We went over who was involved in the racist e-mails, who was fired because of it, the conflicts of interest, who redacted info pertaining to racist material in the e-mails before handing them over to an archiving company, who was involved in the sifting, the search terms used to find the questionable material,the officer's roles in this, and how they all connect to the sources of funding. Now we're focusing on what happened to the Missouri auditor:
We already know how the media was pushing for the "I committed suicide because I was being bullied for being Jewish angle, right? Then it changed to, "He could have died because of interactions with medication". But what mainstream media didn't account for was that the Missouri Auditor found several discrepancies in the budgets of several towns all across the state.
One of his findings was twenty eight city officials were caught embezzling money in Jefferson City, MO. He found that one tax collector stole $568,000 and a sheriff’s deputy took $18,000 from inmates accounts. Another person stole $568,000 from farmers paying off their taxes. This theft caused the farmers accounts to go delinquent, but the person who stole the money was giving them receipts saying their taxes were paid. According to the article, the state was only able to get half of the funds back to their perspective accounts, but only fifteen people have been charged with theft and only nine have been convicted.
The auditor found many many errors in budgeting all across the state, including the following cities and circumstances:
01/26/14 Audit shows that Missouri has excessive state planes." The auditor’s office says 19 is at least one plane too many. It found that only on 51 days out of those two years was the state’s passenger fleet used to capacity. On 459 days three or more of the six passenger planes sat idle, and all of them went unused on 69 days."
09/08/14- Governor Nixon's budget cuts were questioned, saying Nixon extended his powers by balancing the budget by barring $161 million in spending. He also said Nixon's budgeting process was inaccurate, and said the holding of said funds was illegal under the Missouri State constitution. The article also states:
Schweich contends Nixon violated that second constitutional prong, because he continued to freeze spending despite the fact that state general revenues slightly exceeded the revised estimate for the 2012 fiscal year.
The governor’s written response contends the “consensus revenue estimate” - agreed to by executive and legislative budget officials - is not legally binding and that governors must also consider other things impacting state revenues when making budget decisions.
Schweich countered that Nixon’s administration was “contorting and distorting the constitutional authority to allow them to do what they want to do.”
09/30/14- FBI audit of St. Louis County Health department shows 3.4 million dollars being embezzled. The funds were used for child care, dog kennel services, landscaping, fast food, among other things. However, it had been discovered that Edward Meuth, a Senior manager for the St. Louis County Health Department bilked millions of dollars from the budget over several years. He used the funds to create a company and he billed the county for services and goods it never received. He also lived in a 1.5 million dollar mansion and had an airplane while only making $86,000 a year from St. Louis County. He also procured four machine guns, luxury cars a motorcycle and used the funds for $200,000 in landscaping. It had been said that he committed suicide once he was caught.
The actual FBI audit had not been disclosed to the public. According to, "As of today, however, neither an explanation of how the $3.4 million fraud went undetected for so long nor the findings of an FBI audit completed for the county in January have been made public -- not even to members of the St. Louis County Council or the county's own prosecutor.
Only a handful of Dooley's closest advisers have seen any details about the embezzlement or January's audit.
One of those is Garry Earls, the county's chief operating officer."
However, there are questions as to who has seen the report, who has custody of it and whether or not the information could be released.
"Yet, the U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Missouri, Richard Callahan, informed the county earlier this month that the FBI had closed its investigation. The inquiry had not found "anyone, other than Mr. Mueth, who was involved in that criminal enterprise," he wrote in a June 2 letter to County Counselor Patricia Redington.
County officials insist they still are bound by federal authorities' request from January not to disclose the findings even though the federal investigation is over.
"The letter is self-explanatory," Redington said last week, referring to the Jan. 31 correspondence. "It has always been our policy to cooperate and follow the instructions of the FBI in any matter."
However, Rebecca Wu, spokeswoman for the FBI's St. Louis office, made clear Friday that it was now in the hands of the county, not the FBI, to release the audit information.
"The FBI conducted the forensic audit at the request of the St. Louis County Police Department. It is up to St. Louis County Police Department to release its investigation, not the FBI," she said."
County Police Chief Jon Belmar said last week that his department was about to wrap up a final aspect of its own investigation -- an examination of the texts and emails on Mueth's smartphone, desktop computer and laptops.
"We're waiting on the forensic analysis of the electronic equipment that might show if anyone else was involved in a conspiracy with Mr. Mueth or who might have benefited from the stolen assets," the chief said.
Belmar said the department expects to release its findings early next month."
(The article was written in June 30, 2014, and the findings have yet to be released)
Meanwhile, members of the County Council are questioning why Dooley's administration* has not disclosed information about January's FBI audit, which has been in the possession of top administration officials since February.
"They keep us out of the loop on everything," Councilman Pat Dolan, D-5th Distric, said. "We represent the people of the county, and we should know what's going on. We shouldn't have to hear it from a media outlet."
Council member Greg Quinn, R-7th District, said the lack of transparency was particularly troubling in light of the ongoing effort by Dooley to gain council approval for a $94,000 independent "forensic assessment" to help the county avoid a repeat of the scheme that permitted the fraud to go undetected for six years.
Even County Prosecutor Robert McCulloch -- who would have tried the case if the health department scandal had gone to trial -- says he did not learn of the audit until this month.
"I had no idea it existed," McCulloch said.
*County Executive Charlie Dooley
10-09-2014 - An audit was launched for Ferguson and several other counties, highlighting excessive ticketing fees. Mayor Knowles responded: “No matter what we did, he’s going to have to look at us. I understand that,” Knowles said. “Because we were the focal point. But we’ve got a good finance staff. And that’s something we’ve been cognizant of for years making sure we don’t have our fines and forfeitures get too high – especially not nearly high enough to be snared by the state law.
“And we’re making a commitment to go much further now even still,”
12/14/14- Ferguson increased ticketing in order to close the budget gap. Jeffrey Blume, Ferguson’s finance director says, "Even with the increased ticketing, a $4.09 million revenue shortfall will remain for fiscal 2015. The city will bridge that gap by drawing on its $10.3 million unassigned reserve, the last of its reserve funds. "
12/16/14- Dallas County Sheriff found using company car, violating the time off policy and handling evidence.
02/19/2015 A criminal investigation was launched on the St. Joseph School District based on the auditor's findings.
Tom S was found dead on February 27, 2015
A suicide note dated March 27 had been claimed to be found at the spokesperson's home. However, something doesn't add up. Here's the video of Captain Doug Shoemaker
04/16/15- Speculation of prednisone use was cause of the auditor's death
While listening to the video, Captain Shoemaker of the Jefferson City Missouri Police Department said, "I will not provide copies of the note, photographs of the note, I will read"... (then he stammers and says,) "I've written what it says and I will provide it verbally to you." at the 2 minute and 16 second mark.
According the note, it says, "I'm so sorry I just can't take being unemployed again".
That's it.
Now if my memory serves me correct, the spokesperson could be employed anywhere in the country. He would have no trouble obtaining employment. Why would he say he can't take being unemployed? That doesn't make sense. I suspect there is a cover up because the auditor was outspoken, and he did his job very well to the point where he found issues all across the entire state. As long as the auditor can not speak up, then his spokesperson could. And so the spokesperson had to be killed as well.
Not only that, Chief Jon Belmar, Robert McCulloch, and the County Executive Charles Dooley are involved withholding the FBI's findings, and the FBI's spokesperson said it should be available. Chief Belmar said it should have been available July of 2014.
It's still unavailable a year later.