Thursday, July 25, 2013

Black on Black Crime vs Crime

Crime happens every where you go. It occurs mostly between people who live in the same neighborhood regardless of whatever race there is. Why is it when Blacks commit crimes, it gets labeled as a "Black on Black crime", and is looked at like it's a genre of pornography? Why can't it be just crime in general? Why does it get it's own set of statistics? No one has ever heard of White on White crime, or Asian on Asian crime, or Hispanic on Hispanic crime (you get the point). The whole thing reminds me of two things:

the Sociology class I took in college where the professor constantly made attempts to insert their prejudices of Blacks by citing statistics and asking the class to pontificate on that. Being the only Black person in the entire class, I had to fight tooth and nail to make damn sure that the students could see what the professor was doing.

ancient psuedo-science where scientists would "study" skulls of Black people and compare them to that of a White person in order to measure intelligence, when all they were really doing was attempting to circle jerk about the fabricated bullshit idea that they are superior to Black people.

These people in the United States must be stupid as hell if they think Black people don't see what's going on here. And then they want to say, "This country is post racial" or "I'm colorblind" after they spout some statistic on Black on Black crime in an attempt to "discuss the 'problem' with the Black community". Get The Fuck Outta Here with that bullshit!

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