Showing posts with label handsupdontshoot. Show all posts
Showing posts with label handsupdontshoot. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Black survival Part 3 What now?

Remember when I said that Black people should use Detroit as a proving ground to set up a community with our own infrastructure, and then branch outwards?  Well, scratch Detroit off of the list. Apparently Missouri's fuckery is oozing out and affecting the entire midwest region while making north St. Louis County famous again. This time, radioactive waste is leeching into the area, causing the neighboring properties to be contaminated and cancer causing gas to enter the atmosphere. Benzene is steaming out of the soil due to a fire smoldering underneath, and people are breathing it in. People are trying to sell their homes in the area, but are unable to do so. On top of that, the waste has leeched into the local body of water and has flooded the area over several years. This ultimately means the material has escaped the area and will cause further complications down the road. This has been going on for years, but has resurfaced again. Please read the entire post from Senator Maria Chappelle-Nadal, and note the last comment from a former Republic Services* employee :

Despite all of this, Missouri officials say the issue isn't cause for concern. Meanwhile, the area is sitting on smoldering radioactive land, people are inhaling the steam, are dying of cancer, and the groundwater is contaminated.

And they just throw more dirt on top of it like that's going to fix it.

Something tells me the people who say it isn't a real issue are the ones who don't live there.

But they're more than happy to cut corners when it comes to managing the area.

After all of the hell that has gone on with Missouri, St. Louis, and all of the municipalities surrounding it, I came to one conclusion:

The officials in Missouri are so low, and so dirty and so petty that they went through all of that just for money. They leeched off the poor people. Threw tear gas, released tanks, radioactive waste, sprayed people with chemicals , stealing and selling babies, the lies, killing, racism, etc. FOR WHAT??!!!
But that's okay though. They're building a nine hundred million dollar stadium because "football" and money.
Now an entire section of the country is in danger.
Because money.
Money. Not a supposed deficit in money, but through pilfering and plundering, especially after finding out Edward Meuth senior manager of the St. Louis County Health department had stolen millions of dollars from the budge; a suicide had been claimed to have been made by him after the findings and a note was discovered.

So while looking at the entire scope of things,  I know it would be unrealistic for some of us to be able to leave this country. BUT if we absolutely have to stay, I'd say whatever we decide to do, we must make sure we can find an area with the previous credentials mentioned, in part 1, set up solar panels, and make sure we have as many services as possible that have Black people in mind. By that I mean as many medical services(doctors, gyno, OBGYN, surgeons, pediatricians,) mental health services, businesses, infrastructure,etc.  

Part of me can't believe them raggedy ass pieces of paper were worth that much to these people.  And at the same time, greed will and can make a person do something strange for some change. I can't forget to throw supremacy into the equation because Supremacy is the entire reason why it started and was allowed to continue in the first place.

I've re learned some major things, and this is one of them:

America can be number one with its nuclear waste from the Manhattan project, with its "American values", with its "Dreams", with it's "hard work (at defrauding people under the guise of merit)" and all of that other bullshit.

Fuck substance and decency because money.
And football.
And it's all so disgusting...

And if you choose to leave the country, they'll make sure to rob you for $2350.00 before you go.

Because money*.

the waste management company assigned for the landfill in question
* I needed to add a red disclaimer to this because I'm sure people will read this and say something like "See? It's class, not race. This is the real problem we should be fighting against!"  I'll stop you right there and say, "That's the supremacy talking. Because if you have to find a way to erase people who don't look like yourself, those who don't look like you can't fight with you if you aren't willing to see the people who don't look like you as equals. You can't fight and truly win a war with invisible soldiers. Truth be told, and long story short, you're looking for 'bodies' not people, and you clearly haven't been paying attention to anything that has been going on up to this point.  Fix supremacy first or GET THE FUCK OUTTA HERE WITH THAT BULLSHIT."

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

The COONeKKKtion

Disclaimer about the title of this piece(updated 8/7/15):

I chose this title because a lot of what has happened has been linked to a group called "coontown" a racist subreddit (geared towards tarnishing the images of Black people, as well as recruiting for Stormfront as shown below), which was located on reddit, but has since been banned in order to keep obtaining money from advertisers. That being said, let's jump right into this thing here:

The CCC (the Council of Conservative Citizens as mentioned in a previous blog ) supports Donald Trump. Their spokesperson, Kyle Rogers openly admitted it:

I don't know if anybody has been paying attention to the situation like that, but Donald Trump is gaining in popularity. People are supporting him left and right after his racist comments. (No surprise here),but who has been funding him? Is he using his own money? We don't really know exactly. But what we do know about the CCC and other affiliations is that they are responsible for any and all evidence of White victimhood. They are the ones that make sure they rile up their conservative subscribers,get them angry, and keep them angry. Angry like Dylann Roof. Angry like the flag wavers. Angry like the police in Ferguson, Angry like the subscribers of Coontown and Stormfront. People so angry that they dedicated their time to create a reddit sub geared towards slandering Black people and influencing how they are portrayed in the media. They are also responsible for how the events in Ferguson Missouri were portrayed. They also created the r/Ferguson subreddit and it also happens to be the creator and curator of a group of subreddits called "The Chimpire", which are geared towards keeping the image of American Black people in a more than negative light.

This person is also a moderator of r/media, which would explain why a site that calls itself "The Front Page of the Internet" would be a bit selective in allowing what information makes the news and what doesn't.
As you can see, There are several people happened to be the moderators of the media subreddit.  Not only that, Jewish_Neocon2 and 3 were the primary submitters and the creator of Coontown and "The Chimpire".  Proof below: 

It's quite a few and quite disturbing to a person who might not be familiar with this sort of thing, and it's all tied to one person:

This person also has a profile on Voat:

and Misleddit, a place where people could take any online images and manipulate them for whatever they should see fit. If you look closely at this link, you'll be able to notice that all submissions are from this same personal profile listed on Voat and Reddit.

Now, one would ask themselves, what kind of person would go through all of this trouble? Who has the capital and the wherewithal to do all of this? Where are they from? Well I asked the same questions, and I found out the following:

Before I divulge the details, I figured this has to be a network of many, many people invested in these activities. Now so far, we've linked Stormfront, Coontown, the Chimpire, and the CCC. Two of which were created by the person mentioned above, right?  We found that the CCC uses Stormfront's blog and Coontown to promote itself as mentioned in the Confederate Flag blog I wrote earlier.  From that, we already know the CCC's purpose is to create White victimhood by focusing on the rise of crime that took place in the 60's and 70's even though the aggressors have been tried and convicted.

Well apparently, the creator of Coontown has a server. And that server's name is "" :

  Apparently, the server belongs to this person:

The next question brings me to search that person a bit further. I came up with this:

Who does she work for? A LARGE BRANDING COMPANY out of Minneapolis Minnesota.

As seen in the Confederate Flag blog, I mentioned that Coontown was Dylann Roof's favorite place to visit online. He also mentioned the CCC in his manifesto,and the CCC also supports Dylann Roof as seen below. 

Not only that, Coontown was entirely responsible for many other actions, including Ferguson's Pants Up Don't Loot billboard that was supposed to be funded. In fact, they were hoping it would cause a "category 5 chimpout" (their words, not mine). This was also submitted to the captured Ferguson subreddit by Johnson. 

And the police in Ferguson were more than happy to spread the word and fund the billboard as well. 

Now when I said, "captured subreddit" I mean that as soon as something happens to Black people in a particular city, the names of the victims, and the name of the city gets created by someone on Reddit. From that point, the creator can influence what news gets broadcasted, and what doesn't.  Some of them are squatted on in hopes no one decides to use them, or they are intentionally kept empty. (The subreddits, r/BlackFathers, and r/BlackHusbands are the best examples of such.)  Here, Johnson, brags about taking over the Ferguson subreddit, as well as creating riot related subreddits:

TL: DR; We are looking at a large White Supremacist ring that has the ability to control the media, make laws, and has ties with local authorities, police organizations, advertising agencies and politicians. I had a sneaky suspicion that was the case, but nobody has pinpointed exactly who, what and where. And I've managed to take a peek inside.

Don't believe me? Look what happened in Ft. Lauderdale. Some officers thought it would be funny to make this video. Coontown expresses the same sentiments seen here.

 Now imagine police officers all across the country thinking the same way as the officers who made this video. You'll be surprised how common this thinking is and where it came from. That thinking existed in Ferguson and was evident throughout the entire judicial system in the state of Missouri. Not only that, there are citizens all across the country who think the same way, and many of them are associated with Stormfront, Coontown, the KKK,Neo Nazi groups,Northwest Front, etc. 

And some are trolling Black outrage in order to manipulate how they react. We see that through fake articles, photo shopped pictures, politicians pretending to care about Black people in order to win votes, as well as people using police videos like snuff films or torture porn, which reddit is guilty of the latter as seen in the list of subreddits affiliated with The Chimpire, also including a sub called "r/watchniggersdie". That being said, I wouldn't be surprised if the people writing the fake articles and the politicians are really affiliated with these groups either directly or indirectly (cough, Fox News, 4 and 8 chan, cough).

Not only that, they secretly want to hunt Black people, and will discuss how killing them with sterilization would be quieter, a tax break and 'less destruction of meat'. Now if my memory serves me correct, this is terrorism and thanks to Dylann Roof's actions, people supporting them via
advertisements have blood on their hands.

And George Soros helped fund it.

* Update. Coontown has been banned from reddit as of 8/3/15 and has moved to Voat. Substitute all "r/"s to "v/"s. 

Saturday, August 1, 2015

Ferguson Timeline and the politician's role in the current police brutality mess. Part 2


We went over who was involved in the racist e-mails, who was fired because of it, the conflicts of interest, who redacted info pertaining to racist material in the e-mails before handing them over to an archiving company, who was involved in the sifting, the search terms used to find the questionable material,the officer's roles in this, and how they all connect to the sources of funding.  Now we're focusing on what happened to the Missouri auditor:

We already know how the media was pushing for the "I committed suicide because I was being bullied for being Jewish angle, right?  Then it changed to, "He could have died because of interactions with medication".  But what mainstream media didn't account for was that the Missouri Auditor found several discrepancies in the budgets of several towns all across the state.

One of his findings was twenty eight city officials were caught embezzling money in Jefferson City, MO. He found that one tax collector stole $568,000 and a sheriff’s deputy took $18,000 from inmates accounts. Another person stole $568,000 from farmers paying off their taxes. This theft caused the farmers accounts to go delinquent, but the person who stole the money was giving them receipts saying their taxes were paid. According to the article, the state was only able to get half of the funds back to their perspective accounts, but only fifteen people have been charged with theft and only nine have been convicted.

The auditor found many many errors in budgeting all across the state, including the following cities and circumstances:

01/26/14 Audit shows that Missouri has excessive state planes." The auditor’s office says 19 is at least one plane too many. It found that only on 51 days out of those two years was the state’s passenger fleet used to capacity. On 459 days three or more of the six passenger planes sat idle, and all of them went unused on 69 days."

06/10/14-Webster County clerk, Billy H Breitenstein stole $17,677 by using a company credit card.

09/08/14- Governor Nixon's budget cuts were questioned, saying Nixon extended his powers by balancing the budget by barring $161 million in spending. He also said Nixon's budgeting process was inaccurate, and said the holding of said funds was illegal under the Missouri State constitution. The article also states:
Schweich contends Nixon violated that second constitutional prong, because he continued to freeze spending despite the fact that state general revenues slightly exceeded the revised estimate for the 2012 fiscal year.

The governor’s written response contends the “consensus revenue estimate” - agreed to by executive and legislative budget officials - is not legally binding and that governors must also consider other things impacting state revenues when making budget decisions.

Schweich countered that Nixon’s administration was “contorting and distorting the constitutional authority to allow them to do what they want to do.”

09/17/14-Neosho Mo mayor Jimmi Brown of Reddings Mill Mo, wrote checks for over $9000 in personal expenses.

09/30/14- FBI audit of St. Louis County Health department shows 3.4 million dollars being embezzled. The funds were used for child care, dog kennel services, landscaping, fast food, among other things.  However, it had been discovered that Edward Meuth, a Senior manager for the St. Louis County Health Department bilked millions of dollars from the budget over several years. He used the funds to create a company and he billed the county for services and goods it never received. He also lived in a 1.5 million dollar mansion and had an airplane while only making $86,000 a year from St. Louis County. He also procured four machine guns, luxury cars a motorcycle and used the funds for $200,000 in landscaping. It had been said that he committed suicide once he was caught.

The actual FBI audit had not been disclosed to the public. According to, "As of today, however, neither an explanation of how the $3.4 million fraud went undetected for so long nor the findings of an FBI audit completed for the county in January have been made public -- not even to members of the St. Louis County Council or the county's own prosecutor.

Only a handful of Dooley's closest advisers have seen any details about the embezzlement or January's audit.

One of those is Garry Earls, the county's chief operating officer."

However, there are questions as to who has seen the report, who has custody of it and whether or not the information could be released.

"Yet, the U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Missouri, Richard Callahan, informed the county earlier this month that the FBI had closed its investigation. The inquiry had not found "anyone, other than Mr. Mueth, who was involved in that criminal enterprise," he wrote in a June 2 letter to County Counselor Patricia Redington.

County officials insist they still are bound by federal authorities' request from January not to disclose the findings even though the federal investigation is over.

"The letter is self-explanatory," Redington said last week, referring to the Jan. 31 correspondence. "It has always been our policy to cooperate and follow the instructions of the FBI in any matter."

However, Rebecca Wu, spokeswoman for the FBI's St. Louis office, made clear Friday that it was now in the hands of the county, not the FBI, to release the audit information.

"The FBI conducted the forensic audit at the request of the St. Louis County Police Department. It is up to St. Louis County Police Department to release its investigation, not the FBI," she said."

County Police Chief Jon Belmar said last week that his department was about to wrap up a final aspect of its own investigation -- an examination of the texts and emails on Mueth's smartphone, desktop computer and laptops.

"We're waiting on the forensic analysis of the electronic equipment that might show if anyone else was involved in a conspiracy with Mr. Mueth or who might have benefited from the stolen assets," the chief said.

Belmar said the department expects to release its findings early next month."

(The article was written in June 30, 2014, and the findings have yet to be released)

Meanwhile, members of the County Council are questioning why Dooley's administration* has not disclosed information about January's FBI audit, which has been in the possession of top administration officials since February.

"They keep us out of the loop on everything," Councilman Pat Dolan, D-5th Distric, said. "We represent the people of the county, and we should know what's going on. We shouldn't have to hear it from a media outlet."

Council member Greg Quinn, R-7th District, said the lack of transparency was particularly troubling in light of the ongoing effort by Dooley to gain council approval for a $94,000 independent "forensic assessment" to help the county avoid a repeat of the scheme that permitted the fraud to go undetected for six years.

Even County Prosecutor Robert McCulloch -- who would have tried the case if the health department scandal had gone to trial -- says he did not learn of the audit until this month.

"I had no idea it existed," McCulloch said.

 *County Executive Charlie Dooley

10-09-2014 - An audit was launched for Ferguson and several other counties, highlighting excessive ticketing fees.  Mayor Knowles responded: “No matter what we did, he’s going to have to look at us. I understand that,” Knowles said. “Because we were the focal point. But we’ve got a good finance staff. And that’s something we’ve been cognizant of for years making sure we don’t have our fines and forfeitures get too high – especially not nearly high enough to be snared by the state law.

“And we’re making a commitment to go much further now even still,” 

10/10/14- Tom S. wanted to audit municipal city courts. They were expected to be audited in 2015. The point was to put a cap on ticket fees. Ferguson was on that list.

12/14/14- Ferguson increased ticketing in order to close the budget gap. Jeffrey Blume, Ferguson’s finance director says, "Even with the increased ticketing, a $4.09 million revenue shortfall will remain for fiscal 2015. The city will bridge that gap by drawing on its $10.3 million unassigned reserve, the last of its reserve funds. "

12/16/14- Dallas County Sheriff found using company car, violating the time off policy and handling evidence.

02/19/2015 A criminal investigation was launched on the St. Joseph School District based on the auditor's findings. 

Tom S was found dead on February 27, 2015

A suicide note dated March 27 had been claimed to be found at the spokesperson's home.  However, something doesn't add up. Here's the video of Captain Doug Shoemaker

04/16/15- Speculation of prednisone use was cause of the auditor's death

While listening to the video, Captain Shoemaker of the Jefferson City Missouri Police Department said, "I will not provide copies of the note, photographs of the note, I will read"... (then he stammers and says,) "I've written what it says and I will provide it verbally to you." at the 2 minute and 16 second mark.

According the note, it says, "I'm so sorry I just can't take being unemployed again". 

That's it. 

Now if my memory serves me correct, the spokesperson could be employed anywhere in the country. He would have no trouble obtaining employment. Why would he say he can't take being unemployed? That doesn't make sense. I suspect there is a cover up because the auditor was outspoken, and he did his job very well to the point where he found issues all across the entire state. As long as the auditor can not speak up, then his spokesperson could. And so the spokesperson had to be killed as well.

Not only that, Chief Jon Belmar, Robert McCulloch, and the County Executive Charles Dooley are involved withholding the FBI's findings, and the FBI's spokesperson said it should be available. Chief Belmar said it should have been available July of 2014.

It's still unavailable a year later.  

Ferguson Timeline and the politician's role in the current police brutality mess. Part 1

I know you're probably thinking I'm extra late, but there was a reason why I'm going back over this Ferguson situation. As we approach the one year anniversary of Mike Brown's death, a lot of issues haven't been addressed. From the looks of things, Ferguson is in worse shape than it started before Brown was shot. A lot of questions went unanswered, a lot of issues haven't been addressed, and a lot of subjects were left untouched. Even the Department of Justice was only able to scratch the surface, but there was more to meets the eye, so I decided to take a stab at it. I managed to bite off more than I could chew. Here's what I found: 

From the beginning, Mayor James Knowles managed to distance himself from all of the craziness that took place. What you see below is a picture of him at a party (he's wearing a green shirt in the circle to the far left).  

But look at the second circle. That's Darren Wilson, the officer who shot Mike Brown and was made an instant millionaire. In the second picture, you will see the person in the green circle is Mary Ann Twitty, (as seen in the green circle below) the person who was outed regarding the racist e-mails. Not only that, she was also accused of fixing traffic tickets for her colleagues.

Now before this happened, she did an interview saying that the e-mails went through the entire department, and come to find out, Ferguson contracted a company called Acumen Counsulting in order to filter their e-mails:

Here's the actual 52 page contract in pdf format.

In the document, there is an e-mail correspondence between Robert Wagnon, the president of the company, and Megan Asikainen, the county clerk regarding the need to redact information.

This particular exchange stood stood out to me  on page 16 of the pdf.  On the e-mail below,  Asikainen states the following : Our city Attorney will need to do some review and redaction. She saw your PDF was fine for her to work from as far as making redactions.

Now sure, I understand various sensitive info pertaining to health conditions, etc as mentioned by Wagnon would need to be omitted for obvious reasons, but what other information was omitted by Pam Hylton?  Could tampering with the case be exactly why she stepped down and then took a job in Richmond Heights?

Here, Wagnon asks for the governor's e-mail before anything else could happen.

It appears the Mayor Knowles is under investigation as well. 

Now, as mentioned earlier, Mary Ann Twitty said that the racist e-mails went through the entire department.

Here's the list of officers in a two part listing, with the second part mentioning the search terms. This is part 1

And this is part 2. Please note that Tim Allen is listed in part 1 as well:

But the St. Louis and the Ferguson Police department say otherwise through their COPTALK forum, meaning they had a LOT to say regarding the subjects surrounding the search terms listed in the above e-mail.:

Here, a user by the name of Judge Dredd publicly listed the criminal records of Mike Brown's parents.  If one were to do a search on the Case.Net listing complete with the series of numbers and letters below and the words "", it pulls up Michael Brown Sr's criminal record.

After finding out about the protesters setting up a fake wedding registry through, they refer to the protesters as domestic terrorists, and threaten to contact by calling them and writing a copy and pasted letter as indicated below. They were instructed to use their real names.
Here, they offer to give outdated armor to other cops "in the midst of battle" just in case. Later, the person thanks a man by the name of "Matt" for supplying it to a former Wellston police officer that previously had outdated armor..

Here they talk about how policing in the 70s was "fun" and that body cameras take the fun out of the job before insinuating about the economic conditions of the citizens.

One user who went by the name of "On the line" speaks about abusing prescription drugs, picturing the protesters naked, and doing the same for the police commanders.:
Another officer gives encouragement to On the line for abusing drugs on the job:

The officers also threatened the St. Louis Post Dispatch after a damning article was written that showed all of the eye witnesses accounts in the Darren Wilson case as matching. The article they referred to was copied and pasted into the forum as read below. At the end of the article, a user suggests the original poster, listed as "Unreal",  should click on another link in order to retaliate against the journalist for writing the article.

Here, a user by the name of "someone" lists the information for the CEO of the St. Louis Post Dispatch so they could complain to the office in hopes to get the journalist fired or reassigned. 

Now, add that to the things I already mentioned regarding to Ferguson in the Confederate Flag blog, and -The COONeKKKtion Blog-, (do a CTRL+F for the word "Ferguson in the COONeKKKtion section and  read the info on the Counsel of Conservative Citizens, or the CCC as shown in both blogs, then you will find how the entire thing was funded, who contributed to it, and where the funds came from (reddit, the CCC, and Stormfront,).  You will also see who is fueling this for political gain, whose eating it up, and whose trying to shut people up,which brings me to my next point: The mysterious death of the Missouri Auditor and his spokesperson.

To be continued...

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Whose Defending Rachael Dolezal and Why

Ok. I know you're tired of hearing about this woman, but I promise this is going to be my last post about her. A lot of people have jumped all over themselves to defend this woman. Now I already mentioned those supportive of the #Transracial movement and what their motives are, but here's a flip side that no one has explored. The twist is that it has a lot in common with that movement and here's why:

I said that the transracial movement is about the attempt to redefine what race means, and how it's really about White Supremacy. Look deeply at who is defending her and why. I already addressed what White and non Blacks have invested in Rachael Dolezal, but what about Black people who share the same sentiment? 

The same people who defend her are the same ones who:

  1. Believe that those were Michael Jackson's biological kids.
  2. Gave such a pass to Bill Clinton because he "got head" under the desk of his White House office while he was president.
  3. Let their White and other non Black friends say "Nigga" because they were the ones who gave them permission.
  4. Didn't feel "Black enough" in the first place because other kids called them "sell out", "oreo", etc "because smart equals 'wanna be White'."
  5. Married a light skinned person in hopes their children wouldn't be dark skinned like themselves.
  6. Have a complex about Black women, but have voiced it through various negative behaviors towards them.
  7. The ones who want to be accepted so bad by White people that they use the "black on the inside" argument to appease them.
  8. The ones who secretly believe that White women are fragile and need to be coddled, cared for and protected.
     9. The ones who are afraid of White backlash against them. (job, etc)

Long story short, these people wanted to be accepted by White people so bad that they will compromise all and anything in order to feel better about themselves.  For those who say otherwise really need to GET THE FUCK OUTTA HERE! Here's why:

Take a look at any and all anti Black propaganda. They told us our hair is bad. They told us that we are dumb and that education is for White people since it was once illegal for Black people to read or write. As a result, sometimes kids who got gassed up by their parents and other adult relatives, took "being smart" too far to the point where they alienated their peers. The kid might have just been socially awkward,which caused them to feel angry about the experience. This could have caused the kid to resort to sticking their nose in a book and claiming that people don't like them because of their intelligence, when in reality, they were just a cornball ass kid that annoyed the hell out of people.

They told us our complexion is bad and that a lighter tone is better and more approachable if you're born Black (see one drop rule), so darker Black people married lighter Black people in hopes the children weren't as dark. They told us that Black women are loose, hoes who deserve what they get if they look "seductive"via history, rap music, etc, so men cat call and treat women like shit when they get rejected. As a result, many many slurs were invented to portray women and those slurs are littered throughout our music. The mainstream music thrives on Black shaming, denigration, and belittlement while so called lyrical artists remain overlooked. The media enjoys parading Black people who shame their own in order to promote and keep anti Black sentiments.

As a result, this creates insecurity, vulnerability, a low self esteem, and resentment, which leads me to the following observations. 

Now people have been talking about this so much, BUT they've been focusing on the wrong things. They want to compare her with Black women wearing blonde weave, skin bleaching, and straightening their hair. But this argument goes back to how they didn't fabricate entire racial identities to live lives as White people, nor did they fabricate hate crimes.

They want to bring up Black women in interracial relationships. They want to talk about how Black women in said relationships can not be pro Black, while comparing that Black woman to Rachael and her antics while ignoring her husband's role in the whole thing. In fact, he was complicit in the whole thing and is just as guilty as Rachael is. 

But they fail to understand that none of the other women and men in interracial relationships tried to fake an identity to the point of accusing people of rape and hate crimes while wearing Blackface.
Those men and women went through life as their birth race. Not only that:

People have been trained to view White women as weak, fragile and needing to be protected. This is why they cape for her so bad. They echo what they've been taught to believe and they don't even know it.  But I see exactly what they're doing and why...

Like I said before, believing in the legend of White Supremacy will make a person do strange things, including calling this woman "a diamond without all of the blood behind it." <<Yes. Her husband actually said that. 

I'm done.

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Rachael Dolezal, I know why you lied.

I've been mulling this thing over in my head. For those who have been following my blog, please view the previous one titled "The 'Race is a Social Construct' Movement" for further details.

I asked myself why would somebody want to do this. Who would take the time to be that dedicated to a full blown lie to the point of lying about hate crimes?

Now, I saw the wedding picture of her with her Black husband, so I had to ask more questions: What would cause her to make that transformation because apparently it happened after she was with her husband. But then again, there was a divorce in question that took place according to her story in The Easterner . I'd like to bring her timeline of events into question here. According to that article, the following happened to her:

In 1996, she moved to Jackson, Mississippi, to pursue a four-year degree in art with a full ride scholarship.

She met her now ex-husband and afterward moved to Washington D.C.  in 1999 where they married.
'Doležal furthered her education in the fine arts at Howard University, graduating with a master’s degree.' She began painting and made a living from it.

Anecdotal evidence supported that she had been raped during the time she was painting:

"One of Doležal’s paintings was at a convention center in San Francisco, where her and a trusted mentor went out to dinner together to celebrate the sale. As soon as Doležal looked away, the mentor slipped gamma-hydroxybutyric acid, also called the “date-rape drug,” into her drink. According to Doležal, her mentor took advantage of her that night. She said suing was nearly impossible due to the amount of wealth the man had. “I can never trust anyone to bring me a drink again, you know, because it was a trusted person,” she said."

After graduating from Howard University, Doležal and her husband moved to Bonner’s Ferry, Idaho, where she gave birth to their baby boy named Franklin.

In 2003, her family moved to Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, where her relationship with her husband became unhealthy.

Anecdotal evidence supported that she had been in an abusive relationship with him:

"According to Doležal, her ex-husband was abusive to her and even their son. At two years old, little Franklin would intervene between Doležal and her ex-husbands violence and “he would sometimes get thrown across the room,” she said. She made the decision for her and the protection of her son to divorce her husband in 2004.

The article further states:

"In 2006, Doležal developed cervical cancer. During chemotherapy, she decided to keep her incredibly long, blonde dreadlocks she had had and still puts them on today. She was considered cured in 2008."

"In Idaho, Doležal took on the role as director of the Human Rights Institute, where North Idaho white supremacy groups burglarized every home she and her son lived in. Doležal said she believes the white supremacy groups felt threatened by female power. According to Doležal, they hung nooses in her home, vandalized and stole from her property, directed death threats toward her along with threatening to kidnap Franklin while he was in the second grade. She reported all of these acts to the police and each was admitted into police records as hate crimes, yet the culprits were never caught. Doležal moved from home to home and everywhere she moved, they followed. The hate crimes finally ended when she moved to Spokane in 2012."

But then the hole gets deeper in a different article: She was able to establish herself in the BlackLivesMatter movement.

Now something about her story doesn't wash with me. She said she moved to Idaho with her ex husband. Where is this child named Franklin? Who is her ex husband? What are his whereabouts? Where are the domestic violence police reports? Where is the lawsuit for the man who raped her when she was making a living on her paintings? Does she have any paperwork on this since it was nearly impossible to sue him? Where are her test results that showed she developed cervical cancer and was cured?  Where is her diploma? Are there any records that she even attended Howard University and taught any classes related to the African American experience? Where is her yearbook photo? What accomplishments has she made in Spokane? Did her Black husband know about her fabricating the hate crimes? What was she like in her Montana hometown? 

Now people will say  maybe it was a grand exercise of self hate, and will attempt to link her to various rap artists. Rachael Dolezal's case is not like that because everybody knew the artists were White.

And for those who will say otherwise need to GET ALL THE WAY THE FUCK OUT OF HERE WITH THAT BULLSHIT. Here's why

Those artists didn't attempt to put Blackness on as a costume and take it to the extreme where she created an entire identity by using very harmful lies. The attempt to gloss over those lies is a calculated attempt to say they were harmless. She will ruin lives by lying about being raped. She lied about being beaten by her ex husband. She fabricated hate crimes in order to keep up the lie.

She's digging in as far as she can to the point where she's calling people racist for not allowing her to continue with her delusion.

Some people will say she's mentally ill, and shrug it off as mental illness without exploring the troublesome nature of this situation.

But it looks like,all of this is something used to fool White people into believing that all a person has to do is pretend to be Black in order to "get anywhere", and that racism is fake.

That sentiment doesn't surprise me. In fact, that's what racists want you to think. So here we have a White woman from Northern Idaho who left her hometown in order to create a new life. She came from the same town where the Aryan Nation Headquarters was once located. She moved to Spokane, a city known for its racism. In fact, the biggest movement in Spokane is the Northwest Front, which describes itself as a "political organization of Aryan men and women in the United States and Canada, of all ages and social backgrounds, who recognize that an independent and sovereign White nation in the Pacific Northwest is the only possibility for the survival of the White race on this continent."

Could this be the reason why Clippers owner, Donald Sterling, who was outed for housing discrimination in Los Angeles was given a Lifetime achievement award, even though the person who gave it to him has resigned over the fallout?  Could this really be the motive behind what she was doing? Did she really "play the race card" by crying rape, domestic abuse, and by dressing up as Black in order to gain "access" to alleged privileges? But then again, I'm not surprised. The race card was placed in the deck to be played by people in order to keep other people "in their place". If they could disguise themselves as a leader of an organization, take the history of said organization, use it against the people they want to keep 'in their place' only to "rise" as an advocate in order to "fight" against the establishment that created the race card in the first place, making for the ultimate "Fuck You!" towards an undesired group of people would be a racist dream of epic proportions. I mean, after all, they seem to really enjoy propping Black people up in order to throw them under the bus, as well as using their own conservative media heads to do so, so I wouldn't put it past them to hide as a Black person in order to maintain the idea.

Personally, I think that's what she represents, and could be what she had in mind. Here's why:

Doing so will not only discredit the people who are fighting against the laws, policies, and institutions that are invested in the race card, but it would also erase their validity, their concerns, and their history.

Many people have tried to occupy Black spaces and they chose to do so by any means necessary. Some of the easiest ways to do so are by trolling pages geared toward Black issues,and the online personal profiles belonging to Black individuals. They will use their own online profiles to do so and will also create fake Black profiles in order to win arguments surrounding racial issues. Black memes get created in order to sully their image, poke fun, or engage in racist spew. They even go so far as to make fake facebook pages geared towards it, and fudging racial statics. Another thing that stood out was this:
"The city of Spokane is also investigating whether Dolezal misidentified her race in an application to the
 Office of Police Ombudsman Commission, on which she serves. Dolezal said she had several ethnic origins on the application, including white, black and American Indian."

People will say, "Maybe she's just crazy." Sure,I believe that. Because what kind of person would lie like that in order to try to prove her existence is not an illusion? She's just trying to preserve her status, and I really don't think she wants to preserve the Black one because if she did, she would have tried to fight injustice while remaining White the entire time.

It just goes to show you:

Believing in the legend of White Supremacy will make a person do strange things.

Friday, June 12, 2015

The "Race is a Social Construct" Movement

Let's start with the White NAACP Member who played Black.  Now I know the NAACP was actually founded by White people, so let's move on.  Aside from finding out who cosigned this, but not being surprised that she belongs to  the same group that gave Donald Stearling a Lifetime Achievement Award, I am baffled. Now, people will say she was a White ally. Some will say that she wanted to help so bad that it was the only way she could.  But the question I'd like to ask is Why did she feel the need to dress up in Black face and do something like that? She even went so far as to get black people to pose with her for photos so she could pass them off as family members. She invented a natural hair journey. She went to Howard University and she taught African Studies.  So I did some digging, and I decided to look into the situation where her parents revealed her ethnicity.  It looks like we have ourselves a con artist. And those who don't see why can GETTHEFUCKOUTTA HERE!  Here's Why:

Now there is this twitter movement called #WrongSkin that has popped up. It's also used in conjuction with the Transracial movement. This will be a mass diversion in order to keep people from recognizing real issues that have happened and continue to happen. This will be the reason that will justify any and all racist attitudes towards us. This is exactly why the media got people to pay attention to Bruce/Caitlyn Jenner and the transformation.

She will play the victim. People will say she was an ally. But if she were such an ally, why did she have to dress up? Not only that, she might have fabricated hate crimes in order to make the experience "more authentic".  

People will cling to the fact that the NAACP was started by Whites to justify her stance and supporters. This is not the first time something like this has happened. This idea has been brought to light in the past in order to solidify beliefs that American Black people are not who they say they are, and they use their skin color to "get by". That belief  has already been worked into the media.

This person is part of a big smear campaign.  They are looking for ways to derail and destroy the credibility of Black people.  This is proof that skin color still matters to Whites because she was able to do all of that in order to maintain the illusion that Blacks are using their skin color to get by.And by crying wolf (manufacturing hate crimes) is a good way to discredit racism since it has definitely encouraged it.  Also, the comparison of her with Bruce/Caitlyn Jenner  is an attempt to re-steer the social construct called "race" since they defined it in the first place.  Needless to say, they're trying to manipulate and change what race means, and keep it on their terms since the previous terms led to a huge blow to those efforts ever since people started figuring out how laws were passed to uphold the illusion of White supremacy. 

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

On the Baltimore Riots, and WHY

After all of this mess that has been going on, you'd think people would understand the message. I mean, history tells us that Black people have been killed by various methods, lynched, burned, beaten, killed, spat on, and countless other morally reprehensible things done to them that postcards and footage from the Civil Rights marches didn't capture. They have been kept out of schools, the opportunity to own property and get loans with FAIR rates only to be met with a fake meager attempt of forced integration when it came towards getting employed.

Not only that, any time some sort of perceived success has been made, all the shade gets thrown by various methods, be it getting pulled over,somebody accusing said Black person of being an Affirmative Action case,or somebody damaging your property as a passive aggressive attempt to put you in your place. And when that isn't the case, their intelligence gets ignored, undermined and snubbed.

And THEN people want to say things like "I don't understand why they tear down where they live... I don't get it." I refuse to engage with people who don't "get it". They "don't get it" because they refuse to look at it. They don't want to get it. They just want to perch up in their chairs and survey the situation and play stupid.

Then they say " What if that was your business getting looted?" I'd say the following:

If it was my business getting tore up, I would defend it. BUT I would also make sure I am a part of the community by hiring people in it, and I would invest money into it, and I would invest in the product I bring into the community. Not only that, I would make sure the people know me, and appreciate me. That should be basic business etiquette.

People tore up the neighborhood because they pay taxes anyway and are still not being treated fairly. They figured, why pay for mistreatment, and disrespect after they've asked for it to stop over the course of many years. They don't actually own any of the stuff in the neighborhood, so they realize it isn't theirs. Taxes pay for that. Their taxes.

So a combination of paying for a bunch of shit that isn't even theirs, that's owned by people who make sure they keep reminding people about their lack of ownership, while harassing them whenever they DO get a little bit of ownership (car, decent job, etc), to the possible point of getting beaten up or killed because of it. And having to raise their children in that environment << THAT'S why they tore it up.

Last time I checked, it sounds like the people are rioting because of taxation without representation. And as long as it continues, shit will get tore up. I'm just saying.   

"This is NOT your hood. You don't own that"... << On Protest Chants.

For those who don't know. I've been active on the social justice front. Two particular chants that had been circulating around the Ferguson protests have made me cringe. That chant went as follows:

This is what democracy looks like! Whose streets?! OUR STREETS.

Newsflash people...

This article is what democracy looks like. Pay attention. These are not your streets.

This article is exactly why I cringed so hard when people were chanting about democracy and who owns the streets. Read this article and read it carefully. I've been trying to tell people about my feelings towards those chants and why people think I've "changed" a bit. I have not changed. This article clearly explains my thoughts. Think about that the next time (because we KNOW damn well, there will be a next time, after all how many people have died after Mike Brown in Ferguson?) you go to a protest and decide to chant with the people, or come up with your own chant. Think about it. That's why that chant could GET THE FUCK OUTTA HERE WITH THAT BULLSHIT.That is all.

Baltimore and Freddie Gray

I will spare you from the typical rhetoric regarding riots, MLK, "destroying where you live" and "respectability politics".  All I have to say is this:

Remember how the media will portray you.

Watch how you move. Be swift, be calculating, be deliberate.

Be Smart.

Watch how people move, and move accordingly.

Consider all angles before you react, and do so with precision.

Stay safe, and follow that method, Black people (and anyone else who may be out there protesting).
Learn from everything that happened in Ferguson.

That is all.

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Will Stack: I Know You're Young, BUT Courtesy Won't Save You

So apparently, a young man by the name of Will Stack weighed in on how a Black person should behave once they find themselves dealing with police officers. The people loved it. Here's a link to the article regarding how the response went viral. WMC Action News 5 - Memphis, Tennessee

Here's my take on it.

If the cop has it in his head that he wants to mess with you, he's going to do just that. Now, I was in a situation where I was arrested for a very short period of time. They took my mugshot and everything. I had a warrant for a very short time due to being out of state. Once I returned, I went to court and paid the fine. BUT not before the officers talked about me like I was a rare fish they caught last weekend while out on the lake. One had his hand on his gun, and was joking about the situation. I thought I was going to either get tazed and beaten, or killed, so I did what I thought would work in this situation: I looked at the officer whom had his hand on his gun. I looked at him dead in his eyes and then slowly looked at his gun, and then gradually raised my head to look at him in his eyes again. I paused and stayed like that for at least 30 seconds. He lowered his head as if he knew what I was trying to say. His smirk turned into a troubled frown, and he looked ashamed of himself. I remained cordial and calm. Long story short, they ended up just giving me a ticket and banning me from the area for a period of time. I never shopped at that mall again.

Needless to say, I could have been shot that day for selling cologne on mall property. I was in a situation where there were four cops in a small room. There was only one witness who could testify on my behalf, and I suspect that wouldn't happen, since she was only given a warning. I suspect that she would have just gone the easy route in order to save her own ass.

Now, granted, I shouldn't have been there. I should have been doing something else. BUT that doesn't give anybody the right to decide whether I should die or not based on the fact. I just find it funny that people will call a child abuser/molester , "troubled" and will want to seek help for said person, but will advocate death for someone who may or may not have stole some small item, had a broken tail light, not paying child support, or (insert any minor crime here).

Now they have this kid all up in the spotlight, telling people to be cordial to the police. They are making this kid some kind of poster child/young adult in order to further their agenda. They want to say "See? If he can do it, so can you. Just don't be rude to the cops." I will tell you that cops will kill you if they get it in their heads that they could, and you could be as cordial as you want to be. It doesn't matter.

The Kyle Jenner Challenge << My take on the matter.

So I saw this thing called the ‪#‎kylejennerchallenge‬. It's a method that allows a person to plump up their lips by sucking on a shot glass or something similarly shaped to the point of bruising themselves. I have to say something about this because I remember White people making fun of those with "big" or "thick" lips. In fact, they also made fun of women with big butts. The women they talked about were Black. And now, they're clamoring to get big butts and lips in order to achieve that look. In fact, when Angelina Jolie got popular, folks were saying how beautiful her lips were, but would twist their faces up in disgust whenever they saw those same lips or butts on Black people.
I just find it interesting how trends are mostly started BY Black influence, but the Blackness is never appreciated in its original form. That seems to go for ALL American art, fashion, etc that started through Black people.
I'd like to take the time to let people know (I'm sure quite a few of you already know this, so I'm probably preaching to the choir at this point. ) that Blackness is NOT a commodity

Friday, April 3, 2015

Moments of Clarity

People usually talk about their moments of clarity as if they are joyous, freeing, and wonderful. For me, that part exists, BUT no one REALLY discusses their feelings during said moment. I decided I'd do that with you in a 2 part format: Before the moment, and after the moment.

Before:  I had an inkling of what was going on before I reached my moment of clarity. I knew how things operated, and all I could see was the impending mess that was coming as things happened. It got to the point where I could predict things before they happened and move accordingly.  

But it was baby steps. 

I thought I was doing the exact correct thing at that time but in reality, I was only doing a small piece of what I needed to do to reach this moment. And it still wasn't enough, and I knew it.

So I went to work seeking out what I needed to find.

What I found was something BIG. Something so incredibly deep that I really had no idea how I found it.  The catch was that I already knew how deep it was, but now I'm just digging into the top surface. 


I dug deeper and deeper, and now I am astounded, awestruck, angry, depressed, anxious, relieved, and  really fucking tired. Not just tired from lack of sleep, but mentally drained, exhausted, and feeling deflated, and I have panic attacks from time to time. 

And yet after all of that heaviness, the biggest feeling I have is anxiety. 

But my head is clearer than it has ever been before. 
I know what I must do, and my purpose before going through this moment of clarity still suits my actions. I just need to be more careful, concise, patient, thorough, and cautious. 

And I'm just in the start of this thing. And this thing is really, really BIG. I'm talking a drop in the bucket type big. Like a single person in the universe type big. And I'm pretty close. 

I'm pretty close.