Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Gays and The Civil Rights Movement

First things first. Let me say that I believe gay people should have the right to marry anyone they want, they should be able to enjoy the tax benefits of marriage, be able to choose the better medical benefit package that works out for them.  They shouldn't be denied a place to stay based on their relationship status, and I feel that anybody who feels that a certain group of people should be denied these things must have some deep seated issues they need to work out.

That being said, here's the scoop.

Gay people need to stop bastardizing the Civil Rights Movement. Stop hiding behind the Negro spirituals, and using Dr Martin Luther King's legacy to support their agenda.

I can hear the anger and vitriol right now, so let me state my case:
Gay people have the luxury to hide their sexuality if they want to. In some cases, no one knows they're gay until they open their mouth. Granted there are some cases where a person can tell if another person is gay, and someone may be nosy enough to ask. In that situation it is pure speculation, and hearsay. Even if someone is gay or not, that doesn't make it mine or anyone else's business.  I can't hide the fact that I'm Black when I walk around town.  Making a decision to come out of the closet and tell my parents that I'm Black is not going to make them disown me. I can't tell my best friend that I'm Black, and have her hug me, and tell me that she still loves me anyway, or lose her friendship because of her stance about my sudden Blackness. In fact, she's most likely to laugh at me, and say I was stoopid for that.

Don't get me wrong, it is dangerous to be gay right now. People can end up losing their jobs once the employer finds out that the employee is gay.  Matthew Shepard was killed in Wyoming (The Equality State, no less) for being gay.  The gay person doesn't lose these privileges until someone finds out they are gay. Many successful people were gay all throughout history, and that didn't stop them from gaining success. Black people wouldn't get hired, or were forced to take low paying jobs, or got paid less than other workers who held the same job title  and were being killed based on their skin color alone even if there was a hint of Black blood present in their lineage.  Sure, no one wants to hide who they are regardless of who they are. I get it. Love is universal and should be between two consenting adults. Again, let gay people do the activities that other straight people could do, plain and simple, but they need to stop equating their struggle to that of Black people because they want to have sex whomever they want to. Blacks were killed and denied for just for existing even when they were having sex with their own race and not bothering anybody. Nobody was burning down the homes of two men or two women living in a place of residence. They would get treated as room mates and left alone. Black families had their homes burned down because they had the audacity of living in the area while being Black at the same time.

Hey, at least a gay person has the option to decide if they want to let the world know if they are gay or not. I guess that's what it really means to come "out of the closet". I can't go in my closet and say, "Hmm, I'm finna be Japanese today, Mexican tomorrow, and White the day after that. If I were to come out of the closet (if I were gay for real), and I decided to date outside my race, I would still get flack just for being Black in an interracial relationship.Get the fuck outta here with that bullshit.

And for god's sake, let gay people adopt kids if they want too and stop using that sorry, stale argument by saying that it messes up the child if they have two mothers or two fathers. What? All of these fucked up people that came out of straight families don't exist? All of these serial killers, rapists and child molesters aren't real?  I wonder how  many of them had straight, or so called "normal" parents.  Go somewhere with that "having two parents of the same sex could turn a child gay" mess.  I guess straight families could never, ever produce a gay child, because the straight family is the best environment a kid could ever ask for.  Where did gay people come from then? Did they just drop out of the sky?  Did aliens come down and probe them in their sleep with some sort of  gay inducing technology?! Is gayness the result of a genetic mutation or something like that?! < Some folks have got to be crazy if they think this kind of stuff is true. And get the fuck outta here with that 'sanctity of marriage' bullshit. People need to stop acting like they don't know that marriage was considered a business transaction back in the day, and that people who married for love were classified as stupid.  Why do people think parents of the bride to be would ask, "What does he do for a living?" They wanted to insure that the daughter would be taken care of and that the children would be in a seemingly secure environment.

And fuck Westbro Baptist Church.  That is all.

Mexican Immigration- Whoa! Hold Up! Hear Me Out First, and Help Me Answer These Questions.

I am FOR immigration. In fact, I am happy to get the chance to taste all of this delicious food that Mexican immigrants bring over with them. My tastebuds have been blessed with the experiences of the molcajetes, tacos de lengua, the Mexican shrimp cocktails, and various beers, like El Modelo Negro,Tecate, and Dos Equis.  It doesn't matter what kind of immigrants come over in my eyes, all I care about is getting the chance to eat all of that good food. I want my refrigerator and my cupboards to look like a UN convention, hands down.  Why hasn't North America been trading with everyone on the continent first? Why are we just now getting the chance to enjoy all of that yummy-ness? All of those goods are in very close proximity to North America. I would think it would be cheaper to ship on this continent than to get stuff from overseas, but I digress.

But here's the shit I don't like:

I understand that half of this land belonged to Mexico at one point, and now they want it back. Sure, I understand where they are coming from, but what took them so long to come back? Is it because everything is developed and all they have to do is get the job since the infrastructure is already in place? I understand the need for money and the desire to raise a family in a better environment by any means necessary . This is a universal thing that everyone wants, but some come over and they are hella racist. How are they going to beg for a job from a White person, talk shit about them  to their face in Spanish, while shitting on the Blacks that work there as well?  Guatemalans come to Mexico for jobs just as Mexicans come to the US, but Guatemalans get called piojos, or lice by Mexicans in Mexico. Why do they expect to get treated special in the states, when they can't treat Guatemalans fairly in their own country?   << Get the Fuck Outta Here with that!  As far as relations go between Blacks and Mexicans in North America goes, maybe I'm naive.  I thought Blacks and Mexicans were one in the same because there are Black people in Mexico, and there are whole towns named after Black people. Some people even refer to themselves as "Negro" in Mexico. There are Afro Mexicans that exist today that are doing their thing, and have a unique culture. Thanks to history, many darker skinned Mexicans have African lineage due to the slaves that were left when the Spaniards left. That can be seen in the various skin tones, and African features a lot of Mexicans have to this day.  Some Mexicans have no problem championing their Spaniard or Aztec heritage, but when Black is mentioned, they'll look at me sideways. Needless to say, I was very confused when I came to these parts. When I first came out here, I interacted with very few  Mexicans. In fact, I grew up with a kid named Fernando, and he was just that, a kid. I didn't put any thought into the fact that his family spoke Spanish sometimes, and he did too. I just thought it was how his family worked.  I thought they were cool, and I figured we were similar because I happen to enjoy spicy food, and hot sauce. I thought hot sauce was a Black thing, but I was soooo wrong, lol.

Later in my life, I went to a Mexican restaurant in order to try some real Mexican food. I was the first one in the restaurant, and I ordered a smothered burrito.  A few other people came in, and I was seated with a glass of water with no ice. I didn't think too much of it until after a lot of the people made their orders, it was taking quite a while for me to receive mine.  I watched a White family get their meals before I received mine. I began to get impatient, because their meals were more elaborate and I thought it couldn't take that long to make my little order that costed no less than five dollars. I waited and waited. No silverware was placed at my table. When I finally got my meal, it was stone cold. The cheese had gotten stuck to the plate. I had to ask for silverware and a napkin.  I was as kind as I could have been. I have never been one of those people who act crazy in a restaurant or treat the servers wrong in any way, shape or form regardless of the type of restaurant I chose to go to.  I couldn't figure out what or why they treated me that way. I wrote a short note in Spanish that described how I felt about their service and I left, never to return.

I also worked in a production environment where I was treated horribly by a Mexican man and his Spanish speaking friends. Being the only Black person among mostly White and Spanish speaking men was terrible. The Spanish speaking men  were really derogatory and made jokes about me sucking their dicks (exactly in those words, but translated in Spanish). I had made it known that I could understand and communicate in Spanish at the time, so I knew everything they said. They would go out of their way to make my job harder than it had to be by sabotaging the equipment I was using, and say that I wanted to be Mexican since I knew Spanish.  I figured I had to win their respect, so I worked harder than anyone else in the area and became the best performer out of the whole group.  One person in particular went into my back pack and stole my work gloves, they rifled through my stuff on separate occasions, and when it came time to eat, all of them would occupy ALL of the microwaves in hopes that no one would else get the chance to use them. I started to get bold and I would put my food in the microwave with theirs. Just to be fair, they did the microwave thing to ALL of the non Spanish speaking people, not just me. After a particularly hard day, I decided I had enough of the harassment, and I told the instigator that I spoke Spanish and I knew exactly what he and his friends were doing. I took the issue to HR, and this person pretended they didn't know a lick of English.  Long story short, I was made out to be this huge racist, and rumors had been spread about me through three different buildings. People I never met were treating me like crap because this guy wanted to get even with me for not allowing him to treat me bad.  The HR department ended up adding a section to their handbook that everyone had to sign otherwise they would be fired. 

I decided I would tell no one that I knew Spanish, and I stopped speaking it all together.  I left the company after working there for five years. 

Fast forward to 2011

I thought I needed a CPU for my PC. I searched high and low for one even online and they were talking about $64.00 plus for it. I wanted to see if I could get it local, so I combed all of the PC shops in my area. Almost all of the shops in my area would have had to order it online. I needed it at that moment, so I didn't order it. My last stop was a Mexican owned shop which had the item on display. There weren't any prices on any of the merchandise, so the lady at the register called her husband to see what the price was. She didn't know that I still knew Spanish, so she asked her husband the price. He said something on the other end, and his wife looked at me and said "Negro". Then the price was given to me: $95.00. Ninety five dollars?!  Really?!  I bought it because I thought I needed it right at that moment, and then after carefully assessing the situation I returned it because it turned out I didn't need a CPU. The funds were credited back to my account, but not after the package was carefully scrutinized. 

I went to a different, and much classier restaurant in hopes of not receiving the same treatment I experienced long ago. By then, I had made more Mexican friends, and I began to feel better about my previous encounters. Similar treatment ensued. This time, I was given a dirty plate instead of a clean one, and instead of being by myself, I was with 3 other people (none of which were Black), who received clean dishes the first time. I politely asked the waitress to bring me a clean plate, which she did.  I went to that restaurant again with one other person who wasn't Black. I made my order, which was a $24.00 molcajete dish which contained crab legs. I was given the lower end dish(the one without the crab legs), but charged the higher end price. Another instance at the same restaurant, I made my order and no guacamole was added, even though the menu and the picture of the dish said it came with it.  My companion had no problems with his order.  I hardly think that was a coincidence. My question is Why make a restaurant that serves their country's food in another country, and then treat the patrons stupidly because they don't look like them or share a similar variation in skin tone? If they don't want Black people or people who don't look like them to enter their establishments, then don't create them, plain and simple. << Get The Fuck Outta Here With That Bullshit.  But wait, there's more.

They need to stop with the over charging, passive aggressiveness, silly tactics, and run the business with some respect. Stop talking all that mess and stirring it up when they get called out. Man or woman up and deal with the fact that shit won't slide. Don't act all innocent and crazy and tell the boss that "I just want to work hard" when they talked all that mess behind their backs, calling them pinche gueros (which means 'fucking white people'), and whatever filth they can think of because it's funny since the White people don't know Spanish. Stop making children in the states just so they can stay in the country, and then using the child as a commodity by saying. "Oh, but I have a kid. You can't take me away from my kid". They knew that if they have a child in this country, they can increase their chances of staying here. That child is a human being and for somebody to put the child in front of the camera and parade them for the sake of their selfishness, is straight up ugly. It sends the message that the child is a thing, or a means to an end and not a person. Stop playing dumb.<<Get the fuck outta here with that!  It is no different than using a pregnancy against a significant other in order to obtain child support. The same goes with arranging fake marriages in North America to gain citizenship (I know the fake marriages and using the kid as an object is a straight up immigration tactic that applies to ALL immigrants, and not just Mexicans, so I'll cut some slack for now). Stop marching and using Dr. Martin Luther King and the Black Civil Rights Movement to represent their cause when y'all know damn well, that people who look like him are "pinche mayates" in some of their eyes (which is strange because like I mentioned before, there are Blacks all up in Mexico  and everybody who is born and raised in Mexico is considered Mexican regardless of color). They can't act like they don't know what I'm talking about. Wait until their kid brings home a Black person and then watch the family react. Lip service in the form of excuses will be made. Things like "Oh, that's just how some people are, and that we are all people anyway...bla bla bla.."  will be said to excuse said behavior and make it okay. It is not okay nor will it ever be.<<Get the fuck on.  They need to stop using hip hop to further the unwarranted hate they have for Black people.<I'm looking at  the cholos. That being said, working with the Aryan Nation is not in their best interest. They don't care about them. Why don't they look at how these people treat them in North America? There is a reason why their parents get hired to do cheap labor. It isn't because they want to make sure their parents do well, it's because they want to keep as much money for themselves as they can. They don't care if the immigrant's family is starving. They only care about maximizing profit for them and only them. There is a reason why most of the people locked up are Black and Brown. They are trying to keep us fighting so they can continue doing their dirt. They are using the immigrants as their mules, and they are getting laughed at, plain and simple.  That being said, I'm probably about to have La Raza all up in my ass for this post. This pinche mayate puta madre might have a green light put on her by Mexican mafia members and previously incarcerated gang members.  I'm not saying this applies to all Mexicans or all immigrants regardless of where they come from. I've met some awesome people that originate from Mexico and other countries who have made North America their home.  All I ask is that they treat me, and people who look like me with respect as long as we do the same to them. Now if somebody who looks like me decides to act like a first class moron with them for no reason, all I can say is that I'm sorry. I can't control how they act, but if an immigrant act likes that with someone who looks like me for no apparent reason, then they deserve any and all wrath that will fall upon them within good reason. All I can do is treat them the way they want to be treated as long as they do the same for myself and others who feel that every human deserves to be treated as such.  ¿Comprende?

Thursday, August 1, 2013

N!ggA vs N!ggER --Aw Lawd! Not This Again :(

I usually don't follow anything sports related at all, but this ended up in my feed. The wide receiver for the Eagles by the name of Riley Cooper was at a concert and he said "I'd fight every n*gger here" while being on camera.  Apparently he was upset because the Black security guard would not let him go backstage. Check the clip and notice how he was called out by emphasizing the e-r at the end of 'n*gger'.
Lets back up for a minute and examine the situation closely:
He was at a concert
He wanted to go backstage and was upset because the Black security guard (who was doing his job, by the way) wouldn't let him go. 

Sure, many people will look at the video and say, "Oh, he's just drunk..bla bla bla...", but let's look at what's going to come out of this situation.

I anticipate a whole lot of people who are going to say things like "Well, Black people say it all the time in their music and around each other, so why can I say it?"  The rebuttal usually goes something like this: That word was used to demean and dehumanize Black people for centuries. That word was accompanied by lynchings, rape, shooting, and various other methods of legalized torture inflicted upon Blacks for many years. For Blacks to take the word and use it themselves while denying the usage for any other races was supposed to be a symbol of power. This is followed up by: Well if you didn't want anyone else to say it, you shouldn't have brought it back. That word would have been forgotten and never would have seen the light of day <<<GET THE FUCK OUTTA HERE WITH THAT BULLSHIT!  Here's why:  That word is spoken in many many households. I'm not saying that it is spoken in every household, whether Black, White, or in between, but I'm speaking overall and in general.  That word was not said in my household growing up regardless of whether there was an e-r or an a at the end of it. My family members (immediate and non immediate)  have never talked to each other like that. We don't even curse around each other. So for someone to tell me that Black people say it all the time in their homes and everywhere else is generalized trash. We are not a monolithic people, where if you see one group of Black people doing something, then you must safely assume that all of us are doing it. <<Using that logic, I could safely say that all Whites must be Klansmen, because I've seen the documentaries.  I could sit up here and say that Johnny Rebel, David Allen Coe, Ted Nugent and Rush Limbaugh are their culture and that all White people are like that. But guess what? I'd get accused as racist and narrow minded if I actually believed that, now wouldn't I? 

Anyway, here comes the next rebuttal: "I can say anything I want and if I want to say that word, then I should be able to because of Freedom of Speech".  Well, go ahead and say it then. Just make sure it's done in the blackest cities and streets in The States and see what happens. I bet they won't do it. They'll just stick to saying it around the only Black person at the party, or or in a classroom setting, or behind closed doors, or one on one with the Black person, or once they feel they know them well enough and feel "comfortable" around them, or if they are "approachable" looking, or blasting it out of their vehicles because they claim to like rap music, or while hiding behind an online profile, or drunk, or ...ok, I'll stop now. ;) 

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Can I Touch Your Hair? << 0_o

In case you haven't figured it out yet. I am Black. I am also a woman. I also have natural hair that I keep in dreadlocked ( locked, or loc-ed) form.  There have been many many times where I have had people ask me if they could touch my hair. Each time, I politely decline the invitation, and they ask me why. Some have even gone so far as to put their hands in my hair anyway, while ignoring my response. Since I live in The States, I have had to cultivate (I think that's the correct word) a system of action when this situation occurs. I usually make my escape, and I get away if they ask me. There have been instances where I have been unfortunate enough to end up in their grasp. All the while, I try to remain polite and get away from them as fast as I can, but here's what I really want to say:

Are you serious?! What gives you the right to go up to a random person, and touch their hair after they say no? Weren't you taught that people have a 2 foot bubble of personal space that is not meant to be violated?  Didn't your parents tell you to keep your hands and feet to yourself when you were tiny? Just because you are curious doesn't mean your grown ass has the right to revert to a two year old because you weren't instantly gratified the way you saw fit. I bet if I asked you the same thing and got offended from your response you'd think I was crazy. You would probably lose your mind  and think I was rude and unrefined if I went ahead and touched your hair without permission. I could imagine all of the hurt and anger you'd  have for me, and maybe you'd might go so far as to call the police if you saw fit.   Either that, or you'd refer to me as aggressive,ghetto, or uppity, when in reality, I don't think anybody should allow themselves to be violated in any way regardless of who they are.  Excuse the fuck outta me for wanting to maintain my dignity while desiring to exercise basic human rights. And you have the nerve to turn around and talk that "Do unto others as others will do unto you," bullshit?!<< Get The Fuck Outta Here.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Yes, it's OPEN SEASON on Black men . (and Blacks in general)

I really have nothing much to say about this video, except the commentary is absolutely correct. If you don't feel that way after watching the entire video and  giving it a full listen, then obviously you really haven't been paying attention to anything that's been going on or what I've been saying on this blog.  And if that's the case, why are you even here?!  Anyway, here's the video:

The Zimmerman Verdict Was NOT About Race- Oh Really?

I found this news story that took place in Springfield Mo.  Apparently the Klan is looking for people to start a neighborhood watch program. They have taken to handing out fliers that contain a phone number for people to call in case their neighborhood isn't safe.  What does that mean exactly? What criteria are they looking for in order to decide who is suspicious or not? The video says that they will look at anyone who looks suspicious even if they are White.  Call me a pessimistic Pete, but I hardly think they would do such a thing. Their goal is to get the chance to hunt down anybody who doesn't look like them, point blank (no pun intended).  I guess people really thought everything was fine. If everything is so fine and dandy, why do we still  have the KKK? People are going to say, "Well, the Black Panthers exist...bla...bla..bla..".  Well, the Black Panthers were started up to directly counter the police brutality based on race that existed and continue to exist. In fact, they started out giving (that's right, giving) free breakfast to poor kids in Oakland California. That was until Lyndon B Johnson saw them as a threat,so he created several programs to undermine the leadership of the Black Panther Party, which included surveillance, using undercover agents, harassment and various other tactics to break them apart. And to add to the last straw, crack was introduced to the neighborhoods, and it was GAME OVER for the Panthers.  But wait, the Klan doesn't exist like they used to. They have changed their mission, and they actually want all people of different races to exist. They are for diversity. Which is why they want everyone separated. It's why they speak so much hate for other races of people, it's why they have such an online presence. It's why several hate threads like r/niggers (which could be found on reddit), and forums like niggermania.com, stormfront.org, and chimpout have existed for so long and allowed to have such a huge following. People say things like "We've sooo gotten over all of that race stuff. What's wrong with you? Why can't you people just 'get over it' already?"  <<Get The Fuck Outta Here with that bullshit. I will when you will, plain and simple.

Monday, July 29, 2013

It's Okay to Call The Police on a Black Person For Existing In This Country (click on the first two sentences to see the link)

Roy Middleton was returning home from work early Saturday morning, when he stopped by the car he and his mother share to grab some cigarettes.A neighbor who didn't recognize Middleton phoned the local sheriff's office to report a possible burglary.

Let me get this straight. A 'neighbor' called the police on Roy Middleton because he didn't recognize him. I guess if the neighbor had taken the time to get to know his neighbors, he wouldn't have had a man (who was doing no wrong) shot  by police. I guess if the Black person had left a note or knocked on the neighbors door to let him know that he was going to get some cigarettes, then he wouldn't have gotten shot. Maybe he should have called the police department to let them know that he was about to go outside and get his cigarettes. Maybe, just maybe he should have had on business attire, with an American flag on his person, his social security card, his birth certificate, a deed to his house, and a current utility bill to prove place of domicile was indeed where he actually lived, I guess he would have avoided getting shot. Then again, he would have still looked suspicious because of the business suit. Maybe he should have been wearing a bright neon colored outfit so that everyone could see him. Then again, he would have been mistaken for an escaped convict or a convicted felon. Maybe he should have kept all of his neighbor's phone numbers as to alert the neighborhood so they know when he is coming or going.

I know people will read this and think I'm over reacting. I'm okay with people thinking that and here's why. I used to work for a lawn care company and I went through neighborhoods and knocked on doors while selling lawn care services. My uniform consisted of a khaki colored polo with an embroidered company logo on the right breast, khaki shorts, tennis shoes, an aluminium clipboard which contained fliers (some of which were fixed to the outside of the clipboard for easy access), a pen, and applications. I carried a bright orange and black square foot measuring tool, and a yellow walkie talkie fixed to my shorts so I could communicate with the home office while I was on the field. Your so called average person would see someone wearing and carrying all of that and think, "Oh that's a salesperson who works for a lawn care service. They are not harmful." Well, that was certainly not the case. I had been tailed by not one, but 2 police cars in almost every neighborhood I went to. I had been pulled over while walking, I had my plates ran, and I had been asked to show ID on several occasions.

I guess the logic behind this would be , "Well, you should have had a better job." << Get The Fuck Outta Here With That Bullshit.