Thursday, July 25, 2013

"Black rights activist says drone strikes make Obama a 'Global Zimmerman' "... Wait..What?!

I have seen this article and all I can say is, "Is he serious with that?!"  Normally Dr. Cornel West is that dude, but he is tripping really hard for this. For the record, I am not a fan of these drone strikes. I think the idea is horrible, and I can't help but think Obama is just a face on an agenda that was going to take shape regardless whether he won the election or not. Anyway, that being said Dr. West is completely wrong for that. This country has been snooping and hiding in fear of other countries for years. Never mind the North American army bases that sit in foreign countries. Never mind the planes, the ships, the jets, helicopters, the FBI and CIA and various other secret agencies North America has to offer who are in and out of other countries. Never mind accusing other countries are harboring "weapons of mass destruction". Never mind worrying about whether or not a country (who the US federal government may be afraid of ) has nuclear weapons, and where the weapons are pointed. Never mind how America enters other countries under the guise of economic development, when they are really exploiting the people and setting up infrastructures that allow them to pollute and destroy the environment. Never mind how North America meddles in wars that have nothing (absolutely nothing) to do with them. Never mind the fact that Jim Crow laws effectively policed a section of citizens all across the United States (Don't act like it was only the south's doing. The rest of the states are guilty as hell for it as well, they just had different names for each law.  Google "Sundown Laws" followed by the name of your state to see what I'm talking about). America has been a "Global Zimmerman for a very long time now".

Stop acting brand new. This shit was done waaaay before the Obama Administration. Get the Fuck outta here with that!

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