We all know that Republicans took Congress, right? Well since then, they've been making many proposals to cut welfare benefits for those whom are poor. Missouri was one of the states to make a 15 month cut to welfare benefits. They also want to ban poor people from eating steak and seafood. And Kansas had thoughts of them using their aid to gain access to public swimming pools, psychics, and tattoo services.
I saw this video that brought up how the residents of Owsley County, Kentucky which is known for being the Food Stamp Capital of America have voted for the welfare cuts.
Here's the video:
The funny thing about this is... when they balk about the change for THEM, their neighbors will say, "At least you're not a nigger." And the first person will agree.
And they will blame Black people for it.
They're probably going to blame Obama for this because (according to a lot of conservatives) Obama made the country more racist. They will reference this event as the outcome of the country being "Obama's America."
Now as far as blaming Obama goes, well, the reason America has become MORE racist after Obama became president is because the racists can't stand the idea that Obama is in that chair. In fact, the citizens spent a lot of time talking shit about him, making shooting targets of him, threatened to kill him, called him an 'uppity nigger' in so many words, and cursed him out all the way through both terms. In fact, they said Obama was Hitler, and that Obama's America was going to be crazy, when in actuality, all Obama did was sit down in the chair. They didn't like him in the chair, so they bucked against everything he did. They even talked big shit on his wife.
I suspect that exposed racism and hatred was exactly what the Obama haters were afraid of. They would be unable to control themselves now that "Obummer" (their words, not mine) is in that chair. They wanted him to go along to get along, which is expected of any Black politician. Even when he won fair and square, people were saying that the Blacks and the so called "Illegals" (their words again) swayed the election when in actuality, Black people only make up about 13 percent of the population, and many of them are incarcerated. Incarcerated people don't get the right to vote. Illegal people don't get that right either, so they can't say its possible the victory happened solely due to this particular subset of people.
I digress. I wonder if anybody has told them about this thinking. I wonder if anybody has ever let them know how ridiculous they sound when they complain about how this country is going down the drain ever since Barak became president. I suspect nobody has done it. But then again, I suspect if someone did bring this to their attention, they'd have to be White because honestly, some of them have prejudices so thick that a Black person mentioning anything important is just... well, a talking nigger. Oh well. I won't be the one telling them because no matter what, they'll still think what they want to think.
And later they will both complain about their children being hungry. But hey, you get what you vote for according to the mantra that Black folks have been told all of these years due to low Black voter turnout.
Meanwhile when Black people actually turn out to vote, republicans call it disgusting.
Go figure.
Friday, May 8, 2015
Black Women, Depression and the "Strong Black Woman" trope.
Okay. I saw this article regarding how Black women are pressured into being superwoman all the time and how it affects us. One of those ways it affects us is that it shows up in the form of depression. It doesn't explain why we become depressed, so I'll tell you.
America created the "Strong Black Woman". We have to endure, thrive and live. We face a lot of obstacles while living in this country. We have to navigate everything and everywhere, and deal with a lot of foolishness. Some days, it's like, "What kind of bullshit I'm going to have to deal with today?" So we act accordingly. We lose our tempers, we get cagey. We try to survive. Now, the "Strong Black Woman" has turned into a racist trope. You can see the trope online and on tv. They're trying to make us look like crazy hoodrat type people. They mock us, and when they talk to us, they start rolling their eyes and necks. And they put on this "voice" they think we all sound like. That's a bunch of bullshit right there. They wonder why we are mad. Well, if we didn't have to deal with a bunch of straight up ignorance then we wouldn't be mad. And now this article comes out.
As a person who has to deal with depression, I understand this article. BUT one has to examine why a lot of us experience depression and anxiety. It's because of the world we live in. Our hairstyles, names, and addresses determine whether we get the job interview. We're lucky when we get the job in the first place. And when we get the job, we have to deal with fuckery. Sometimes the work environment can get hostile, so we get depressed because it happens everywhere we go. It's supposed to be a joke that we should be able to take. We are tired. We are tired of the bullshit we have to endure because somebody wants to make jokes.
We can disagree with someone and all of a sudden we're aggressive, or rude. The same thing happens when we bring up different ways to handle something. They expect us to smile and nod. We are only there for the background. And if we look good enough (where "enough" is subjective), they might take a picture for their pamphlets. This happens everywhere. And it weighs down on you.
I should know.
For those who have turned the "Strong Black Woman" into an online meme and or trope, I 'd have to tell them to GET THE FUCK OUTTA HERE WITH THAT BULLSHIT.
That goes for all and any media outlets out there who wish to make fools of us for trying to exist in a circumstance THEY created.
black culture,
black humanity,
black people,
internet trope,
strong black woman
Thursday, May 7, 2015
All Dogs Matter- Another police brutality post
Ok. In my area, there is a large concentration of White people vs any minority. I've noticed some stuff that occurs in my area in regards to police brutality. They are against police brutality in theory, but only if their dogs are involved. That's right.
Yes, dogs. Because dogs are considered family members.
Lets be clear. I love dogs. I've had a total of 6 dogs in my life. I've trained them as well.
I'd be upset if the police shot my dog. BUT if they shot my dog and overlooked me, then I would be okay with that.
I can live without a dog. But there's no guarantee the dog would have a good life without me because I don't know where the dog would go, or how they would take care of it.
But why come (I have to say it like that) when the subject of police brutality against minorites comes up, all of a sudden I hear," Yeah, but dogs too. They get killed. They are shot for no reason, and I'm sick of it. They wouldn't want anybody to shoot their family member, and my dog is family. (Dog or dogs) is/are my baby/babies. (Dog or dogs) is/are like my kids." ?
All Black people want is to be treated like humans. That's it.
And then this real not satirical article came out with the following title:
Black Baltimore Residents Aren't "Animals", We Punish People for Killing Animals
I've seen people at anti police brutality rallies holding signs about killing their dogs. Most of these people were White and some were Brown.
Let me say, it's a goddamn shame that article had to be written in the first place. Really? Placing dogs above Black people is just inhumane. But anecdotes don't count as proof of what I'm talking about, so let me show you another article.
Apparently in Wykoff NJ police shot a five year old German shepard named "Otto" and now they're rallying against it.
Now the question I'd like to ask is, will the "pro police" crowd create something to counter the #AllDogsMatter rallies? Would they come up with t-shirts that say "All Dogs Go To Heaven" instead of the "I Can Breathe" t-shirts the NYPD wore so shamelessly? Or the "I Support Darren Wilson bracelets, and t-shirts." worn by the Ferguson, Missouri Police Department. Will they race to their pocketbooks in order to fund the officers that shot the dogs with the same fervor and zeal they showed for Darren Wilson?
Something tells me that I already know the answer to that question.
Maybe that "All Dogs Go to Heaven" t-shirt would be just what people need in order to get them to stop killing us.
But nope, if anything gets done, I think they'll just stop shooting dogs instead.
Yes, dogs. Because dogs are considered family members.
Lets be clear. I love dogs. I've had a total of 6 dogs in my life. I've trained them as well.
I'd be upset if the police shot my dog. BUT if they shot my dog and overlooked me, then I would be okay with that.
I can live without a dog. But there's no guarantee the dog would have a good life without me because I don't know where the dog would go, or how they would take care of it.
But why come (I have to say it like that) when the subject of police brutality against minorites comes up, all of a sudden I hear," Yeah, but dogs too. They get killed. They are shot for no reason, and I'm sick of it. They wouldn't want anybody to shoot their family member, and my dog is family. (Dog or dogs) is/are my baby/babies. (Dog or dogs) is/are like my kids." ?
All Black people want is to be treated like humans. That's it.
And then this real not satirical article came out with the following title:
Black Baltimore Residents Aren't "Animals", We Punish People for Killing Animals
I've seen people at anti police brutality rallies holding signs about killing their dogs. Most of these people were White and some were Brown.
Let me say, it's a goddamn shame that article had to be written in the first place. Really? Placing dogs above Black people is just inhumane. But anecdotes don't count as proof of what I'm talking about, so let me show you another article.
Apparently in Wykoff NJ police shot a five year old German shepard named "Otto" and now they're rallying against it.
Now the question I'd like to ask is, will the "pro police" crowd create something to counter the #AllDogsMatter rallies? Would they come up with t-shirts that say "All Dogs Go To Heaven" instead of the "I Can Breathe" t-shirts the NYPD wore so shamelessly? Or the "I Support Darren Wilson bracelets, and t-shirts." worn by the Ferguson, Missouri Police Department. Will they race to their pocketbooks in order to fund the officers that shot the dogs with the same fervor and zeal they showed for Darren Wilson?
Something tells me that I already know the answer to that question.
Maybe that "All Dogs Go to Heaven" t-shirt would be just what people need in order to get them to stop killing us.
But nope, if anything gets done, I think they'll just stop shooting dogs instead.
black humanity,
Darren Wilson,
New jersey,
police brutality,
Wykoff Nj
"These cops are tired of white people getting freaked out by their black neighbors"<< Here we go
Yeah. I've been making a lot of posts about police brutality lately. But now this article came out talking about how cops are tired of White people getting "freaked out" by their Black neighbors, and I've got to say SOMETHING.
Here we go. If there are any cops out there reading this blog, I have one question for you:
And that's why I have to tell them to GET THE FUCK OUTTA HERE!!
I've been the victim of stuff like that and I've straight up asked the cops about implementing a process where they charge the people who cry wolf. They stammer, and say they don't have a way to do so. I even asked them about how they can track phone numbers when people abuse the emergency services (911) and they say the dispatchers handle that.
It's all bullshit.
They didn't have an answer for me.
Here we go. If there are any cops out there reading this blog, I have one question for you:
And that's why I have to tell them to GET THE FUCK OUTTA HERE!!
I've been the victim of stuff like that and I've straight up asked the cops about implementing a process where they charge the people who cry wolf. They stammer, and say they don't have a way to do so. I even asked them about how they can track phone numbers when people abuse the emergency services (911) and they say the dispatchers handle that.
It's all bullshit.
That's why I have to tell those officers to GET THE FUCK OUTTA HERE!
They had NO intention of doing anything about it. They're just playing brand new.
During my last police encounter, I asked if they charge people for bogus 911 calls. They said they do. I asked them why it keeps happening. They said if the person is a "problem" then they will charge. I asked them, "How many calls constitutes a charge?" They said three or four. I then asked, "What if they make a bogus call and that call is the one that causes somebody to get killed?" I cited John Crawford as an example. The caller in his case should have heavily fined and locked away for murder.They didn't have an answer for me.
black neighbors. ProtectAndServe,
cops freaked out,
Washington Post
On Police Brutality
I'd like to paint a picture for you:
I'm sure you've done some traveling where you'd have to visit an airport.
You know the part where they have to search you and have you go through the medal detector?
Well, let's say they make you spread your legs, they go inside of your pants. YES inside of your pants in order to make sure you aren't carrying anything dangerous. They touch you inappropriately, make you spread your butt cheeks apart, they make you open your mouth and take off your shoes. They even check your socks. They take off your hat, search it, and forcefully run their fingers through your hair. They do all of this while interrogating you about where you live, whether or not you're driving YOUR car even if the name on the licence and registration match), whether or not you have insurance, where you work, etc. This is also done when your car looks "too nice", meaning it looks like a car that "somebody like you" wouldn't normally be seen in.
You know the part where they have to search you and have you go through the medal detector?
Well, let's say they make you spread your legs, they go inside of your pants. YES inside of your pants in order to make sure you aren't carrying anything dangerous. They touch you inappropriately, make you spread your butt cheeks apart, they make you open your mouth and take off your shoes. They even check your socks. They take off your hat, search it, and forcefully run their fingers through your hair. They do all of this while interrogating you about where you live, whether or not you're driving YOUR car even if the name on the licence and registration match), whether or not you have insurance, where you work, etc. This is also done when your car looks "too nice", meaning it looks like a car that "somebody like you" wouldn't normally be seen in.
What if you have a job that allows you to have that nice car? You get interrogated. They don't believe the car belongs to you so they run the plates AFTER they finish running your name and registration. Then they make you wait for another officer so they can search your car. They tear your car apart, find nothing, and leave you with the mess to clean up.
Let's say it happens so much that you automatically "assume the position", which is where they make you turn around, face a wall (or something stationary) with your hands up, put your hands on the stationary object, and spread your legs far apart. And they keep pushing you to spread your legs further. And you can not spread them that far. Not because you are hiding something, but because you just aren't that flexible. And they keep pushing you around, grabbing you and telling you to comply even though you are already doing so.
They insult you as they continue violating your personal space. They joke about it. They talk about you like a rare fish they caught over the weekend at the lake. They mock you.
And you can't do anything about it because if you move, they might kill you.
I'm sure you'd be royally pissed about that happening to you, right?
Well let's say that happens to you anywhere and without warning. You could be enjoying the sunshine by going on a walk, and all of a sudden the police show up and make you "let them" search you.
Let's say you file a complaint against said officers. Nothing gets done and the officers are free to transfer into different departments.
If you're unlucky, that report gets back to the officer. That officer decides to retaliate against you whenever you run into them again.
^^ This is the sort of thing that happens in Black neighborhoods all the time. I've watched it. I've been searched before. Let me tell you. It makes a person feel dirty.
black people,
martial law,
police brutality
On Black People and Visiting Museums
Ok. I saw this article that said Michelle Obama attacked American museums by saying they are only for White people.
This particular sentence stood out, "If black kids don’t think that museums and other such places are “places for them,” then that is a problem with black culture, NOT our museums."
Really? So that's licence for the curators to team up so one could talk about the exhibits while the other can follow and stalk the kids?
I remember going on a field trip to the Old Courthouse and the Jefferson Memorial as an eighth grader in the St. Louis Public School system. There was another school that was there as well, so we all went together. I kept thinking, why were the White kids were touching everything? The curators specifically told us not to touch anything because the oil on the fingerprints will degrade the artifacts over time. That was told to us before we even started the tour. Well a couple of Black kids noticed (including myself) so we were whispering among ourselves about the situation. We decided to perform an experiment. One of the Black kids tried touching the same artifact after one of the White kids did. The vigilant curator ignored the White kid touching the item, but was quick to tell the Black kid that they couldn't touch anything.
This happened throughout the museum. I didn't learn anything pertaining to the curriculum aside from what I already knew. But I learned more than I bargained for.
I suspect the kids didn't learn anything either. From that point on, every time I hear about the Old Court House and Jefferson Memorial, all I could say is "Maaan Fuck those places! "
All I came away with was. "That predatory behavior really takes the fun out of learning."
BUT today, I try to visit art exhibits whenever I can. And I always have that feeling of people watching me with piercing eyes just to make sure I'm not touching anything, or "getting too close".
This particular sentence stood out, "If black kids don’t think that museums and other such places are “places for them,” then that is a problem with black culture, NOT our museums."
Really? So that's licence for the curators to team up so one could talk about the exhibits while the other can follow and stalk the kids?
I remember going on a field trip to the Old Courthouse and the Jefferson Memorial as an eighth grader in the St. Louis Public School system. There was another school that was there as well, so we all went together. I kept thinking, why were the White kids were touching everything? The curators specifically told us not to touch anything because the oil on the fingerprints will degrade the artifacts over time. That was told to us before we even started the tour. Well a couple of Black kids noticed (including myself) so we were whispering among ourselves about the situation. We decided to perform an experiment. One of the Black kids tried touching the same artifact after one of the White kids did. The vigilant curator ignored the White kid touching the item, but was quick to tell the Black kid that they couldn't touch anything.
This happened throughout the museum. I didn't learn anything pertaining to the curriculum aside from what I already knew. But I learned more than I bargained for.
I suspect the kids didn't learn anything either. From that point on, every time I hear about the Old Court House and Jefferson Memorial, all I could say is "Maaan Fuck those places! "
All I came away with was. "That predatory behavior really takes the fun out of learning."
BUT today, I try to visit art exhibits whenever I can. And I always have that feeling of people watching me with piercing eyes just to make sure I'm not touching anything, or "getting too close".
black culture,
black people,
Michelle Obama,
right wing
Good Cops verses Bad Cops
I know what you're thinking. You're thinking I'm HELLA late with this post. For that, I'm sorry. BUT as for right now, here is my take on it.
Any time a police brutality incident pops up, people are quick to put on their cape and say, "Not ALL cops are bad."
Well, let's talk about that for a minute, shall we?
Usually, someone that says this sort of thing may have a loved one who is a cop. They feel like the loved one is unfairly getting bashed because of their profession. They see it as a personal attack on their family.
I get that.
But relatives belonging to the cops mentioned in this article complete with FBI statistics may have said they were "good people" and "good cops" as well.
Here's what happens when "good cops" do their jobs:
This particular officer tried to stop her partner from brutalizing
someone. She reported it within the precinct. As a result,
she was fired, and denied pension.
This officer was fired for going "rouge", and was terminated because of how she handled several situations. She considers herself as a "peace officer"
This particular whistleblower decided to expose the fact that
Oxnard police officers would go get tattoos after they
shoot people.
And here's a facebook page dedicated to "good cops".
Now, of course that's a small bit of information regarding good cops, but what I'm seeing is that the good cops end up being retaliated against for reporting bad things being done by fellow officers. They also get fired.
But there was one cop who worked in such a hostile environment between his coworkers, that he ended up writing a manifesto and decided he'd expose the corruption and go after the people who treated him wrong.
That officer's name was Christopher Dorner.
And that's why I tell people to GET THE FUCK OUTTA HERE whenever they say "Not all cops are bad." Because the only reason the good ones are still in the precinct is because they turn a blind eye whenever corruption within the force shows up.
Any time a police brutality incident pops up, people are quick to put on their cape and say, "Not ALL cops are bad."
Well, let's talk about that for a minute, shall we?
Usually, someone that says this sort of thing may have a loved one who is a cop. They feel like the loved one is unfairly getting bashed because of their profession. They see it as a personal attack on their family.
I get that.
But relatives belonging to the cops mentioned in this article complete with FBI statistics may have said they were "good people" and "good cops" as well.
Here's what happens when "good cops" do their jobs:
This particular officer tried to stop her partner from brutalizing
someone. She reported it within the precinct. As a result,
she was fired, and denied pension.
This officer was fired for going "rouge", and was terminated because of how she handled several situations. She considers herself as a "peace officer"
This particular whistleblower decided to expose the fact that
Oxnard police officers would go get tattoos after they
shoot people.
And here's a facebook page dedicated to "good cops".
Now, of course that's a small bit of information regarding good cops, but what I'm seeing is that the good cops end up being retaliated against for reporting bad things being done by fellow officers. They also get fired.
But there was one cop who worked in such a hostile environment between his coworkers, that he ended up writing a manifesto and decided he'd expose the corruption and go after the people who treated him wrong.
That officer's name was Christopher Dorner.
And that's why I tell people to GET THE FUCK OUTTA HERE whenever they say "Not all cops are bad." Because the only reason the good ones are still in the precinct is because they turn a blind eye whenever corruption within the force shows up.
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