Showing posts with label obama. Show all posts
Showing posts with label obama. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Missouri, Are You Serious?!

The Missouri State Fair done  messed up.  Then again, I'm not really surprised.  Basically, somebody thought it would be a bright idea to find yet another way to disrespect the president.  This time, they did it at a rodeo. The rodeo clown dressed up as President Obama while the announcer asked the crowd if they wanted to see Obama get run over by a bull.  The audience went wild as the announcer asked them again and again each time while getting louder and louder. One of the clowns taunted the Obama clown by bobbling his lips, which added to the crowd's anticipation as he let the bull get really close to him. This made the crowd go nuts! They loved it, until the word got out, that is. The announcer flat out denied that he knew about the Obama clown and promptly blamed the clown, which resulted in the clown getting banned . << Get the fuck outta here. How is the announcer going to deny the whole thing when he was the main one getting the crowd amped up about it? I guess it's all fun and games until the rest of the country found out. Now I'm sure people reading this will think that I'm one of those "blind Obama supporters" who "can't stand to have their 'messiah' talked about in a less than favorable light" or "(insert any other Fox news piss and vitriol here)", but I'm not that person (as you can see in a previous blog), and people have the right to be mad, but let's be honest. Barak Obama has been the most disrespected president we have had in a very long time. Now people are going to say that we have had other bad presidents before, but there are people alive who loved them some Ronald Regan, and Richard Nixon, and will speak fondly of them to this day. I've even seen billboards depicting George W Bush as a great president who deserves to be missed, and the same for Ronald Regan.  That's saying something when George W was the one who created the Patriot Act, Homeland Security, gave millions of dollars that USA didn't have, to banks that were too big to fail, and not to mention how he made it such a pain in the ass to travel by airplane, etc.  I won't go too far into what George W Bush allowed to pass because I'd be accused of using the tired tactic of blaming Bush, but you get the point. People have been disrespecting the president from day one , and they have been doing it for so long that it looks to me like folks decided this particular president is exempt from being protected. It also seems that the disrespect is most solely related to race, and is not limited to his wife.  When G.W.Bush was elected and then re-elected, people were disrespecting him all over the place, but people would always follow up with something like " Al Gore/ Kerry lost, Get over it." , or something like, "You may not like his policies, but you still have to respect him. He is our president after all"  <<Where are those people now? I still have yet to see or hear something like that come out of their mouths. During all of the hell that was caught, I felt like I was the very very few who were telling people to wait for the next election day so they can vote somebody else in, and that either way, somebody is going to be pissed because their boy or representative didn't win, so why don't they just suck it up, cry me a river, build me a bridge and get over it already. I guess since now there is a Black face to go with the Bush/Cheney-esque dealings, all of a sudden, they can't take it.  This country is no longer fun to be a part of, all of a sudden this country has become fascist, and a dictatorship, and they don't feel so free anymore.  To those who feel that way, I just want to tell them to, "Get the fuck outta here with that bullshit, and here's why.

The US has been doing folks dirty in this country since it first started. It seems that ever sense the dirty dealings have affected White america, all of a sudden they want to cry foul. They want to be upset about having the phones tapped, all of their information available upon request, sub prime mortgages and high interest rates with the intent to swindle the applicant, having no jobs and repossessed homes as a result of property speculation, experiencing disillusionment about being in the military, and not having much to look forward to in general especially after obtaining a degree.  I completely understand those sentiments.  That is exactly how it feels to be Black in America, and it has been that way for many many years now. The thing is that when it was just those people fighting for their liberties, and those people who wanted to be respected, and wanted to be able to go where they wanted without being profiled, searched and or denied unless they complied with the ridiculousness, there were people who either made "lighthearted fun" of the Civil Rights Movement that ensued, they simply did nothing, or they scoffed at the ungrateful (insert your favorite plural version of a colorful racial slur here) who should be lucky they were tolerated for so long in the first place.  Now that the FBI, and CIA are all in their asses now, they want to complain and be mad.  I guess they can go ahead and be mad, because they shole weren't mad when the face of dirty deeds was White (read as Lyndon B Johnson Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, George Bush Sr, and Jr).  In fact, everything was fine and dandy for the most part. All of the struggles inflicted on non Whites in this country had been acting as a proving ground. The powers that be already knew the rest of the country wouldn't give a good god damn about what was going on "over there". Now no one can hide from it and no one is excluded.  Maybe somebody should use everything I mentioned as a talking point to explain the "White American problem"and do it exactly how they like to go in on the "African American problem" and how past behaviors caused the chickens to come home to roost.  Then again, the last time somebody mentioned chickens coming home to roost when pertaining to White America,  that person got shot. But the real question I want to ask is, "If this person were White, how would it be received since people seem to like their political policies doled out to them as such?"

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Taking the USA Back

I remember when Barack Obama first got elected. People lost their minds. We had numerous people talking about "taking this country back". Where were they when Bush was in office? Who owned it the first place? The default answer is, "corporations". Hmmm, last time I checked, corporations owned the US for a very very very long time now. Why are they so interested in "taking it back" now that Barak Obama is in office? Why are they so passionate about going back to the "good old days"? When were the "good old days"? Last time I checked, this country has been a hot shit sandwich for a long time now, and that was BEFORE Barak Obama was sworn in.  Now don't get me wrong. I don't agree with a lot of his policies, but are they telling me that Mitt Romney would have been a better suit for the job this time around?! I don't think so. Honestly, during the first time around I thought Ron Paul would have been the guy, but after he was dropped during the primary, I ended up voting for Obama (lesser of the two evils, so I thought).  When Obama was sworn in the first time, everybody was saying things like "C'mon!!! You guys voted for him because he's Black! or " All of the illegals got together to vote him in".  Last time I checked, illegals can't vote.  :P  Last time I checked Blacks don't even equal 13% of the population and most of them are in jail.  Last time I checked convicted felons can't vote.  So according to the statistics that people wait with baited breath to quote for whatever reason they see fit, if all Blacks voted for Obama, it wouldn't have been nearly enough to sway an election. Obviously some White people have had to vote for him, DUH.

Besides, How are they going to "take America back", when they never owned it in the first place? Get the Fuck Outta Here with that mess.