Saturday, August 1, 2015

Ferguson Timeline and the politician's role in the current police brutality mess. Part 2


We went over who was involved in the racist e-mails, who was fired because of it, the conflicts of interest, who redacted info pertaining to racist material in the e-mails before handing them over to an archiving company, who was involved in the sifting, the search terms used to find the questionable material,the officer's roles in this, and how they all connect to the sources of funding.  Now we're focusing on what happened to the Missouri auditor:

We already know how the media was pushing for the "I committed suicide because I was being bullied for being Jewish angle, right?  Then it changed to, "He could have died because of interactions with medication".  But what mainstream media didn't account for was that the Missouri Auditor found several discrepancies in the budgets of several towns all across the state.

One of his findings was twenty eight city officials were caught embezzling money in Jefferson City, MO. He found that one tax collector stole $568,000 and a sheriff’s deputy took $18,000 from inmates accounts. Another person stole $568,000 from farmers paying off their taxes. This theft caused the farmers accounts to go delinquent, but the person who stole the money was giving them receipts saying their taxes were paid. According to the article, the state was only able to get half of the funds back to their perspective accounts, but only fifteen people have been charged with theft and only nine have been convicted.

The auditor found many many errors in budgeting all across the state, including the following cities and circumstances:

01/26/14 Audit shows that Missouri has excessive state planes." The auditor’s office says 19 is at least one plane too many. It found that only on 51 days out of those two years was the state’s passenger fleet used to capacity. On 459 days three or more of the six passenger planes sat idle, and all of them went unused on 69 days."

06/10/14-Webster County clerk, Billy H Breitenstein stole $17,677 by using a company credit card.

09/08/14- Governor Nixon's budget cuts were questioned, saying Nixon extended his powers by balancing the budget by barring $161 million in spending. He also said Nixon's budgeting process was inaccurate, and said the holding of said funds was illegal under the Missouri State constitution. The article also states:
Schweich contends Nixon violated that second constitutional prong, because he continued to freeze spending despite the fact that state general revenues slightly exceeded the revised estimate for the 2012 fiscal year.

The governor’s written response contends the “consensus revenue estimate” - agreed to by executive and legislative budget officials - is not legally binding and that governors must also consider other things impacting state revenues when making budget decisions.

Schweich countered that Nixon’s administration was “contorting and distorting the constitutional authority to allow them to do what they want to do.”

09/17/14-Neosho Mo mayor Jimmi Brown of Reddings Mill Mo, wrote checks for over $9000 in personal expenses.

09/30/14- FBI audit of St. Louis County Health department shows 3.4 million dollars being embezzled. The funds were used for child care, dog kennel services, landscaping, fast food, among other things.  However, it had been discovered that Edward Meuth, a Senior manager for the St. Louis County Health Department bilked millions of dollars from the budget over several years. He used the funds to create a company and he billed the county for services and goods it never received. He also lived in a 1.5 million dollar mansion and had an airplane while only making $86,000 a year from St. Louis County. He also procured four machine guns, luxury cars a motorcycle and used the funds for $200,000 in landscaping. It had been said that he committed suicide once he was caught.

The actual FBI audit had not been disclosed to the public. According to, "As of today, however, neither an explanation of how the $3.4 million fraud went undetected for so long nor the findings of an FBI audit completed for the county in January have been made public -- not even to members of the St. Louis County Council or the county's own prosecutor.

Only a handful of Dooley's closest advisers have seen any details about the embezzlement or January's audit.

One of those is Garry Earls, the county's chief operating officer."

However, there are questions as to who has seen the report, who has custody of it and whether or not the information could be released.

"Yet, the U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Missouri, Richard Callahan, informed the county earlier this month that the FBI had closed its investigation. The inquiry had not found "anyone, other than Mr. Mueth, who was involved in that criminal enterprise," he wrote in a June 2 letter to County Counselor Patricia Redington.

County officials insist they still are bound by federal authorities' request from January not to disclose the findings even though the federal investigation is over.

"The letter is self-explanatory," Redington said last week, referring to the Jan. 31 correspondence. "It has always been our policy to cooperate and follow the instructions of the FBI in any matter."

However, Rebecca Wu, spokeswoman for the FBI's St. Louis office, made clear Friday that it was now in the hands of the county, not the FBI, to release the audit information.

"The FBI conducted the forensic audit at the request of the St. Louis County Police Department. It is up to St. Louis County Police Department to release its investigation, not the FBI," she said."

County Police Chief Jon Belmar said last week that his department was about to wrap up a final aspect of its own investigation -- an examination of the texts and emails on Mueth's smartphone, desktop computer and laptops.

"We're waiting on the forensic analysis of the electronic equipment that might show if anyone else was involved in a conspiracy with Mr. Mueth or who might have benefited from the stolen assets," the chief said.

Belmar said the department expects to release its findings early next month."

(The article was written in June 30, 2014, and the findings have yet to be released)

Meanwhile, members of the County Council are questioning why Dooley's administration* has not disclosed information about January's FBI audit, which has been in the possession of top administration officials since February.

"They keep us out of the loop on everything," Councilman Pat Dolan, D-5th Distric, said. "We represent the people of the county, and we should know what's going on. We shouldn't have to hear it from a media outlet."

Council member Greg Quinn, R-7th District, said the lack of transparency was particularly troubling in light of the ongoing effort by Dooley to gain council approval for a $94,000 independent "forensic assessment" to help the county avoid a repeat of the scheme that permitted the fraud to go undetected for six years.

Even County Prosecutor Robert McCulloch -- who would have tried the case if the health department scandal had gone to trial -- says he did not learn of the audit until this month.

"I had no idea it existed," McCulloch said.

 *County Executive Charlie Dooley

10-09-2014 - An audit was launched for Ferguson and several other counties, highlighting excessive ticketing fees.  Mayor Knowles responded: “No matter what we did, he’s going to have to look at us. I understand that,” Knowles said. “Because we were the focal point. But we’ve got a good finance staff. And that’s something we’ve been cognizant of for years making sure we don’t have our fines and forfeitures get too high – especially not nearly high enough to be snared by the state law.

“And we’re making a commitment to go much further now even still,” 

10/10/14- Tom S. wanted to audit municipal city courts. They were expected to be audited in 2015. The point was to put a cap on ticket fees. Ferguson was on that list.

12/14/14- Ferguson increased ticketing in order to close the budget gap. Jeffrey Blume, Ferguson’s finance director says, "Even with the increased ticketing, a $4.09 million revenue shortfall will remain for fiscal 2015. The city will bridge that gap by drawing on its $10.3 million unassigned reserve, the last of its reserve funds. "

12/16/14- Dallas County Sheriff found using company car, violating the time off policy and handling evidence.

02/19/2015 A criminal investigation was launched on the St. Joseph School District based on the auditor's findings. 

Tom S was found dead on February 27, 2015

A suicide note dated March 27 had been claimed to be found at the spokesperson's home.  However, something doesn't add up. Here's the video of Captain Doug Shoemaker

04/16/15- Speculation of prednisone use was cause of the auditor's death

While listening to the video, Captain Shoemaker of the Jefferson City Missouri Police Department said, "I will not provide copies of the note, photographs of the note, I will read"... (then he stammers and says,) "I've written what it says and I will provide it verbally to you." at the 2 minute and 16 second mark.

According the note, it says, "I'm so sorry I just can't take being unemployed again". 

That's it. 

Now if my memory serves me correct, the spokesperson could be employed anywhere in the country. He would have no trouble obtaining employment. Why would he say he can't take being unemployed? That doesn't make sense. I suspect there is a cover up because the auditor was outspoken, and he did his job very well to the point where he found issues all across the entire state. As long as the auditor can not speak up, then his spokesperson could. And so the spokesperson had to be killed as well.

Not only that, Chief Jon Belmar, Robert McCulloch, and the County Executive Charles Dooley are involved withholding the FBI's findings, and the FBI's spokesperson said it should be available. Chief Belmar said it should have been available July of 2014.

It's still unavailable a year later.  

Ferguson Timeline and the politician's role in the current police brutality mess. Part 1

I know you're probably thinking I'm extra late, but there was a reason why I'm going back over this Ferguson situation. As we approach the one year anniversary of Mike Brown's death, a lot of issues haven't been addressed. From the looks of things, Ferguson is in worse shape than it started before Brown was shot. A lot of questions went unanswered, a lot of issues haven't been addressed, and a lot of subjects were left untouched. Even the Department of Justice was only able to scratch the surface, but there was more to meets the eye, so I decided to take a stab at it. I managed to bite off more than I could chew. Here's what I found: 

From the beginning, Mayor James Knowles managed to distance himself from all of the craziness that took place. What you see below is a picture of him at a party (he's wearing a green shirt in the circle to the far left).  

But look at the second circle. That's Darren Wilson, the officer who shot Mike Brown and was made an instant millionaire. In the second picture, you will see the person in the green circle is Mary Ann Twitty, (as seen in the green circle below) the person who was outed regarding the racist e-mails. Not only that, she was also accused of fixing traffic tickets for her colleagues.

Now before this happened, she did an interview saying that the e-mails went through the entire department, and come to find out, Ferguson contracted a company called Acumen Counsulting in order to filter their e-mails:

Here's the actual 52 page contract in pdf format.

In the document, there is an e-mail correspondence between Robert Wagnon, the president of the company, and Megan Asikainen, the county clerk regarding the need to redact information.

This particular exchange stood stood out to me  on page 16 of the pdf.  On the e-mail below,  Asikainen states the following : Our city Attorney will need to do some review and redaction. She saw your PDF was fine for her to work from as far as making redactions.

Now sure, I understand various sensitive info pertaining to health conditions, etc as mentioned by Wagnon would need to be omitted for obvious reasons, but what other information was omitted by Pam Hylton?  Could tampering with the case be exactly why she stepped down and then took a job in Richmond Heights?

Here, Wagnon asks for the governor's e-mail before anything else could happen.

It appears the Mayor Knowles is under investigation as well. 

Now, as mentioned earlier, Mary Ann Twitty said that the racist e-mails went through the entire department.

Here's the list of officers in a two part listing, with the second part mentioning the search terms. This is part 1

And this is part 2. Please note that Tim Allen is listed in part 1 as well:

But the St. Louis and the Ferguson Police department say otherwise through their COPTALK forum, meaning they had a LOT to say regarding the subjects surrounding the search terms listed in the above e-mail.:

Here, a user by the name of Judge Dredd publicly listed the criminal records of Mike Brown's parents.  If one were to do a search on the Case.Net listing complete with the series of numbers and letters below and the words "", it pulls up Michael Brown Sr's criminal record.

After finding out about the protesters setting up a fake wedding registry through, they refer to the protesters as domestic terrorists, and threaten to contact by calling them and writing a copy and pasted letter as indicated below. They were instructed to use their real names.
Here, they offer to give outdated armor to other cops "in the midst of battle" just in case. Later, the person thanks a man by the name of "Matt" for supplying it to a former Wellston police officer that previously had outdated armor..

Here they talk about how policing in the 70s was "fun" and that body cameras take the fun out of the job before insinuating about the economic conditions of the citizens.

One user who went by the name of "On the line" speaks about abusing prescription drugs, picturing the protesters naked, and doing the same for the police commanders.:
Another officer gives encouragement to On the line for abusing drugs on the job:

The officers also threatened the St. Louis Post Dispatch after a damning article was written that showed all of the eye witnesses accounts in the Darren Wilson case as matching. The article they referred to was copied and pasted into the forum as read below. At the end of the article, a user suggests the original poster, listed as "Unreal",  should click on another link in order to retaliate against the journalist for writing the article.

Here, a user by the name of "someone" lists the information for the CEO of the St. Louis Post Dispatch so they could complain to the office in hopes to get the journalist fired or reassigned. 

Now, add that to the things I already mentioned regarding to Ferguson in the Confederate Flag blog, and -The COONeKKKtion Blog-, (do a CTRL+F for the word "Ferguson in the COONeKKKtion section and  read the info on the Counsel of Conservative Citizens, or the CCC as shown in both blogs, then you will find how the entire thing was funded, who contributed to it, and where the funds came from (reddit, the CCC, and Stormfront,).  You will also see who is fueling this for political gain, whose eating it up, and whose trying to shut people up,which brings me to my next point: The mysterious death of the Missouri Auditor and his spokesperson.

To be continued...

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

That Police Pattern, Freedom of Speech, and Race Baiting

Apparently Douglasville Georgia's citizens are out of control. The Confederate Flag wavers have gone full retard again. They showed up armed to a Black child's birthday party and taunted his family by saying they were going to "Kill y'all niggers".  

I'd like to bring something to your attention. 
I knew about this, I saw the pattern, and I'm not really surprised about how this went down.

Notice how the police were busy telling the Black people to calm down when they should have been arresting the people in the vehicles? This is the pattern I've seen whenever these flag wavers pop up. The police are always protecting their "right to free speech", but are there to make sure the Blacks behave. I saw it in South Carolina, I saw it in Dawson Georgia (where the police blocked off the road so the flag wavers could roll through with their vehicles), 
or well anywhere a large number of Black people are, and here it is at a Black child's birthday party. 

And for those who say that we race bait, I'd like to tell them the following:

Just seeing the word, "Black" or seeing a picture of a Black person attached to an article is just enough for those who cry "race baiters" to get their underwear in a knot. They are the most butt hurt and easily offended group of people one would ever come across.

The truth is that they have a problem with Black people. They have to insert themselves into anything related to us even when it's online. They can't help but try to oversee what we're doing, they don't want us to assemble, they don't like it when 'too many' of us are together, they don't like the fact we want to do better for ourselves without their help. Whenever we try, they say things like "Where's our White Television channel?" or "If we did that we'd be racist." They spend such an enormous time worrying about what Black people are doing. In fact, terrorizing a Black child's birthday party is proof of the fact they're so worried about what we are doing that they are not above being petty and proud of it. They just haaad to ruin that kid's party as if they were twelve year olds with nothing better to do but to harass the little kids (because that's how they see Black people. AS. LITTLE. KIDS.)

The question I'd like to ask is, If they hate us so much, why do they keep inserting themselves into everything we do? From Rachael Dolezal and her failed transracial movement, to the random online troll comments, to the White person who wants to debate who and who can't say the N word, to the White rapper, to the guys at the child's party? They get off on being overseers and having the ability to police everything and anything we do, and it's just gross. Straight up and plain gross. 

So. I suppose this is the part where a person would say something like "If you don't like it, then go back to Africa". I'd say the following: Buy us all a plane ticket and please make sure the United States gives back all of the diamonds, the money from oil, the gold, the platinum , the palladium,etc. And they should come get all of their e-waste they dropped off in Ghana, and stop sending Monsanto's seeds over there. They should undo all damage done to the African continent since they feel so compelled to even think they have the audacity and the power to tell someone that in the first place. They should get all the way off of the high horse they created themselves, since they probably want to call me uppity for even "going there" in the first place. As well as give monetary compensation for attempts to hijack everything we do, and use it for themselves. Oh, wait.

And they STILL want to say Black people are race baiters.


Thursday, July 16, 2015

On Respectability Politics

Come to think about it, respectability politics has many many nooks, crannies, valleys and pockets that a lot of people haven't even examined. Here's my take on it.

When we think about respectability politics, we automatically think of people with professional careers like Dr. Huxtable (Bill Cosby's character), Don Lemon, Ben Carson, and (for the better or worse) Stacey Dash. We think about the rhetoric that comes out of their mouths. We think about Black on Black crime, clothing, jobs church, Martin Luther King, ...well, you get the point. But I see the following:

Nobody actually takes a look at how harmful respectability politics are. They condition people to beg for respect under certain circumstances. It's more of a "Am I doing it right? See my clothes, I speak 'properly', and I denounce anything remotely Black. I'm good, right?"

And I say GET THE FUCK OUTTA HERE! to all of that and I say that we should re condition ourselves to demand respect by not begging for it. I say we should actually look at all possible avenues respectability politics tends to invite itself into.

Take the older generation. Some of them are firm believers in the 'begging for respect' avenue. They are so into it that they talk all kinds of crap about those who aren't like them. This creates the "I'm better than you because  :

  • I dress better than you
  • I make more money than you
  • I look better than you
  • I speak more eloquently than you
  • I'm smarter than you" argument.

They do it openly and gratuitously to the point where kids pick it up. They will imitate it in various ways. The older person might be on the phone talking about what "This (insert derogatory name) did" how, "he/she ain't shit." The kids will not only look down on people they feel are inferior to them, they will do  two things:

  • KILL each other, or
  • become a "special snowflake".

When I say "special snowflake" I'm talking about the Don Lemons and those who talk bad about people who they think don't fit their idea of whose worthy of their attention and who isn't.

This is why same Black people say disparaging remarks about other Black people, and they may do this in White spaces as well in order to distance themselves from the rest of "the others". 

This is also why a lot of young Black people kill each other. It's because they see another Black person and they treat them like their rival. It's also the same as why some corporate Black people (that list of folks I mentioned earlier) will spend time throwing salt at other types of Black people they feel who fit their idea of inferiority. There are two forms of death mentioned, one verbal and one physical. Enter "The Dirty Dozens" here.  It was supposed to be a fun game where each jokester uses language in order to demean the other person. Each person takes a turn, and tries to one up the other with the funniest joke about their opponent.  Now I've played this game, as long as it was clear that it was a game and not something to be used to insult another person and make them feel inferior. But this game was also used to hurt people, or verbally kill someone. I suspect the hurting comes from the type of argument I mentioned above.

Needless to say, this is a generational problem. Respectability politics have been carried around since its inception, and it's very toxic. It needs to be completely removed from our teachings and lessons. The older generations really need to quit dragging down other Black people and passing it on to their kids. This is why the kids kill each other. This is why we have some Black people:

  • being so willing to sell each other and themselves out by dry snitching on themselves and friends
  • writing entire raps about killing other Black people
  • are disrespecting the women 
  • are completely ignoring the efforts of Black women in favor of Black men (inside and outside the corporate setting)
  • scrutinize other Blacks who are trying to start businesses
  • hate those who are poor or not as "attractive" as them
  • define who is a "real nigga" or "the baddest bitch"
  • say "it ain't nothing to cut that *** off"
  • beat the hell out of their children in order to get them to behave like they want them to. 

Not only that, they are doing a lot of these things in order to be liked, or in order to get money; from Clarence Thomas to any mainstream rapper that surprised some of us regarding how they got signed. But here's the thing:

I get it, we need money. All people invested in capitalism need money regardless of their race.

But at what cost are we willing to go there in order to get it?

Solutions, you ask? Well here it is. I think we need to divorce ourselves from respectability politics all together. We need to break up with it and cut that shit off, for real. It's killing all of us. Some of us won't be able to make it out. Just ask Clarence Thomas and Mia Love. But some of us will and can.  Now I'm not saying that we all will be able to magically get along with each other and live in harmony, but divorcing respectability politics and re conditioning ourselves would be a great start because you can't cuss out and mistreat your people in order to get them to unify. 
If Morgan Freeman can wake up after providing the mantra for "self professed 'color blind' people" then there is a still a bit of hope in my heart. 

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Random Thought #5

I think I figured out why a lot of trash rap artists get cosigned and the better ones don't. I also figured out why the rap fans are overwhelmingly White these days.

The reason bad rappers get a lot of shine and have a lot of white fans is because White people love to hear Black people talk shit about themselves.

They applaud it, but as soon as an artist speaks positive and uplifts their people, they don't want to hear it or they call it "boring".

Look at whose calling the shots. It ain't us.

The White rap fan and the person writing the rapper's check are one in the same.

And that goes for those nominating the rappers for awards.

I knew it was an attempt to brainwash people, but I didn't really put the White fans into account.

Now I wonder why they like rap and if it's for real or not.

What brought this on, you ask? Well. It reminded me of a time where me and my husband were downtown, and this jeep full of frat bro looking White guys were blasting a song out of their jeep where the rappers were saying "Nigga" a lot. They didn't blast it until they got near the intersection my husband and I were waiting to cross at.

And I side eyed at them as they hurried around the corner like, "Really?" 0_o

What made me think about this was he had the album, and that made me wonder about White rap fans in general. What's their motive for buying the music? Do they really like it, or are they using it to pull bullshit like that, or engage in confirmation bias? Are they using it to confirm certain stereotypes?

It makes since because they call Eminem one of the greatest while I've always found him corny. Yeah, he can spit, I'll give him that, but he doesn't move me like that. I find it funny that people were saying that he talked about "real stuff". And I'm like , yeah... "real" like raping women, calling your mother and girlfriend  all kinds of bitches sluts and whores, talking about locking women in trunks, doing drugs and being White.  In fact, that's all he talked about during his first two albums.

So I guess he IS real. For White people, that is.

Which is so on point that as soon as a White artist gets a bit of clout in well, anything or anywhere they are deemed a visitor, instead of respecting the space, they start flexing a bit. Insert Em's album title called Rap God. And today I found out that Action Bronson had the nerve to say he was better than Ghostface Killa on live TV no less. Nevermind that his whole style of rap is exactly like Ghostface's but that's not my business.

Honestly, I saw this coming sooner or later. It was all a matter of time. It's a tried and true pattern of behavior but this time, he ended up writing a check his ass couldn't cash. Until then, I'll wait and see what happens next.

Needless to say, this is why we need our own media and our own everything else away from greedy, prying, eyes that feel left out of whatever they're feeling left out from. Because if we don't get that, then this sort of thing will be what we will always fall victim to.

Thursday, July 2, 2015

The Confederate Flag's Mass Distraction Campaign

In between the media  asking Black people to forgive Dylan Roof, pretending to care whether or not the Confederate Flag should be permanently removed, while inviting Obama to sing Amazing Grace and deliver yet another speech, a woman by the name of Bree Newsome took it upon herself to climb the flag pole in front of the State Capitol building in Charleston and physically removed it.

People became so enamored in her actions they compared her to Harriet Tubman and Rosa Parks.

Sure, taking the initiative to remove that flag without asking permission via petitions looks extra cool right now, but here's what's really going on:

Removing that flag will not do anything to further our cause. It's another symbolic gesture designed to make people think progress is happening, when no real issues have been actually addressed. If it was so urgent to remove it at that moment, why wasn't it removed before? The Confederate flag is a tired stale ass subject that has been picked at to the point where people pretend it's a heated topic. Any time racism needs to be discussed in this country, the conversation devolves into who can say the N-word and who can't, and the Confederate flag. It's a tired, old hat, ashy, red herring topic that people use in order to have a debate disguised as actual conversation.

However, it did bring up a chance for actual history to be brought up in the face of the  "Muh heritage, muh free speech, muh pride" argument, so I give cheers for that, plus it's inspirational, BUT bigger issues are at stake here. For example:

I'd like to bring your attention to the fact that Dylan Roof cited the Counsel of Conservative Citizens (known as the CCC) as inspiration for his shooting. As cited by the Southern Poverty Law Center, they just so happen to be a White supremacist group based out of St. Louis Missouri, the same group that fought against integration of schools during the Civil Rights movement, and boasted how they were against race mixing of any kind.  It's also the same group that donated several thousands of dollars to Republican presidential hopefuls (including Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, and Rick Santorum) this year, and has since sided with Roof's actions.  As we approach the one year mark since Michael Brown was killed by Darren Wilson in Ferguson, I feel there should have been an investigation of this group and how it may have been tied into the politics in St. Louis Missouri.   Could this group be tied into why Darren Wilson was not given a fair trial, and had millions of dollars raised for him?  Could this group be exactly why the police in St. Louis Missouri, and Ferguson have taken such a heavy handed stance on "policing" Black people to the point of extortion? Now that I think about it, could this group be the reason why the Missouri Auditor and his spokesman allegedly committed suicide last year? Does this group have something to do with the state capital's police response after the auditor's spokesman was found dead a month later?

Could this group be a part of St. Louis's attempt to "win the media"?

I'm not sure.

But I know this: Dylan Roof is linked to not only the CCC, but he's linked to the Northwest front, another supremacist group located in the same area in the country as the name suggests, that evolved from a sci fi writer by the name of  Harold Covington. Covington said the Charleston Shooting is a 'preview of coming attractions' (among other things). Now I suspect his readers/subscribers on his website are following his books, just as the Neo Nazis followed The Turner Diaries in hopes of creating an all White country by means of a race war.

When you look at this closely, it sounds like the stuff that neckbeards with super villain complexes dream of in hopes to take over the world from their nests, but these people are behind their keyboards, in various tech related jobs and have the ability to do whatever they want behind the screen, to the point of harassing you in real life and making death/rape threats.

This is the Fight Club that nobody really talked about, and some of them have money, and are highly influential. And no one is calling them out for being terrorist organizations or engaging in terrorist behaviors. In fact, it seems the government knows about it. Speaking of such,  Obama just asked the KKK to divulge their names in hopes of transparency. I'm going to have to tell him to GET THE FUCK OUTTA HERE because this fool has the NSA spying on every random small citizen and can cause people to get arrested for talking about killing police officers on Facebook, but has to ask for the names of any of these people, be them the members of the Northwest Front, the CCC, or another group Dylann Roof belonged to called "
Coontown" , which was a racist subreddit geared towards hatred of Black people, or "niggers" as depicted in the sub:
But you won't see any investigations into that.

Did I mention that Dylann Roof is also linked to Stormfront, which is linked to the CCC? Here, The Daily Stormer (Stormfront's blog) mentioned how the CCC took down their page after Dylann Roof was caught in hopes to not have the info come back to them. 

The comments on both articles mentioned link 4chan, the CCC, Coontown, and Stormfront up in a nice package: (for those unfamiliar with the term mentioned in the first comment, Bix Nood is a racist term used by 4 chan to refer to Black people, as recorded by urban dictionary.)
 Here, a user mentions what he found on 4 chan:
Here, "Rose" admits they discovered CCC through the Stormfront Blog:
A former CCC board member reminds the writer to not be apologetic due to a previous comment:

 Here, a user by the name of "Ray Cist"  boasts about the good publicity Dylann Roof will bring to the CCC :

Here, a user by the name of "Clawhammer"  summarizes the purpose of the CCC :

Some of the people balk about  CCC's site being down, but the tune is quickly changed once a user named "Barbarossa" reminds another user about the increased traffic being a factor:

Here's evidence to where the trolls from any articles related to the Charleston Shooting on UK Daily Mail and NY Daily News came from:

Also, the CCC tried to back peddle on their decision to not allow their articles on Stormfront's blog and asked them to stop posting them to their site:

Also, in 2003, Earl P. Holt III (The President of the CCC and former school board member) went on a racist diatribe against African Americans and it was reported by the Riverfront Times:
Here are some of the things he said to a blogger after entering his name into a search engine, as mentioned in the previous link:

Hey Commie:
Imagine my chagrin when I used a search engine to find commentary about myself, and there was your shallow, dilettante, asshole self, labeling me a “white supremacist.”
Being the shallow, nigger-loving dilettante that you are, you probably DO consider niggers to be your equal (who am I to question this?): Yet, unlike you and your allies, I have an I.Q. in excess of 130, which grants me the ability to objectively evaluate the Great American Nigro (Africanus Criminalis.)
The nigro is 11.5 % of the U.S. population, yet he commits in excess of 55% of all felonies (although felonies are UNDER-represented in the nigro community, where observing the law is considered “acting White!”) Moreover, he (or should I say she?)accounts for 48% of all ADC recipients in the U.S. We have spent over $7 TRILLION on “Urban Welfare Spending” since the mid-1960s, (black economists Thomas Sowell & Walter Williams) and the nigro is still as criminal, surly, lazy , violent and stupid as he/she ever was, while his illegitimacy rate is 80% nationwide, and over 90% in the “large urban areas.”
By the way, those of us who tried to end forced busing in St. Louis did so because it is a colossal waste and nothing more than a symbolic gesture that has seriously deprived every school district in Missouri that doesn’t benefit from a deseg program : It has cost the state of Missouri $3.5 BILLION since 1983, (another $3.5 Billion in Kansas City,) yet, the nigro “scholars” bussed to county schools under deseg “improve less academically than every other category of student in the St. Louis Public Schools,” according to the Federal Court- ordered Lissitz Study.
Also, you lying asshole, in the 2003-2004 school year, St. Louis spent $11,711 per nigger -idiot in the public schools, yet, half of all students test at the 20th percentile (or lower) on nationally-standardized tests. (If I were Emperor, I would forcibly hand over you and all your commie apologists for nigro under-achievement to White, working-class parents of public school students, and let them have their way with you…)
Some day, You sanctimonious nigger-lovers will either have to live amongst them (“nothing cures an enthusiasm for integration like a good dose of niggers”) or else defend yourselves against them. My guess is that you are such a cowardly and pusillanimous lot of girly-boys, they will kill fuck, kill and eat you just as they do young White males in every prison system in the U.S. That’s right: When defending this savage and brutish lot, you must also consider their natural ( or should I say UN-natural) enthusiasm for buggery!
I honestly pray to God that some nigger fucks, kills and eats you and everyone you claim to love!
Earl P. Holt III
4029 Shaw Blvd.
St. Louis, MO
P.S. I dare you to print this e-mail verbatim: You know as well as I do that most people know I speak the truth, and you are a liar and whore who takes to heart Lenin’s dictum that “The first duty of the propagandist is to subvert the meaning of words.”

And that's not all. Apparently this guy is a song writer as well:
"Presumably, however, Baum does go along with the content of the songs, labeled "Carols for a Diverse Holiday Season," that scroll past when one alights on the CofCC's St. Louis chapter's Web site ( Three of the "little ditties," as Baum refers to them, were penned by Holt under the byline "E.P.H." One, "A St. Louis Kwanzaa," begins:
'Twas the night before Kwanzaa, and all through the hood
The Negroes were restless and up to no good
Lookouts were posted at each corner with care
To alert all the crack-dens if Po-Leece came t .
Fumes of Mad Dog and weed floated strong through the air
While addicts shot smack with nary a care
Children had braided their cornrows real tight
In hopes the Kwanzaa bunny would visit that night.
The Crips and the Bloods made their holiday peace
Vowing in common to F*** the Po-Leece! "
But I guess the fact there are people like this who have major political influence in America and the infrastructure of the cities is none of my business.

I suspect the country really isn't interested in fully facing its past in order to really move into the present. It looks like they're willing to let things slide to the point where the issue affects them because too much money is at stake. How many of these people have funds invested in the industrial prison complex? How many of these people are police officers, and are in various local positions of power? How many are local politicians? How many people have federal jobs?

My guess is that it's a lot more than we think. But the question is, why won't the federal government actually DO something about this? I suspect they're in on it too, and like the rest of us, Obama is just in a really shitty situation to put it lightly. I bet that explains his lack of him tackling issues related to the Black population. Which strangely enough, was his mission all along.

And as much as I'd really like to, I can't tell him to GET THE FUCK OUTTA HERE WITH THAT BULLSHIT! Because he's probably working directly with the likes of these people. It could be why he's had so many death threats. But I can't really support him either. I just waffle between feeling bad for him, and being angry at him most of the time.

Nor can I support Hillary Clinton NOT because Coontown supports her too, but because of how the Clintons were responsible for the high incarceration rate. The fact Coontown supports her was secondary, even though their support makes a lot of sense in this context.

Meanwhile, more churches are currently being burned in Southern states. And I bet they're going to try to say several of them are burnt due to bad electrical wiring. But that's not my business either.

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

America's Irrational Fear

You know what? America worries waaay too much about what's going on with Black people and Dylan Roof is proof of that. He said that Black men rape his women, and that we are taking over even though he killed mostly women. His manifesto mentioned Trayvon Martin, Black on Black crime and Black on White crime not being reported (even though the cases mentioned have been resolved and the aggressors have been tried and sentenced accordingly).

That sentiment is as old as this country, and it still gets passed down to several generations.

Has anybody ever figured how America is invested in making sure that White people are viewed in the best light possible? Could that be why they pretend crime doesn't happen in their neck of the woods to the point where less than favorable statistics get hidden and couched in "soft language" if the media grabs hold of the information? Have they figured that America really needs a "bad guy" so after they thought they were done making sure the Native Americans were thoroughly portrayed as the bad guys, they continued to put their focus on Blacks?

Could it be they kept that legacy going by distributing propaganda about Blacks in America to the point where people in other countries ate it up? Could that be the result of why people from other countries come to The States and cape so hard to the point of compromising their integrity by any means necessary? I'm not just looking at Bobby Jindal, and Brown border patrol members. I'm looking at Don Lemon, Rachael Dolezal's husband, Mia Love, Ben Carson, and Raven Symone, etc I'm looking at YOU too.

Could it be that White America is so obsessed with Black people to the point of trolling their spaces in person or online, or by disguising themselves as Black in order to make any and all issues about them because they felt left out (Rachael Dolezal, John Howard Griffin cough cough) instead of creating their own UNIQUE lane that gives White people flavor without stealing the seasoning from other people's cabinets? And when something along the lines of that gets brought to their attention, they show up in droves just to make disparaging comments or throw racial slurs at said Black person even if their messages are positive, or change the subject by derailing the conversation, or by presenting loaded questions they really don't want an answer to.

Could "feeling left out" be the reason why they enter all of our genres of music under the guise of "making it better"? Could this be why when they enter our genres, they win all of the awards, and become the "standard" even when their songs really aren't that great? Could it be that whenever a Black person speaks about issues in this country, somebody comes from out of nowhere to say ‪‎#NotAllWhitePeople‬ or ‪‎#AllLivesMatter‬ even though that's a given? Could "feeling left out" be the real reason why White people feel the need to say "Hey! We're oppressed too because freedom of speech and political correctness is ruining us!" every time they're faced with consequences for doing or saying something really messed up?" Could this be why whenever they get caught doing or saying racist things, they find a non White person to cosign the foolishness as if they can never stand on their own two feet and be accountable for anything?

The whole thing looks like a metaphor for The Spice Trade to me because they steal from those they feel are lesser in order to make money. It's like they said, "Fuck substance, get money." and actually lived by it.

Google "The Spice Trade" to see what I'm talking about.

Anyway, Any time some racially motivated crime happens where Black people are the victims, it's always about fear. Fear of Black people. It's why Black people have to "be approachable" It's why respectability politics exist. If you look at respectability politics and examine the definition, it really means "What does a person have to do in order to be 'respectable' to the people or person in power?".

But they fail to recognize that when Black people did for themselves, were respectable and pulled themselves up by the bootstraps, it wasn't enough so they had to burn down Greenwood in Tulsa, Oklahoma out of rumor based fear and jealousy.They also stole the farmland belonging to Black farmers.  ‪

(Google "Black Wall Street, Little Africa" and "Whitecapping" to see what I'm talking about.)

Respectability politics are designed to keep Black people begging to be respected. That's it. Respectability politics are why victim blaming exists. It's why older people don't respect younger people. It's why some Black people choose to talk mess about those they feel are "not respectable" to the point of Black shaming. It's also why each time something racial happens, some Black people choose to engage in shaming their own. I can't do that because I can see what's going on. Each time a Black person shames their own, it continues the cycle of supremacy. They can say something along the lines of "See? They don't even like themselves! Haha!"

Respectability politics are a trap. It's a deep long, winding trap that has corners and pits that people don't really look that far into. That being said:

I have faith in the young people. I see what they're doing. BUT sucking up to the mainstream media and big orgs is NOT the business. It's a form of respectability politics. They want to be liked SO bad that they clique up with people that don't have their best interests in mind.

Those orgs, and mainstream media look like the creepy person with the rape van talking about "candy" or a "free puppy" to me. They are designed to kidnap people and do what Ralph Ellison mentioned in his book titled "Invisible Man":

"Keep This Nigger-Boy Running".

They do it by derailing people and controlling how they move. They appoint a "leader" and that leader may report to someone else. That someone else could have a paycheck (candy or free puppy) in store for those following them, or they might simply deny access to things or issues that need to be addressed. 
And the media sucks it up so people could bask in it (asking Black people for forgiveness).

If there are any young people out there, all I could say is this:

Don't be gullible and watch what people say and do. Move accordingly. Stay focused on what matters and don't let anybody derail the issue. Watch for snakes and wolves. Don't sell your$elf out in order to gain friends. Those friends may not be who they say they are. "Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer." is more than just a facebook meme or rap lyric. The real trick is knowing exactly WHO your enemies are. Keep moving forward. And remember there is no one singular direction. Choosing singular directions is a good way to allow yourselves to get derailed. Stay focused. Be safe. Be prepared. Be brave. Be brazen. Just BE.