Saturday, April 6, 2019

Time Keeps on Slipping...Slipping...Slipping

Backwards. Yes. Everything is going backwards.  America feels emboldened in their racism to the point where kids die just because  "those people" chose their house to knock on the door and ask for help. It's going backwards  because  a Black male accidentally killed a white woman and it had been ruled as an intentional murder. It's going backwards because thanks to cameras, people still get spat on for being so called "niggers" in the eyes of a white woman. I will not point you to links of these tragedies because sharing them is guaranteed to trigger a person.

My blog is not meant to trigger anyone,  it is meant to inform and offer a different take on some of these social ills that pop up far too often.

I'm pretty sure my readers have been through quite a bit themselves, and after reading this blog, it's going to be another thing they just went through, so I'll spare you guys of anything else that shows this country is moving backwards.  Or is it really stuck in the same ol' rut it's been in the 50s? I can not say because I wasn't alive during that time. But I can definitely say that this country is stuck on stupid. And it isn't  Black people who are stuck on stupid because we already know that crime happens to those who live near each other, and people often "self segregate" that way,so miss me with the "Black on Black crime" pornography description.

It is white supremacy that is stuck on stupid. They are so stuck that child molesters get months in jail and get out early for "good " behavior to the point where children won't be able to sleep knowing their monster is out there somewhere and not locked up where they should be.  White doctors poison their people under the myth that they are more sensitive to pain than Blacks, hell, Whites are less likely to do time for the same crimes that Black people get. This means if White on White crime happens, the aggressor will be out in no time, thus making their streets more dangerous. White supremacy is so stupid that they can't figure out how to prevent mass shootings. That means that they can't figure out why are Whites killing White children at alarming rates. They have no solution, but if you ask them, they have a solution to all of the murders in Chicago that happen to be Black.  To those, I  say

GET THE FUCK OUTTA HERE WITH THAT MESS.  And if I have to tell these readers why, (I know I have some lurking ass Whites on my blog) then you deserve every piece of residual blowback that White supremacy should give you. I have no patience for people who feign ignorance. I have a life to attend to and you don't deserve my time like that.

That being said, America has wet the bed while it was being made,  and the main people benefitting from it will have to lie in it. So far, they are so stupid, they enjoy every bit of it. It's as if they say, "I got this mattress and I pissed on it. A bunch of other people already pissed on it so you can piss on it too.  And like a big dummy, they  say, " Okay." And they do it because, harm, no foul, right?

They can not look to Black people to do their work for them. For once in their lives, they are going to have to do the hard work of fixing this themselves, which reminds me of a shirt I saw online that said, "We should have picked our own cotton."  My response was, "Yes. You should have."

Maybe America is moving forward.  It really showed me the stupidity of white supremacy. And that's not a bad thing because I  can know what I'm looking at and react accordingly. I suggest my Black readers to not only read this blog, but take white supremacy and look at it as far as I did.  You can delve into it as deep as you want. You can discuss it with your friends and even laugh at it. And when you see "it", you will know what to do.

Be safe out here.

Thursday, March 7, 2019

Changing our Standards

Sorry for the long wait in between blogs. I've been very busy creating my own media outlets lately. That being said, :

In order for us to become successful, we must dissect our standards and what makes them ours. I'm not telling you to lower your standards by any means, I'm just saying that we can not allow the White standards of everything into our minds anymore. For example, We all know that music has to be polished, bought and paid for or it gets no play on Clear Channel, right?  What if we created our own radio station that showcases artists with messages that we really want to hear. I know there are a whole lot of people tired of hearing about bitches and hoes, drugs, shooting, "hating niggas" and being hard 24/7. I know I am. It has worn on me to the point where I don't even know who today's artists are, and I can't name any of their new songs.  I'll have to take that back, there is one song I like by a guy named "Flipp Dinero called "Leave Me Alone:

Other than that, I find it hard to mess with a lot of new artists. In fact, I got so tired of listening to what was being spoonfed to me, I decided I'd make my own music. Whether it gets picked up by anyone or not, I just do this for myself. It helps me keep my sanity in the current world we live in. We must start funding small businesses, radio stations, and startups in order to keep our own narrative going.  We need to support our local Black filmmakers, and not judge them through a White based lens. We need Black Hollywood, Black Sundance Film Festival, Black music award ceremonies, black music video producers, etc. We can no longer say we don't have the money. The Movie Black panther proved that we have so much money and we don't have anything to show for it. That made me very sad when they came up with the numbers that Disney pulled in.  At this point, some of us are sitting on our hands when it comes to helping to support our own media outlets.

But there is some great news. There are some really good podcasts and radio shows out there that are Black-owned and centered. There are YouTube channels geared towards our tastes and issues that affect us.  But it seems like people aren't looking for them, or they know about them and are trying to keep those outlets as their own little secret. For those who don't share these outlets with people just because it makes you feel special to have something all yours, then I'ma need you to GTFOHWTBS!

For real. Why, you ask? I say so because it's one of the Whitest things you could do is keep something for yourself and not tell anybody how good it is or where it came from. It reminds me of how many White people have "antiques" kept in their homes that have no story, according to grandpa; the items that grandpa said you should be proud of.  Those antiques could have been 'acquired' by the robbing, looting, and burning of Black towns. How many antique books that might have been bound by human skin have they kept, for example:

Anyway, We must take a deep look at ourselves and figure out which side are we on. Do we want to be on the wrong side of history, or the right side. 

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Building our own Wakanda

I know you probably saw Black Panther.  I haven't seen it yet because I'm allergic to movie theaters, but I  will say this.  We gave Disney over two hundred million dollars.  That's enough to build our own Wakanda right here if we put our money in the right places.  This means we have to get rid of Black misleadership. You know the ones,  the Black faces in high places that still has to answer to a White boss.  The ones just sitting in the chair not doing anything for the people they are supposed to serve.  The ones with the empty promises.  The ones who sell you hope without an actual game plan,etc. 

We can do everything mentioned in my Black Clergy,  We Need to Talk  blog if we play our cards right.  We already have enough Black faces in high places.  That has proven ineffective.  We need to start fresh without a White overseer. Otherwise we'll get more of the same.

Aside from that, I heard there was a petition out that demands that Disney use twenty five percent to give back to the Black Community.  To that I say GET The FUCK OUTTA HERE WITH THAT MESS.  Here's why:  First of all,  Disney ain't trying to hear that.  You gave your money to them and now you want to dictate how they spend it?! Really folks? It sounds like someone saw the money and noticed the mess up so they created a petition to fix it.  But the bright side of this is that nobody can say that Black folks don't have any money anymore.  We now have no excuse not to support our own.

Second of all,  Disney was a known racist  when he was alive.  You think that since they finally hired some Black people, they have to break the community off a little something?  Naw,  they already did by hiring Black actors for the movie. That being said, If we build it,  it will come and we can change our narrative and our lives in America. We are the only people who don't support our own startup businesses and media outlets.  We have to get this right this time.  We have no other choice.

Friday, February 10, 2017

Mental Illness

I've been gone a long time. I haven't forgotten my readers. Ive been dealing with some mental issues lately, and dealing with them is very difficult and can be a lonely road for some people.

Sometimes a person has to step back and leave the external and focus on the internal. In a world where external is everything, its really easy to forget about the internal at times. When I say internal, I mean what's inside you. Whats going on can be really hard to understand. And I am struggling with that. Medication, therapist and all. Its difficult. Im holding on very tightly. At times everything gets away from me and I cant retrieve it. This caused anxiety and depression on top of other things Im dealing with. Plus others may not be receptive to whats going on with you either. I have to remind myself there are people out there who understand. Sometimes I feel so alienated that I fear that no one does.

If you know somebody who has been battling mental illness, let them know that I understand. Show them this entry. Don't tell them to pray about it. Please. Don't tell them that. Try talking to them about whats going on. It might be really hard, but please don't give up on them.

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

The Best Sermon Ever

I keep seeing people say things along the lines of "If Black people would come together like they do to go to church, then things will be better." and that "Church folks are the hardest to persuade."  Well, this gave me an idea, and a possible solution to disunity between Black people in general:

What if the Black clergy members spoke about group economics and put it in their teachings? I think its possible for us to do and teach it. If all Black churches had the same model, and followed the same idea, then there would be more money to go around. I noticed we have a tendency to focus on the talking points of making these things happen, but if we start seeing more and more physical examples of what can be done, then we can create more by using the funds being donated to the church. 

They could talk about how bad of an idea it might be to kick children out of the house at an early age, upcycling furniture to someone within the family, helping a family member save money so they could get a head start on life, strengthening the family unit, and much more. Put it in context with The Word, and who knows what can happen. The church can be our most powerful weapon against White Supremacy if we work it right. The church can show the quickest turn around in economic growth that we need in order to thrive, and best of all, we wouldn't have to change much of our behavior. The one thing that needs to change is how the donations are spent. If we follow the model mentioned in the "Black Clergy" blog, then we would be set. 

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Not So Random Thought, #1: The Black Elderly: How to Care For Them

In my last blog regarding the Black clergy, I mentioned building our community. I decided to do some brainstorming, and was able to come up with a taste of what we can create.

It is ideal to keep our elderly at home and take care until they die. But thanks to our busy lives, it may not be likely for a lot of us to do it. As a result, we keep them in nursing homes. Unfortunately, nursing homes can be dreary and be seen as a place to die.  

As we build up our own communities, we should definitely keep the elderly in mind. My suggestion is building nursing homes that look like small towns. Include shopping, movie theatres, grocery stores, restaurants, etc. Have it ran by personnel who are trained to deal with issues like dementia and alzheimer's. This can make it easier for you to visit your loved one, and it'll still allow them to keep their freedom. The grandkids won't be bored and tired of visiting. It'll be like a night on the town for the whole family, and they can get the care they need at the same time. If the home is made affordable for the family, then it can be a really good option. This is where the church comes in again. If the nursing homes could work with Medicaid/Medicare to provide medications, then it would lessen the financial burden on those who have paid for the home in the first place. And if your elderly member receives SNAP, then the grocery store could take full advantage of that. As a result, you get cheap accommodations, and independence for your loved one.

This is just a start. There are more ideas to come.

Monday, August 15, 2016

Black Clergy. We Need to Talk

Okay. Here goes. But first, let me issue a disclaimer. Please excuse the title of this blog. I am not telling you to get the eff outta here. And I won't tell you that. But I have some genuine concerns that I feel that need to be addressed.

I am disenchanted with what has been going on in our communities. I feel like in order to serve the Lord, one must take their followers into consideration. Now I am not a follower, but many people who are close to me are, and I feel like I really need to talk to all of you about something that I would like your assistance with.

I'm coming to you not as a "non believer" or sorts. 

I am not here to talk bad about you, and I am not here to talk some Athiest mess to you.

But I need a huge favor. I need real answers to the question I'm about to ask.

Where do your funds go?

I'm asking because our communities need that money in order to thrive. 

I would like to see them distributed back into the communities you serve.

I would like to see fully serviced Black hospitals with Black board of directors, and employees. I would like to see them completely under Black leadership, free from the White gaze because none of them have our best interests in mind. There are a lot of poor Black people who serve you. In a lot of instances, there are senior citizens who chose between buying food, paying bills, and getting the medication they need vs giving to the churches, and I feel that if we had hospitals that catered to those on Medicaid, and fixed income, it would help benefit all of your patrons. There are many people in your congregations with different professions. It would be very helpful if they were able to volunteer some of their time to work in these hospitals, so your patrons could get the care they need within the congregations, as well as those who do not worship who also live in the communities you serve. 

In fact, people may not need to volunteer to do this. They could get paid through the church if you build it up enough. 

I would like to see Black psychologists, counselors,etc use their time to help people get the counseling they need and or the necessary medications for them to continue living the best life they could. This way, more of your patrons could stand more of a chance at living a fulfilling, healthy life than before.

I would like to see you take the money you get from your patrons, and I would like to see it invested in purchasing homes in the communities you serve. 

I would like to see you purchasing properties and fixing up dilapidated homes so they could be rented or owned by people in the community. I would like to see you using your network of worshippers to get contracts to help fix these homes and make them liveable. It would also help for people to be able to come to the church for help with starting businesses with the rent money from retail properties purchased by the church.

I would like to see you employ the community and offer jobs and job experience to the youth by offering these services.  

I understand that not all Black churches have the money to do this. But I do understand that mega churches have the funds to make it happen. If people see the results you are putting in your community, then you can reach people better. They feel like they stand a chance out here. If they feel like they stand a chance out here, then you will attract more people. People will believe in what you speak. They will see what God can do for not just them, but for their communities. People are downtrodden right now. They always have been, and always will be if they don't see actual change in their surroundings. If you keep a people feeling down, and fill them with "hope" then what else do they have? They still have nothing because that hope hasn't manifested into something tangible. 

I'd also like to see cameras surrounding your buildings. This way, if someone does try to burn down your place of worship, then you will have footage. Our churches should not be burning down when we have the technology to keep that from happening.

I feel like if you build it, they will come. Many people don't see the build. So they don't go. They feel dejected, and rejected because if they don't go, they get treated as "lesser than". This creates a division within the people in the community, and contributes to weakening the church.

I would also like to see funding for Black owned and operated schools, where the state doesn't have control of the curriculum.  There are so many dilapidated school buildings in the neighborhoods you serve that it isn't funny. As a result,  many kids are being bussed far away from the homes where their parents pay taxes to, which causes you to lose funds in the long run as well. This prevents parents from being able to pay tithing, which also weakens the potential power of the church. 

If we get it started, we could be fully self sufficient with the help of Jesus.

All of these things can happen if you invest in your community. You don't have to do it en masse, but it starts with one house, one building, one property, one person. I know you have that power. If you can get poor people to scrape together their last dimes to give to the church in order to pay the members of the congregation, then you have enough to fundraise for just one house. Put a member of the congregation in that house and charge affordable rent. That rent goes toward an account just for properties. This could be done repeatedly for anything your community needs. Just create different accounts for different things, like "schools", "hospitals" etc. Pretty soon, you'll be able to help start businesses. Those businesses will be able to employ many people in the community. 

At that point, we may be able to start up our own private utility services, and we may even able to rebuild infrastructure (Flint Michigan and Detroit).

I am not asking for your prayers. I'm asking for some transparency. I'm asking as a concerned person who can see what is possible. You don't have to lose members. But if this happens, you can gain quite a few. Because right now, it looks like praying alone isn't helping. It looks like its hurting us spiritually, mentally,physically and economically. 

If you read this, then I thank you. If you respond, then I would be very grateful for it. Comments on this piece are nice, but I'm at a point where I need to see things happen. And right now... it doesn't look like it is happening. I believe all Black churches could make it happen. We just need to see the physical proof with our eyes, and not our hearts and minds.

Thank you for your time.