich people, drug addicts, thugs, so called middle class,and poor people throughout every way possible. We as Black people are all in the same boat, or barrel, as the saying goes (Crabs in a barrel). We know who built the barrel. We must go ahead and leave it. I know we can. We've got this. As I said, once we understand supremacy, all we have to do is jump out of it. The easiest way to jump from it is through your mind. But you have to know what you're reading, and what you're learning, and how to learn and apply it first. I'm not saying disregard your degree from a primarily White institution because of "tricknology". Go ahead and keep that. You've earned it. You worked hard for that, and hard work should be recognised as such, no matter where it came from. But I'm saying reevaluate yourself, and mold yourself into something that doesn't engage in supremacy. There will be no shaming about how you receive your education, be it by running the streets, trade or community college, online or brick and mortar four year university. All education is good education and I believe the sooner we recognise it, the better we will be.
Again. We have to define what's good, and not use their standards as the benchmark because each time we've done so, we got burned.
The second way to jump out of it is through action. Again, this goes back to kissing yourself, but catching yourself in the act is the real trick. You won't see it, but when you do, you'll be mad.
And that's still okay. It's part of the process. You will be mad over and over and over again. But as long as we keep looking forward,acting with our money, and creating our own standards,we will be able to fully disengage.
That's how.
Tuesday, September 22, 2015
Supremacy: Our Role and How We Play Along
I've gone in on respectability politics in several blog entries. I mentioned what respectability politics look like in detail (See the Key and Peele skit under number 3 in this link), but I never went in on what they are and where they come from.
If a woman doesn't wear enough clothes, you get this:
and if she does, she gets this. Please read the caption under the pic to see what I'm talking about:

Sometimes, it seems a lot of Black men stay talking shit about women. It doesn't matter what we do. If we did do all they asked us to do, then they'd still complain. They'd say we think were 'too good' or 'not ghetto enough' (Yes. Unfortunately I've heard the second one before.). One of those instances is shaming a woman for enjoying sex, but they say they want a freak in the sheets and a lady in the street. Do they know that in order to become a freak in the sheets, one has to gain experience by having sex?
And we can't forget the complicity of folks who defended Rachael Dolezal, and how nobody brought up her husband's stake in the entire thing. Here's an excerpt of the blog where I mentioned those who allowed this as well as those who ignored it:
By now, you're probably asking, "What's the reason why Black women talk that shit? There are two reasons :
Supremacy (read as, "Gotta get that Lot A slot on them other bitches and hoes by any means necessary.").
* Added disclaimer. Those are not my views, but interpretations. I would not disrespect Black men in any instance in order to further my agenda. I see that attitude as more supremacy. Again, that's not US. That's THEM. I advocate that we don't copy them. That's all.
That answer is in the title, and I'll tell you what it looks like. I already touched on what it looks like in the form of teaching:
Because they want to be the teacher in some cases, but don't want to learn anything new. They want to be the all knowing one, but won't expand on it at times. I think those are the people I have the most trouble with. I think we need to learn to teach each other instead of going for the student/teacher role, which I feel may be a bit Eurocentric at best, because some of those who use that model will find a way to talk down to people they don't think that fit the description of awake. They look at those who aren't awake as "sheep" or "lesser than" and it shows in their teachings . That outlook is essentially enforcing Supremacy once a person gets right down to it because they want to reach down from their podium or pedestal and give to those they feel are "lesser" than them.
And the self proclaimed teachers aren't willing to accept questions raised by the pupils, should they decide to ask questions in the first place. It's like they just want the pupil to absorb information and agree with them for fear of making the teacher feel or look dumb because the pupil forced them to think as well. As a result, the teacher gets irritated with the student, and says something mean. They might cuss them out. As a result, nobody learns. The teacher thinks the pupils are dumb, and the student is left feeling like, "Fuck all of this. I'm through." And they tune out. Or should I say "drop out".And respectability. This is why so called "conscious" folks will be quick to call other people "coons" if they parrot something they think that sounds like enforcing White supremacy, but will neglect to recognize supremacy within themselves.
If you listen real close, or read closely (in this case) some of what they say sounds like the stuff rich White republicans will say when it comes to women. They're fine with throwing women under the bus, but will discount that Black women have stood up for Black men in every instance, even in the Civil rights movement up until current times. Whole movements have been pushed to the forefront in order to tell people that Black men are not a monolith to the point of creating Youtube videos, but there are entire Youtube channels created by Black men that are devoted to shaming Black women and throwing them under the bus.
Sandra Bland died by the hands of police brutality and she was a BLM supporter, but Black men were saying that she had an attitude. Nobody could pony up five hundred dollars to make bail for her in the first place, but she DIED in the jail cell because of it. They might as well have said, "She was too uppity."
In fact, during the Civil Rights movement, there was a person by the name of Claudette Colvins who was the first to deny her seat to a White person in the south. But because she didn't fit the respectability narrative, she was ignored after it was brought to the Civil Rights leaders of that era. Since Rosa Parks fit the narrative, she was the one who sparked the bus boycott.
I've also seen posts of men complaining about Black women being the breadwinners in relationships. Somebody actually said that Black women are taking all of the jobs, and should be married and raising families, as if they actually believe the filth being slung about Black women is truth.
So let me get this straight. The problem is that the Black women are successful? That's the problem? One would think there would be no problem because I've seen many,many posts about Black men graduating college, inventing new procedures, and all kinds of accomplishments, but when it comes time for Black women to do a bit of shining, all of a sudden they should be raising families?! Really? -_-
And then when someone voices their concern about some things pertaining to Black men, somebody comes out of the woodwork to say "#NotAllMen" , which is the same as saying, "#NotAllWhitePeople" as if that needed to be said in the first place. It's the equivalent to saying #AllLivesMatter in response to #BlackLivesMatter.
And when the issue is brought up, here comes the "What about us? What are you going to do for us?" Which looks like the following, " Heeeey!, White people die by the hands of police too. Where's our rally?" As if it is Black people's (or women's) job to organize a rally just so you don't have to feel left out. Start your own. Figure out what's wrong and go for it, and the people will come, or in this instance, figure out what's wrong and fix your own shit.
But they left Sandra Bland high and dry, called her "uppity." ,which leads me into the next example:
If a woman doesn't wear enough clothes, you get this:
and if she does, she gets this. Please read the caption under the pic to see what I'm talking about:

Sometimes, it seems a lot of Black men stay talking shit about women. It doesn't matter what we do. If we did do all they asked us to do, then they'd still complain. They'd say we think were 'too good' or 'not ghetto enough' (Yes. Unfortunately I've heard the second one before.). One of those instances is shaming a woman for enjoying sex, but they say they want a freak in the sheets and a lady in the street. Do they know that in order to become a freak in the sheets, one has to gain experience by having sex?
And we can't forget the complicity of folks who defended Rachael Dolezal, and how nobody brought up her husband's stake in the entire thing. Here's an excerpt of the blog where I mentioned those who allowed this as well as those who ignored it:
The same people who defend her are the same ones who:
- Believe that those were Michael Jackson's biological kids.
- Gave such a pass to Bill Clinton because he "got head" under the desk of his White House office while he was president.
- Let their White and other non Black friends say "Nigga" because they were the ones who gave them permission.
- Didn't feel "Black enough" in the first place because other kids called them "sell out", "oreo", etc "because smart equals 'wanna be White'."
- Married a light skinned person in hopes their children wouldn't be dark skinned like themselves.
- Have a complex about Black women, but have voiced it through various negative behaviors towards them.
- The ones who want to be accepted so bad by White people that they use the "black on the inside" argument to appease them.
- The ones who secretly believe that White women are fragile and need to be coddled, cared for and protected.
9. The ones who are afraid of White backlash against them. (job, etc)
... They want to compare her with Black women wearing blonde weave, skin bleaching, and straightening their hair. But this argument goes back to how they didn't fabricate entire racial identities to live lives as White people, nor did they fabricate hate crimes.And that last bit was actually used as a legitimate argument as if they were making a valid point.
What is the root cause you ask? Here it is:
I think they battle between wanting to be seen as men, and Black men, so they adopt supremacy to the point of throwing black women under the bus. But only when they just want to be seen as they want to put their color down just to be accepted. I see that attitude in corporate settings especially.
And Black women do this to men as well. I see it in those "bitches and niggas be like" posts. I hear it whenever they describe somebody as "rachet" or "basic". I hear it whenever they critique someone's appearance. I'll share with you a piece I wrote in a very early blog entry pertaining to this idea and you'll see how it works with supremacy. Fair warning, this entry is not as structured as the blogs have been lately. I was new to blogging and the main goal was to get these thoughts out of my head and in print. It basically goes into detail on how America loves to ascribe ratchetness to Black people, when the country itself was founded on being proud of ratchetness:
First, lets take a look at some of the various definitions of the word, "ratchet". I was under the impression that it came from a rapper by the name of Hurricaine Chris back in 2009, but I found no actual definitions that traced it back to him even though that's where I thought I first heard the term. However, I did find two interesting definitions, listed on a blog which explored where the writer thought it came from. The blogger mentions that it may be possible that the first use of the word came from a character in the book "One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest". The character's name was "Nurse Ratchet". For those who hadn't read the book or need their memory refreshed, Nurse Ratchet was described as not a very nice woman. She was cold, calculating, manipulative, and controlling especially when things didn't go her way. Some may go out of their way to describe her as a "bitch" but I'll get to that term a bit later.
The second idea the blogger had was that it came from the word "wretched", which can be described as deplorably bad , miserable or distressing. It seems that the author was on to something here.
I looked a bit further and I couldn't help but start to see a pattern. Urban Dictionary.Com, Ny, YahooAnswers, all imply that ratchet is a term meant to be applied to "ghetto",or "urban" people,(read Black people) in particular. When I saw that, I said, "Get the fuck outta here!". One must not simply deem a whole section of people as "ratchet" just because the term was heard in a couple of songs by a particular group of people within said group who coined the term to describe generally tacky behavior. If all Black people are ratchet based on that, what does that make everyone else? The real difference is what each sub culture calls this type of behavior, and how it is presented. For example, many movies have been centered around that behavior. Some television shows often have mean girls (or women in this case) nicely tucked into the story to keep things going. In these cases, we are likely to watch these kinds of shows and are quick to give the character with ratchet behavior the title of "bitch" if she's a woman, or "mean girl" if she's not classified as a woman yet. Do we go around and label all women in the subculture represented here as ratchet ass females, or ratchet hoes? No, they get to be called mean girls, or bitches. And what about the guys? If they are ratchet, we call them douchebags, assholes,dicks (see 2nd definition) or alpha males. Don't front like this behavior is not celebrated in America by one sub culture of people verses the majority. Not taking the time to look at both sides of the coin in attempts to demonize an entire culture is ratchet in itself. America as a whole LOVES that crap. Why do some people reward this behavior? Why does the ratchet person get rooted for in the movies by some people? Why are people getting rewarded with the chance to be on a reality tv show with the promise of fame and money as long as they act as sorry as possible? Why do we have ratchet cartoons? I can't act like I'm not guilty of enjoying a bit of ratchetness, in fact, that cartoon I listed is something I watch in small doses when I'm in the mood. Others watch Family Guy, South Park (which has some good social commentary sometimes), and many more. I just find it very interesting when Black people came up with the term, all of a sudden, all Black people get assigned to being ratchet. Get the fuck outta here with that.
Not only can ratchet behavior be celebrated on TV, but it is also lauded as a sign of leadership in some circles (hence the alpha male title). I already mentioned the Washington Post article about what happens when mean girls grow up. The article also points out ratchetness in the work place and how the behavior may not necessarily be a bad thing. Let's be honest, we have all had a boss or co workers (male or female) who acted crazy from time to time. That behavior may include passive aggressiveness, snarkiness disguised as sarcasm,general bitchiness, and quite possibly verbal abuse. Last time I checked, that kind of behavior makes for a caustic workplace environment, and yet, some people can still get ahead using those tactics and are seen as straight forward, assertive and bold.
Maybe it really isn't like that for some people. Maybe we can blame their ratchet behavior on genes rather than poor parenting. Maybe they had O.D.D as kids and didn't grow out of it. Maybe we can come up with all kinds of euphemisms to describe otherwise tasteless behavior while ignoring the fact that it exists in this country. This way, we can sit on our high horses and call every Black person ratchet all day and every day while turning a blind eye to The Dunkin' Doughnuts incident sort of thing, this lady going batshit crazy over Obama's re election, the Huntington Beach Riots, the entire cast of Jersey Shore, Lindsy Lohan, Cory Monteith's death, and Heath Ledger's death. But waaaait. Celebrities don't coooouuunnnt. They're entertaaaaainers, and some of them are troooooubled. It's really haaaard to be a star. They have so much pressure put on them and some handle it better than others. <<Get the fuck outta here and tell that to Whitney Houston especially after reading all of the comments on any article pertaining to her eventual death after the discovery of her drug use that was strewn all across the internet. Let Amy Winehouse know about it also. I guess she was different since people judged her anyway because she was White and from the UK. I just never heard anybody refer to her as ratchet.
By now, you're probably asking, "What's the reason why Black women talk that shit? There are two reasons :
Supremacy (read as, "Gotta get that Lot A slot on them other bitches and hoes by any means necessary.").
And they're just plain tired. (Read as "That's why them niggas ain't shit")*.
But that's just my interpretation of the situation.
* Added disclaimer. Those are not my views, but interpretations. I would not disrespect Black men in any instance in order to further my agenda. I see that attitude as more supremacy. Again, that's not US. That's THEM. I advocate that we don't copy them. That's all.
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