I cannot be angry with those who seek God in the form of religion whom look like me. Because people do that in order to find something better to strive for. They seek Him out in order for acceptance and the feeling of wholeness. Now I'm definitely an athiest, and that will never change. But I see what and why folks do what they do. A lot of folks seek security and the need to be validated and they do it through others. I believe that God is within yourself. And only ...you can draw it out from within. And once you draw it out, you will no longer need somebody or something to do that for you.
So I see nothing wrong with listening to artists who bring God into their message. The artists I listen to have a tendency to bring it out, annd they show us their soul. And there is nothing wrong with sharing your soul as long as it comes from a place where love lives. Keep love close and make sure you are okay with who you are first and formost. Know the good, the bad, and the ugly within yourself. Once you know that, then you can do better as long as you aren't striving for supremacy. #SundayReflections
For those who don't know me already, I've been busy going through a lot of shit on a lot of different fronts. I've spent many sleepless nights, and had anxiety attacks so strong, I'd wake up soaked in sweat. My mentioning that was not to make you feel sorry for me. I'm telling you that there will be moments in your life where you will go through it. Its incredibly difficult to see the light at the end of the tunnel because once you think you see it, something else will come up, and will cause a lot of stress on you. That stress is not necessarily a bad thing because you will change for the better once you go through it. But the trick is to allow yourself to go through it, but take care of yourself as you do it. Self care is very necessary, and whether or not you need to go through a detox, smoke tobacco, drink, etc then I recommend it. But the trick is to make sure you can stop once you have things figured out. And when you go through that stress always make sure you make strive to make new connections each time you go through it, regardless of whether the issue is very old or very new in your life. This allows you to give yourself time to come to a resolution on that issue. This prevents rumination, and allowing oneself to get stuck because no improvement can occur if you get stuck on the same issue. It can cause a person to spiral into self harm or self hate, and cause you to not be nice to yourself. The trick is to find out the who, what when where why and how that issue came about. And you can strive to fix it and do so while seeing your whole intentions. And once you do that, you will find love for yourself, and you will realize that you've being doing love work the whole time. You will realize that you are a whole person with all of your flaws, and so called imperfections. And you will strive to do love work from that point on. You will begin to do love work for you and your people in the harshest of circumstances and the harshest of environments. And most of all, never ever let anybody steer you wrong. Because they will have you all kinds of fucked up, caught up, and raggedy. And they love themselves for it. As for you. Always jump back and kiss yourself and make sure whatever you do, you do it for love and not for the love of standing on top of people (supremacy). Let them do that.
Now hold on... give me a chance to explain myself. I don't claim to be a Negro whisperer of sorts, but I can give some insight on what's going on and why. Here is my best shot. There are several factors into play here. A lot of folks are waking up and seeing the bullshit for what it is. It seems that those who see what's going on are younger. But the thing is, we have to look at previous generations in order to ask ourselves why Black people haven't waken up yet. We have a generation of Black folks who are older and they vote straight ticket regardless of whether or not the candidate on their side is worth anything or not. This gets done on a local level as well as federal. This is why a lot of Black people voted for Hillary Clinton despite her track record. It's like a lot of folks said, "Bill Clinton was in the White House already, so we know how this goes. He's family. He's cool because he got head under his desk. He got down with his saxophone. He's basically one of us. That means he's Black. Hillary is a woman, and so am I, so that means I should vote for her too." These are the people who chide people for not voting because, "If you don't vote, you deserve what you get.", while conveniently not knowing what they voted for themselves. These people had kids, and taught those kids. Those kids grew up and voted as well. They grew up with the following ideals: Get a job, pull your pants up, get an education, go to church and make that money. Then nobody could tell you shit...until you get pulled over. There are many generations of folks who still use this thinking and instill it into their kids to this day. If we're smart, look good, work hard and have the financial backing to do all of that and raise kids in affluent neighborhoods, then we will have it made...until we get pulled over...or harassed in a store... or have the police called on us for looking suspicious, etc. This line of thinking encompasses the middle and upper class Blacks including celebrities, which becomes evident as soon as money comes in and stays long enough. Some people dealing with poverty will tell their children these things in hopes they will do better than they did.
All under a post racial America where the president is Black, so the hope is kept alive for those who figured they'd sit down after Obama was elected.
Then you have those born into generational poverty. Unfortunately, these are the folks who are the least informed. Not because they aren't educated, but because they have a whole lot of other things to worry about. In a lot of cases, they're worrying about mental illness, addiction (in some cases) having clean water to consume (Flint, and many other cities across America), transportation, and are really having a hard time trying to eat and live. This means they might not have the necessary things to obtain an ID to vote, let alone know where to vote and how to. They have to secure their lives from day to day before they can do anything extra. These people might also have children to feed as well, and they're doing what they can in order to live. We must also factor in mental illness. This is something a lot of people gloss over. Mental illness touches everybody, but the hardest hit are those who are poor due to lack of resources being available for treatment.
All three groups of people regardless of what economic rung they fit on will find the time to grasp as much information they have access to. Unfortunately, this is where mainstream media takes the stage, and right now, mainstream media looks like a big ass remix of The National Inquirer that also tells you what to like, how to act, and what defines a so called "American". The reality of the situation is that a lot of people are struggling to work and keep jobs, are trying to find other jobs, are trying to get out of debt, pay fines, bills, etc, so a lot of folks have to take what they can get outside of trying to exist in this capitalistic society, and if that means watching TV then so be it for some folks.
These people may or may not be religious. If you put religion in the mix, then that's a whole new thing. They're also getting taught how to act, how to dress, what's good, and what one should like. This is why politicians show up at churches for speaking purposes. Its a way to get their foot in the door and influence people who normally wouldn't be paying attention to the rest of the media outlets too closely due to other factors in their lives.
Then there's that American individualistic attitude (I got mine, what's wrong with you) that's killing us. I consider that residual blowback from living in this country (The States). Folks can't help it because it's been bred into all people born in America, as well as folks from overseas due to mass media broadcast from day one.
Now don't get me wrong. I am not excusing anybody for anything. I'm stating situations that could explain why Black folks don't seem to be waking up.
That being said, I must say one thing. I have to face it... this has been a long and hellish road. Waking up is not fun. It's easy to stay asleep, or play woke by dropping knowledge cloaked in supremacy, I mean, after all, that's exactly what respectability politics are about, right? I don't think there is a definitive point where one could say they've arrived. The only thing I think that could get us to wake up is recognizing duality. That means a thug could also be a devout Christian, and a stripper could raise children, a member of the NOI could have an addiction, and a weave wearing woman could be woke. A man in saggy jeans could have a doctorate, and a CEO could be hood as fuck, etc, and nobody would treat them like shit because they don't fit into an easily digestible image.
They would just be seen as Black regardless, and the sooner we get past all of that, then we can finally live.
We have to let people have their things that don't "look right" sometimes. Don't come at them with the "You sleep coon ass Negro" type rhetoric because nobody wants to listen to that, and cussing them out won't turn them on to learning new things. Love them anyway and show them some things in the process. Accept them for who they are, and if they listen, then that's wonderful. If they don't and they stay away from you, then they'll come around sooner or later. It's impossible for people to not have things that conflict with their own selves. As long as they aren't hurting and destroying others, then they should be fine.
"That's what's sinister about that word. Forgiveness. They want to be absolved from everything that took place. They want that validation after the fact. Validation and forgiveness are not interchangeable things to be used in order to shape and tailor a person's agenda to go in the "correct" direction." Then I thought about what I said about validation: "It was tried through Michael Brown's mother when she said she couldn't forgive Darren Wilson, so instead, the media paraded her support for Hillary Clinton as a different way of validating their fuckery." I noticed it was also done with Trayvon Martin's mother, with Martin Luther King by Bernie Sanders, Black Trump supporters, and the usage of Black on Black crime: "They want to blame Black on Black crime because they fail to see where it came from. Where did the idea that a Black life wasn't worth anything come from? How did that idea get there? They will try to confuse you by putting the cart before the horse throughout the argument by using the same tactics designed to invalidate you.
And now, Black Lives Matter of Greater Atlanta decided to clear the air regarding the reputation they've gathered. This particular quote is what stood out:
"Because I hold 8 certifications in the field of Private security and Fugitive Recovery and because I am pro-law enforcement to some degree but ANTI- THUG COPS Black Lives Matter (the other chapter) is making false claims like I am "an agent of the state" or I am there to disrupt or tear down the black community. When it comes to law enforcement it is my position that ALL COPS ARE NOT BAD and of course as history has shown ALL COPS are NOT GOOD. If you are a good officer, I will support you 150% and if you aren't think natural consequences. The other BLM Chapter doesn't like our chapter because we share the belief that we must support good officers and get rid of the bad ones. Now one from BLM understands the dangers that LEO's endure when they put on that uniform day in and day out like I DO. As a professional certified security officer I have to work with LEO from different agencies. I don't sit around and drink coffee and eat donuts with them. I stay in my lane and they handle their business. Nothing more nothing less. So...They basically said they are law enforcement. Think about that. There are law enforcement branches of Black Lives Matter groups floating around out there. Enter the Black faces in the establishment. The northern municipality of Pine Lawn is a great example. Recently, they decided to disband this police department due to corruption. Since this department is run by Blacks,they didn't disban Ferguson's police department first. But we now know why. This is another one of those, "give the dog a bone" type "discoveries". But the master has trained them, so they were the ones who got caught up in the mix and were used for validation purposes. Meanwhile, St. Louis Post Dispatch asked if Pine Lawn was the poster child of dysfunction. Enter the Black cop here. This is one of the places they will be. If they aren't explicitly affiliated with Black Lives Matter, they are actual officers, organizers, etc, or may be given the role of being high profile people in the media. They will be found anywhere where particular folks wish to gain access to, so they throw folks up in the mix and see what happens.
The people who set this up are just seeking validation, and they're using all of these people as pawns. They do it by waving money, recognition, and fame in people's faces. These things are the same things they link to success. The media tells us what is successful, and tells us that we are supposed to go and seek it by any means necessary. So what do people do in order to achieve success? Anything to the point of allowing themselves to be thrown under the bus. Enter negative media influence here, to the point of spending a lot of money on it. But when all is said and done, once we figure it out, there will be no more buildings, street names and city memorials named after us. We will not allow ourselves to participate in their attempts for validation in their perceived supremacy: Because they really just want to revel in the fact they will do whatever they can in hopes to make us appear as raggedy as possible. They do that in order to achieve their dreams, and what could be more perfect than to name a stationary object after the person or people they tried to create insanity for? They do it for viewing purposes. And that's the portrait that master manipulators would love to paint. Amirite?
"No they won't be naming no buildings after me...that go down...dilapidated."- Erykah Badu.
I was just thinking about this song. It has a lot of meaning for me these days because people really want to watch someone crash. They will do whatever they can in hopes to make them appear as raggedy as possible. They do that in order to achieve their dreams, and what could be more perfect than to name a stationary object after the person they tried to create insanity for? This can be done in multiple ways. For example, Martin Luther King Drives all across America exemplify this. It's a running joke, really. They say that all MLK drives are the most dangerous streets. When in reality, the streets chosen for that name might have been already dangerous to begin with. They caused MLK to get shot regardless of how pristine he was. It would be fitting to place his name on a dangerous street, amirite?
But if one already sees what's going on, nobody can name a building after you that goes down dilapidated. Because the joke to them is how raggedy and stationary they made you, and what it took for them to objectify you in order for that to happen. I think some people get off on that sort of thing. And when you find out what they're up to, they want instant forgiveness after the fact.
That's what's sinister about that word. Forgiveness. They want to be absolved from everything that took place. They want that validation after the fact. Validation and forgiveness are not interchangeable things to be used in order to shape and tailor a person's agenda to go in the "correct" direction.
It was tried in #Ferguson which was why they changed the memorial from a tree that somebody broke off, and replaced it with a plaque bought with city funds likely gathered by the same criminal justice system that got Mike Brown killed in the first place.
It was tried through Michael Brown's mother when she said she couldn't forgive Darren Wilson, so instead, the media paraded her support for Hillary Clinton as a different way of validating their fuckery.
Forgiveness is something done for people who "just wish this whole thing would be over, "also known as #SorryNotSorry. And when they find out it isn't that simple, they use other tools of erasure. They take away your validation. They use you to prop themselves up, and they'll say that you caused it.
People think I might have been born yesterday. But they don't know that I stayed up all night.
I thought I'd write something light, since I've been so serious lately. I'm going to tell you a true story: When I was a kid, I was a turbo nerd in the city of St. Louis, MO. I was interested in the idea of aliens. I watched Sightings. I never missed an episode of X Files. I watched Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. I wanted to be able to experience a UFO sighting. I wanted to be an alien research scientist. In between discussing the latest episodes, my friend and I used to actually try to find all of the constellations, and other parts of the galaxy but since my eyesight was so poor, the only things I could actually see were the big dipper, and The Milky Way on occasion. I enjoyed the hell out of it anyway despite my lack of corrective lenses, and my frustration with not being able to find any of the other constellations. But here's the thing: I couldn't get into Star Trek like that. My first experience with Star Trek was with the very first episodes with Nyota Uhura. I liked the idea of her being on the show, but later I figured out the following when it came to science fiction: These mother fuckers are traveling all across the galaxy, meeting all kinds of extra terrestrial life forms, they talk to them, eat their food, trade goods, and in some stories, have sex with them (Babylon 5, cough cough), but they couldn't handle the possibly of an actual Black person doing anything more that being an intergalactic secretary when portrayed on television. And when she kissed the captain, all hell broke loose. Folks want to say that was a groundbreaking thing that took the TV by storm a very long time ago, but they gloss over how people are still getting killed for being in interracial relationships to this day.
These mother fuckers took the time to write these imaginary shows where all kinds of leaps and bounds have been crossed and conquered, but let a Black person become a character in their books, then all hell breaks lose. They can't handle Black stormtroopers. They can't handle anybody Black in their imaginary worlds because that's not how they imagined the character in the book that gets portrayed in the movies. They get bent out of shape regarding the portrayal of Black characters that don't even exist in real life. But a Black James Bond is simply out of the question????? But White washing history is fine (Gods of Egypt)?
Are these people's heads so so far up their own asses and are they living that far in their own head that they can't see the levels of bullshit they're on?
They have enough imagination to create a whole genre of books, movies, etc, where things are so advanced, and they've moved so far along. They can fuck aliens. And not any real aliens, but creatures they made up in their heads. But let a Black person show up and they threaten to boycott the movie because the storm trooper was Black. Click the link and read the page. You'll have to do a bit of scrolling in order to connect the images with the theories listed. You see how bizarre that is? That shit looks like some sort of intergalactic fetish porn or something. I mean, really. Don't get me wrong. I'm not mad at them at all. It's incredibly hilarious if you look at it in the right light. I'm not interested in being included in their fantasies like that. I just find it funny that all of the leaps and bounds they go through to create such worlds where they get to experience all of these things, and meet all kinds of beings, but they act like Black people can't exist on the current planet they inhabit. And if they do exist, they are on some extra limited shit. I mean, Black people can't even build pyramids because it had to be some sort of advanced civilization that did it. And it couldn't have been a Black one so it must have been aliens.
Life is such a rich tapestry. These motherfuckers is crazy and all the way out to lunch...Gawd Damn! And that's why I don't really mess with science fiction and fantasy like that. The sky is nice and all, and Babylon 5 does alright, but that fascination I had when I was a kid is surely gone.
*No shade being thrown to anybody who is Black and into astronomy. I know how some people do. Don't try to mix me up with that "flat earth bullshit." I'm still for the actual study of all sciences. Even if deep down, I think the only reason people want to travel to different planets is because once they finish fucking this one up, they'll busy the poor with the task of cleaning up their messes while they peace out and take their money with them only to complete their next conquest. And shoutout to Nyota. Because representation matters. That is all.
Here, we will connect the dots regarding how the media connects and serves the negative narrative of Black people all across the country, what they say, which methods, where to post them, and how to punish those who go against it. Now before you dismiss this as something trivial, please take note and read this. Seriously. Read it. It will make a lot of sense. What you will see in this link (as well as several screenshots) is a detailed and dated method of defamation that could be used by the media and is often parroted by the likes of Fox News, CNN, and any other media outlets used for said purposes. The screenshot provides capita based statistics about African Americans, asks people to post "barbaric content" from Africa, as well as providing e-mails of reddit's advertisers regarding why the massive hate ring (as spoken about in "The CooneKKKtion " blog entry) is doing this. The first screenshot is an introduction by person who started this particular wave on August 6, 2015.
They would also e-mail a letter to all of the reddit advertisers as listed in this pic and remind them of all of the various types of porn subreddits including those related to incest, bestiality,and pictures of animal genitalia.
They included fake per capita based statistics on pedophillia:
As you can see, there is a lot of time, money, and resources invested to the point where people will buy servers to fill with propaganda and gossip. They will blackmail, harass and stop at nothing to keep the cycle of victimhood and hate going to the point where they will kill. And in their spare time, they will watch it and create it through various media outlets. This is why we need to control our own narrative and not let anybody take it or get a hand in it. Black Lives Matter could have done all of that and they could have done it right. But nah. Sandra Bland died in jail because of a $500.00 bail. A fund that BLM should have paid, or at the very least said something about. Eye Empress was arrested as a Black Lives Matter You Tube personality for threatening to kill White people. When this happened, they said that Black Lives Matter was "just a hashtag". They followed Hillary Clinton until she asked them what was their game plan, and said that you can't change the hearts of people.
They created Campaign Zero's website. Then they said they weren't affiliated with any politician. The Black Lives Matter organization had no counselors for people dealing with the deaths of their loved ones. They went on world tours to talk to all of the people about Ferguson, but did nothing to help them. All of the people responsible for the issues in Ferguson are still in office, with the exception of more Black faces. Nothing has been done. They collected money. That's it. Not only that, but they're back peddling on being referred to as a movement. They're "a network" now, but they were referring to themselves as "a movement" before. Let's look at the word "network" and what it means. When people look to "network" that's what they do in order to be taken into consideration for a job or position in a company. They're a company now. They have well known faces investing in them (Jay Z and Beyonce). People have been saying they've been bought since 2014, but now they're starting to catch on this year. In 2014, I began to notice that nothing in Ferguson was going to change.I was irritated when DeRay went to Baltimore and protested there. I was upset when people were traveling all over the world as if they were begging for solidarity. The same people in Ferguson are still in office, and the're still perpetuating a large level of corruption throughout the city, outlining St. Louis municipalities, as well as the entire state.
That's been the problem all along. They collected a bunch of money and stayed at square one. And they used Black Lives to do it. And when they were called out in 2014, they weren't interested in being transparent about where their money came from. It took me some time to write this. It took me a good while to deal with the information I had gotten. I've been angry for two years now. I hate how they left Sandra Bland high and dry for five hundred dollars. They stayed silent for Eye Empresses situation which could have been prevented if Black Lives Matter had any counselling services on hand. They could have at least done that instead of helping to run people through the same crooked justice system that put the people in the situation in the first place. They could have done that at the very, very least.