In case you haven't figured it out yet. I am Black. I am also a woman. I also have natural hair that I keep in dreadlocked ( locked, or loc-ed) form. There have been many many times where I have had people ask me if they could touch my hair. Each time, I politely decline the invitation, and they ask me why. Some have even gone so far as to put their hands in my hair anyway, while ignoring my response. Since I live in The States, I have had to cultivate (I think that's the correct word) a system of action when this situation occurs. I usually make my escape, and I get away if they ask me. There have been instances where I have been unfortunate enough to end up in their grasp. All the while, I try to remain polite and get away from them as fast as I can, but here's what I really want to say:
Are you serious?! What gives you the right to go up to a random person, and touch their hair after they say no? Weren't you taught that people have a 2 foot bubble of personal space that is not meant to be violated? Didn't your parents tell you to keep your hands and feet to yourself when you were tiny? Just because you are curious doesn't mean your grown ass has the right to revert to a two year old because you weren't instantly gratified the way you saw fit. I bet if I asked you the same thing and got offended from your response you'd think I was crazy. You would probably lose your mind and think I was rude and unrefined if I went ahead and touched your hair without permission. I could imagine all of the hurt and anger you'd have for me, and maybe you'd might go so far as to call the police if you saw fit. Either that, or you'd refer to me as aggressive,ghetto, or uppity, when in reality, I don't think anybody should allow themselves to be violated in any way regardless of who they are. Excuse the fuck outta me for wanting to maintain my dignity while desiring to exercise basic human rights. And you have the nerve to turn around and talk that "Do unto others as others will do unto you," bullshit?!<< Get The Fuck Outta Here.
Wednesday, July 31, 2013
Can I Touch Your Hair? << 0_o
black people,
personal space,
touch your hair
Tuesday, July 30, 2013
Yes, it's OPEN SEASON on Black men . (and Blacks in general)
I really have nothing much to say about this video, except the commentary is absolutely correct. If you don't feel that way after watching the entire video and giving it a full listen, then obviously you really haven't been paying attention to anything that's been going on or what I've been saying on this blog. And if that's the case, why are you even here?! Anyway, here's the video:
The Zimmerman Verdict Was NOT About Race- Oh Really?
I found this news story that took place in Springfield Mo. Apparently the Klan is looking for people to start a neighborhood watch program. They have taken to handing out fliers that contain a phone number for people to call in case their neighborhood isn't safe. What does that mean exactly? What criteria are they looking for in order to decide who is suspicious or not? The video says that they will look at anyone who looks suspicious even if they are White. Call me a pessimistic Pete, but I hardly think they would do such a thing. Their goal is to get the chance to hunt down anybody who doesn't look like them, point blank (no pun intended). I guess people really thought everything was fine. If everything is so fine and dandy, why do we still have the KKK? People are going to say, "Well, the Black Panthers exist...bla...bla..bla..". Well, the Black Panthers were started up to directly counter the police brutality based on race that existed and continue to exist. In fact, they started out giving (that's right, giving) free breakfast to poor kids in Oakland California. That was until Lyndon B Johnson saw them as a threat,so he created several programs to undermine the leadership of the Black Panther Party, which included surveillance, using undercover agents, harassment and various other tactics to break them apart. And to add to the last straw, crack was introduced to the neighborhoods, and it was GAME OVER for the Panthers. But wait, the Klan doesn't exist like they used to. They have changed their mission, and they actually want all people of different races to exist. They are for diversity. Which is why they want everyone separated. It's why they speak so much hate for other races of people, it's why they have such an online presence. It's why several hate threads like r/niggers (which could be found on reddit), and forums like,, and chimpout have existed for so long and allowed to have such a huge following. People say things like "We've sooo gotten over all of that race stuff. What's wrong with you? Why can't you people just 'get over it' already?" <<Get The Fuck Outta Here with that bullshit. I will when you will, plain and simple.
neighborhood watch,
springfield mo,
zimmerman verdict
Monday, July 29, 2013
It's Okay to Call The Police on a Black Person For Existing In This Country (click on the first two sentences to see the link)
Roy Middleton was returning home from work early Saturday morning, when he stopped by the car he and his mother share to grab some cigarettes.A neighbor who didn't recognize Middleton phoned the local sheriff's office to report a possible burglary.
Let me get this straight. A 'neighbor' called the police on Roy Middleton because he didn't recognize him. I guess if the neighbor had taken the time to get to know his neighbors, he wouldn't have had a man (who was doing no wrong) shot by police. I guess if the Black person had left a note or knocked on the neighbors door to let him know that he was going to get some cigarettes, then he wouldn't have gotten shot. Maybe he should have called the police department to let them know that he was about to go outside and get his cigarettes. Maybe, just maybe he should have had on business attire, with an American flag on his person, his social security card, his birth certificate, a deed to his house, and a current utility bill to prove place of domicile was indeed where he actually lived, I guess he would have avoided getting shot. Then again, he would have still looked suspicious because of the business suit. Maybe he should have been wearing a bright neon colored outfit so that everyone could see him. Then again, he would have been mistaken for an escaped convict or a convicted felon. Maybe he should have kept all of his neighbor's phone numbers as to alert the neighborhood so they know when he is coming or going.
I know people will read this and think I'm over reacting. I'm okay with people thinking that and here's why. I used to work for a lawn care company and I went through neighborhoods and knocked on doors while selling lawn care services. My uniform consisted of a khaki colored polo with an embroidered company logo on the right breast, khaki shorts, tennis shoes, an aluminium clipboard which contained fliers (some of which were fixed to the outside of the clipboard for easy access), a pen, and applications. I carried a bright orange and black square foot measuring tool, and a yellow walkie talkie fixed to my shorts so I could communicate with the home office while I was on the field. Your so called average person would see someone wearing and carrying all of that and think, "Oh that's a salesperson who works for a lawn care service. They are not harmful." Well, that was certainly not the case. I had been tailed by not one, but 2 police cars in almost every neighborhood I went to. I had been pulled over while walking, I had my plates ran, and I had been asked to show ID on several occasions.
I guess the logic behind this would be , "Well, you should have had a better job." << Get The Fuck Outta Here With That Bullshit.
Let me get this straight. A 'neighbor' called the police on Roy Middleton because he didn't recognize him. I guess if the neighbor had taken the time to get to know his neighbors, he wouldn't have had a man (who was doing no wrong) shot by police. I guess if the Black person had left a note or knocked on the neighbors door to let him know that he was going to get some cigarettes, then he wouldn't have gotten shot. Maybe he should have called the police department to let them know that he was about to go outside and get his cigarettes. Maybe, just maybe he should have had on business attire, with an American flag on his person, his social security card, his birth certificate, a deed to his house, and a current utility bill to prove place of domicile was indeed where he actually lived, I guess he would have avoided getting shot. Then again, he would have still looked suspicious because of the business suit. Maybe he should have been wearing a bright neon colored outfit so that everyone could see him. Then again, he would have been mistaken for an escaped convict or a convicted felon. Maybe he should have kept all of his neighbor's phone numbers as to alert the neighborhood so they know when he is coming or going.
I know people will read this and think I'm over reacting. I'm okay with people thinking that and here's why. I used to work for a lawn care company and I went through neighborhoods and knocked on doors while selling lawn care services. My uniform consisted of a khaki colored polo with an embroidered company logo on the right breast, khaki shorts, tennis shoes, an aluminium clipboard which contained fliers (some of which were fixed to the outside of the clipboard for easy access), a pen, and applications. I carried a bright orange and black square foot measuring tool, and a yellow walkie talkie fixed to my shorts so I could communicate with the home office while I was on the field. Your so called average person would see someone wearing and carrying all of that and think, "Oh that's a salesperson who works for a lawn care service. They are not harmful." Well, that was certainly not the case. I had been tailed by not one, but 2 police cars in almost every neighborhood I went to. I had been pulled over while walking, I had my plates ran, and I had been asked to show ID on several occasions.
I guess the logic behind this would be , "Well, you should have had a better job." << Get The Fuck Outta Here With That Bullshit.
Eric Garner,
roy middleton,
suspicious activity
Bill Cosby- I'm Going In
Every so often, I come across this quote from Bill Cosby:
Timeline Photos
They're standing on the corner and they can't speak English.
I can't even talk the way these people talk:
Why you ain't,
Where you is,
What he drive,
Where he stay,
Where he work,
Who you be...
And I blamed the kid until I heard the mother talk.
And then I heard the father talk.
Everybody knows it's important to speak English except these knuckleheads. You can't be a doctor with that kind of crap coming out of your mouth.
In fact you will never get any kind of job making a decent living.
People marched and were hit in the face with rocks to get an Education, and now we've got these knuckleheads walking around.
The lower economic people are not holding up their end in this deal.
These people are not parenting. They are buying things for kids.
$500 sneakers for what?
And they won't spend $200 for Hooked on Phonics.
I am talking about these people who cry when their son is standing there in an orange suit.
Where were you when he was 2?
Where were you when he was 12?
Where were you when he was 18 and how come you didn't know that he had a pistol?
And where is the father? Or who is his father?
People putting their clothes on backward:
Isn't that a sign of something gone wrong?
People with their hats on backward, pants down around the crack, isn't that a sign of something?
Isn't it a sign of something when she has her dress all the way up and got all type of needles [piercing] going through her body?
What part of Africa did this come from??
We are not Africans. Those people are not Africans; they don't know a thing about Africa .....
I say this all of the time. It would be like white people saying they are European-American. That is totally stupid.
I was born here, and so were my parents and grand parents and, very likely my great grandparents. I don't have any connection to Africa, no more than white Americans have to Germany , Scotland , England , Ireland , or the Netherlands . The same applies to 99 percent of all the black Americans as regards to Africa . So stop, already! ! !
With names like Shaniqua, Taliqua and Mohammed and all of that crap ......... And all of them are in jail.
Brown or black versus the Board of Education is no longer the white person's problem.
We have got to take the neighborhood back.
People used to be ashamed. Today a woman has eight children with eight different 'husbands' -- or men or whatever you call them now.
We have millionaire football players who cannot read.
We have million-dollar basketball players who can't write two paragraphs. We, as black folks have to do a better job.
Someone working at Wal-Mart with seven kids, you are hurting us.
We have to start holding each other to a higher standard..
We cannot blame the white people any longer.'
~Dr.. William Henry 'Bill' Cosby, Jr., Ed..D.
It's NOT about color...
It's about behavior!!!
By: Diznee
Every time I see this, I ask myself, "What kind of person would send this? Why do they feel the need to post it?" Well, instead of ignoring it, I decided I'd go in on the subject. I posted this article and followed up with the following:
Bill Cosby is right to an extent. He comes from a different era. Sure, it's fine to speak slang, but there is a time and place for it. Surely, a person can not work for a Fortune 500 company and not know how to communicate in a professional manner. No matter how you slice it, no one, and I mean no one in America speaks "proper English", unless they are a tourist from overseas, lol. And as far as naming your child goes, there are some very strange names out there, and unfortunately one must take that into consideration when living in The States, especially if you are Black. A person's name has the potential to make or break them no matter how qualified they are.
Regarding the comment about "all type of needles (piercing) going through her body, and "What part of Africa did this come from": There are many parts of Africa and various tribes in the world who have piercings and various adornments on their body. I feel some research is in order.
Millionaire football players who can't read: The United States of America has an education system that has been broken for a very looooong time. Couple that with the antiquated idea of the American Dream, which is the idea that anyone can 'make it big' in the country regardless of education, and the results are the highly paid (and often uneducated)athlete , movie star or musician. Never mind that the school athletic departments have been getting funded before anything else, and schools are lauded for their athletic department because it is one of the main money makers for the school. This is why the sport stars are glorified so much that they get paid like that while the person with the PhD can't make enough to feed themselves or their family. This is not a new concept. Like it or not, that IS American Culture in a nutshell. It is why rappers spend so much time writing about riches, sex and material posessions. It is also why people are willing to go into bankruptcy in order to look like they can afford big homes, several cars, boats, RVs, etc. It is the reason why people have six hundred dollar cell phones, and two hundred dollar cable bills, and they are up to their ears in credit card debt. Honestly, I feel that Bill Cosby fails to see the big picture. No one is blaming white people. The stuff he mentioned pertains to American culture. Recently,"reality" TV shows called the following: "16 and Pregnant", "Here Comes Honey Boo Boo" have popped up. I watched previews and pieces of the episodes only to be appalled by them. America rewards stupidity. It always has been and always will be, and that goes back to when Bill Cosby was a kid. Shows like Amos 'n' Andy , and I Love Lucy were just a couple of shows that rewarded stupidity during his day. Don't get me wrong, I was one of the people who watched The Cosby Show and A Different World religiously. I grew up watching Fat Albert, and I am grateful for his contribution but I'm afraid he has selective memory, and will not recognize ALL of America's shortcomings, how they got there, and how long they have been there. His generation and the ones before have FAILED to recognize what could happen, and now the chips have fallen where they lay. However, as time goes by, I think there are some of us who see the problem and are actively working to rectify the situation. But it's a long and lumpy road to hoe. Instead of complaining, one must be solution oriented.
Regarding the piece written by QuestLove. He is an educated and highly paid musician, but he still can't escape the treatment he received in the article. Chris Rock is a highly paid comedian who has made it known that he only has a GED (it's the alternative to a high school diploma for those who have not completed high school) and NO one, I mean NO one who is white would want to trade places with him, and he's RICH! If I could speak to Bill Cosby, I'd point out both situations described in my post and I'd ask him, "So which one is it Bill"? With all due respect sir, get the fuck outta here with that mess.
african american,
african american problem,
amir questlove thompson,
bill cosby,
pound cake
Friday, July 26, 2013
I guess God needs to be in schools (according to facebook).
I keep seeing images like this on my facebook feed:

and this:

And all I can do is wonder what's really going on in these people's heads. In 1962, prayer was taken out of schools. The word "God" was added to the Pledge of Allegiance in 1954. Does it mean that no one was going to prison or committing crimes back then? Does this mean that there was no bullying when prayer was in schools? Does it mean that kids were not ostracized by the teachers back then? Does it mean that everyone loved each other and no one was ever harmed ? Did adding the word "God" to the Pledge of Allegiance make a difference? I think not. In fact, I believe school was harsher then than it is now, and a single word added to the Pledge of Allegiance is not the cause of it getting better. People say things like "But kids are having kids and they sure are rude and disrespectful now a days." Sure, all across the spectrum, kids are having kids, and the kids are really disrespectful right now. That has nothing to do with God, per se but back in the day parents used to hide their young pregnant daughters by sending them away for a while and having the baby sent to be adopted, and kids have been acting a fool for centuries. Every older person who grew up in the 50s and 60s also grew up with some terrible kids as well. If you go further back, the earlier generations have stories to tell about crazy kids. I grew up with some terrible ass kids also. As a person gets older, they become out of touch with the children, and I believe images like the ones mentioned above are a great example of that. Having God in your life will not make you a better person. I've seen people do the shadiest things then turn around, brag about being in church every Sunday, and revel in the fact that they are saved and blessed. This behavior is evident in a whole lot of people and crosses all demographics. Thanks to God, I keep hearing about honor killings in the middle east, manifest destiny, rape,child molestation, people killing each other for believing in the "wrong" religion, and lets not forget the Salem Witch Trials, and the KKK who killed Blacks, Catholics, Jews, and immigrants while using religion to justify their actions. Needless to say, stop hiding behind God to justify good and bad behavior and realize that a person's actions are what matter the most regardless if they are "saved" or "blessed" enough. Get the fuck outta here with that mess.

and this:
And all I can do is wonder what's really going on in these people's heads. In 1962, prayer was taken out of schools. The word "God" was added to the Pledge of Allegiance in 1954. Does it mean that no one was going to prison or committing crimes back then? Does this mean that there was no bullying when prayer was in schools? Does it mean that kids were not ostracized by the teachers back then? Does it mean that everyone loved each other and no one was ever harmed ? Did adding the word "God" to the Pledge of Allegiance make a difference? I think not. In fact, I believe school was harsher then than it is now, and a single word added to the Pledge of Allegiance is not the cause of it getting better. People say things like "But kids are having kids and they sure are rude and disrespectful now a days." Sure, all across the spectrum, kids are having kids, and the kids are really disrespectful right now. That has nothing to do with God, per se but back in the day parents used to hide their young pregnant daughters by sending them away for a while and having the baby sent to be adopted, and kids have been acting a fool for centuries. Every older person who grew up in the 50s and 60s also grew up with some terrible kids as well. If you go further back, the earlier generations have stories to tell about crazy kids. I grew up with some terrible ass kids also. As a person gets older, they become out of touch with the children, and I believe images like the ones mentioned above are a great example of that. Having God in your life will not make you a better person. I've seen people do the shadiest things then turn around, brag about being in church every Sunday, and revel in the fact that they are saved and blessed. This behavior is evident in a whole lot of people and crosses all demographics. Thanks to God, I keep hearing about honor killings in the middle east, manifest destiny, rape,child molestation, people killing each other for believing in the "wrong" religion, and lets not forget the Salem Witch Trials, and the KKK who killed Blacks, Catholics, Jews, and immigrants while using religion to justify their actions. Needless to say, stop hiding behind God to justify good and bad behavior and realize that a person's actions are what matter the most regardless if they are "saved" or "blessed" enough. Get the fuck outta here with that mess.
Thursday, July 25, 2013
George Zimmerman is a hero now.
Ok, I'm a little late on this one. So George Zimmerman (the guy who shot Trayvon Martin and got away with it) had rescued a couple from a truck crash. People were cheering and saying things like, "Wow, see? He's really a good guy." " All of those people who hate George Zimmerman shouldn't judge him." "He did what he thought was right.", etc. How is it that all of a sudden, this guy goes out and sees a car accident then goes and rescues the people out of his own free will shortly after catching hell for shooting a Black kid because of profiling, and being allowed to go free? You know he's feeling guilty as hell,so he goes out and tries to be a do gooder (Wait a minute? Is this a pattern I see?) The family he rescued was going to schedule a press conference with Zimmerman, that is until they got to feel the pressure of being associated with Zimmerman. They canceled the meeting.
All I could think of is, "Really?! What a coincidence! People have got to be some simple bastards to think this wasn't an attempt by him to try to change his image. Let me guess, they thought he was in the right place at the right time? They thought that everybody was so mean to him because all he wanted to do was help people? They thought he was a crusader for justice who was looking out for the common people? Get the fuck out of here with that."
All I could think of is, "Really?! What a coincidence! People have got to be some simple bastards to think this wasn't an attempt by him to try to change his image. Let me guess, they thought he was in the right place at the right time? They thought that everybody was so mean to him because all he wanted to do was help people? They thought he was a crusader for justice who was looking out for the common people? Get the fuck out of here with that."
Black on Black Crime vs Crime
Crime happens every where you go. It occurs mostly between people who live in the same neighborhood regardless of whatever race there is. Why is it when Blacks commit crimes, it gets labeled as a "Black on Black crime", and is looked at like it's a genre of pornography? Why can't it be just crime in general? Why does it get it's own set of statistics? No one has ever heard of White on White crime, or Asian on Asian crime, or Hispanic on Hispanic crime (you get the point). The whole thing reminds me of two things:
the Sociology class I took in college where the professor constantly made attempts to insert their prejudices of Blacks by citing statistics and asking the class to pontificate on that. Being the only Black person in the entire class, I had to fight tooth and nail to make damn sure that the students could see what the professor was doing.
ancient psuedo-science where scientists would "study" skulls of Black people and compare them to that of a White person in order to measure intelligence, when all they were really doing was attempting to circle jerk about the fabricated bullshit idea that they are superior to Black people.
These people in the United States must be stupid as hell if they think Black people don't see what's going on here. And then they want to say, "This country is post racial" or "I'm colorblind" after they spout some statistic on Black on Black crime in an attempt to "discuss the 'problem' with the Black community". Get The Fuck Outta Here with that bullshit!
the Sociology class I took in college where the professor constantly made attempts to insert their prejudices of Blacks by citing statistics and asking the class to pontificate on that. Being the only Black person in the entire class, I had to fight tooth and nail to make damn sure that the students could see what the professor was doing.
ancient psuedo-science where scientists would "study" skulls of Black people and compare them to that of a White person in order to measure intelligence, when all they were really doing was attempting to circle jerk about the fabricated bullshit idea that they are superior to Black people.
These people in the United States must be stupid as hell if they think Black people don't see what's going on here. And then they want to say, "This country is post racial" or "I'm colorblind" after they spout some statistic on Black on Black crime in an attempt to "discuss the 'problem' with the Black community". Get The Fuck Outta Here with that bullshit!
black on black crime,
white crime
"Black rights activist says drone strikes make Obama a 'Global Zimmerman' "... Wait..What?!
I have seen this article and all I can say is, "Is he serious with that?!" Normally Dr. Cornel West is that dude, but he is tripping really hard for this. For the record, I am not a fan of these drone strikes. I think the idea is horrible, and I can't help but think Obama is just a face on an agenda that was going to take shape regardless whether he won the election or not. Anyway, that being said Dr. West is completely wrong for that. This country has been snooping and hiding in fear of other countries for years. Never mind the North American army bases that sit in foreign countries. Never mind the planes, the ships, the jets, helicopters, the FBI and CIA and various other secret agencies North America has to offer who are in and out of other countries. Never mind accusing other countries are harboring "weapons of mass destruction". Never mind worrying about whether or not a country (who the US federal government may be afraid of ) has nuclear weapons, and where the weapons are pointed. Never mind how America enters other countries under the guise of economic development, when they are really exploiting the people and setting up infrastructures that allow them to pollute and destroy the environment. Never mind how North America meddles in wars that have nothing (absolutely nothing) to do with them. Never mind the fact that Jim Crow laws effectively policed a section of citizens all across the United States (Don't act like it was only the south's doing. The rest of the states are guilty as hell for it as well, they just had different names for each law. Google "Sundown Laws" followed by the name of your state to see what I'm talking about). America has been a "Global Zimmerman for a very long time now".
Stop acting brand new. This shit was done waaaay before the Obama Administration. Get the Fuck outta here with that!
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
Taking the USA Back
I remember when Barack Obama first got elected. People lost their minds. We had numerous people talking about "taking this country back". Where were they when Bush was in office? Who owned it the first place? The default answer is, "corporations". Hmmm, last time I checked, corporations owned the US for a very very very long time now. Why are they so interested in "taking it back" now that Barak Obama is in office? Why are they so passionate about going back to the "good old days"? When were the "good old days"? Last time I checked, this country has been a hot shit sandwich for a long time now, and that was BEFORE Barak Obama was sworn in. Now don't get me wrong. I don't agree with a lot of his policies, but are they telling me that Mitt Romney would have been a better suit for the job this time around?! I don't think so. Honestly, during the first time around I thought Ron Paul would have been the guy, but after he was dropped during the primary, I ended up voting for Obama (lesser of the two evils, so I thought). When Obama was sworn in the first time, everybody was saying things like "C'mon!!! You guys voted for him because he's Black! or " All of the illegals got together to vote him in". Last time I checked, illegals can't vote. :P Last time I checked Blacks don't even equal 13% of the population and most of them are in jail. Last time I checked convicted felons can't vote. So according to the statistics that people wait with baited breath to quote for whatever reason they see fit, if all Blacks voted for Obama, it wouldn't have been nearly enough to sway an election. Obviously some White people have had to vote for him, DUH.
Besides, How are they going to "take America back", when they never owned it in the first place? Get the Fuck Outta Here with that mess.
Besides, How are they going to "take America back", when they never owned it in the first place? Get the Fuck Outta Here with that mess.
take america back,
tea party
Throw in Rush Limbaugh and Howard Stern and there you go.
Okay, I saw this article which really piqued my interest. Let me be completely honest here. Race relations have never really been all that good in the United States between Blacks and Whites in general. But ever since the Zimmerman verdict, people are hotter than fish grease. I know about how people feel about Jessie Jackson and Al Sharpton, and they are not my favorite people in general. To be fair, I also dislike O'Reiley and Hannity as well. The thing I find real funny about those two is that they are the very first ones to call somebody a race baitor when they are constantly in everybody's faces talking a bunch of trash, especially about Black people. They really seem to get off on throwing Blacks under the bus any chance they get, and they get these people to appear on their show who agree with them, otherwise they won't even let them speak. Well I just want to say that I agree with the article and since they want to start calling people race baitors, then they need to look at themselves and see that they are the main ones doing it, and that includes Rush Limbaugh and Howard Stern's punk asses.
bill o'reiley,
howard stern,
rush limbaugh,
sean hannity
I started this blog because more and more, I find myself seeing blatant contradictions and bullshit that people don't seem to see. These result in various vocal rants of mine that have been known to go on for a while. This blog is not meant to be grammatically correct by a long shot because all of these entries are written off of the top of my head. Instead of ranting at everybody, I decided I'd give each of my rants a single place for them to be, and that place is here. I present to you "The Fuck Outta Here- An analysis of blatant contradictions that dance on my face so much that I can't help but mention them in the best way I know how". Hey, it's better than me losing my mind and ending up on the news as one of those crazies we periodically see from time to time, right?
american culture,
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