Showing posts with label Charleston Shooting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Charleston Shooting. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

On the Charleston Shooting Aftermath

I'm hearing a lot of stuff after this mess happened. People are trying to play ally as if they actually cared. Here's what I have to say about it:

For those who say that "we're all human" and "we're all equal" rhetoric:

If we're so "equal" and "human" why do we get killed because of racist people? Why do we have to deal with racist tendencies just for existing? Why do you think WE (Black people) are the ones who have to "confront racism" when we aren't the ones acting like damn fools whenever Black people dare to fuck up their lily White atmospheres at any given moment in time? Why do you tell Black people to practice love, throw out some bible verse, or start talking about praying in order to quell or scare, or silence our grievances?

Confronting racism is White people's work. Not Black people's.
Black people: Stop trying to side with these liberal fools. They'll turn on you and smile as they do it. Pay attention and watch how they move.

White people (and any folks who fit) : Stop asking Black people about how to confront racism. After all, we aren't the ones dishing it out.

PSA: to all White people who feel slighted by what I just said:
Racists are using you as a target to hide behind. Are you willing to let them do that to you in order to hold on to your job, your money, your friends, your family, your so called livelihood? Because that's what you're doing.

Let this be known. I have had a lot of practice in losing. I lost family when I was very small. I lost family just because I was born.
I know what it's like to be truly alone in this world. I'm not talking about being around friends/family, etc and feeling lonely.
I'm talking being completely solitary. I'm talking about not talking to people I lived with for years at a time. I'm talking about not talking to people even though we shared a room, clothes and a bed.
I'm talking about going to school and not saying shit the entire day. For weeks at a time. I'm talking about walking the halls while muting out all sounds just to fight back tears. And then going home and not saying shit to anybody unless they say something to me first. And doing the same thing while working. I did that for eleven years back to back, starting from aged 6.

So if I could face the world while dealing with all of what I dealt with (without going into too much detail) , then you could stand to walk using your own two feet without standing on the backs of other people. You can be accountable without throwing other people under the bus and coming up with elaborate excuses to justify shitty behavior by people who look like you.

But I'm wasting time writing this because whenever Black people talk, we're just talking niggers to these people. That's why if we speak "proper" (which really translates to above fifth grade American English), it's noted that we "speak so well", but nothing actually sinks into the mind of the person we're "speaking at". If we're eloquent, THEN we're "articulate and smart" but still, nothing sinks in. If we offer suggestions or ask questions while at work, we're contrarians and we aren't team players because nothing sinks in.

White people, fix your shit. It isn't up to Black people to do that. That's YOUR fucking house. This ain't "The Help" nor is it "The Butler". I'm not here for making you feel all warm and fuzzy. Seek that out in your partner. I'm not here to mentally jack you off, nor do I seek that in you.

This will be the only post I will make regarding this sort of thing in regards to White people and their peculiarities when it comes to dealing with Black people.

And American media needs to stop asking Black people to speak on what to do about racism. They're the spin doctors of this shit. How about stop spreading the ‪‎fuckery‬?! That's a basic ass solution. Stop asking Black people to play Blues Clues with your grown ig'nant asses.

America goes full retard all day, every day.
And anybody who wants to focus on feeling hurt after reading this can GET THE FUCK OUTTA HERE WITH THAT BULLSHIT.

Ole cowardly, non executive decision making asses.