So far, there have been five churches in the Ferguson area that have been burned*, and they've declared that arson is the culprit. That's a good thing, right? But most of the media has been silent on the matter. This doesn't exactly surprise me due to how the media has been as of lately, however I have a few questions:
Why don't these churches have security cameras? Churches are sprinkled throughout Black communities all across the country, but the ones that got burned don't seem to have any video footage of the folks who burned them. One would think that they would want their patrons and their buildings to be safe. However, I get the fact that churches are supposed to be open, sacred and safe on their own because of "Jesus" and whatnot, but these church burnings are proof that Jesus isn't really looking out for them like that. Now I can understand why the church buildings in the 50s and 60s not having any because they didn't actually have the technology for video cameras and such, but now?

I know I sound like an asshole right now, but I'm serious. All that money devoted to Jesus and they don't have the ability to provide security for their buildings?! This raises a question I've been asking since 1992, when I was first invited (read as 'forced') to go to church as a kid: Where is all of the money going?
When I was going to church, I noticed some of these pastors and their wives show up to service decked out in stuff I know my family couldn't afford. And some of these church members have to choose between Jesus, food, and medicine after all the bills are "caught up". What kind of bullshit is that?! They mean to tell me that the church can't help those members? After all of the money they gave, they can't extend a hand back to the people they serve? No matter how you slice it, these are some serious and grave failings. The church is supposed to serve the people. They're supposed to be able to help members who fall on hard times. They're supposed to care for the elderly, the sick, and alleviate impoverished conditions of the neighborhood in which they serve. But no. Like many Christian organizations in the United States, they want to retrieve revenue, and lead people into giving it to them. That being said, I don't exactly know the status of these particular churches, all I know is that none of them have presented any video evidence of the churches in the process of being burned.
I know what you're thinking... How can they show video if the building had been burned down? Well, there are many security options that would allow a person to view their property while away from the building. It could be viewed by using software on a computer, and they could be viewed using a cell phone. In fact many have services where you could log into a website designated for your security system and you could view the information any time, day or night. I wonder if anybody had anything like that set up, I mean after all that happened in the 50s and 60s, you'd think that would have been the route they would have taken in order to protect those particular Houses of God.
Now I understand what good comes out of the churches, and all churches aren't corrupt. And I know the majority of church members aren't using them for personal luxuries. BUT I'm just saying the churches should have some sort of video surveillance in order to make sure the churches continue to be safe havens for the people at the very least.
As for me, I'll be waiting to see if there is any actual video footage. If not, then I can't really feel bad for the churches because they've bilked so many dollars from poor Black people only to finance themselves that I just don't have the energy to give a damn about the churches like that. If anything, this should cause a lot of Black people to drop out of Christianity all together because Jesus really isn't on their side if he doesn't want them to be safe, in good health, and spirit while worshiping him. I'm just saying...
*Update. The number of church burnings has increased to seven since this blog entry was written.
I keep seeing articles about how (insert Black person was treated/discriminated against/killed by cops/media slanting, etc) and I don't feel anything anymore. If anything, all of these situations tell me the following:
where not to buy from
where not to live
how we really need our own media outlets
how we need to change our standards regarding what makes a quality product/where my money should go
how we need our own schools so we could change our own learning requirements
how we need to stop looking for jobs through White controlled companies
so on and so forth.
I have learned the following. These "rage porn" articles only keep us angry and frazzled because as long as a people are angered and frazzled, we can only be reactionary. If we stay in reactionary mode, nothing could get done in an organized fashion. Real change can't happen. All we'll keep doing is the same thing that has proven ineffective. We need to look at this in a logical manner and apply our tactics as such.
Don't get me wrong. We have every right to be angry, but what good is straight and constant anger going to do for us? It only baits us into behaving accordingly. I could see why people choose to look away from all of this. It is exhausting, infuriating, depressing and dehumanizing all around.
However, I don't want people to keep their head out of it. I mean that it inspires me to find solutions in order to counter all of the bad, such as learning to keep your money and spend it where it counts,watching what you've learned and knowing how to constructively teach those lessons. Changing standards regarding what we've been taught and how to re-direct what mainstream has suggested.
I seriously believe we've got this, and this is just the beginning. The future is blindingly bright for us, and they know it, which is why they spend so much time worrying about us.
We are doing beautiful things. All of us.
We've got to keep going.
I know what you're thinking. Here come this Negro ready to hate on all this Unity without having a plan their damn self.
I understand that sentiment.
However, I am not that Negro. I like the idea of Black people coming together no matter which way. That's a good thing. BUT in the past, I've noticed these mass methods of coming together (as in being present and accounted for via marches,commissions, and groups,etc) can result in infiltration. And nothing's easier to infiltrate more than marches. Just look at the Civil Rights Movements, Occupy, Black Lives Matter, Ferguson and the current police brutality themed marches out there at this current moment. But the key difference lies in our current access to technology. It's easier to start a movement, gain momentum, and make things better. But it's also easier for people to infiltrate with the click of a button.
As someone who has been active during all of this police brutality mess, I have seen what it looks like. I know how people move try to gain influence. I've mentioned several of the different ways throughout this blog. BUT there is one specific thing that I haven't really touched on.
Apparently, people are texting "unity" to 99000 in order to follow the #JusticeOrElse movement.
Let me repeat that. "People are texting "unity" to 99000 in order to follow the #JusticeOrElse movement."
Now to the average person, it looks like an attempt at solidarity and networking. But to the infiltrator, it's a paper trail. It could be used to tap into people's phone calls and keep track of them and what they are doing. Take a look at what happened with Ferguson. People were signing up to receive the Darren Wilson verdict before the rest of the people were to receive it. They were joining commissions and were putting their faces out there. Look at how many people have been arrested since then. They've started watching Black people more than before, to the point where a woman claiming she was a Black Lives Matter activist was arrested for threatening to kill White people on youtube. Please note where the author credits a website called No Thiefs Allowed for turning her in to the FBI at the end of the article.
These people have dedicated time, effort and money into investigating us. Please check out the following screenshot where several people from Ferguson were arrested and their records have been compiled: The source is from a website called "random topics" dot org, which appears to be in working in conjunction with No thiefs dot com. Please pay attention to all of the case numbers and files they have. This means they have access to police records and are archiving them for their own purposes.
Page 2 from Random Topics even shows they have access to mail coming from other people, in particular, Heather DeMian from Ferguson*. Please note the very first image is a letter from the Ferguson County Clerk named, Christine Lanfersieck. <<Click the archived link for a closer look.
I'm telling you... They aren't playing around. They are watching us. When I say "they" I'm not just including the random person. They have contacts with the FBI (as seen with Eye Empress's situation) as well as local politicians. Not only that, it is possible they've contacted Eric Holder, which could explain why the DOJ report only focused on traffic tickets and not the rampant corruption in the region.

You're probably thinking that this is nothing new. They've been watching us forever. Yes they have, and there isn't much we could do to stop them. BUT we can't keep marching like this.
We gave their airline and travel companies our money to finance the travel to Washington DC
We booked reservations in their hotels.
We spent good money in their establishments in order to "demand" justice or else we'll stop spending our money with them.
|Let me say that again. We spent good money in their establishments in order to demand justice or else we'll stop spending our money with them.
This took place after we gave it to them -_-
We've been "demanding" justice since the Civil Rights movement.
We flocked to Washington DC to hear Louis Farrakhan speak to us again. This could have been done without financing flight and bus rides. This should have been done using our own media outlets. I believe we should continue creating and building among each other as we have been doing. These mass conference calls through their companies which are designed to handle said calls (who knows if people could have these lines tapped) , and these get togethers are tired. And expensive, and costly to the psyche as well as our well being. It's as if we are marching right back into the system at every turn. And the interesting thing is that even though Louis Farrakhan is correct on a lot of things, he also subscribes to respectability politics and supremacy. Supremacy and respectability politics are killing us.
As for me. I've been building. I've also marched and I've come to a conclusion on the purpose of marching and why. Please don't get me wrong. Marching and gathering in large public groups raises awareness to a certain point. That's it. After awareness is raised, something else should be brought to the table. Something different. Marching is looking like the elixir that soothes the elderly and "God fearing" right now. It gets the elderly and those subscribing to supremacy to sit down somewhere by giving them jobs or something to do within a framework that was never designed for us in the first place (which is exactly what the Civil Rights movement did for some people). And adding your personal information to these things is not okay. That means we should always see subscriptions from outside sources and anything required to put our personal information into something as a red flag. This is not limited to reserving a flight, bus ticket , hotel accommodation and/or car rental to a high profile event that's being watched and viewed as terrorist activity with such intensity like this.
That being said, I am not trying to shame people for marching. I'm just trying to say that marching alone doesn't cut it. At least some of us should be doing other things like creating our own (insert empowering,uplifting thing here) and the intent should benefit US and only us because if we don't do that, then we will never have any power. We'll just be begging those who have no real interest in us for it. And marching alone actually takes us away from doing what we need to do by occupying precious time (and money) that could be used to further our causes when the funds could have been re-located to the outlets we've already started and are working to maintain. That's it.
TL;DR Watch what you say on the internet. Watch what you do, and watch what they do. Keep grinding and do what you do with finesse. Make it foolproof and airtight. They are waiting with baited breath for you to slip up. They are itching to lock you up for anything and everything. And they are not above infiltrating your attempts to better yourself and your people. They killed Sandra Bland for being "uppity" and the whole 'thief' narrative is used to justify our deaths by the hands of the various branches of highly influential people they keep in touch with. They will not rest until everybody involved in wanting accountability for the corruption in St. Louis (as well as the rest of the country) is locked up and or killed for attempting to 'destroy our American way of life' (as noted in the mission statement of no thiefs dot com) ).
You have every right to be angry. But anger alone keeps us running and vulnerable. We have to learn and stay focused. Why do you think they spend so much time, effort and money into keeping us in the place they designated for us? They do it because they fear of losing their "American way of life." And what is their American way of life might I ask? Supremacy. Supremacy is their way of life and it is threatened. If they could lock us all up, they will definitely try.
Stay safe. And please. Find a counsellor and or someone to speak to that has your best interests in mind. Don't listen to anybody who tries to trip you up in some foolishness. Eye Empress and Palmetto Star didn't get that, and it caused them to get caught up. Don't let anger manipulate you anymore. Swallow your pride and talk to someone so you can get that anger out of the way so you can make (or continue to make) something beautiful.
*updated and edited: the picture of the document was taken by Heather to prove lies about not showing up to court.
If you've read up to this point, then congratulations! You've made it. That being said, I feel like I need to issue a disclaimer for you, because I get it:
I know what you're thinking. After reading my last few posts, you're probably mad. That's good, but not in a "fuck yo feelings" kind of way. It's good because you see what I'm talking about. The writing is on the wall, and you're mad about it. I want you to know there's nothing wrong with being mad right now. Being mad is a normal response. I should know. But I must warn you further. If you are Black,or any person of color for that matter, you will gradually experience several strong emotions. You will feel anxious, you will be nervous, you won't be able to sleep, you will have panic attacks. You won't be able to breathe. You will have nightmares. You will become nauseated. You will lash out at people closest to you. Your head will hurt. Why? Because once you start to really think about it, you won't know which way is up. While I was compiling all of my research into this, I experienced all of those emotions. I also became very suspicious of the people around me. I became suspicious of their motives and I watched exactly what they said and how they said it.
But here's the good news. You'll be able to see all of the fuckery. You will see each and every bit of it. You will be able to tell people how to get the fuck outta here with that mess. You will be able to teach them how to get the fuck outta here. You will find out that any White person who continues the fuckery will have no credibility whatsoever, and it is not your responsibility to teach them shit. In fact, many, many White people will lose all of their credibility. And you can call them on each and every bit of it if you should choose to engage with them after all of this.
Consequently, this will make White people mad. They'll be mad in two ways: They will question their identity. Some will continue with the narrative because, "Can't no nigger tell them, NO!" (said in so many words). They will get what they will get. They will bitch, and whine and be mad at you because the jig is all the way up but can't nobody tell them shit, and all of my posts as well as what they have done all across the entire world proves it!
Now if you're White and you take this blog and think it means "kill whitey" then I don't know what to tell you. Actually, I change my mind. I know what to tell you: Your basic reading comprehension skills are shit, and you're dry snitching on yourselves. You think Pro Blackness means Anti-White, and that's not our thing. That's yours. You own that narrative and have shown it time and time again through various media outlets, and devious methods. And you will kill anybody to preserve that bullshit. You're the spin doctors of racism and you accuse everyone else as race baiting. Pro White looks like this when White people talk to everybody else:
You're all scum! White power! Here's why (insert race based statistics and tales of White victimhood )
Everyone else: We disagree!
Everyone else: Well, you did tell your story the way you wanted to tell it all the while pointing to yourselves and making yourselves to be the default everywhere you went. You did oversee and insert yourselves everywhere you could, especially through violence, be it physical or mental, through extortion, racketeering, and looting,up to and including murder, and you've done it to entire tribes under your own confirmed social construct. And if you're reading this blog in the first place, that's proof of your desire to oversee everything we do and insert yourself into it. That's kinda your thing, so keep owning it. No free speech was taken. There's no turning back. You've recorded hundreds of years of proof of your own legacy. Donald Trump's popularity during his presidential run in 2016 is today's testament to all of that.
White people: But Bernie...
Everyone else: Progressives play progressive, but refuse to acknowledge race because colorblind. Progressive means cultural appropriation. OR it means, "I supported MLK" as if MLK equals Black people, and his legacy is their buzzword. And why is it that people who claim to be progressive don't really like Black people they just want to own something? In Bernie's case, he wants to own votes. Because that's what politicians try to do. They try to own votes and in their eyes,we are nothing but.
White people: But dialogue and education.
Everyone else: But bullshit! Bullshit! , Bullshit!
White people: Solution?
Everyone else: Your reading comprehension skills are still shit because you didn't even read this fully.
The end.
Black people:
Look at our struggle. Look at all of it. Look at how you've survived. Yes, much blood has been spilled, but you made it. We have lost friends, we have lost family. We're used to losing,in some way, shape or form but you made it through. And you can tell your stories through your own lens using your own media formats. We don't need the involvement or approval of White people to do so. We've been doing it, but we've been looking through the wrong lens. We've been looking at Lot A the whole time without even knowing it, be it watching awards shows and being mad because your actor or artist didn't get the award, or the praises when someone is getting accepted to do anything at Yale or any IVY league institution, and everything in between. We've been "thinking global" in the same ways White people look at climate change and saving animals. We've stayed scattered in our thinking (which is not bad, but one must organize it in order to form something concrete). We stayed hidden long enough, and we shall surface, and that surfacing is a part of the recovery.
Handle your emotions, make sure you use the 10 Black Commandments when it comes to dealing with people who look like you, and situations you come across. Examine your role in this supremacy shit. Feel angry, sad, start sweating and trembling, shake it off. You might even cry. All of it is okay. This is normal, and anybody who says there is something wrong with you for doing so will be someone to be heavily watched, and if they look like you, teach them otherwise. I know you can do it. Remember being 'woke' is a long haul thing. Once you're in, that's it. There's no turning back.
View the following entries:
Black Survival part 1.
Part 2:
Part 3:
Then jump back and kiss yourself every once in a while. Kiss your people. This is the most important part. We've dealt with so much from everywhere. We owe it to ourselves, but we must remember not to parrot supremacy and know what it is in all forms. Because again. That's theirs. Not ours. They gave it to us in the form of "respectability politics" and we have to reject ALLLLLLL of it in every way, shape and form. Look at all of the ways you'd like to seek out Lot A. Remember what it means, and then slap yourself when you catch yourself looking for it, recognize what you did and work at stopping it. You'll see yourself laughing at a lot of stuff in between all of the sweat, the anger, and ill feelings. Not laughing out of spite or ugliness, but laughing about the extent of the fuckery, and why it was implemented in the first place. And just remember: If they genuinely wanted things to be different, they shouldn't have fucked with us all throughout the Reconstruction after the slaves were freed. I mean, (let them tell it) if they want to go all the way back, they shouldn't have been so lazy that they brought Black people to various parts of the world just to do the work they didn't want to do because money. America could have been better, but nah. They were to busy playing. And you will see how hilarious this laziness really is.
Keep pushing on, y'all. Keep pushing on. We are our own support group. All of us. We've got this.